• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 26,274 Views, 2,335 Comments

Heroes and Allies - LewisClarke

A great force threatens to destory Equestria and worlds beyond... Can two very diffrent peoples band together to stop it?

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Chapter Eighteen: HARMony

Chapter Eighteen. HARMony.

Colonel Highlander stood before a small gathering of various members of the Equestrian and human forces. Taking advantage of the momentary break in the fighting, Mayor Mare, General Snow Wisp, and Captain Greene managed to show up. Twilight and the other element bearers had been invited to attend, and were sitting in the back of the room.

"Alright. I believe we are ready to begin the proceedings, right?" the colonel asked the session members.

"Not without me you're not," came the voice of General Rumbly Rock, who despite his condition, managed to limp into the large meeting tent.

"Good to see you back on your hooves, Rocky." Snow Wisp chirped.

"You know me, never one to miss out on a good mission briefing." the resilient earth pony answered.

The colonel nodded. "Okay then, if that's everyone, we can get this thing started. The princesses called for this meeting to discus the reports of WMMD's, weapons of mass magical destruction being built and or being used by the enemy. I'll turn this over to her now."

"Thank you, colonel." Celestia gave a short nod and stood, blowing a piece of her now limp mane out of her face. "As you all know, Equestria was already attacked by such a weapon. This "IMP" as it was mentioned in the various documents and logs found in the leviathan, nearly destroyed magic as we know it, and possibly changed its nature permanently. According to those records, IMP stands for "implosive magical pulse." It also states that they only had one of them. This weapon, most likely created by combining several ancient alicorn, ram or griffin artifacts, disrupted the natural magical aura around our world, allowed our capture, and prevented our armies from effectively repelling the enemy. That was just the prototype. Now we have news that the enemy is building weapons which will allow them to tap into the power of the Elements of Harmony themselves. This "IEMP" or "Implosive Elemental-Magic pulse," if realized, could do far worse than its predecessor."

"Yes," the colonel agreed. "We received word of this new weapon a few hours ago, from the infiltration team we sent to Canterlot not too long before the princesses were rescued. We haven't heard anything from them since. They didn't seem to have had the time to give us any information other than revealing the existence of this weapon, and that the enemy was preparing them. We don't know when, where, or how these weapons will be delivered, or what they are even capable of."

A unicorn raised a hoof.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, Twilight?"

"Princess, I thought the elements were connected only to us, and how did they even get access to them? I thought they were locked in a vault only you or your sister could open."

Celestia shook her head. "This is a whole new scenario. The proverbial rule book must be thrown out. The IMP attack overwhelmed magic in its entirety. The Elements, being more or less the embodiment of magic itself, would have become extremely... unstable. In short, they could already be magical powder kegs as it is. In this current situation, magic is not as absolute as it normally would be. The magical seal most likely failed the second we came under attack."

Celestia noticed the multiple worried expressions before her.

"Listen. Nopony can control the elements fully, but both griffin and ramkind have always had a penchant for tampering with magic, and recent history would suggest they have become quite skilled in it. We must not put anything past them. The elements are a force for good only in the right hooves. In the wrong ones, they could be very dangerous."

Twilight shook her head. "But turning the Elements of Harmony into weapons? That's ludicrou-"

The ground shook. The air heated up. A massive wind overtook the meeting tent.

There was a large explosion.

The quickly thrown up plywood covers over the tent were carried away. The thin canvas walls ripped apart. The now visible sky glowed an unnatural shade of orange. A large blast bubble cloud could be seen rising over Canterlot.

Then Applejack, and only Applejack, dropped to the floor.


For members of the Liberation Resistance, the home base they'd built in the Canterlot underground was falling apart.

"What the flank is going on?!" Major Classified called out to the other soldiers. "Are we under attack?!"

A beach ball sized chunk of stone broke off from the ceiling and landed just a few feet away.

"It feels more like an earthquake sir!" a soldier yelled back. "Should we evac?"

"Somepony tell me what is happening!" General-Prince Blueblood emerged from his bunk, clearly cranky from lack of sleep.

"Get somepony up there to find out!" the major barked. The human and pony soldiers exchanged panicked looks.

Major Classified galloped up to a ladder leading to the surface. "Fine, I'll go up myself! Secure as much equipment as you can! I'm going topside!"

"Wait, sir! You don't think it was one of those weapons, do you?" a stallion questioned. "Should we use the talking machine to inform Zero Base?"

The major thought for a moment. "Our scouting missions indicated that they were nowhere near completing those weapons. And as for Zero, we barely reached them before. I doubt we can reach them now. Besides," the major began to climb, "I'm sure they're more aware of what going on than we are!"


Just a few minutes later, Major Classified pushed off the ponyhole cover and poked his head above the surface. A wall of blinding light forced him back in the tunnel. The palace and surrounding city glowed an almost unreal shade of orange, and the ground shook harder than any earthquake he'd ever felt. After just four seconds of viewing the conditions above ground, the major felt a nearly irrepressible urge to flee. He quickly pulled the cover back on and briskly climbed back down down the shaft.


"Can we leave now?" Blueblood called out as the major descended into the lower tunnels they'd all grudgingly called home. "We're gonna be entombed in here if we don't get moving immediately!" the prince yelled over their crumbling surroundings.

"I'm not sure we'll do any better if we do! Something bad is going on topside!" the major warned.

"So what do we do now?"

"That depends, how do you feel?"

"What?" the prince cocked an eyebrow.

"How do you feel? Any nausea, dizziness, or sudden weakness?"

"No! What does this have to do with anything?!"

"Because, if this event has any biological or magical effects we would... would... start... feeling... s-sick..."

The major slumped to the floor.

"Class! Can you hear me?! Get up!"

The stallion remained sill. The section of stone above them began to crack.

"Oh do come on! Get up! We must move!"

Ceiling bricks began to fall.

"Looks like I'll just have to move you myself! Confound you for passing out here of all places!"

The typically spoiled stallion now found himself dragging a passed out comrade through the Canterlot sewer system.


"Hey guys, Zero Base is trying to contact us! Has the major come back yet?" a human soldier asked a group of other soldiers trying to move a large ammo crate.

"No, but we might not have time to wait for him to get back!" a solider answered. "Hey wait, that looks like the prince over there, see if he knows."

Blueblood laboriously dragged the fallen major into the room. "They called me dead weight before! Who-"
The stallion strained under the weight of the major. "Who is the dead weight now?!"

A medic ran up to the downed officer. "This doesn't look good. He's so pale! What happened?!" the mare asked the prince.

"I do not know! He fainted right after he returned from the sur-" Blueblood paused.

"Oh dear."


"Applejack? Can you hear me?"

"Five more minutes Granny.... I don't feel too good...."

"She's waking up!"

The orange earth mare found herself on a small bed, her friends looking down at her. "Huh... Wha- What just happened?" the orange farmer pony mumbled. "How long was I out?"

Twilight looked over to a calendar. Applejack noticed this and suddenly appeared very nervous.

Twilight turned back around. "About ten minutes. We have a pretty good idea of what that was. Do you remember the blast?"

"Uh, yes?"

"You remember what color it was?" Rarity added.

"Yeah, it was orange. Kinda like my... Consarnit it!"

Twilight frowned. "Princess Celestia thinks that was your element discharging its magical energy. Because it was connected to you, the blast managed to affect you even though it was way too far away to hurt the rest of us."

"That was one crazy light show!" Pinkie interjected.

"Uh. yeah." Twilight scratched her head. "The blast came from Canterlot, so we think they set it off by accident."

"What about y'all and the others?"

"Nothing yet, but the base is on "high alert" or something like that. We're prepared to evacuate if we have to." Twilight added.

"Runnin' away!?" We can't keep runnin' from 'em! Eventually we'll run out o' places to run to!"

"Well, the Earth is round, so theoretically we could keep running-"

"You know what ah mean!"

"Yeah. I'm sure the princesses will think of something to stop these things." Twilight assured the cowpony as she helped her out of the bed.

"What're they gunna do? Fly over here and drop 'em on us? We can just shoot 'em down before the reach us, right?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Maybe we could absorb them or something!" Pinkie suggested.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "I don't think it's that simple. Though they admitted that they don't know the weapon's delivery method, or anything else about them for that matter. Celestia says we won't have to worry about your element for a while, but that still leaves five to worry about."

Applejack frowned. "C'mon now. Don't muddy th' issue with your fancy mathematics."

"Fancy mathmati- Are you sure you're okay Applejack?"

"Fine as a baby pegasus's feathers. Y'all?"

"Ready to roll! And maybe fly!" Rainbow Dash answered.

"Feeling pinkie keen! For now anyway," Pinkie declared with odd stressing on "For now."

"Fine." Fluttershy mumbled.

"Okay then. Princess Celestia is still with everypony else trying to figure out what to do. I guess we can go back now." Twilight sighed. "At least until a multi-colored explosion sends the rest of us to the hospital as well."


"Whah! Where am I?!" a griffin shouted out in surprise.

"Please calm down Lord Phalanx."

"What? A Medic? What has happened?!"

"There was an accident my lord. You are suffering from light to moderate magic saturation."

"Ha! Magic poisoning? You can't be serious."

"Magic is usually quite harmless, but if twisted, and over concentrated to the simply extreme levels you've endured, it can be quite dangerous, even to the equines. The weapons development overseers were fortunate to escape."

"The fools. How is it possible for anyone to be that incompetent?"

"Apparently they severely underestimated the raw power the elements can release, and were unable to contain it. The damage was minimal, but the city may be contaminated for several hours before it clears up."

The praetor sighed, "Very well. How bad are my injuries?"

"Along your older wounds, Lord Phalanx, they should heal in no time. You may leave when you see fit."

"Very well." The griffin slowly climbed off of the medical station and hopped onto his hind legs. "I take it this disaster wasn't too bad?"

"The weapon was no where near its full capacity when it accidentally detonated. The element we used, "Honesty", as the ponies call it," the griffin chuckled. "is depleted for the time being, it will take at least a week to recharge its magical potential."

"Fair enough. The council will want the rest of the weapons armed a ready as soon as possible. Send the word down to begin preparation on the next IEMP."

"Yes, my lord. What are we to do about the escapees?"

"Escapees? What are you talking about?"

"A large caravan of equines is making its way from the internment camps in the other captured cities."

"What! When were you going to tell me this!?"

"Haven't I, my lord?"

The praetor facetaloned. "They must have escaped in the confusion."

"What will you have us do?"

"We have much larger problems at the moment. Containing this disaster and readying the weapons are our main priorities. Forget about the civilians. Order everyone not currently on duty to assist in the recovery of IEMP-1, and..." The griffin captain paused and sighed,

"....Inform the Council of our progress."

"Understood, my lord."


"There's thousands of them! Where are they all coming from?" Mike Kaiser stared over a literal field full of approaching ponies. Behind him, Gerri Reed took pictures with the camera she seemed to keep with her at all times.

Luna shook her head. "They must be refugees. Those who hath escaped the initial blow or managed to flee their incarceration during attacks, possibly from Sesaddle, New Yoke, or Applelanta. I assume the recent activity spurred them to escape the cities, but how they knew to come to this place... it be a mystery."

A pegasus scout squinted through a pair of binoculars. "I see some ponies from Appleloosa and Trottingham, and that mare in the cape looks familliar, but I don't see anypony from Canterlot, or at least anypony wearing attire that would suggest it."

Luna sighed and lowered her gaze. "All we can do is hope those in the capital city are safe. Please inform the others of these arrivals."

"Yes princess. Do you think we can support them all? Can we protect all these ponies?"

"I do not know. But we must try."

"Yes, princess." The scout saluted and trotted away.

Luna turned to the resident photographer. "Ms. Reed."

"Call me Gerri."

"Ms. Gerri, I've been meaning to ask you about that object you seem so fond of. Just how can that minuscule device possible contain a camera?" Luna asked, imagining a large wooden camera with a dinner plate sized flash bulb being shoved into a wallet sized piece of plastic.

Gerri furrowed her brows. "I don't exactly know the particulars, but I know it takes great pictures, at least until the batteries die," She sighed. "which they're about to."

"There are batteries inside as well? How does one contain such a large energy storing device in such a lack of space?"

Gerri looked over to Mike for support. He answered with a "don't look at me" shrug.

"There's a lot of stuff we've got that I can't explain, and this is considered a simple piece of hardware where I come from."

"Intriguing." Luna rubbed her chin. "Perhaps if this struggle is overcome, I will look into such things. Come, we shall greet these refugees, they are undoubtedly most exhausted after their long journey."


As the refugee caravan made its way toward Zero base, one particular unicorn had everypony else on edge.

"How far away are we from this "Zero Fortress" you refereed to? The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to rest!"

To the dismay of those unfortunate enough to have found her, the infamous showmare would simply not stop talking. A bloodshot eyed royal guard turned to her. "You see that hill over there in the distance? That's it! Right there! So please stop asking me! And stop referring to yourself in third person!"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie meant no disrespect, so don't get disrespectful with her!"

The guard's left eye twitched. "Look, there! Looks like they're sending a welcome party! Now you can go ask them how far away their own base is!"

Indeed, a small welcoming group from Zero base was descending down towards them.

Trixie placed her tattered hat firmly on her head. "Fine then! The Great and Powerful Trixie will do just that!" With a harrumph, she trotted toward the front of the caravan.

"Can you believe her?" The guard spoke to another stallion. "How can anypony be that annoying?"

"She didn't seem that bad to me." The stallion answered.

The guard's eyes widened. "What?! Were we looking at the same mare?"

"Yep." the stallion nodded. "Difference is, I wasn't looking at her face! Ha ha haaa!" the stallion put a hoof up, ready to receive the traditional mark of stallionly fellowship.

The guard put his hoof to his face instead, rather than return the brohoof.

"I'm going to have a permanent headache after all of this."


Prince Blueblood trotted into one of the last standing sections of the Canterlot underground base.

"So how is he doctor?"

The mare doctor turned her head toward Prince Blueblood. "I honestly don't know. I've never seen any kind of sickness like this before."

"Magic..." the bedridden major mumbled simi-consciously.

"Glad you could rejoin the living, major." the mare spoke in a hushed tone. "I'm Dr. Winter Willow. How are you feeling?"

The major shook his head. "Like somepony dropped me in a vat of rainbow juice."

The doctor nodded. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to sedate you, if you are to heal. At least until your body begins to recover from whatever this is."

The major shook his head. "Wait! It's magic poisoning! The only way to shake it is to stay active and drink plenty of fluids!"

The doctor dug in a bag for a sedative and gave the major a most confused look. "Magic poisoning? I assure you no such thing exist. How can anypony be poisoned by magic? Please, you are not well. You need to rest."

Major Classified gawked as the doctor put the syringe in her mouth and grew closer. "Wait! No!" The major, weak as he was, rolled off of the bed and broke into a half gallop. The doctor rolled her eyes and took to the chase. "Just where do you think you're going?!"

Blueblood sighed and galloped after them. "I do not know, *huff* but we must catch him!" he panted from behind, completely unused to any kind of physical exertion.

The major quickly rounded a corner, closely tailed by the doctor and the prince.

"I've got to admit *pant, pant* even sick and half conscious, he's in excellent shape!" the doctor spoke through the syringe in her mouth.

Blueblood noticed the chase through the tunnels was beginning to have adverse affects on his surroundings, as pieces of the ceiling began to fall once more. "Perhaps we should stop this? These tunnels appear to be quite unstable!"

Apparently, the major and doctor didn't hear him. Classified ducked into a large, cavernous hole in the tunnel wall, and the doctor jumped in after him.

"Wait! That is not a main passage way! It is not structurally sound!" Blueblood called out to the major and the pursuing physician. Once again they ignored him.

"Why does nopony ever listen to me?" Blueblood mumbled to himself. The prince grudgingly leaped in after them.


After following the major and doctor through a seemingly unending series of tunnels and passageways, Blueblood stepped into a large cavern. The major, loopy as he was, had finally been cornered by the exhausted mare.

"There is one primary reason that I'm sure he's "out of it," as it were." The prince spoke as the doctor closed in on her target.

"Oh, yeah. What?" The doctor wondered aloud, not taking her eyes off of the trembling major.

"Simple, he hasn't made a single jest about "How he's used to mares chasing him" or something like that."

"How disappointing," The doctor answered. "Now major. Please let me sedate you. It's for your own good."

"No! It's not! You don't know what I know! It's magic poisin-" The major froze and turned his head upward. "The ceiling is collapsing! Turn around!"

Doctor Willow deadpanned. "Like I would fall for th-"

A sound similar to a sheet of ice cracking under a heavy skater echoed through the cavern. The doctor froze in fear as a large boulder several times her size descended toward her.

The prince charged toward her. "Get out of the way! Do you want to be crushed?!" The prince pushed the fear-struck mare, sending her sprawling out of the way just as the boulder landed. The entire cavern ceiling fractured and crumbled to the floor.

The dust cleared, and Dr. Willow found herself looking up at Classy and the night sky behind him. The major helped her to her hooves. Above them, the stars shone through a gaping hole in the ceiling of the cave. The only visible above ground structure was the sprawling Canterlot Palace.

"Apparently, this cave runs right next to the castle." The major commented.

The doctor steadied herself. "It would seem so. Who kne- Wait! Where's the prince?! He was right there!" The spot she pointed out was now a pile of boulders.

The doctor brought a hoof to her head. "No. No. No! We did not just get the prince killed!"

A rock shifted. "Yes! Yes! Yes you did, if you don't get this rock off of me!" A muffled voice answered.

"Prince? Well he's still alive. Where are you?"

"On the other side of the pile! No get over here and help me!"

As the two climbed over the large pile of rocks strewn about the cave, they noticed something odd.

"These rocks are carved." The major commented, passing a vase like object.

"Carved, what do you mea-" The doctor paused as she noticed that the rubble contained several pieces of pottery and sculptures. "From the looks of things, I'd say we were underneath the palace gardens."

"We caved in the royal gardens? Somepony's taking a pay cut." the major dully commented.

Willow rolled her eyes. "Now's not the time for jokes. The prince needs our help, so keep digging."

The doctor and major moved several stones aside until the other side of the cavern became visible. Down below, the prince was trapped under a large boulder.

The prince looked up. "Get this thing off of me! It's crushing my legs!"

"Calm down. We're coming," the doctor answered.

"Hurry up, this thing is heavy!" the prince groaned.

"Come now, I've been watching my weight! Not that I've had anything to eat in a while."

The prince, the doctor and the major all shot up and looked around the cave.

"W-who said that?" The prince stuttered.

"So you heard that too?" The major added. "I thought I was hallucinating."

"Guys! Focus! I think the point is that we just heard a voice and nopony was there!"

"No pony there? Aww. How could you say something like that. I'm hurt."

"Who are you?" The Prince feebly questioned, clearly scared to his wit's end.

"I am the rock you currently find yourself trapped under!"


Blueblood turned his head. He was not stuck under a rock, but rather the base of a large statue.

A very familiar statue.

The prince was at a loss for words.



A griffin messenger walked into a large room, filled with rams, pandragon minors, and other griffins.

"Praetor Phalanx. Mistress Gilda. I have been sent to inform you that the damage has been completely contained. Elemental fallout was minimal. The elements are under our control again."

Phalanx breathed a sigh of relief. "Excellent."

"Cool. That had me worried for a minute." Gilda added.


"Why yes! It's me! Glad to see you recognize me after all these... Actually it hasn't been that long. Glad to see you recognize me after not so long!"

"You... You demon!" the prince declared, still trembling. "You turned my conditioner into tar!"

"Don't forget the feathers." Willow added, quivering off to the side..

"You saw that?!" Blueblood spoke, half scared to death, half embarrassed that somepony had seen him in that... dark time. "Either way, that was the worst! Possible! Thing!"

"A rather successful prank if I do say so myself."

"Stones can't talk. You're trapped in stone, and your mouth isn't moving, so how are you talking?!" the doctor questioned the statue.

The statue began to crack and chip apart until the entire surface disintegrated, revealing the draconequus inside, who then hopped off of the prince's legs and preceded to dust himself off.

"You were right! Statues can't talk. Good thing I'm not a statue anymore, right?" the lord of chaos yawned, stretching his arms in the air.

The prince nearly fainted.

Discord brought his arms back down. "Hmm. You don't look to good. Perhaps I have put on weight after all." he thought aloud, rubbing his belly.

The major looked over to Willow, who seemed to be almost frozen in fear. "Doctor?"

"Oh, right. Looks like he has a broken leg. We should move him back to the triage."

The prince fumed. "I don't see how! Your idiotic chase brought the cave down on us! The passage is blocked!"

Discord scratched his head. "You know I-"

"Hey! Blame Major nutcase over here! He was the one that ran!" the doctor exclaimed.

"I could-" Discord was cut off again.

"My fault!? You were going to stick me with drugs after I told you I didn't need any!"

"Oh please! Magic poisoning? That's not even a real disease!"

Discord raised a finger much like a college professor does when he or she's ready to make a point, or explain something insightful. "Well actually it is a legitimate conditi-" he began.

"It's real!" the major declared.

"If you three would liste-" After being cut off yet again, Discord walked away, sat down in a corner, put a paw to his chin and sighed. "This is not the brand of chaos I enjoy."

"Now because of your idiocy we're stuck here!" the doctor declared.

"Fine then! Fly in the face of medical science! Let's just get out of here!" the major responded.

The doctor put her hooves on the side of her head. "Haven't you been listening? We can't get out of here!"

"Hello! Big hole in the ceiling!" the major pointed out.

"Oh, that." Willow blushed violently.

Everypony froze at the sound of approaching hoof steps and wing flaps.

"I think I heard something coming from over there." a voice called out from above. "Go check near that large hole. Might be someone down there."

"Horseapples!" the major quietly cursed. "Sounds like a patrol. We gotta hide!"

"Broken legs! Cannot move! No way out!" Blueblood panicked.

Discord sighed from his corner. "Or not."

"Can you get us out of here?" The prince quietly mumbled, still lying on the cavern floor.

"As quick as a snap!" The draconequus snapped the fingers of his talon hand.

An infantry ram stuck his head down the large hole in the palace garden. He snapped a glow-rod in half and dropped it into the cave. Instantly the cave lit up in a dull blue glow. Seeing nothing, he shrugged and trotted away.

"Could have sworn I heard voices."


Discord, Major Classified, Doctor Willow, and Prince Blueblood suddenly appeared in the main atrium of the Underground base. A human AEE team scientist lifted his head and casually walked up to them.

"Ah, you're back, I was starting to wonde-" The scientist paused as he laid eyes on the menagerie of creatures that is Discord. "Uhh... You're new..."

The ponies of the base suddenly turned their heads.


What had been an orderly operation was now a swarm of panicking ponies and very confused humans.

"Now why do they have to do that? I haven't done anything chaotic... yet." He sneered.

Just as before, that familiar cracking sound began to ring through the tunnels.

"Great. I survive one cave-in just to be crushed in another one." The prince stated flatly, as what remained of the base's structural integrity began to come down around them.

"Discord! Can't you stop it?" the doctor desperately pleaded.

"Ooh, well. Gee, I would love to, but, well, you see, the recent events have taken my powers away as well. I used the very last of it to bring us here, so..."

"The whole tunnel system is collapsing! Everypony run for your lives!" somepony in the crowd yelled.

"An excellent suggestion." Discord commented. "Now if you don't mind, I will now make my way to the nearest exit." And with that, the former lord of chaos took off into a most ungraceful hind-legged sprint.

A pony pulled a lever on the wall. Several klaxons and warning lights activated.


A large group of ponies, humans, and a draconequus made a mad dash into the sewers.

Author's Note:


Hey guys and Gals! It's the author here with some new cover art for the fic! Check it out on the third page of the comments! (and obviously where the cover art would normally be.)


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