• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 465 Views, 10 Comments

Scorpio - Foxes33

Most ponies think the zodiacs aren't real creatures on Earth, until now. There are twelve and the Seferic are trying to kill them so they can reign. Every pony is in danger, but no pony understands how dire it is for them to live.

  • ...

Chapter Four

He woke up to chirping birds, it was like a fantasy. As though Scorpio had awakened in a mystical forest, but he knew, this was no fantasy. All the past days events were all too real to be pushed to the side. He was alone now, he had run to the point that Flicker couldn't find him. Scorpio's muscles ached from sleeping on the cold hard ground, he raised slowly to his hooves. He had run because he didn't like the thought of somepony risking their life for his prosper. What added to him wanting to run, was the fact that Flicker was like a father to him, he wasn't ready for him to be gone.

He breathed slowly, remembering all the past events, the Seferic pony at school, the running and last night by the fire. However he shoved the thought into the back of his mind, he just needed to get to Hollow Shades, that was where Flicker wouldn't expect him to go there. He took in a big breath of cold air, when it came out, it was a cloud of steam. It was clearly just getting colder. He sighed and with slow steps he began to move closer to the mountain, he was alone now.

Your not risking anything for me, Flicker. I have ruined your life enough, perhaps if I am gone, you can live a better life. I am pretty much a pest that ruins it all. Scorpio thought, feeling his face grow hot, I will miss you, but this has to be done. Good-bye.

He felt the hot red tears trickle down from the corners of his eyes, going down his cheek until it fell on the ground. The thought of knowing Flicker would be fine made him happy though, he paused and smiled briefly, but soon just went back to dropping his head and shuffling on.


"Damn it! I have failed her! I should have shut my muzzle, I shouldn't have told him." Flicker grumbled.

He was tired from looking for Scorpio, and was now looking for tracks in the fresh morning sun. He couldn't fail Sweet Tunes, her finale wish being tat Scorpio lived and the world was saved. She had sacrificed herself to make sure that he lived and now Flicker had just lost him. He didn't fly, the ground was the only way Scorpio could get around, for he was an Earth Pony after all. However Flicker couldn't help, but to feel he had failed her, there was just those times he felt he couldn't go on without her.

"I have failed you, Sweet Tunes. Just guide me! I need to find him before it is too late!" Flicker cried looking at the sky, but there was no answer, "I don't know why I bother..."

His head lifted and he saw the ghostly form of what was once Sweet Tunes. She walked, a smile on her face, she stopped under the branches of two trees. Flicker was frozen, stunned watching her.

"Stay strong." Was all Sweet Tunes said, until she turned to walk away.

"Wait, but I-I..." Flicker didn't know what to say.

"Good-bye Flicker." Was the last words she said until she faded into the darkness.

Flicker watched her disappear, and knew that he could find Scorpio if he tried. He moved fast and soon found tracks, he followed, moving as fast as he could.

I will find him, my Sweet.


Scorpio was sniffling as he climbed the mountain, he was half way up still weaving, still thinking. He couldn't stop crying it seemed, but he held back the tears. He was just able to keep them from escaping his eyes. Scorpio trudged up, when he got to the top, he felt somewhat proud of himself. He looked at the trees that surrounded him, the wildlife was lovely.

"I did it!" Scorpio said cheerfully, he had never climbed a mountain before.

He walked over to a cliff, peering over it, seeing Ponyville, Canterlot, and many other places. A large grin came to his face, it was beautiful, he had never seen Equestria from so high up. As he walked, he suddenly heard a step, he thought it was Flicker.

"Oh come on! Leave me alone, I don't need your he-hel..." Scorpio gasped as he saw a different figure.

Dark skin, dark eyes, and the way it looked, a grin on its face. Scorpio cringed, it was what he feared, a Seferic pony.

"I can't believe it! Strolling and I found a little Zodiac. Tell me little one, where's your guardian. I guess when you said leave me alone, you were talking about him or her. Oh your so stupid! You going to die now." The Seferic pony crackled.

Scorpio tried to back up, but the cliff was behind him and he was stuck. The Seferic pony smiled and stop in front of him.

"Have a nice fall!" He crackled, laughing loudly.

His hoof hit Scorpio in the chest and sent him flying off the cliff. Scorpio's heart thudded, he was scared.

"Flicker! Somepony! Help!" He squealed.

As he fell something caught him, his eyes were closed.


Flicker had been tracking Scorpio for a while, he was tired and hadn't yet made it to find the pony he was to protect. He couldn't help, but to worry about Scorpio, for Scorpio was like the son he would never have. Even if he wasn't a Pegasus that he could teach to fly, he was still like a son to him. He felt like he had failed Scorpio, he had failed the world. Flicker wished he hadn't said a word about sacrifice, but as he mopped, he heard something.

He ran through the bush, he knew he recognized the voice and when he looked up, that was when he saw it. He could barely see the Seferic pony, but knew it was there and then there was Scorpio, plunging to his possible death. As though reflexes, Flicker shot up into the air as fast as he could, hoping he would catch him in time.

When Scorpio's eyes open he saw the face of Flicker, who had picked him up. Scorpio was still breathing heavily, but was now less frighten. However as they flew, he could see the Seferic pony and wings unfolded as it began to fly down the cliff towards them.

"Look out!" He screeched, but it was too late.

The Seferic pony grabbed onto Flicker's back and made it impossible to fly. As they once again began to plunge, Flicker looked at Scorpio and knew what he had to do.

"I am sorry Scorpio." He said, and he threw Scorpio towards the ground, in a way he might survive.

The Seferic pony was about to jump off, but Flicker twisted around and grabbed one hoof and a wing. They both plunged and hit the ground, a cloud of dust formed. Scorpio was hardly hurt, but he was just able to get up and see the cloud of dust.

"Flicker! No!" He screamed, and tears once again formed.

He ran over, blood covered the ground. The Seferic pony had been crushed, and Flicker was on his side, he wasn't moving. Scorpio ran to the side of his guardian, and flipped Flicker onto his back. Flicker's chest was hardly moving and he spat blood up.

"Flicker... Why?" Scorpio could feel tears form.

"I... am... a guardian. I... meant.. to. At... least I... will... see... my Sweet." A single tear fell from Flicker's eyes, and soon all life faded, and he was gone.

Scorpio just watched, and knew he had to go on, but was too stunned. He didn't even hear the steps behind him, until a pony spoke.

"Tough apples I see." Said the mysterious pony.

Scorpio turned to face him, "Who are you?"


Author's Note:

I find this wasn't the best written, sorry, my family kept interrupting me. Please feel free to tell me if there are mistakes.

Comments ( 1 )

for the scorpions because i'm a scorpion

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