• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 1,372 Views, 11 Comments

Twilight and the mysterious cage. - Mrchibivampire

Twilight finds a mysterious cage in Fluttershy's cottage and she wants to know what's inside.

  • ...

Twilight meets a Blob.

It was a pleasant summer evening and Twilight Sparkle had been spending the day with her friend Fluttershy. As the day grew late Fluttershy had asked if she wanted to stay for dinner.
At first she had declined, but she changed her mind once she heard what was on tonights menu.

Twilight sparkle poked her head into the kitchen. “Do you need any help, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked over at her friend and said with a smile on her lips. “Oh,no. Please go have a seat somewhere and if, Angel bunny is in the way just schoof him aside. He loves to act tough, but he is a real softie.”

“Well if you say so.” Twilight smelled the food that was cocking and she licked her lips. “Mmm. I’m looking forward to your, sunflower wrapped tofu. It smells delicious!”

A smile spread across Fluttershy’s lips when she got praised. “ Thank you, Twilight. I hope you will enjoy it.”

Twilight felt a bit awkward just standing there not doing anything. “ Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Now please just go have a seat and make yourself at home! If you don’t mind that is.” Fluttershy shot a worried glance at her friend.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Well I’ll just go and have a seat in the living room then. Just give me a call if you want any help.”

“I will!” Fluttershy said before focusing on her cocking once more.

Twilight walked over to the living room and sat down. She wanted to help with something. Anything would be fine, she just wanted to make herself feel useful.
She looked around the living room and to her disappointment she found nothing that was crooked or out of place.
She sighed and laid down on Fluttershy’s couch. Her eyes lazily traveled across the room, looking for anything that seemed out of place.
Her eyes came to a halt as she noticed an animal cage. It was completely black and it had some weird rune looking symbols drawn upon it. She could hear something breathing from inside it and her curiosity slowly got the better of her.

“Fluttershy! What’s in the cage!?”

“What!?” Fluttershy shouted from the kitchen.

“The cage what’s in the cage!?”

“Oh, the cage! It’s one of, Princess Luna’s pets! She wanted me to look after it for a couple of days! The poor animal is very sensitive to light and tends to bite! So just leave it alone! ”

“What kind of animal is it!?”

“Twilight, please just leave it alone! I can introduce you to him after dinner! Just don’t wake him up!”


Twilight looked at the cage, she was very curious to find out what kind of animal was inside, even though Fluttershy had told her to stay away from it. She looked at the cage and her curiosity only continued to grow and before she knew it, she was sitting right in front of it.

She reached out with her hoof, but she managed to stop herself before it was too late. “Common, Twilight you are not five years old. You have the patience to wait for a while!” She scolded herself.

She sat down on the couch again and did her best to think about something else. For some reason it was harder than it normally was. She glanced at the cage and gritted her teeth, she felt like a little filly on hearth's warming eve that had waited all day for her mom to say that she was allowed to open her present.

`I want to open that cage……NOW!´ And once again she sat in front of it her hooves ready to greedily tear it open and reveal whatever cute little animal was inside. “Stop it, Fluttershy said no and no means no! Act your age, Twilight!” She scolded herself once again.

She turned away from the cage and starred at the wall. `I don’t need it….. I don’t need it….. I don’t need it!....... I NEED IT IT!´ Twilight opened the cage only to be meet by what looked like a big green slime ball.

“What the heck is this thing?” Twilight poked at the goop with her hoof. “Is this really an animal?” She continued to poke at it and suddenly one of it’s eyes popped open. It squinted it’s eye trying to get away from the light.

Twilight was speechless. She had never seen anything like it. So she did the only sensible thing she could think of in her currently amazed state of mind. Her horn lit up and a notebook appeared. The powerful light that emanated from her horn annoyed the animal and it started to devour Twilight.

Once Twilight released what was going on she was already partly devoured. “AHHHH! FLUTTERSHY HELP! IT’S EATING ME!”

Fluttershy heard her friend’s scream for help and rushed out of the kitchen. She was meet by the sight of her friend being devoured by the animal she had specifically told her not to bother. With a loud slurping noise Twilight got completely devoured.
FLuttershy quickly sprung into action. “NO BAD BLOB! SPIT HER OUT RIGHT NOW!”

The Blob glanced at her for a moment, but then continued to digest the annoying mare that had upset it. Fluttershy flew over to the Blob’s eye and gave it the stare. “Spit her out. Now!” She said, her words cold as ice.

The Blob whimpered and spat the annoying mare out. Twilight sailed through the air, luckily a basket of fresh laundry broke her fall. “Now get back into your cage and I promise that you won’t be bothered anymore.” Fluttershy said in her usual calm voice.

The Blob pressed itself back into its cage and closed the lid. Fluttershy carried the cage over to her closet and locked the door.
Fluttershy sat down next to the basket and cleared her throat. “Ahem. What did I tell you about the cage, Twilight?”

Twilight did not say anything. She was too embarrassed over what she had done and it sounded like Fluttershy was actually mad at her.
A few moments passed and she poked her head out from under the laundry. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. My curiosity got the best of me. *Sniff* I hope you’re not mad at me.” Twilight was on the verge of tears. She was feeling so bad that she didn't notice how high pitched her voice was.

“Oh, I’m not mad at you. I’m worried about you! You just gotten eaten by a Blob. Well a tiny Blob, but it’s still a bad thing! Now please get out off the laundry and let me have a look at the damage it did to you.”

Twilight choked back her tears and slowly crawled out of the basket. She looked up at Fluttershy. “Why are you so big?” She said as she looked around the cottage. Everything looked bigger than usual and she was starting to feel lightheaded. “Wait let me guess. If you get eaten by that thing you start to hallucinate…... Right?” Her voice cracked at the last word and she quickly covered her mouth with her hooves.

“This can’t be happening. Hahahahah! This is nonsense! Hihihihihih! This is not scientifically possibly! HAHAHAHAHHA!” Twilight started laughing like a madman and then she broke out in tears.

Fluttershy hugged her friend and gently stroked her mane. “Calm down! This is what happens when you get eaten by a green blob. It’s not permanent! You’ll be back to normal in twenty four hours.”

Once Twilight heard that it wasn't going to be permanent, she started calming down. She looked up at fluttershy, tears and snot running down her face. “Do you *sniff* promise?”

Fluttershy wiped away her tears and carried her to the bathroom. She got out a tissue and held it against, Twilight’s nose. “Now blow.”

Twilight blowed her nose with the force of a thousand cannons. She had managed to calm herself and was once again able to think straight. “So I’ll be back to normal in twenty four hours?”

“Yes, that is right and don’t worry I’ll look after you!” She placed a hoof on, Twilight’s shoulder and smiled warmly at her. Twilight returned the smile and was about to say something when her stomach interrupted her. *Growl!* Her cheeks turned red and she covered her face.

Fluttershy could not help but to giggle a little at her adorable friend’s actions. “Well we haven’t had dinner yet. So there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I feel like such a dummy for not listening to you.” Her own choice of word made her feel even more embarrassed.

Fluttershy grabbed Twilight by the scruff of her neck and walked towards the dining hall which was also part of the kitchen. She carried Twilight over to the table and put her down on one of the four chairs that were surrounding the table. “I’ll fetch you a cushion to sit on. Now try not to get in anymore trouble!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’ll do my best!”

Fluttershy returned after a brief moment. Once Twilight was sitting on the cushion she walked over to the worktop and a few minutes later she brought back two plates of sunflower wrapped tofu with a side of mashed carrots and daisy gravy.

Twilight ate like a starved animal and gravy flew everywhere. “Twilight! I know that you lost a lot when you were inside the Blob, but I doubt your manners melted away!” Fluttershy scolded.

Twilight took a moment to look at the damage. She was covered in gravy and mashed carrot. Tears formed in her eyes and slowly made their way down her face. “I’m sowwy. I.. I don’t know what came over me!” Twilight said in between sobs.

Fluttershy felt really bad for yelling at her friend. She walked over to her with a tissue and wiped away most of the gravy. “I’m sorry for yelling! I overreacted…..I mean It's nothing that can’t be cleaned up.” She hugged the small unicorn.

“Now let’s get you cleaned up before we eat dessert!”

At the mentioning of desert made Twilight perk up and she nodded. After a quick bath Twilight and Fluttershy was sitting in the living room enjoying some of Fluttershy’s homemade ice cream.
“This is super yummy!” Twilight stated.

“Well i’m glad you liked it. Funny how you managed not to smear a single drop of ice cream on your face. Considering what happened when we had dinner.”

Twilight blushed and waved her hoof at Fluttershy’s keen observation. “Well…I did not want to make another mess. So I calmed myself before eating it and I guess the fact that you made me wear a bib was a bit of a wakeup call. Afterall I only look like a little filly and I don’t need to act like one as well.”

“I only said that your face was clean. You bib however is not.” Fluttershy said teasingly.

Twilight looked at the bib she was wearing and it was indeed quite dirty. This caused Twilight to scrunch up her face, cross her hooves and pout. Fluttershy removed her bib. “Now now. I don’t want a grumpy filly in my house.” She proceeded to tickle Twilight with the tip of her wings.

Twilight did her best not to laugh, but Fluttershy was surprisingly very good at tickeling. “HAHAHA STOP IT! HAHAHA I CAN’T BREATH!” Fluttershy continued to tickle her. A few moments later Twilight was laying on her back gasping for air.

“Are you going to be grumpy?” Fluttershy said with a sly smile on her face.Twilight shook her head and then she yawned. Fluttershy looked at the clock. “Oh, my. It’s getting late. We should go to bed and get a good night's rest. Don’t you agree?” Much to her surprise Twilight had already fallen asleep.

“Poor dear she must be exhausted.” Fluttershy cradled her friend in her hooves and flew upstairs. She draped her wing over Twilight and soon she was asleep as well.

The dawn of the second day came way too fast. Twilight stuck her tongue out and let out a monster yawn. Her tongue came in contact with something salty. She opened her eyes and realized that she had her head in between Fluttershy’s hind legs.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Twilight screamed. She squirmed out of the bed and fell onto the floor with a thud.

This caused Fluttershy to wake up. She threw the her blanket of and looked down on the floor. “Twilight are you okay?!” She got out of bed and sat down next to her distressed friend. Twilight was hyperventilating and her heartrate was on the turbo setting. She looked at her friend and dove under the bed, her face redder than a tomato.

“Umm, what's wrong, Twilight?” She said in a concerned tone. Twilight did not say anything and several minutes passed. “Twilight you back to normal!”

Twilight got out from under the bed and to her surprise she truly was back to normal. She hugged her friend. “WOHO! I’m back!” She let go of Fluttershy and created some distance between them. “I thought you said it would last twenty four hours?”

“Well. It tends to last anywhere between six to forty eight hours. I just said twenty four to get you to calm down.”

“Ohhhhhh. Well thanks for everything. I’m going home now!” Twilight ran so fast that she left a trail of purple in her wake.

Fluttershy shrugged and walked over to her desk and started writing a letter. “Dear, Princess Luna. You owe me 500 bits. Twilight was unable to keep her hooves away from the cage.
I have attached a picture of little Twilight eating ice cream as proof. We should do this again some other time.

With love your soon to be rich friend, Fluttershy.”

She asked one of her flying animal friends to deliver the mail to Luna. A falcon snagged it and took off towards Canterlot. Just as the falcon got out of view she heard someone coming into her cottage.

“Hey what’s in this cage? AHHHH HELP IT’S EATING ME!” A certain rainbow maned mare screamed.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy quickly flew downstairs.


A few hours later the falcon had delivered the mail and returned was on its way back home.

Princess Luna had just gotten out of bed and was getting ready for her first meal of the day. “I wonder what, Fluttershy wants.” She read the letter and dawwed at the picture she had attached. “Rats! Now I need to pay up. Oh well, it was worth it for the picture alone.”

The end?

Author's Note:

Well this was fun to write.
I got this random idea at 2:30 in the morning and decided to make it into a story.
I hope you like it.

I did my best to edit it and I hope that it's readable.

Comments ( 9 )

Well that was interesting, but i wish there was more Blob in the story.
Also the end bit about rainbow dash was funny.

She opened her eyes and realized that she had her head in between Fluttershy’s hind legs.

What was with that part?

3379391 Just some suggestive comedy.3381423 It was implied that she became a filly, but I did not want to point it out. Well, young animals tend to feel more safe when they rest close to their mothers well let's call it lovehole. So during the night she probably shuffled over there subconsciously. That part was not important, it was just a joke and that is why I did not elaborate on it.
The bet between Luna and Fluttershy. Was if Twilight would be able to stay away from the cage. I could have more specific.

well then umm yeah :twilightsheepish:

"Her tongue came in contact with something salty. She opened her eyes and realized that she had her head in between Fluttershy’s hind legs."

Oh my god wtf :twilightoops: LOL

I've heard that curiosity killed the cat, but I've never heard of it turning into a kitten. Either way, this was quite funny.

A tad silly but funny in it's own right.:derpyderp1:

She turned away from the cage and starred at the wall. `I don’t need it….. I don’t need it….. I don’t need it!....... I NEED IT IT!´ Twilight opened the cage only to be meet by what looked like a big green slime ball.
SpongeBob reference

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