• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 617 Views, 7 Comments

The Celestial Sisters - ScooterFiction

Celestia and Luna have just 72 hours to reunite the Elements of Harmony and save the Ponyville orphanage from destruction. They'll never get caught. They're on a mission from god.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Luna looked up at the sky as the sun slowly rose, smiling as its warm glow illuminated the town of Ponyville.

“How are you doing that while driving?” Luna asked.

“Oh it's easy really, I don't even notice it any more. It's entirely subconscious to me.”

Luna looked back at the raising sun and smiled as it grew higher and higher, coming to rest near the moon. She had missed having control of the moon, missed having control of her entire life. She closed her eyes and furrowed her brow, when she felt a wave of pain shoot across her forehead, her horn aching profusely. She opened her eyes again and looked up at the moon forlornly.

“Are you not going to lower the moon, my sister?” Celestia asked.

Luna wistfully looked up at the sun and the moon, resting in the sky. “Not just yet,” she paused “I don't think I'm ready.”

Celestia pulled into the town of Ponyville as Luna regarded the town with bemusement. Its streets were emptier than she recalled, the shops and buildings showing their age more than she recallled. How long had she been gone?

Before she had a chance to ask, they came to a stop outside the school house. Luna looked out the window and grimaced.

“What are we doing here?” She asked, annoyed.

“You said you'd talk to the fillies and colts once you got out, to tell them how crime is wrong,” Celestia said, turning the engine off.

Luna turned to her sister, “Okay, so I lied. Can we get out of here now, I would very much like to sleep in my own bed at last!”

Celestia's jaw dropped. “My sister, you cannot lie to children! Come on, it won't take long. We had best not keep them waiting.”

“Then we can go home?”

Celestia paused. “Yes. Then we can go home.”

They both got out of the car and headed towards the school. Luna sighed, shook her head and reluctantly trotted after her sister, looking up at the bell tower. She had hoped never to talk about the events that landed her on the moon. They left a sour taste in her mouth, a lingering sense of guilt and disappointment. She longed for it to soon be over.

She turned to survey the rest of her surroundings, when she spotted a new part of the building she didn't recall. A dull yellow and brown building, almost the same size as the school itself.

“Celestia, what is that new part of the school? I do not remember it,” Luna asked, surveying the new extension that protruded from the side of the school.

“That is the Ponyville orphanage. It was built shortly after you were banished to the moon. Many children had no parents, and the towns folk erected the structure themselves, to combat the growing problem of homeless and parentless children,” Celestia replied, a twinge of sadness in her voice. “It is strange, though. Usually there is a lot more... noise emanating from the building. Come, let's find Cheerilee.”

The two trotted into the building, and were equally dismayed by it's condition. The School house was in complete disarray. Odd sheets of paper and broken chairs were strewn across the floor, broken and crumpled. A smell of mould and damp was lingering in the air, from years of rain ingress upon the building. Neither said a word as they trotted down the hallway towards the classrooms.

“Hello? Cheerliee? We're here for the meeting?” Celestia called out, her voice echoing down the halls.

“It looks like no one is here, had we better not look elsewhere?”

“Hold on Luna, there must be someone around. This is all rather strange. Why would a school and orphanage be in such a condition?” Celestia checked every classroom, while Luna reluctantly stood in the hall, tapping her hoof impatiently.

“Well, when were you last in Ponyville? It all looks a bit deserted outside,” Luna said.

“Hmm, I noticed that too. I must admit, it has been a few years since I came to Ponyville.”

“A few years?” Luna exclaimed, “Why, what have you been doing all that time to neglect the townsfolk?”

Celestia scoffed “Luna, there is more to Equestria than just Ponyville! I have been busy elsewhere!” She paused, then whispered “Besides, I've been unable to travel as much, given recent Canterlot events...”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, recent Canterlot events?”

Celestia blushed and tried to avoid her gaze. “Nothing! I mean, it's all fine! Trust me!”

Luna scowled at her sister. Celestia relented and exhaled sharply.

“Fine. Since you got sent to the moon, things have gone poorly. Let's just say, we're not as revered as we used to be.”

“Well, what do you mean by-”

“Princess Luna? What are you doing here?” a familiar voice inquired. Luna turned around to see an orange pegasus pony standing in the doorway.

“Scootaloo, my dear friend! It is good to see you again!” Luna exclaimed, “I trust you have conquered your fears of the night?”

Scootaloo blushed and rubbed her hoof nervously upon the ground, avoiding Luna's gaze. “Heh, err yeah! Like I'd ever be scared of the night!”

“Scootaloo, where is everyone? Why is the school deserted?” Celestia interrupted, approaching the filly.

Scootaloo blinked upon seeing Princess Celestia. She bowed suddenly, awestruck at her presence, before nervously replying, “We've not seen you for so long Princess Celestia, we had thought you had left us!”

“It's quite all right my dear. Please, address me like you would any of your friends,” Celestia bent down, putting a hoof under Scootaloo's chin, lifting her head up so she could look her in the eye. “Now, what has happened to Ponyville in our absence?”

“You haven't heard? Well a few years ago, 'The great and powerful Trixie' came to town, demanding we demolish the Ponyville school and orphanage to make way for a highway between Canterlot and the rest of Equestria! Since then, she's been bullying the townsfolk into signing forms to allow her to demolish their homes, and eventually all of Ponyville!”

Celestia nodded, deep in thought. “Well, I'll have to talk to her myself. Do you know where she is?”

“She's currently at the town hall, trying to get the deeds from the rest of the townsfolk. You've got to help us!”

“Don't worry my beloved subjects, I'll do my best. Come on Luna, let's go.”

Luna and Scootaloo watched Celestia leave, before turning to face each other. Scootaloo paused, before leaping into the air and clutching Luna's neck.

“I'm so glad you're back Luna!”

“I'm glad to see you too Scootaloo, but now is not the time. We can talk later, I have..” She sighed, “royal duties to attend to.”

Luna tousled Scootaloo's mane and made her way back outside. She levitated her sunglasses out of the glove box and put them on. Celestia looked at her, raising a single eyebrow.

“What? I don't want people to recognize me just yet.”

“Well, I think the flowing magical mane and cutie mark might just give away your position, my sister.” Celestia smirked and levitated the sunglasses back off Luna's head.

Luna smirked, replaced the sunglasses and got back into the car. “Next stop, town hall I guess? But first things first, my sister, what was that you were saying about recent Canterlot events, and us not being as revered as we used to be?”

Celestia's smile vanished. She quickly started the car, revved the engine and sped off for town hall.