• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 3,081 Views, 65 Comments

Bronze Hoof - cowboybird

A cowboy gets sent to Equestria to be some sort of pawn in the schemes of a god, along the way he learns the value of friendship, and the pain of deceit.

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The Equestrian Border

The Equestrian Border

First Arc: Present Revelations

“Are we there yet? I’m tired, and want a bed. These trees are doing terrible things to my coat, all the sap, and dirt is making it less shiny. Can we stop for lunch? I’m hungry.” Gear whined as he drug himself through the jungle. I walked in front of him, doin my best not to ring his neck for silence.

For the past week or so Gear had been whining nonstop, and it had been gettin on everyone’s nerves. Once or twice I resorted to pickin him up and carryin him. Although it was demeanin, he barely weighed enough to register he was there. Usually it shut him up, but I was in no mood to become his person carriage today.

“Gear I swear to Celestia I will punt you into Equestria! Shut the hell up already!” I yelled, makin Gear back a few inches off my heels.

Quick and Toni laughed at his expense as they trudged behind him. They had been spendin a lot of time together in the rear of the group, talkin to their hearts content. I didn’t mind, gave me more time to think about things.

With Gear’s silence allowin me to let my mind wonder without his intrusion, I began to think of my old life back on Earth. I thought of my parents, and my brother, and even Mack, my deceased horse. My mother’s face smiled in my mind’s eye, makin my heart warm. I loved my moma, and I missed her dearly.

I remembered the day I first got Mack, my mom told me to take good care of him, and he’ll take good care of me. I took that to heart, always brushin him down, and talkin to him like he understood me. I always had a way with animals, especially horses.

Unexpectedly the vision of those frightened ponies on the bridge popped in my head, and I scowled. Was I so hideous to them that they cowered and hid their children?

I jumped over a fallen tree in the path, and helped Gear over. It looked to be somethin other than the jungle wood that dominated the area. Oak? Mahogany? I don’t know, I never was much of a carpenter, or really even cared much to learn about the different kinds of woods.

Again I thought of my family, this time of my father. He was always one to teach me how things worked. He would be up from the break of dawn to hours after the sun set workin on some side project. He usually let me help, which taught me a lot about many things. I could build an engine, break horse, round up cattle, shoot pretty accurately, and even build a boat.

A smile crossed my face as I thought of the knowledge he had given me, and wondered if he was alright without me there to help. Although he had matt, my lil brother, he was always playin video games, or doin somethin on the internet. He wasn’t much of a farm hand, but he knew his way around a computer pretty good for bein twelve.

Light had begun to be more prominent on the path a day or two ago. Everyone’s spirits were brightened along with the road, except Gear of course. He just complained that his hooves hurt, which I didn’t even know was possible until I got some of my own.

“So then I said, bologna? Are you kiddin me” Toni exclaimed, makin her and Quick laugh whole heartedly. I chuckled along with them, not at the joke, but the fact that Toni was able to make friends with Quick, who didn’t want her along in the first place. Girl had a way with griffins I suppose.

“Gear, since you’ve been quiet for so long, I’ll let you talk a lil. How far until the border?” I asked him.

He stopped, and closed his eyes as he crunched numbers.

After a while he brightened up, and said, “We should be there by today! I can’t wait to see Equestria, this is going to be so great! Since we’re a full 3 days ahead of schedule, can we take more breaks?”

I watched as he started bouncin on his “aching hooves.”

“No, the sooner we get there the better.” I looked over to Quick.

“Do you think you can fly up and see the border?”

“Sure thing mate.” He had overheard me and Gear, and was just as excited as the rest of us. With one great pump of his wings, he took to the sky, disappearin in the canopy.

We waited a few minutes before he returned, the color gone from his face.

“Guys we need to hury!” He said, then once again took to the air, headin down the path.

I looked over at Gear, who looked just as confused as I was. I knew somethin was wrong, and told Gear and Toni to follow me as I sprinted down the road.

After a couple minutes I came to a clearin with a sign that read “Welcome to Equestria!” The only buildings in sight were what looked to be a military fortress. There was a wooden spike fence surroundin four jungle wood buildings that were arranged in a circle around a flag pole hangin the Equestrian flag. One building was obviously the barracks, given its size and low roof. Another was what I assumed was the mess hall, as it was open to the air, and had tables scattered about. In-between those two was another building that looked more formal, an officer housin building maybe? The last I couldn’t make out, given that it was currently engulfed in flames.

The entire complex was overwhelmed by more of those damned beetles. Where do they come from, and why are they in
Equestria? I though as I started hackin away at the bugs closest to me. Dead royal guard members laid haphazardly on the ground. They were obviously killed by the beetles, as pincer wounds could be seen across their lifeless forms. One or two even looked to have had their heads snipped off by the bastards.

By the looks in the bug’s eyes, they seemed to be set on destroyin everything around them, includin myself.

A mighty roar came from inside the wall, and out of my line of sight. I didn’t have much time to think about it as dozens of the creepy crawlers swarmed to kill me. I just kept swingin my axe, fellin more than I care to count. I began to cut my way into the complex, killin wave after wave of the bugs. By the time they stopped attackin me, there were maybe half as many as when I started. The break in attacks allowed me to make my way into the center of the fortress, and what stood next to the flagpole.

My mouth hung open as I looked at the largest bug I had ever seen. The thing must have been three or four stories high, coated in a black chitin exoskeleton. It’s small car sized pincers led to a mouth that looked to be able to swallow me whole. Its multiple beady eyes were sprinkled around its face like it was the worst tasting ice cream you would ever eat. It sat on six pillar like legs that caused Minnie earth quakes as it stepped. Two were wavin in the air tryin to swat Quick as he flew around the monster, slicin away at it.

The minute it took to process what I was seein was just enough time for the rest of the swarm to realize I was vulnerable.

When I came back to reality I was surrounded by the lil bastards on all sides, and they were closing in.

Just as they came into range, I swung my axe all the way around me, cutting the first layer into pieces. Unfortunately the rest were not impressed, and continued to close in.

I kept swingin, but did hardly anythin to damage their moral, if they had any. Just before I was overwhelmed, Gear dropped out of the sky. He coughed as he rubbed the dirt from his eyes, and off his football helmet. He shook his head, and concentrated. A bronze aura emanated from him, makin his shards fly from the bag, and surround both me and him in a bubble of swirlin certain death.

He smiled up at me, “thought you could use a hand, so I had Toni drop me off next to you.” He motioned up, where a smilin
Toni waved at us from 10 feet off the ground. After acknowledgin us, her face scrunched into one of concentration. She
screamed like a banshee, and began to buck the crap out of beetles, flyin away before they could counterattack.

“That’s interestin.” I said before I looked at Gear, “Try to hold off the horde, I’m gonna go deal with momma.”

He nodded and began to send random shards outward, cutting the bugs asunder. They began to try and attack him, only to be cut down by his death shield. With extreme concentration he opened a gap for me to run through, closin it behind me.

I ran at the behemoth beetle, and swiped at one of its legs with my axe. The cut was clean, severin the lower portion of its leg from its body. Green blood splashed on the ground, and all over me. Unfortunately some got in my mouth. You don’t want to know what beetle juice tastes like, trust me.

Momma beetle let out what I could only assume was a scream of pain, and focused her attention on me.

She swiped with one of her good legs, nockin me to the ground. Before she had a chance to step on me (like a bug), Quick came in and poked one of her eyes with his sword.

Green/yellow liquid poured out of the wound, enticin another bellow of pain. She tried catchin Quick in her pincers, only to catch air as he darted out of the way.

I got to my feet in time to dodge another batterin ram. I darted under her and drew my axe across her underbelly. By the time I got to her ass end, I was coated in green blood that burned the lil cuts that covered my body.

The world started to dim, but my adrenaline kept me concentrated. I hacked another leg off, only to find a second bound for my head.

It made contact, turnin my vision black, and my body numb. I fell to the ground, sounds of battle raged around me.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Quick yelling, “Polar Glacius”


I woke with a dwarf hammerin away inside my head. My body burned, and the dirt that covered the compound around me had turned to mud with blood.

I shook my head, and looked around for my friends. There was no one here except for a shit ton of dead beetles, and one momma beetle split open on her back with her head covered in a thin layer of what I could only guess to be ice.

I tried to lift my right arm, but found it wouldn’t move. Luckily my left one was still alive. I reached over and felt my right arm, only to grasp dirt. Panic over took my mind as I felt the nub were my arm should be. I sat up, and tried to calm down.

Time for an inventory check.

Left arm: check

Right arm: not check

Left leg: check

Right leg: *ting* check

Horn: check

Head: check

Armor: check

Axe: not check

All I could think about was how many limbs could I lose and replace before I was considered a cyborg.

Tears burned in my eyes, but I bit them back, this was no time to cry. My friends were nowhere to be found, and my axe was missin.

Once again I scanned my surroundins, only to come up empty handed in the axe department.

Damn it

Commotion from behind me stole my attention, I turned to find Gear and Toni carryin Quick.

“He should be fine, don’t cry girl, it’s only a concussion.” Gear was sayin as he lugged Quick over to me.

When he noticed I was awake he brightened up.

“Bronze! Oh am I glad to see you’re alright! How are you feeling?” He said, layin Quick gently on the ground and comin to my side.

I poked the stub on my shoulder

“Could be better. What the hell happened?”

“Well when me and Toni were battling the little beetles, the big one gave you on hell of a kick. Quick used the old language and killed her, but when he did, more came out of her carcass. Quick did his best to defend you, but one got through and…well…you know. We ended up killin all of them, but the one that clipped your arm ran off with your axe. Quick went to get it back, and kinda flew into a tree. Toni got your axe, so don’t worry about that, but we can’t reattach your arm.” He looked down, ashamed.

Pain began to throb where my arm used to be, but surprisingly not as bad as when my leg was severed.

“Why doesn’t it hurt? Well, it hurts, but not as bad as it should.” I said, probin the exposed wound.

“I…I don’t know. Maybe the blood from the momma beetle cleans the wound, and acts as a pain killer. I got it on a few of my cuts, and it seemed to burn, then stop hurting.” He motioned towards a few cuts and scrapes along his body.

“Cool, can you go get me some more. This shit is startin to hurt.” Pain blossomed in my arm, as the beetle blood apparently began to wear off.

“Sure, hold on.” He scampered towards the giant carcass extractin a few viles from his saddlebags.

Toni came over to me, and gave me a big hug.

“I’m glad you’re alright Bronzey. I would be really really really really really sad if you died.” She started to tear up again, but I hugged her back with my good arm.

“Hey, hey don’t cry. I’m alright see?” I flexed my arm, “still got this one don’t I?”

“Yeah, but the bug took your sword arm, you have to learn everything again, but opposite!”
Didn’t think of that one. I supposed she was right, considerin I don’t have Smoke to make me a new one this time.

Gear came back and rubbed some blood onto my wound, which immediately started to burn, then numb.

“Guess you’re right Gear, this stuff works pretty good.” Gear only nodded as he took some cloth from his saddlebag, and began to wrap my nub in it.

“How long do you think Quick will be out?” I asked Gear, who, bein the only one who has even looked at a medical book, was our makeshift doctor.

“Well he should be out for another hour or….” He was cut off by Quick sittin upright like he was struck by lightenin.

“Come back here you little piece of….” He noticed us, and where he was. He looked confused at first, but upon lookin at my battle axe sittin next to me, relaxed some.

“Did I run into a tree again?” He asked, excitin a laugh from us, despite the situation.

Toni responded first, “You sure did Quicky! But don’t worry, Gear says it’s just a cocoon.”

“First of all, can we not call him Quicky? That just seems wrong. Secondly, it’s a concussion, not a cocoon.” Gear said matter-of-factly.

I sat there, with a head-ache from hell, beat to a pulp, and missin an arm, and smiled. These people were my friends. They had risked everythin to keep me safe when I was useless. And even though I had a lot of trainin, and hard times ahead of me, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I looked at Gear, who was surveyin the buildings. The one structure that had gotten it the worst, was the one that was on fire.

By the way it was now covered in beetle blood, I assumed it was put out when momma beetle blew up. The sign above the entrance said “Storage” which made me excited.

“Gear, go look in there and see what you can find, if there’s anythin useful bring it out.” He looked to the building I was pointin at and nodded, trottin towards the door.

Although I didn’t feel right about stealin from the royal guard, I didn’t think that the dead bodies could use the things inside as much as we could.

After a few minutes, Gear came back out with some dried fruits, flowers, and sugar. I gave him a questionin look.

“What? Most everythin was burnt to a crisp. This is what was left.” He began to sort out his saddlebag, makin room for the new provisions.

“I guess that’ll have to do, considerin we were plannin on restockin here. What’s the next town in-between here and Canterlot?” I asked.

Gear pulled out a map, and laid It on the ground. After a few minutes he perked up.

“That would be Ponyville.” He went on about how the road there will be very borin, but all I could think was the fact I was about to go to Ponyville.

I berated my fan boy instincts to bounce around and squeal like a lil girl. I had a job to do, the sooner we got to Canterlot, the sooner the town can get supplies, and those refugees can go home.

Besides, we can always stop by when we go back.

I stopped thinkin about Ponyville in realization of what I just thought. When we go back. Go back. Do I want to go back? Sure Mr. Peach and Fuzz are there, but the only thing I brought them was danger. Minnie had never looked at me the same when we returned with Killian’s body, I’m sure she wouldn’t care less.

My mind drifted back to my family on Earth, what if they felt like Minnie felt? That I just abandoned them, and left for somewhere unknown. Would they feel the same about me as Minnie does?

I hung my head in shame, I needed to get back to Earth. Not now though, I had a job to do.

I looked at my friends, watchin as Toni nursed Quick with water, and fruit, and Gear as he plotted a path. How would they feel if I left? My second family in this odd world. I decided to push the question off, for now.

“Alright Gear, you ready?” He looked up, and nodded.

“Ready when you are Bronze.” He said, rollin up his map, and standin.

I looked over at Quick, who was already gettin up, much to Toni’s annoyance.

“Oh calm down, I’ll be fine. Bronze is the one who keeps losin his body parts.” He gave me a wink, and I chuckled.

I shakily got to my feet, the mud drippin off my metallic leg.

“Welcome to Equestria folks! Where you have to pay an arm and a leg to get in, and the bugs are huge!” I said, makin my friends giggle. I placed my axe onto my back, and started off down the trail.

I couldn’t help but thinkin that whatever troubles I would have to face in the future didn’t seem as bad as long as my friends were there to help me through.

Author's Note:

Another Limb Missing! When will I just let him be, huh?

Oh well.

Anyway, whose excited to see how Bronze reacts when getting to Ponyville? I know I am!

Let me know what you thought of this chapter, and what you didn't like, still trying to get a feel for writing so anything helps.

Once again, if yall see any spelling or grammar mistakes, let me know.