• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 2,391 Views, 34 Comments

Childhood Crush - Serina

Spike writes a letter about his feelings for Rarity, a letter that will help him realize just how much he loves her.

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Reality Check

Dear Princess Celestia,

I know I’ve sent you a couple of my own personal letters before about my life in Ponyville and a few concerning dragons. Now, I ask for advice or, more so, just somepony to listen for a moment. I don’t want to bother Twilight with this because it has to do with one of her friends, a very close friend in fact. You know her, her name is Rarity and she’s the element of generosity. She’s known for her generosity all across Ponyville. If you can’t pay for a dress she says you can pay for it when you can afford to, or if you need a place to stay she’ll recommend the finest hotel in Ponyville and even show you where it is. She’s a hard worker but she manages to stay looking amazing.

You see, I’ve had a crush on Rarity since I first laid eyes on her at Ponyville’s city hall. Her crisp white coat, her beautifully styled mane, and her eyes are like diamonds. I would have never thought such a mare to exist as beautiful as her, but there she was. She was trying to find the perfect ribbon to place on the banner for the summer sun celebration event being held there the next morning. She knew just the one to pick out, but it’s sparkles couldn’t compare to her radiance.

Of course, I tried to keep my feelings a secret but I always did over do it. What can I say? I fell hard and fast for that mare. I performed every task she asked of me, whether it be taking out the trash or even being a pincushion, I did it all for her. I made a t-shirt to wear with her on it and I even gave up my fire ruby I had saved but it was all worth it. To see the smile on her face or to feel her pillow soft fur as she hugged me for helping her always kept me hopeful. Hopeful, that one day we could be together, that she’d like me back and see I could be a just like any other stallion… I’d just be a stallion with scales, that’s all.

I wish there was a spell that turned dragons into stallions. Don’t bother looking though, Princess. I already asked Twilight and she searched for a month and still found nothing. I guess, it wouldn’t matter anyway because no matter how much I love Rarity she deserves somepony better. Somepony who can afford to take her out to eat at fancy restaurants and take her shopping and buy her all those pretty things that high class mares, like her, love.

A few days ago I realized I couldn’t be who she needed. She needed a strong, handsome, wealthy, or at least working, stallion to be her prince in shining armor. I always thought love would pull through, you know? But if you look at the reality of it, I’m just not what she needs. Dragons, they live for a long time. I don’t know how long exactly but a lot longer than ponies. That means that even if we were together she’d age and I wouldn’t, at least, not much. I couldn't stand watching her slowly fade away to be a shell of the mare she once was. I just... couldn’t. Not to mention she’s always wanted to marry a member of the royal family or a Canterlot stallion.

But you know what? It’s okay. It’s okay that I can’t be with her and that she’ll be with a nice stallion because I know she’ll be happy. Seeing her happy means the whole world to me no matter how much it hurts. I’ll still be there to help her when she needs me, I’ll cook and clean and be her pin cushion, I’ll compliment her and tell her how awesome and fashionable she looks, I’ll even go to her wedding and I’ll throw the flower petals when the walk down the aisle. I can do all those things and still love her. I can always love her even if she’s with somepony else because it feels like the right thing to do. To remember the good times we have and are going to have rather than be sad and mopey over the reality of things…

There’s just one thing Princess that I don’t understand…

Why wasn’t I enough?

I know she needs more than what I can give and she loves what I can give but why couldn’t we work it out? Why couldn’t we just forget about everything else and be happy? I know what I’ve written in this letter about my age and her wanting a stallion but I just want to know the answer to the unanswerable. It hurts so much, the pain is worth it to see her smile but it still hurts. I didn’t think you could hurt like this from just loving somepony but you can, Princess, and it hurts so much. I wonder if you’ve ever loved somepony, Princess, and if you knew that you couldn’t be with them yet you loved them so very much. You loved them so much that you had to watch them live their life with sompony else and live happily ever after with them till their end. I feel that will be my fate, to watch my love live her life with another till her end. It hurts.

Rarity… She always looked towards the brighter side of things and she always would give a reassuring smile. She’d stand strong.

No, I can’t dwell on my pain. I can’t for Rarity’s sake. She needs me to be strong so that I can support her when the time comes. When the time comes to let go and let somepony else whisk her away. She was never mine to begin with but I had always hoped that maybe, just maybe, we could be something and that she could be only mine. That I could kneel down on one knee and place a ring on her horn. I was daydreaming for so long but now it’s time to wake up and be strong for her.

For my Rarity.

Thanks for listening,

Author's Note:

I've gotten to the point where I'm writing my mopey feelings into a pony story... Yup, not good.