• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,884 Views, 49 Comments

Feather of Days Past ~ The Old and New - Dennet

Big Mac's worst week reminds him of a few important things in life.

  • ...

Haze of Chalk and Onyx Dust

Chapter VII

He could easily listen to the melodic voice forever. This honestly drove the stallion into confusion - the filly, no, the mare before him reminded him of another pony more than he would find comfortable. Years ago, when he was just a young colt, the only Apple child at the time, his mother would sing him to sleep. He could still remember the lyrics, as he would occasionally lull himself with the well-known verse. Silently, recited but in his mind. Not even Applejack suspected him of this little secret. As soon as she came to the world, Mac had learned enough words to share their mother's duties. They both stopped listening to lullabies some time after Mac had reached relative maturity. When little Applebloom was born, it was her older sister's turn to practise her voice; he himself had been too busy with farm work alongside his father.

Childhood memories meant much for him.

On the outside, Big Macintosh stood idly, his eyes half-closed even more so than usual. His body had gone limp, though his thick red coat concealed such state. What it couldn't conceal were his wings - loose, sprawled around the soft, wild grass. His ears would sometimes jerk up and down, reacting to the subtle changes in Fluttershy's voice. His innate accuracy would pick them all up, enhancing the simplistic melody.

His mind was too busy enjoying the serenade to care about his surroundings. For a short time, the worries about the zebra, the forest and his own pair of wings simply ceased.

Something warm prodded his side, a rather large something, in fact. His body was slow to react, however, still dazed and relaxed from his short lapse into a better place. Mac slowly lowered his head, breathing in and out slowly. He spotted something pink near his left side. He could feel her breath against his coat. The silly mare had managed to sing herself to sleep.

Should I wake her up? I can't really move otherwise. Unless I suddenly grow a horn as well, that is.

As gently as he could, Mac shuddered left and right. Her reaction was immediate - a soft and silent muffled groan. The warmth receded off his body as the pegasus mare began to support her own weight.

"...ah...umm..." she shook her head. "Are you... feeling better now, Big Macintosh?"

For once, since a long time, he beamed her a most vibrant smile.

"Ah sure am, sugarcube."

Fluttershy covered right away, her hair concealing her expression. Of course, sight was not necessary at such close distances. He could feel her heartbeat at this range, hear her rapid breath. He wasn't sure again - did he say something offensive or was she just that shy?

"Ahm... eee... I think Twilight is waiting for us... she didn't really come out yet, so..." her voice was becoming more silent by the second. Mac decided to take action before she would completely wrap herself in her shell.

"Eeeyup, let's go, sugarcube."

Why can't I stop smiling, 'tarnations?!

She was first to make a move. His voice was like a command to her. Fluttershy quickly lifted herself with a little aid of her wings. Macintosh, on the other hoof, took his time to raise his heavy body from the still-green grass. His own pair of feathers moved erratically, finally settling down on his sides. He noticed it took him considerably less time to fold them since his attempt at Books and Branches. Her lesson was paying off.

As they drew closer to the ghastly tree-home, Mac's previously quelled fear began to resurface. The shady shapes took on a new, vicious meaning. He could swear the hardwood was ready to eat him whole. It seemed oddly familiar, in fact. Still, he would not run tonight. If she could withstand the mental assault, so could he. It would give the worst impression if he wouldn't. The petite mare near him remained steadfast, her entire body betraying nothing of her undoubtedly lingering dread.

...what if she's really not afraid?


Both of the ponies peered inside the mysterious dwelling through the half-opened doors. In a gentlecoltly manner, Mac insisted he'd go first. A stallion should always protect a mare and tread the dangerous lands before his lady. His head peeked slowly, emerging from behind the solid woodwork.

The room was exquisite and exotic, but even that was a major understatement. In the middle of the chamber stood a large iron cauldron, heated by what appeared to be a small campfire. It was bubbling with a strange, repulsive green liquid. As various foams traveled up, they would form bubbles on its surface. With each pop, tiny amounts of purple-green haze lifted themselves above the concoction, spiraling down unto the ground and slowly travelling towards the nearest exit. Macintosh could feel the "evil air" around. Additionally, various vials and bottles lined themselves both on the floor, inside the various trenches in the walls and hanged from linen ropes hanging from the ceiling. There was a small counter on the side, laded with various herbs. Colourful bags rested against it, filled to brim with plants he had never seen in his life.

Finally, his eyes traced a familiar figure. Twilight Sparkle sat to the left of the chamber, covered from the outside by the door. She watched another mare - alien, unfamiliar, stripped and with a strange body language. The enchantress was busy, her hooves and mouth shuffling through an assortment of potions. She was brewing something, as he could smell the fresh scent of milled herbs and even see the recently used mortar. She muttered something under her breath, but he was far too preoccupied with his own overwhelming sense of dread to hear or discern the meaning of her words.

Macintosh's eyes soon found themselves locked on a small object - it was a stick of wood of some kind. Neatly carved, ultimately plain. Still, a small hole roughly in the two-thirds of its length gave an impression of the implement being used to the wrong cause. It was at this time that the unicorn mare decided to turn around. She instantly spotted the large mountain of a pony trying his best to sneak inside the zebra's dwelling.

And failing miserably.

Before any of them could do more than barely exhale, Mac notice an oddity on Twilight's face. A sore, thick red stripe ran from her horn all the way down her nose. Her large eyes were watered, but otherwise, she seemed fine. In fact, she was smirking at him slightly.

"...still make quite a ruckus."

The voice was different, slightly melodic. He was sure it wasn't Fluttershy's. It carried a slight hint of hearse, the speaking pony being of adult age or more.

"Welcome to you, Fluttershy, dear.

What could possibly lead you here?"

Mac's wings sprung up instantly. Somehow, the pegasus mare not only managed to sneak pass him unnoticed, but she also casually trotted down into that zebra's house, starting a conversation like it was nothing.


"Oh, good evening Zecora. Thank you for the extract. Henry really appreciates it."

"Truly, it was no ordeal.

A stranded soul like him you healed."

There was a slight groan from the unicorn, still sitting in the middle of the conversation.

"Speaking of mending, the apprentice is right,

I shall brew the cure-all salve with all my might," the zebra nodded before turning around back to her work-space.

Mac managed to recognize aloe and a few other herbs as the foreigner settled them into the mortar. Clenching the pestle, she began to tenderize and eventually mill them into a powder or a fine mush. His fear was still great, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him. The large mountain tried to slide closer. He wanted to peer at the working alchemist. He knew his own share of biennial remedies, passed down from Granny Smith herself down to him and Applejack. He did his best to lengthen his thick neck.

"Twilight Sparkle, what about our third guest?

Will he step in only on my behest?"

With those simple words, Macintosh lost his balance. She somehow managed to notice him. The door slammed open as the large ball of red coat, hooves and light feathers rolled into the room. His face was sprawled clean against the ground, looking up in embarrassment at the two mares. Indeed, he was a sight to behold. His flank rose high in the air as the front of his body descended neatly into a lying position. His wings stood semi-erect, twisted in seemingly painful ways. Once again, Mac praised the colour of his hair.

"...we were wondering when you'd finally show up," the unicorn added with slight sarcasm. She was enjoying this.

"Umm... are you alright, Big Macintosh?" Fluttershy went directly to the point.

"Big Macintosh, I see you're well here.

Though I am boggled as to why downwards you veer."

Zecora did not even turn around, she was too busy gently pouring the herbal dust into a heated vial of water.

How does she know my name?! I... she is evil! Celestia help me!!

"Little Applebloom told me what gallant brother you are.

It will be my pleasure to aid— ...oh my."

His wings were fully up by that point. Were it not for the presence of his two new friends, he swore he would have be trashing this place like an elephant in a glass shop by now. Finally, their eyes met. The red farmpony stared with tremor while his zebra host simply replied with befuddlement. He would not break his glance, tracking her every movement as if his life depended on it, Zecora casually smirked, looking at her new unicorn apprentice with a smile.

"I see you've cooked a truly vile brew.

I, for one, wouldn't put it in my stew," she added in jest.

Suddenly, Mac's piled-up anxiety came crushing down. The joke had caught on him, prompting a faint smirk he wanted to hide more than anything in his life before. His mind tried rationalizing - she's alien to Equestria. She knows Applebloom too well. She can be dangerous. She can easily poison him. On the contrary, the part of him skilled at reading ponies flared up to action. The zebra wasn't masking anything. Her gestures were plain and frank. There was nothing hidden - she really did wish to aid him. The casual smile and the off-hoof quip made it all more apparent.

I can't just... she needs to prove herself! I... definitely she needs to!

"Patience, my friend. I'll be with you like a bat out of hell.

Let me just help some mare," she spoke turning around.

The previously colourless liquid had since turned vibrant white. It was no longer water, instead taking on like a gooey substance. Mac was reminded of clay, or a herbal oil Granny would often smear into his bruises back when he was first wielding his yoke. The zebra picked up the vial and trotted over to Twilight, pouring some of her concoction on her own hoof. With deft movement, she spread a thin layer across the unicorn's sore mark. The other mare itched a bit, her body shaking from the cold jelly touching the inflamed skin.

"We've been through this, please hold still.

Unless you want me to grow ill."

Twilight groaned, nodding as Zecora withdrew her hoof.

"..t-thsk... thank you, Zecora."

"Make nothing of it,

I won't charge a friend one bit.
Now, all is done, your head will mend.

How can I help your aide... so curiously bent?"

So glad I'm naturally red.


Macintosh sat firmly on the wooden floor, the front of his body supported by his hooves. He did not even move, aside from the seldom twitch of his wings. The sap green eyes darted left and right, scanning his immediate vicinity. Zecora had told them all to make themselves at home, and the two mares obliged. Twilight quickly took to her alchemical mentor, both of them busy over a small desk with various apparatus, passing vials and mixtures to each other with hoof and magic. On the other side of the room, the meek Fluttershy was browsing some bottles, commenting each and every one with glee to a small spider that had perched itself right on her small nose.

Meanwhile, the stallion's muscular chest heaved in and out with every, barely audible, breath. He found himself in a familiar situation. The anxiety in the air reminded him - when he was small, and still the only colt of the Apple family in Ponyville, he had managed to break his leg in an unfortunate accident involving a ladder and a bucket. He never cried as much in his life. His mother had forsaken her duties and took him right to the local hospital.

Almost everything since then was a parallel.

Back in the day, the little colt suffered from an irrational fear of doctors. There was something about their reluctancy in offering aid to ponies on certain matters and their generally aloof demeanour. When he had been faced with a personal visit, he could remember his heart beating faster than it ever did up until that point. Were it not for his mother's soothing presence and the frequent word of encouragement, he would simply let the leg be, risking a major fracture or even ripping it apart further.

Much to his surprise, the doctor tending to him had turned out to be a mare of rural origins, similar to the Apples' own. Her execution was flawless, and the little colt was bandaged in no time. When she had been busy tying the sheets over his leg, the two of them alone, she would be the one to first start a conversation. She had inquired about the daily subjects - how were the trees hanging, was the last season fruitful, was his mother doing fine in her pregnancy, did he want a sister or a brother? He, too, would answer truthfully. At first, he had stammered, but ice had been broken fast and the conversion soon flowed gracefully between the two.

After her promotion and subsequent moving to Canterlot, Mac found himself wishing to meet the now-old mare once more.

The sound of a popping bubble thrust his mind back to the present time. The witch doctor was still busy discussing the brew with her unicorn apprentice, and the pegasus mare had since taken to prodding the spider around, playing tag with the creature on the ceiling.

A thought came over Big Macintosh. Comparing himself to his own, past self, he noticed that he had grown considerably as a brother. He managed to blur the border between an aloof, inspiring older sibling and a closer, warmer kin. With him around, Applejack always behaved in a respectable manner. Applebloom, too, showed a much more caring and creative side. Something about him drove her to better herself. In a way, that was exactly what Mac had planned. He was supposed to be an exemplar pony for them, so that they, too, could one day be a paragon to their own offspring.

Yet in the end, a fault appeared on the pristine surface of his design. A fault that would grow bigger and more apparent, day after day. Soon, his sisters had inverted the roles. It was them who began lecturing the big stallion. After Applejack became an Element of Harmony, their efforts essentially doubled themselves. Something went wrong, and Macintosh found himself questioning the exact nature of his failure.

Another twitch of his wings and the short, audible gasp of his allowed his mind to find the missing piece of the riddle.

While he had grown considerably as a brother...

...have I really become, well a better... me?


"... would you kindly hand me the vial?"

"Mmhmm... t-this one, yes? I... don't want to ruin anything."

A purple glow wrapped itself around the glass, slowly releasing it from Fluttershy's hooves and planting it right on the rack near the others.

"Be careful with your magical hex!

Carelessly, the brew you could vex," Zecora scolded the unicorn.

Twilight did not respond, merely limiting herself to a nod. Were it somepony else, Mac could swear the unicorn wouldn't let them hear the end of it. Now, instead, the mare exhibited strange personal inhibition. She drank each word of the zebra with strange accuracy. She wasn't afraid, she was eager.

"The recipe I do not guess.

Perhaps you have made a new case?"

"I... I invented a new potion? Oh, please, don't be silly!"

"I dare not play on funniness.

I speak with utmost seriousness

What I see before me is no ordinary formulation..." the enchantress spoke, pulling the half-empty vial to her. Small bits of the glowing purple concoction still shimmered on it's very bottom.

"I fear I must give it a tasteful investigation."

The next action shocked everypony in the room. Everypony sans Twilight, who stood in silence, her eyes looking at the older zebra with admiration. Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hooves whereas the red stallion spread his wings further in amazement.

...did she just drink it for me?

"...my tongue tastes cinnamon and pegasi' plume.

Any more darkweed would spell his doom," Zecora added with a grave face.

A single drop of sweat slid down Mac's brow. Both of the other mares stood silent. The unicorn barely turned her face to the mountain of a pony. Her gaze was frightful and apologetic.

"But fear not, all is fine.

The cure can be made in a dime.

Unfortunately, additional herbs I must facilitate.

Would the gallant stallion help me accumulate?"

Finally, broken from her alchemical trance, the zebra turned around nodding at the two ponies. As she finished her sentence, she shot Big Macintosh a most significant glare. He could feel her accusation. His paranoia and fears got the best of him, and while the other two were quick enough to dismiss it as the apparent sign of stress about his wings, her experience picked up on the not-so-subtle signs flawlessly.

"Do you want me to work on something, Zecora?" Twilight asked eagerly, but the only response she had gotten was a firm shake of the zebra's head. Fluttershy was too busy cleaning the discarded and dirty bottles to bother responding - she managed to find herself a task already.

...t..there's no way I'm getting out of this, aren—

His witch doctor was already standing by the door.

"The large bag to your rear.

I wish you to bring it over here."

Macintosh reacted on instinct. He tried not to think what would happen, the future was too uncertain. Right now, his "friend" needed the bag to carry her supplies. With a weak flap, he managed to pick himself up from the sitting position without putting any strain on his legs at all. With the same motion, he tucked his wings to his sides. Fluttershy's lessons were really paying off. Trotting over to the other desk, he grabbed a large cotton bag with his teeth. It was mostly empty, but the residue from previous herbs still lingered, scenting his nose with a mixed fragrance. Turning around, Mac sped to the door. Zecora had already disappeared.

The stars outside shone brightly. Luna had taken exceptional care in spreading an intricate pattern on the firmament. It dawned upon the stallion - the immediate area around her hut was strangely calm, unlike the untamed wilds of Everfree. Of course, it left much to desire compared to his farm of even Ponyville itself, but in a green sea of chaos like the dreaded forest, her humble abode had proven to be an island of calm and peace. A subtle gust of wind blew green spores before his eyes, their tender light dancing in his sight. The zebra was to his right, surveying her slightly untamed yet impressive garden of plants.

She was trotting before four patches, absorbed in surveying one after the other. She would dig her muzzle into each, sniffing deeply, sometimes sneezing. When she approached the green ones, she took a bite off one of the leaves, munching it slowly, discerning its taste.

In all that time, Big Macintosh stood idly, the bag still clenched in his mouth. He was entirely red and on verge of exploding with frustration and anticipation. He couldn't make sense of his stray thoughts. One side of his mind yelled at him to run away, protect his friends from the alien creature before him. The other, more calm and analytical part had laid each and every situation he and the zebra took part in. It stated how she neither brought him harm nor harboured vile intents.

I... I don't know anymore. I should give her a chance, shouldn't I?I mean... she could've omitted the fact I, well, almost died. And now she's... she's so similar to miss Twilight and miss Fluttershy. Her tail is strangely rigid. Is she angry at me? Am I being so transparent?

"Tell me, my friend, how would you feel,

If your family were the ones to be feared?"

Zecora had failed to move a muscle. Her voice came out dry and barren. This startled Big Mac, but in a way he did not expect. His wings, for the first time, failed to react. In a daze, his mouth had dropped the linen bag, covering his front hooves in worn fabric. His mind was a mess, random thoughts and strings of responses flooded his head, yet nothing would come out. He had no response.

The zebra finally turned around, placing hoof after hoof in a melancholic manner. While her body betrayed a certain hint of sadness, her face had none of it. It was as solemn and unchanging as before.

"Fear is only a natural thing for ponies to do,

My coat being black, my tail being striped.
They run from me as I whisper boo,

But why of all creatures do I face this strife?

I make my place in this stray tree,

Away from those too blind to think.
Why do you still fail to see,

After your friends passed this brink.

Your sisters come visit me here,

They weave stories of your gallantry.
Yet one needs to be no seer,

To see those fed on dishonesty."

Her words flew forth from her mouth, coalescing into a shining, sharp blade. With every drawn breath, the imaginary implement struck deep blows into Mac's pride. She was right, straight to the point. He was foolish and irrational. The stallion stood there, filled with grief. She dared to insult him by way of his siblings. In any other situation, the offending pony would receive a solemn beating, either physical or verbal.

Yet the red leviathan of a stallion simply sat there, his expression slowly cracking underneath the pressure of truth. His lower lip began to quiver.

"I have grown used to such hate,

To the accusing eyes behind my back.
But what my heart still cannot relate,

Is how you trot in here without a tact.

My heart's desire is to mend,

Help ponies in their dire straights.
Silently, I weep for each my sight may rend,

As they consign themselves to their sad fates.

But your brashness is like a thorn,

Embedded deeply in my soul.
Have you truly made an oath,

To wound me like the fields you plough?"

The silver-tongued knife was viciously ravaging his chest, piercing his heart with each stab until nothing was left. She was right, painfully so. Macintosh realized he had never truly become an adult. All this time, deep down, he was still a colt. A misguided, judging and biased colt. All he had based his flawed accusations on were urban legends and telltale stories.

I... ighm... 's true... my sisters, they're right. I'm nothing more than a foal. How... how could I... oh sweet Celestia. 'm not a... oh Celestia help me...

His breathing became irregular, his massive chest beating up and down. Slowly, his wings started shaking, just as the rest of his limbs. His ears dropped down, and his face twisted into an expression of anguish. With each twitch he would try to draw air in through his nostrils, weeping thinly through his throat as he did. Zecora, on the other hand, stared at him intently, slowly lowering her head in apathy.

"Know that you have pained me greatly,

But I shall help you in a debt.
Consider yourself lucky I do so innately,

Without the need of you sisters' abet."

What followed was only silence, the zebra staring blankly at the large stallion almost thrice her size. She had remained composed, turning around slowly back to the herbs. Mac, on the other hand, was down in tears. He still throbbed, forsaking calm movement. His wings were shaking, and meek cries could be heard gliding on the air. His eyes were watered, thick streams of tears dropping down his muzzle.


"Is there anything else you wish to say?

Empty words easily fade away."


The mutters were hard to make out, concealed beneath Big Macintosh's impressive deep voice laden with coughs and cries.

"...ah'm sorry..."

Zecora simply stood motionless, her own ears alert.

"...ah'm sorry... ah'm s'sorry fe'... fer everythin'... ah... ah've been such a foal.. ah... ah'm sorry! Ah know what it means t'be a reject, Ah really do! Ah.. ah trust 'em ponies with mah life, but 'er still 'fraid o' me! Ah really know, m-miss Zecora! 'ey pass meh glances an' warm words, but 'ey 'r sti' 'fraid... a' 'orry mi' Zecora! A' 'ely ahm..."

It wasn't much longer before the impressive mountain of a stallion crumbled down on itself. The zebra was now faced with a red blob of hair and feathers, lying in the middle of her garden with its face buried beneath its front hooves, moans and cries filling the serene night sky. Nopony could even begin to decipher what Mac was saying, his normally composed speech compromised and replaced with sobs.

...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...stupid... stupid...

Something prodded his side, alas he did not care. Any remains of his rationally were buried underneath a pile of self-loathing and embarrassment. His own voice rang heavily in his head, silencing anything coming from outside. His wings were flapping half-spread, reminiscent of a broken bird more so than anything else. He swore he would easily put his head before a rolling boulder this very instant. He was so blind, so insensitive. Completely unlike what the others held him to be. The only other pony in whole of Equestria, somepony who could truly relate to him, has been lost to his petty prejudice.

A soft scent of fragrant flowers filled his nostrils, causing the stallion to choke on his own tears. He had to clear his muzzle with his hoof, uncovering his face. The spores got deep inside, and still penetrated his smell. Having his brooding interrupted, he glared before him in annoyance. Why wouldn't the world let him spill his sorrows in peace.

Mac's wings descended slowly, spread fully against the grass. Before his eyes, all around him, was a many-coloured ring of flowers. Some of them shone, reflecting Luna's moonlight. The others still spread their spores, small orbs of light in the darkness of the night. Before him sat Zecora, her hooves still busy with planting and arranging the last large blossom. Her face looked disinterested as ever, though he could notice her feelings from the movement of her front legs. Soft and steady, almost tender like a mother soothing her own child. She looked at him in the face, gently rising a hoof and wiping one of his tears away. Her expression did not change the slightest.

"Sometimes one should stop and give the world another view.
Gaze both ways to the old and new."


Twilight was content enough to sit before the bench, absentmindedly tossing the empty vials and segregating them according to size, width, height and previous content. In her brief week as an apprentice alchemist, she had already figured out half a dozen of sorting algorithms for each precise need. At first, they took considerable effort to roll out flawlessly. By now, she could easily guess the exact size and shape of the bowl as soon as her magical miasma touched upon the glass object.

Fluttershy, on the other hand, was spending her time in a vastly different manner. She had been trotting around a circle for the entire time since Mac had left the building. Muttering underneath her breath, soon almost ten spiders, three bats and a small dark hare joined her in her panicked pace.

"B-bb...but what if he gets s-sick or something?" she was stammering, worried sights jumping between each spider. She had apparently given them names.

"Yes, I'm afraid too miss Strignylegs. Mmhmm, you are absolutely right, sir Spinalot..."

"They'll be fine... though I am worried she'll trounce him too hard. If what Applejack keeps telling is true, he'll have to deal with quite the scolding..." the unicorn reminded her pegasus friend of the obvious once more.

"I--I hate scolding... or being scolded..."

"Don't we all, Fluttershy?" Twilight's voice stopped as she heard the doors creak.

The dark regress opened slowly, each second filled the room with sound of dry wood scraping heavily against another. It stopped half-way, in the exact same position the pegaus had left them in when first entering the tree-hut. With solid clops, Zecora stepped in. She carried a faint beam on her face, her eyes watered slightly. Her movement was temperament, though she gave of an aura of relief. As the three mares caught sights of each other, their soft smiles intensified in a chain reaction. The unicorn was about to open her mouth when a large thud came resounding from the outside.

The zebra replied with a silent nod, stepping to her side with an elegant flourish. The doors once again began to move, making way for somepony much greater in stature than the enchantress. Emerging from the dark night, Big Macintosh looked different, to say the least. Fluttershy's instincts came in first as she had quickly spread her wings, almost taking off. A gentle tug at the base of her tail, the shimmering magic of miss Sparkle, drove home the unicorn's intentions. The yellow mare settled down without as much as protest. The red stallion before them exhibited a curious expression. His eyes, not unlike Zecora's, were watered, albeit to a much greater extent. Moist trails on his coat did nothing to cover the embarrassing situation he had gotten himself into a dozen minutes ago. Still, his muzzle, clenched over the now filled-to-the-brim bag of herbs, betrayed a delicate grin. His wings, the only sure tell to his true feelings at this time, showed absolutely nothing. They were tucked in gently at his sides. Indeed, he had taken minimal effort doing so a while before. Fluttershy's lessons were finally paying off.

The two mares bore faces of amazement and confusion. Twilight knew well enough what her alchemy teacher was capable of when angered, and it was not a pretty sight. Moreover, knowing Applejack's honesty, Big Mac was a much greater softy than he appeared to be. How he had happened to survive that encounter was beyond her. Her pegasus friend shared her face, looking at the newly-arrived pair of ponies in disbelief.

" 's here, miss Zecora?"

He had spoken first. To the Zerbra. Both of the mares' jaws dropped.

"Indeed, place them by the work bench.

Make sure to leave them firmly entrenched."

" 'll do, miss Zecora."

"Your help is invaluable, my friend.

Your ailment we shall soon mend..."

The reminder of the night graced the four ponies with relative peace. Each one of them swore to fulfill a different role, just for the sake of making work go faster. The zebra, along with the unicorn mare, hovered over the alchemical table in focus. The elder would mix herbs and pre-brewed concoctions, forming one potion after another. Were the ingredient too far away, she only had to call two words and it would float right over to her, enveloped by the magical miasma. Twilight absorbed what transpired before her on the table with impossible accuracy, determined to learn everything she could from the brief yet valuable experience.

Fluttershy, on the other hoof, found herself helping with water supplies and cleaning. Whenever a new recipe blew spectacularly or was just not good enough, the winged mare would either refill the water bowl at the nearby spring, ready to be used for more magical mixtures or drain the spare potion into Zecora's garden. Either way, nothing went to waste. Wet cloth failed to leave her muzzle for more than a minute at times. It was not long before her natural, rustic charm attracted a plethora of woodland critters. This act had effectively tripled the mare's effciency. Rabbits and hares of all shapes and sizes distributed clean and empty bottles alike. The ants formed a line to the stream, where a small group of badgers took care in refilling the bowls.

On the other end of the room, Macintosh helped with his oversized body as best as he could. The zebra had lent him a wooden plate, and his hoof served in place of a pestle. By using just a bit more of his strength, even the most elusive herb was turned into a fine paste or dust. He could feel the texture and strength of the wood, which helped him discern just the right amount of force needed. Otherwise he would leave a rather permanent signature in the Zecora's floor. The yellow mare would occasionally replace the bowl to his right he had used to clean his hoof between each grind. Were remnants of his previous job somehow get in into the mixture, his "cure" would become yet another ordeal to go through. Or worse.

He stallion himself worked over his menial task with care. He wasn't trying to kill his mind or time. His wings rested leisurely against his sides. For once, in a longer while, he was at peace. Though hints of enmity - out of shame more so than anything else - remained, he would now gaze at the zebra as another friendly soul, and not an enemy of the ponies. In fact...

Why was I afraid... anyway? She's a pony, like us, after all. I don't even mind the gryphons, yet I was afraid of another pony? Silly.

The night had dragged on and on. Soon enough, Fluttershy abandoned her post and fell asleep underneath Mac's wing. The impressive legion of animals would substitute for her for the time being. His hoof, too, soon began moving in a semi-automatic motion. Twilight was quick to pull the implements away.

"You ought to rest a little. We can handle it just the two of us from here."

As much as he wished to oblige, his body held different opinions. The two ponies fell into light slumber. He could feel the yellow mare's warmth close to his body. It reminded him of little Applebloom. One day, long ago, the filly had seen a shadow of a bear prowling dangerously close to the Acres. She wouldn't sleep, and Big Mac spent the entire night telling her stories as she cuddled to his side.

While the pegasus mare ceased to interact with the outside world, the red mountain still had kept a firm touch on reality. Without his eyesight, his ears worked overtime, twitching and adjusting after each spoken word. Both Zecora and her assistant were growing wary, and the countless hours proved that they made no progress since the beginning of the ordeal.

The unicorn groaned audibly, scolded by the zebra's firm tone at first. It wasn't long before the enchantress herself became maddened over the lingering issue. He could hear them chatting over something, but failed to pick up any solid words. They continued their discussion for a little while, Twilight eventually lowering her voice in solemn acceptance. What followed was the sound of hooves trotting against wood, stopping right before them. Mac had opened his eye lazily. Stripes of black and white ran from all the way to the top of his vision, ending on a soft smile.

"My friend, grave news we bear.

Your condition is beyond rare."

"I'm sorry Big Macintosh. We tried everything we know..."

"Not everything, Twilight Sparkle.

But my methods would find you quite startled.

I know arts I am willing to teach,

But I share them to you a time each."

"...what do you mean?"

"I shall look for the cure on my own.

The focus needed can be gained only alone.

I will come to your apple garden in a week,

Hopefully carrying the answer so unique.

For now, rest.

Return to your dwellings you best."

Zecora nodded. Her face appeared determined as never before. Her eyes were staring intently into his, sharing multitude of information no other pony could possibly understand. He knew she no longer meant him ill. She finally accepted him, just as he accepted her. In a way, the two had become friends. As her gaze twitched, he noticed she was still condescending towards himself. She had the full right to.

Perhaps one day I'll make up to her? No. I will do so. It's only right.

He felt a warmth engulf his back. He quickly rose his wings, spreading them slightly to his sides, once again forming the makeshift body-carriage. The purple miasma faded.

"I hope you won't mind carrying Fluttershy as we walk?"

"...eenope!" he beamed.