• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 1,061 Views, 12 Comments

Come with me, Luna - a human

Celestia, a nerdy unicorn, and Luna, a sporty pegasus, meet and sparks fly. Their friendship leads to the end of the world as they know it.

  • ...

Deleted Scenes

Erotic descriptions
I wanted to imply some sexual tension between Celestia and Luna, but in the early drafts the concept of subtlety was lost on me and we got passages like these.

Celestia opened her eyes. To her shock, she had turned around and was inches away from Luna's face. She realized it was the first time she had seen it in detail. Her eyes, so apologetic, were lined by beautiful thick eyelashes. Her mouth slightly opened as she tried to think of something to say. Her hair tousled around in the wind. Behind her Celestia could see the vast blue sky they had just flown in. It was too much. Caught in the moment, Celestia edged closer.

Celestia opened her eyes and looked up at Luna, whose face was inches from her. She looked so awkward and confused, but Celestia could see the kindness that lay underneath. The moment lasted only seconds, but to both of them it seemed much longer. Celestia started moving closer to Luna's face, and then Luna quickly set her down.

Original Ritual Ending
You know that part in chapter 2 where Celestia goes to Luna's house? That whole giant 2000 word section was originally this. I much prefer the extended one, but this has a couple things that didn't make it into the final story like an explanation of what they cult did to Luna.

– – – –

After giving detailed statements to the police, Luna's parents sent a doctor to the house to see what the kidnappers had done to her. His prognosis was surprising.

"Well, this is awkward, but you're actually in better health," the doctor said. "They must have spent every cent they had on the best healing spells and equipment available. You're healthier and stronger than most athletes right now."

"And… it's not going to have any side effects or anything?"

"Oh no," the doctor said, "not at all. You're just in the best health you could be."

Luna wondered. Why on earth would they heal her? Was that the "preparation?" But she only had so much time to think before her mother interrupted.

"Would you mind stepping out? We have a personal matter to discuss," she said.

"No problem," the doctor said, and left.

Luna's mother waited a couple seconds to make sure he was gone. "Luna, I know this might be a bit soon, but we have something important to tell you about the kidnapping."

"It's fine," Luna said, laughing nervously. "Since they actually healed me it's just sort of weird." She bent to look at her own hindquarters. "And the tattoo they gave me doesn't even look that bad."

Luna's father decided to break the news quickly. "Celestia doesn't have the luxury of looking at it like that," he said. "Her parents were the ones that kidnapped both of you. They were found at the scene… dead."

Luna's eyes widened. "What?"

"I didn't want to believe it either," Luna's mother said, "but that's how we found you. The magic residue they left behind when they teleported you away was unmistakable."

"And I remembered hearing rumors about them," Luna's father said. "Rumors they were part of a large, influential cult whose goal was to breed an immortal 'perfect leader.' We're still uncovering documents and spells from their house."

There was silence.

"Because of that, we've both agreed to take Celestia in," Luna's father said. "She has no other family to turn to, and after being raised by those people, she might be unstable. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Luna said, still reeling.

"We had to break the news to Celestia earlier, but we left out the part about the cult," Luna's mother said. "I doubt she could handle it right now. We asked the police to keep that part under wraps, and they agreed. They were pretty influential, so it would start a panic. If you could keep it a secret as well—"

"Of course," Luna said. "Where is she?"

"On the hill overlooking the town."

– – – –

Celestia sat on the hill, still. Beside herself. How could her parents commit suicide? Why? What reason could they possibly have?

She waited for a sign. A sign from fate that she could keep her faith in the world. Anything would do, anything at all.

But nothing came.

Nothing ever came.

Celestia's Original Recovery
The section in chapter 3 that talks about Celestia learning magic and recovering was much more sarcastic. I ended up cutting it because I wanted to include more detail about the magic Celestia was learning, but couldn't figure out how to work it into this.

Ever since that day, Celestia appeared to undergo a miraculous recovery. She started doing better and better in school until she was the top magic student in the city and granted access to the best laboratories to conduct her own experiments. School officials seemed confident in her ability to move the field forward. But somehow she had not let this obstruct her social life, even though previously she had very little. Now, inexplicably, she was extremely outgoing and had a large group of friends and many more acquaintances. If anyone had any fault with her it was that she was too perfect, and even then she only had to show them all the stuff she had blown up to convince them otherwise. And if they thought that was too dangerous, she need only point out even her most deranged mistakes had pushed weapons research ahead by decades. And if they thought that made her too perfect, she only had to rape them. (I might cut that.)

On the other hand, around that time a brutal serial killer started terrorizing the town, carving up ponies in ways that pushed the very limits of good taste and probability. With each death the murders were becoming more elaborate. Like the killer was practicing. And with each death the murders became more frequent. At their peak it was daily.

And, of course, Celestia was not able to take any of this seriously. This drove Luna nuts.

Original Celestia Confrontation
Not really of much interest, but includes a couple details that didn't make it into the final story.

"Yes," Celestia said, "I am." She waited for Luna to interrupt again. She didn't. "You see, some hundreds of years ago, no one knows exactly when, someone received prophetic vision. A cross between a pegasus and a unicorn would be created and unite the world under one common rule." Celestia opened her wings a bit. "Me."


"Look at the original document." Celestia projected an image of the old scroll with the picture of her on it. "This was drawn hundreds of years before I was born. My parents were part of a group that laid in wait for this prophecy to come true, and from the moment of my birth they noticed my uncanny resemblance to the prophesied ruler. While I was growing, they realized the time had come. I was the one."

Luna scoffed. "Did they know you would do this?"

"Possibly," Celestia said. "The prophecy mentioned periods of great strife before my rule." She smiled. "I suppose it doesn't matter if I'm the one that causes that."

"You're sick! Completely sick! And you've got the entire army of this nation and a couple others after you now! This is suicide!"

"Oh, so you don't know yet?" Celestia said. She laughed. "Armies are no longer of concern to me, other than a symbol of power. Let me demonstrate why." She turned to a guard huddling in the corner. "You. Come here."

Story Plan
This is the plan that I wrote the story off of. The Obama story was pretty ad hoc, but these days I write summaries like this before I write my stories. Pretty much all my plans for the Obama series I don't have memorized are written out like this.

It's in the far past. The civilization is nearly unrecognizable compared to what we see in the show. Celestia is a unicorn, an only child. Her family life seems normal enough. She attends a private school, and becomes close with a pegasus, Luna, who's a star athlete at the school.

At some point, her parents die under mysterious circumstances, and she's inconsolable. She's taken in by Luna's family, who's quite well-off. Slowly, she recovers.

Then it comes to light that Celestia's parents were part of a strange cult intent on breeding a perfect future immortal leader. Luna and her parents agree to keep this from her, but Celestia somehow gets ahold of some of her parent's belongings. Part of them consist of some of their arcane spells, which she begins to secretly study and perfect.

Celestia appears to make a miraculous recovery, but in reality this is only because she now has something to occupy herself with. And what she is occupying herself with becomes increasingly horrifying. People start hideously dying around the school, their organs being harvested for something, students and teachers mysteriously exempt. Luna begins suspecting Celestia is up to something, but not this, never this.

Then something strange happens.

One day, Celestia comes to school different. It's something oddly imperceptible. She looks the same, but she moves differently. Faster. Stronger. But like she's constantly restraining herself. And strangest of all is her hair. It no longer follows the rules of perspective properly, and looks extremely unnatural in a subtle way. Luna asks Celestia what's going on, but Celestia ignores her. She's confident. Cocky.

That night, Luna feels extremely ill. She vomits into a sink or something and stumbles back to bed, vowing to confront Celestia tomorrow. She briefly wonders why her sickness doesn't wake anyone.

She wakes up, a feeling of unease stirring her from her sleep. Hanging in the air is a grotesque silence. She walks around the house. No one. Empty. Some smoke is wafting around. Concerned, she checks her parents' room. Inside, she finds a shocking scene. Her parents have been brutally murdered, grotesquely mutilated in ways far beyond the other deaths surrounding the city. But something about it seems too intentional. Too artful. And written on the curtains, in blood, is a message: "Come with me, Luna." Next to it is a hole in the wall, through which Luna can see the Royal Castle.

She bolts out, flying towards the castle as fast as she can. She notices witnesses on the ground, silent, as if they've lost all hope. When she reaches the castle, she wonders where to go, but it quickly becomes obvious. There's a large hole blasted in the roof, which she goes in. Inside, she finds the entire royal family and assorted guards dead. They aren't torn apart like the other victims, but it's still brutal. At the center of the scene is Celestia, her transformation nearly complete. She's grown larger, her hair now completely separated from reality as we know it, and now has huge wings. Her eyes dart manically.

Luna is shocked, obviously. She asks Celestia if she really did all this. Celestia says as soon as she found out about her parent's research, she knew this was her destiny. To rule the world. Luna says something about risk and Celestia demonstrates her new immortality in typical Obamaverse fashion—by dismembering herself and making the accuser watch her body reconstruct itself. Except she doesn't do it herself, she forces a surviving guard, under threat of death, to slice her up for demonstration.

At some point, Luna vows to defeat Celestia even at the expense of her own life and lunges at her. Celestia swats her aside like a fly, and Luna ends up crushed under a pile of bricks. Luna is appalled and asks how Celestia could do this. Then Celestia says, "Luna, you're still alive."

Luna's body fixes itself, and she realizes Celestia made her immortal too.

Realizing she has no escape, she agrees to rule with Celestia.

The end.

Comments ( 7 )

Ah... I wish the story wasn't over yet...

and I unnecessarily hoped for some sexual tension between Celestia and Luna.


I considered handling the kidnapping more gracefully, but I couldn't resist that. :trollestia:

The story continues in my other works! Although it might be a bit hard to figure out how everything connects until the series finale.

And if you want sexual tension… remember, whatever attraction Celestia had for Luna, Luna did not reciprocate it and probably didn't even swing that way.

So, keeping that in mind, consider this line…

Her eyes widened in some sick state of arousal. "We would all rule together as one… happy family."

…and Luna and Celestia's emotional state at the end of the story.



... oh RIGHT...

And the 'suitable mate' thing, oh... i can't believe i only just get that


Okay, i guess i'm satisfied. :trollestia:

Yeah, I was trolling pretty hard there.

But admit it, you want to find out what happens next, don't you? :p

Now, I am not complaining. You've now added 4 stores to my backlog good sir. :twilightsmile:

Actually, there's a little more than that in the series. On my profile page I have a reading guide, and there's eight stories currently. These four are these only ones you need to read to understand everything, though, and you can even skip this one if you want. The rest of them are kind of just side stories.

I must admit, it was kind of funny to watch your comments go back through the all the sequels, haha. I was wondering how many people I was going to annoy by chaining that many stories together. :p

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