• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 528 Views, 6 Comments

Seed Of The Light - kainofthesand

Is everything in life merely a coincidence?

  • ...

The Origins

Seed Of The Light

From the time of the universes conception, they were blessed, with wisdom and power.
It was they who watched as life crawled out of the water. They watched as wars were waged and empires rose. They possessed the ability to not only see worlds, but the ability to see worlds that could, or would be.

But that is all that they did, watch.

With there immortality, they gained both the ability and the knowledge to stop wars and lead civilizations to a better future. But from the time of there creation they decreed that they would never interfere with the path of other worlds.

Interfering with other worlds could lead to disaster, for that world and its inhabitants.

Out of all the worlds they observed, one stood out to them. The inhabitants of of this world called there home "Earth". The beings of this world possessed a special ability that they remained un-aware of. From there world came many others, for there imagination had the power to create new and wondrous other worlds.

When enough minds were made aware of an invention from someones imagination, it created not only a new world, but an entirely new universe, and the immortals possessed a map to all of them.

Once a generation, the immortals would gather to observe "the oracle". An enormous diamond orb that would impart knowledge upon them. Knowledge of things that could or would be, or sometimes it was just a simple word or phrase that when spoken to the right person could change fate. But since they had vowed to never interfere with the matters of the universe, they would simply catalog these messages in there archives, never to be seen or heard again.

Until the day that the oracle imparted a special message………

Her hooves cooped against the stone floor as she galloped as hard as her legs could carry her. She was equine by nature, as all the immortals resembled different animals. Her coat was an ever shifting and changing rainbow of every color in the spectrum, and her mane and tail were a raging fire of cosmic stardust.

She had to run, she had stolen something of importance from the archives. And now her own kind were hunting her for breaking there law.
She stopped and looked over at a mirrored wall to her left, she sighed at the sight of the long pointed horn that now protruded from her forehead. It was a beautiful addition, but it symbolized that she was on her way to her doom.

When an immortal exuded an excess amount of power, the result was that there form would change depending on the immortal. She had seen some of her brethren sprout extra arms or a tail, but this was an ill omen indeed.

When an immortal exhausted to much of there power, they turn to something that is neither sand nor dust, and they sees to exist.

But she didn't have time to worry about her own fate, she had a larger fate to deal with. She had lost a lot of power in the conflict to escape, and she was almost home free.

She trotted to the edge of there realm and looked out into the endless ocean of stars and cosmos. She needed to use a lot of power to get to where she needed to go.

She focused on the diamond orb within her chest that represented her well of power, but before she could activate it, she caught whiff of someone she knew.

"Skulking around as usual, Kit?" She turned around to see the form of a fox. Its body was composed of white fire, and it had a third eye in the center of its forehead. The fox looked at her, not with contempt or threat, but worry and concern.

"I came to try and stop you, Zelo."

Zelo scoffed and took on a demeaning pose before the fox. After the fight she had just survived she should have prepared for battle, but she had known Kit for so long she knew that he didn't pose an immediate threat.

"Then you only came to fail, Kit. I will not be stopped until I have delivered this message." She stated with her eyes narrowed.

"Zelo, please, I beg you to re-consider. What do you expect to accomplish with this?"

Zelo looked down at her hooves as she let the knowledge of what she was doing sink in.

"Im not entirely sure, Kit. But I'm tired, I'm tired of sitting and doing nothing while the universe suffers. We hold the knowledge to change lives, to make the universe a better place, and yet we do nothing."

"But why now, Zelo? Whats so special about *this* message that you're willing to risk so much? Are four words really worth it?"

Zelo looked on at the burning fox, she realized that this would be the only chance she had to tell someone her motive.

"Its hard to describe, when I heard the message, I……felt something. Like this message was something that I had to hold and protect, to get it where it would be needed. The thought of letting it sit in the archives for all time filled me with a sorrow I had never felt before."

Zelo took on a serious look at the fox, she may have known him for a long time, but right now he was still a potential threat.

"You're either with me, or against me, Kit."

Kit sighed as he looked sadly up at Zelo, in his heart he knew this would be the last time seeing her.

"Neither, Zelo. I do not want you to fall, but I cannot help you in this. You know, I've always considered you my friend."

Zelo snorted as she turned her back to the fox.

"Friendship is a joke, Kit. Others only seek friends to get something they want. Our own kind only make friends so that they can one up or gain advantage over another. So do not hold me to such a falsehood."

"I hope that you change your mind Zelo, before this is all over."

Zelo activated the orb in her chest, she looked over her shoulder as she began to fade from her current universe.

"Save your hope for our people, Kit."

She winked out of existence as every particle of her body shot through the endless cosmos. She felt as she traveled that her body was to be altered one again, but she cared not that she would have another addition to her body. She felt it when she first heard the message she now carried. It was like an innocent child was looking at her to please get it where it needed to go.

The oracle imparted that this message had the potential to change lives, to bring light and happiness to those who were trapped in darkness.
Zelo had seen from history that hope was a power that was greater than any amount of weapons. If this message had the ability to to do all that, then it was worth losing everything.

She blinked back into existence, her back felt heavy as she looked out onto the endless desert of sand and dunes. She looked at her back to see a set of feathered wings. They splayed out filled with a multitude of shimmering feathers.

She had less time than she thought, but she still had a long way to go.

This planet was the first that was created, and while today it was nothing more than a dessert planet of sand, because it was the first it acted as an axis point to every other world in the universe.

Zelo stood upright atop one of the many dunes, tapping into her well of power, she began the process.

"Gate of entry, I summon thee!" She bellowed letting the power flow out.

The sands around her collected and swirled around her. Her people realized that the gateway could be used for ill deeds. In there fear of this, they reduced the gateway to sand, and not long after the whole planet followed suit.

The sand raged around her before forming a giant spiral above her. The gateway was looking into her as it determined if she and her quest were worthy.
The spiral was a mystery, even to the immortals.

The spiral dispersed before it crashed at her hooves. Zelo watched as the gate materialized before her. Upon its front was engraved an image of a great tree, representing the tree of life. The door towered over her as the hinges of it creaked and groaned from being closed for countless years. As the door creaked open, a brilliant white light beamed through.

Zelo knew that stepping through the gateway would mean that her end would not be far off, but she had come so far, there was no chance that she was going to turn back now.

She extended her new wings as she stepped a hoof through the threshold.

And she was gone.

Bonnie sat in the lush field of grass as she watched her pony friend graze. She loved how peaceful Japan was, but her daddy had mentioned that they might be moving back to America soon. She hated the thought of having to leave behind her pony. Over the years he had become her best friend, tending to his needs and talking to him gave her a feeling of happiness and fulfillment.

Bonnie stood as she brushed the grass from her pants, it was time for his afternoon sugar cube.

Before she could turn to make her way to the stables, she heard a loud boom just over the other hill.

She ran over the hill to investigate the source of the noise, but what she saw took her breath away.
At first glance it looked like a horse was laying in the grass, but this horse was different.

Its coat and mane were like nothing she had ever seen, not to mention that it had both wings and a horn. Bonnie approached the creature carefully, trying not to spook it.

The creature looked up at her with a look of pain, and Bonnie's heart melted at the plight of the creature.

"Its ok, I'm not going to hurt you." She stated softly to the pained creature.

"Are you the one called Faust?" The creature asked with urgency.

Bonnie's heart stopped when she heard the creature speak.

"Woah, I didn't know that horses could talk. Well, I didn't know that they had wings or horns either."

The creature looked at her with urgency, it tried to move but was to weak to do so.

"Please, I don't have a lot of time left. Are you the one called Faust?" Bonnie saw that this creature was desperate to be heard, so she took a seat next to it as she took its hoof in her hand.

"Im sorry, I don't know who that is. My name is Bonnie."

The creature looked down at the ground with a look of defeat, like its whole world was broken.

"Then my message will be lost, I've failed."

Bonnie saw the sadness in the creatures eyes, she could never help but feel sad at the sorrow of others. She could see that this creature had been through a lot, and that it was heart broken at not finding this Faust person.

"If you'd like, you could tell me the message. I promise that if I find this Faust person, Ill tell them."

The creature looked at her like it was rolling the idea over. In the end, she knew that this was the only option left to her.

She gestured for Bonnie to come closer. The creature whispered the words into the young girl's ear before letting its head fall onto the grass.

"Please just hold on. My daddies a veterinarian, he can help you." Bonnie pleaded to the weakening creature.

"Don't, I don't have any time left anyway. I would like it if you stayed with me though."

Bonnie felt a tear roll down her cheek, the sight of the creature as it died brought her to the brink of heart break. She gripped the creature's hoof in her hand as her beautiful rainbow coat faded to grey.

The creature looked over at the pony that grazed in the field. Zelo had always liked the creatures that she resembled, and she had always wanted to see a real one in the flesh. She chuckled lightly as she realized the irony that she sees one now, at the end of her long life.

"Is he yours?" The creature asked weakly.

Bonnie looked over at the pony with a warm smile.

"Yes, and he is my best friend." Zelo had never thought that a friendship could be so pure. Suddenly her bleak view of friendship didn't seem so logical.

"Then make sure you take good care of him, for me." Bonnie felt more tears fall from her eyes, if her heart wasn't broken before, it was now.

"I will, I promise."

The creature then dispersed into dust, and flew away with the wind.

Bonnie sat alone now as only the sound of the wind blowing over the grass was left. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood and walked over to her pony friend. He nuzzled into her as she sobbed. She stayed like that with her friend until the tears dried up.

~Years latter~

Bonnie sat in the toy store signing autographs for the little girls who loved her ponies. Hasbro had loved her idea for a line of pony toys, after she had had to say goodbye to her pony friend, she thought that every girl should have a pony friend of there own. Seeing the little girls playing with the ponies that they loved filled her with nostalgia of her own youth.

But even in her older age she never forgot the strange creature, or the message it entrusted to her.

Bonnie looked down to see a cute little girl looking up at her with a pink pony in her hand. She looked a little shy, but her eyes shimmered with wonder and excitement.

The little girl passed a blue notebook with a pony on the cover to Bonnie.

Bonnie smiled at the little girl as she picked up a pen and opened the notebook.

"Hi sweetie, and whats your name?" The little girl looked to her mom before looking back at Bonnie.

"Lauren, Lauren Faust. I really like your ponies." The little girl said with a sweet little voice.

Bonnie froze, and her eyes grew wide. It seemed to be an impossible coincidence, but if life had taught Bonnie anything, it had taught that everything happens for a reason.

"Well thank you sweet heart. Take good care of your pony for me, ok?"

Bonnie signed her name to the notebook, and finally, she was able to pass the strange creatures message to the one it was meant to be with. To Bonnie, it felt like she was re-uniting a lost puppy with its owner.

Bonnie passed the notebook back to the little girl who thanked her with glee before skipping off with her mom.

Bonnie Zacherle-
To my most faithful fan, Lauren Faust.
Keep believing, keep pretending.

Author's Note:

I was pleased to learn that My Little Pony was not born in some corporate office as a ploy to sell toys to little girls.
It started pure and innocent, with a young girl and the pony she loved.
If that isn't a gift from a higher power, then I don't know what is

Comments ( 6 )

Promethus gave of himself to bring the light of the gods, to men themselves.
So from this selfless sacrifice, man pulled its way out of the darkness, cloaked with a burning flame to lead its way.
But fate is not always kind to those who deserve kindness, and thus was Prometheus, bound by the chains of his selfless deed, forced to watch as his great gift was not only squandered, but corrupted and reshaped into a tool of malice and hatred.
Now he watches, silent in his pain, as the light he gave to protect all mankind slowly burns it away, until not but ash remains.

This to, is a story of courage........



So bleak a thought, for a tale undeserving. One day, perhaps, all the works of men will be dust. One way, or another, this will occur. It will not be at the hands of humanity, if it is at the hands of men - it will be at the hands of few men. These are truths, but this is not the place to tell them. This is a story of light, not darkness. Perhaps the flame will grow to an inferno and burn everything to ash... but it started as a spark of light - not a burst of shade.

This is a story about hope and wonder, not misery and destruction.

Please do not treat it so.

There are errors here, in its telling. There are mistakes. But it is a pure tale - perhaps a bit sad - but pure. I, for one, enjoyed it. It is a story of light, not darkness. Of birth, not death. This is not the story of the inferno, it's the story of the candle from whence it came - the spark of imagination.

Please do not make it into something it is not, I entreat you.

Well spoken, Train Track. Well spoken:fluttercry:

Soft Shell * Puts a random bunch of words together that sound cool *
Train Track * Retaliates by using an actual well thought out response *
Soft Shell admits defeat

bravo bravo this was both instersting and beautiful:heart: this story gets :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

too traintrake and soft shell you both get a:moustache: traintrake for making shuch a well thought out response and soft shell for admiting defeat
theres to many on the internet who don't no when to quit

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