• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 1,456 Views, 53 Comments

The Cassandra Crossovers - CassandraMyOCisBestpony

A spinoff of the smash hit fanfic "The Cassandra Chronicles." My OC Cassandra journeys to alternate dimensions, and helps them learn the magic of Friendship

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Phoenix Wright

A/N: This chapter contains spoilers of only the original Phoenix Wright Trilogy..

Chapter 5: Phoenix Wright

Cassandra and her friends were summoned to the ostensibly Japanese section of Los Angeles California to help Phoenix Wright solve a murder mystery.

"Hey, I recognize you ponies from "Turnabout Storm" said Phoenix, "Cassandra, I appreciate you sitting it out so that Twilight wouldn't get jealous."

"Anytime" said Cassandra, "so what's the situation?"

"We've narrowed it down to two suspects: Lynn O'Sint and Jill Tea. But I have no idea how to determine which one did it."

"Hmm, that is a predicament. Let's get some help from Maya Fey."

They went to Kurain village where Maya and Pearl were waiting for them.

"Hey Nick!" said Maya, "did you bring me a burger?"

"It's not good for you to have burgers all the time. Have a salad" said Cassandra, "if you don't mind me saying, you're as flat as a board, so you don't have to worry about losing fat in the wrong places." Maya was really glad that Cassandra visited, it wasn't often she got such sage advice.

"How's your reading coming along, Pearls?" said Phoenix to the little girl.

"It's great, Mr. Nick! I can almost read at a first-grade level!"

"Well fancy that! So can I!" said Applejack, "shot in th' dark but d'you hate machines too?"

"Yeah! They're so confusing."

"Well wallop mah withers, Pearl. This could be th' beginning of a beautiful friendship." The two of them ran off to play.

"Mystic Maya, your robes are so chic" said Rarity, who thought that pretty much everything was chic, "and your green number-6 is just a fabulous accessory."

"What's a 'burger?' asked Fluttershy.

"Ummmm.... hey Maya how about those salads?" said Twilight Sparkle deflectively

"Can we keep her Nick?" asked Maya.

"Wellllll," said Pinkie Pie, "considering that we're sentient creatures with lives of our own back home...It depends on how much cake you give us."

"Is she going to eat all my snacks, Nick? If so, then I might have to reconsider."

"Could we get back to the issue at hoof, Maya? I believe you have information for us" said Cassandra.

"Oh, right of course, here you go."

"And while we're here, can you channel the dead guy so we can ask who killed him?"

"Holy shit, why didn't we think of that?" said Phoenix.


Applejack and Pearl sat in the living room watching TV.

"This teller-vision program sure is complicated." said Applejack, "it must be fer smart ponies only! What'd ya say it was called again?"

"Sesame Street, Miss Applejack. Can we watch something else?"

"How 'bout 'The Big Bang Theory?' They got them smarty pant science people on there, so it must be a smart show!"

"That's enough TV for now" said Cassandra coming into the room, "we have to get moving."


They arrived at the detention center, where the defendant, Bryce Stander was being held.

"I can help you" said Phoenix, "but I need you to tell me the truth."

"YOU CAN'T HANDLE TH' TRUTH!" screamed Applejack. The others stared at her with a "WTF" look.


"So you see, Phoenix Wright, I have you cornered in every sense of the word! You were a fool to challenge me!" Franziska von Karma laughed out loud. Phoenix was sweating profusely, his teeth chattering. All hope of maintaining his composure was lost, and the case soon would be too.

"Mr. Wright," said the judge, "if you have nothing more to add, I am ready to make my ruling. I find your client, the defendant..."

"OBJECTION!!!" There was a loud precussive beat, as the frame cut to several people in the courtroom's shocked expressions. Finally, the camera set on the speaker. It was the best lawyer in Equestria, and the most beautiful (dead excluded) in the universe, Cassandra! "Sorry I'm late, but I brought the evidence, it's a fully-loaded semiautomatic. I got ambushed by every villain from the Phoenix Wright games, but leaving the evidence uncompromised was so important to me that I left the machine gun in its bag and fought them off with my bare hooves."

From the gallery, Photo Finish spoke up, "I move zat ve make an exception to ze ban on cameras in ze courtroom, because mere drawings cannot capture ze amazingness of zis moment!"

"Motion emphatically sustained!" declared the Judge, banging his gavel down.

They had to interrupt the trial to take a sexy photoshoot with Cassandra. That's not a joke, it's pretty normal compared to the stuff that usually happens in the courtroom.

"By the way, Cassandra, where's Applejack?" said Phoenix

"The villains were catching up to us, when she fell and broke her leg because she's a clumsy pony. I had to decide between rescuing her or the evidence."

Twilight put a hoof on Cassandra's shoulder, "You made the right decision."

"Yes indeed Cassandra" said Phoenix, "because with this evidence, I can turn the case around!"

Franizka started throwing a tantrum,

"Foolish fool with a foolish fooling fools! You fools are all so foolish!!!" She tried to whip Cassandra, but the shrewd pegasus dodged and snatched the whip out of her hands.

"You're such a brat, you know that? Let's see how you like it!"

"Owww, stop it! That hurrrrrts" whined Franziska. She ran out of the courtroom crying.

"In light of new evidence, I think the verdict is clear" said the judge, "Cassandra, I would be honored if you banged my gavel for me."

"I would, your honor, but I don't want to make you insecure about your own gavel-banging skills." The gallery was moved by Cassandra's thoughtfulness.

"NOT GUILTY" flashed across the screen.

Author's Note:

For those of you who need a fix of Edgeworth and Apollo, don 't worry, they'll each get their own chapter.