• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 2,996 Views, 197 Comments

The Lone Wanderer's Journey - SteelyThePally

What happens when the Mane 6 are trapped forever in the Capital Wasteland?

  • ...

Revelations Part 2

Author's Note:

Yes, new chapter. For those who didn't read the revised chapters and had the greatly appreciated patience to check the new version of this story, I would rather recommend going to chapter one and reading it from there, since many things changed from the original version.

Rather than that, leave a comment on how much this chapter sucked.


Jason's hand was raised abruptly, all of the six girls walking lazily behind him coming to a halt. They were just climbing up a particular step hill, The Wanderer's tall figure remained still on top of it, his eyes narrowed. They all shared confused glances, but looked forward as Jason pointed towards the orange-tinted horizon:

Jefferson Memorial.

The gigantic, circular structure appeared to be utterly old, most of its concrete with enormous cracks. Pipes that sooner or later would be consumed by rust and time stretched their way around the memorial, ending up in the murky, green waters of Tidal Basin. On one side, a large catwalk, probably made out of steel, seemed to be the most recent addition to the building. An aged bridge connected the memorial's surface to the rest of Washington D.C, equally damaged and cracked.

"What's that... thing?" The curious voice of Twilight Sparkle rang in, as if speaking for all of her confused friends.

"Jefferson Memorial... or should I call it 'Project Purity'? God knows why it was built, but who cares? I'm here for my father, not for historical info." Jason replied to her question, not even turning his head to face her. He was too concentrated on determining what were those little, yellow figures walking around the catwalk. The Wanderer then surprised himself as he counted four yellow spots. Trouble surely waited for him. Still, he had his own plans to solve it.

Jason accessed his Pip-Boy for a second, bringing to reality two of his scavenged 10mm pistols that he kept as back up. Both of them were loaded, ready to kill. He turned on his heels and threw them in the air.

Rainbow and Applejack grabbed the metallic, L-shaped objects in the air, their backs arching on the slightest due to the weapons' weight. Upon getting a better grip on the pistols, Dash and Applejack eyed Jason with solid, questioning stares.

"It's yours now. Make good use of them." Jason stated and thumbed the girls up.

"B-but, sugarcube! What are those things?" Applejack frowned and added a bit more of strength on her right arm to keep the handgun firm on her grasp.

"Pistols. Basic weapons. A shot to the chest or the head, and 'boom', you're dead." The Wanderer carelessly responded as he used his hands to imitate a pistol.

"W-were k-killing pon... I mean, people?" Rainbow shakily asked back, her magenta eyes gleaming in the afternoon sun with pure fear.

"Well, yes. I do need back up in combat." He replied, staring at Rainbow with a warm look, despite the situation.

Rainbow and Applejack were frightened. In their hands, in their own, bare hands, rested killing machines. Things that could easily take lives of anyone, or anything. Weapons that topped off the sharpest spear in the Royal Guard's armory. They both shivered at those thoughts. Jason himself wanted them to try them out. He suspiciously examined the surroundings, but found no possible threat.

"C'mon, give them a try. Lay your eyes behind the sights, hold it far from your face unless you want to lose some teeth, and press the trigger."

Both girls worriedly glanced at their friends: Twilight's expression was blank, Rarity seemed indifferent, Fluttershy was obviously frightened and Pinkie Pie's eyes were wide as dinner plates. Jason took a step back and lifted his arm high. The now armed young women, however, took Jason's words as orders. The arm held up high came down in one fluid gesture. They swallowed the lumps in their throats, raised the heavy pistols up front, and pressed their shaking fingers slowly towards the trigger. Rainbow's pistol muzzle was a bit lower than Applejack's, but that wouldn't be a problem, would it?


Jason's eyes closed in sudden pain. Blood flew from his leg as the bullet struck him, followed by a river of the same fluid going down his foot. He threw himself on his back and landed squarely on his rear, both hands on the fresh wound on his left leg. A scream of agony filled the once quiet atmosphere around them.

If Rainbow felt guilty for badmouthing Jason earlier, her heart sunk into her chest as she saw what she just did. Her friends gasped as one as they saw his blood slowly staining his blue jumpsuit, and ran to Jason's aid, joining Dogmeat as it circled its owner with concern. But Dash remained still, wide-eyed, panicking in the inside, frozen on the outside.

"Jason! W-what happened?" Twilight worriedly looked down at his bleeding leg, cringing in horror.

"Argh... don't worry, just a shot to the..." A louder groan escaped from his lips, his face contorting at the new wave of pain coursing through his body.

He sat and rocked back and forth on the warm sand. A rather large puddle of his own blood formed under his shot leg. He signaled quickly to make the girls back up, but Dogmeat kept by his side. He had to think fast.

Taking a throaty breath to recompose himself, he accessed his PipBoy's monitor and searched frantically through the 'miscellaneous' section. His eyes narrowed as he found what he needed: a medical forceps. The metallic tool materialized itself on his hand, threatening to fall from his grasp. Jason applied more pressure on the forceps and guided the tip to his stained wound. His neck tilted to the point of letting out a bony *pop* as he screamed in agony. The tips were fiddling with every muscle, every layer of tissue on his innards. A near nonexistent noise of metal clanking against metal made him open his eyes: he had found the bullet.

Twilight turned around as she felt her stomach doing backflips. The scene was utterly gross for her eyes. Rarity joined her afterwards, followed by Fluttershy's panicking figure. The fashion designer held her friend close, trying to keep her calm. Pinkie simply looked at Jason helping himself as the forceps came out, a bloodstained small, cylindrical object in its tips. He threw it far away, weakly smiling as the bullet bounced off in the sand. She watched with new-found interest as he pulled a large set of bandages from his wrist-computer, and wrapped it around the wound. The once-snow white fabric was immediately painted in a dark red.

They all faced him with surprise, save for Rainbow, as Jason lifted himself slowly from the ground, face still contorted. He maintained his feet in the air for a second. Jason knew that he wasn't going far with a bleeding leg, not to mention a terribly aching leg. Pulling out one last item from the PipBoy that resembled a common syringe, he bent over and stabbed it on his wound. Letting out a quiet groan, he stomped on the empty syringe and stood up with a serious expression. The pain in his wound was gone

"Med-X... I should really stop taking that thing..." Jason stated as his vision went red for mere moments, blurring his eyesight afterwards.

"A-a-are you o-okay, J-Jason?" Rainbow immediately ran to his side, putting her hand on his shoulder and looking at him with a deep, utterly apologetically look. "I'm so, so, so sorry!!!"

"Rainbow... it was your first time shooting a gun. Don't worry. I've taken worse." Jason tried to reassure her with a weak smile.

She backed away and held the pistol low. The look in her magenta eyes remained the same, her gaze dropping to scorching surface beneath. Dash gave a long sigh and tried to busy herself with finding a place to store her new weapon. Applejack saw her attempts and mimicked her friend.

Their walk towards the Memorial was growing awkward by each moment. Dogmeat faithfully followed the wounded Jason, licking the blood dripping from the wound to keep hydrated. The girls couldn't help but to find Jason's walking disturbing to the max: how could someone walk with such a hole in the leg? His pace was eerily normal, and his distant expression showed no signs of discomfort. The sun groggily made its way down on the horizon.

Jason shot his hands up victoriously as they reached for the bridge. He put his feet on the decaying asphalt and happily marched towards his objective. Twilight followed him close, waiting for the opportunity to ask him what he used on his injury to apparently numb it. However, his hand abruptly came up and touched her in the chest to stop. She gasped in surprise.

"Wait. I just remembered something. Hold up for a second."

He crouched to his knees and a large, silvery weapon materialized itself on his arms. A scope rested on top of it, right where Jason's eyes were set. The barrel moved from side to side, coming to a stop. A mad grin was set across his face.

"What are you doing, darling?" Rarity's voice interrupted him.

"Simple. Sniping!"


The muzzle lightened up with a split-second yellow flash as Jason took a step backwards from the recoil. Recomposing himself in his shooting stance, The Wanderer set eyes on the scope again: an headless corpse of what was revealed as a Super Mutant. Its muscular, mutated body fell on the catwalk lifelessly, a fellow comrade running at its direction.

The trigger was pressed once again: the bullet hit the alerted mutant right on the side of the head, but it didn't got eviscerated. Half of his skull survived the impact, allowing Jason to get a full view of a Super Mutant's brain before it collapsed. He let out a morbid laugh that even he doubted that he could emit. This scared the girls greatly, specially Fluttershy.

The Wanderer noticed another Super Mutant madly rushing towards the source of the gunfire with an intimidating rocket launcher in its big hands. Jason's heart pounded inside his rib-cage as he saw that the missile was specially reserved for him. A shot to the chest, and blood poured like a fountain from the impressive, gory hole caused by the bullet. Much to Jason's luck, the bullet passed through the Super Mutant's limp body, and hit his other companion on the stomach. While it made way lesser damage, the yellow abomination got on its armored knees, coughed and waited for Death's embrace.

"Pffft. Didn't know Super Mutants could go down so easily." Jason stood up and chuckled, removing his eyes from the scope and slowly continuing to walk on the hole-riddled bridge.

"J-Jason, I think that there's s-something b-behind us..." Fluttershy's soft and gentle voice came in, her face disappearing behind her light pink hair.

Jason turned around and listened close: the sick laugh of a Super Mutant. They might have heard the gunfire from the distance. He didn't panic, though. He had plenty of ammo for his rifle, and two armed girls to assist him. The Wanderer laid eyes on the scope once again as he spotted a yellow forehead emerging from a pile of rubble. One more for the kill count?


That sound. A single click that grimly announced the death of whoever was in possession of the empty gun. With that click, it's either run or die.

"You're fucking kidding me..." Jason whimpered as he checked the ammo: empty. No rounds left.

The Super Mutant revealed a big, intimidating minigun being lazily carried on his arms. The barrel spun rapidly, ready to open fire. Jason gasped.


Jason and Dogmeat jumped awkwardly but effectively dodged the oncoming barrage of lightning bullets raining down. Pieces of asphalt hopped from the road, dangerously landing near The Wanderer's feet. His heart beat less crazily for the simple fact that the girls were at a good distance from himself. He sped up his pace to catch up with them.

They finally set foot on the dirt-covered piece of land where Jefferson Memorial stood proudly. The Super Mutant was thankfully out of range to even see them. Jason signaled for the huffing women to go on. They all groaned with the mere exception of Fluttershy, stood up and reached for their 'leader'. He looked with pure hope at the green door before his eyes. The Wanderer opened it, allowed them to go in first, and left a simple present to the incoming mutants: three fragmentation mines.

The door closed with the wind blowing outside and enveloped the group into a pitch-black darkness, save for the dim source of light coming down from the hallway. The disgusting scent of dampness and an incredibly cold atmosphere hit them hard the moment the door was shut. Rarity immediately brought her hands upwards and covered her nose and mouth, humming in angst. Dogmeat growled strangely, too. Jason took notice of his dog's aggressive position and her quiet hum, following their eyes and her right arm, pointing to the possible source of the putrid smell: a centaur right were the halls took a curve. Its numerous, abnormal legs moved in perfect synchronization, emitting strange and alien sounds with each step. The head, barely resembling a human, had wildly swinging tentacles coming from a distorted mouth, made entirely out of gleaming flesh.

Fluttershy clung to Jason's back in instinct the moment her eyesight caught that abomination. Jason's eyebrows shot up in surprise due to Fluttershy's selection on where to shield herself. He turned with a fatherly gaze in his brown irises, grabbed her hands and lifted them to her ears. He turned on his heels again, wielded his hunting rifle, cocked it with the growing-loose bolt and shot.

With a 'thud', the centaur fell on its head awkwardly, blood dripping from the bullet wound. Jason pushed the bolt and crouched to his knees, hearing chatter and heavy footsteps on the distance. The women followed his gesture and lowered their bodies, the footsteps coming to their ear-shot. Finally, the sounds revealed themselves to be yet another tall and bulky mutant, assault rifle in hands. He barely noticed the dead centaur laying in the light. With a harsh turn on his heels, he got back to whenever he came from.

A collective breath of relief rang out in the silent air. Jason placed one finger on his lips to seal a truce of complete, dead silence, and then used it to point towards the dying light. It was difficult for them to move so low and so slowly, specially for Applejack and Rainbow, who carried the 10mm pistols. A stop, and The Wanderer tucked his head in the room. All that he saw was two Super Mutants who thankfully had their yellow backs turned, and an ever-rotating ceiling Mark-IV turret. He quickly got back to cover and inhaled deeply.

"There's a considerable amount of bad guys there. Stay here: I'll come up with a plan." Jason whispered and earned nods from the group.

Accessing his PipBoy, Jason's face was lit up by the green light coming from it and came up with a new object in his hands, something that resembled a flat radio full of wires and a wristband. He wrapped the device on his right, free wrist, and pressed a specific button: Jason disappeared.

"Can you guys see me?" He whispered, chuckling quietly at their amazed expressions, only Dogmeat not impressing itself. That was an 'yes' for him. "Wait for a minute: I'll be right back, then we can move on."

Being invisible to normal eyesight, and even to scanners, Jason stood up and tiptoed to the terminal that he happened to spot on his tuck-in. Typing every word with precision and a worrying slow speed, Jason typed his guess on the password: "Horse". He smiled in his stealth cloak, having full access on the turret's database. Using his mild hacking skills with terminals, he changed the assignment of targets. One click on the 'enter' key, and the turret was at his command.

It mercilessly gunned down the unsuspecting Mutants, visceral liquid painting the floor as they fell face-first. Jason whistled to get their attention, accidentally startling Twilight with his unseen hand being set on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm right here. You can clearly see my outlines. Stand up, and let's go."

"So awesome..." Rainbow muttered to herself as she saw the actual details of his body, such as the raised strands of his hair, or the torn-up parts of his cloth. His weapon was also easily seen due to its form.

Six figures raised from the dark and stepped into the light, right on the tracks of The Wanderer. Twilight easily noted that Jason had taken a stop and bent over to loot the bodies, for some reason storing some ammunition magazines in his wrist-computer, eventually storing the weapons that would probably accept those magazines. It still felt strange for her, witnessing a person robbing the dead. But after he had told her what he has been through, she mildly understood why.

Jason noticed a door with a dusty plate on it, reading "Rotunda". If there was a place where his father could be, it would be there. He could feel it. Opening the door, he was received with a idling Super Mutant, it's figure being easily seen in the blue aura of the room. The thought that his father was either dead or seriously hurt by it overcame his mind: signaling to the girls to guard the door, he climbed a brief stair case and launched himself in the air, unsheathed his knife and brutally assaulted the creature with powerful, lightning-speed stabs. Dogmeat ran towards another mutant that emerged from the rotunda, jumping high enough to reach for the neck. A sharp-teethed bite, and it came down. He gave the already severed gut a few more bites, blooding his muzzle.

"J-Jason, I think that something i-is coming at us!" Dash shouted as she saw Jason rushing around the rotunda for any kind of information.

"I gave you that pistol for a reason!" He shouted back.

Both Dash and Applejack gulped as they heard the heavy footsteps, together with a frightening, throaty yell, neared their position. The other girls, except for Pinkie Pie who secretly grabbed a resting assault rifle from the nearest wall for no good reason, crawled behind the ill-armed duo. The grips on the handles' tightened, sweat came rolling on their porcelain faces, their breathing got heavier by each moment that passed.

Unfortunately, the Super Mutant came ready for them. Wielding a hunting rifle similar to Jason's, but way more repaired, he shot a single bullet at the group. Rainbow and Applejack ducked at the right time, feeling it darting through their hair. A whimper of pain wasn't what they were waiting for. While the shot didn't hit her completely, Fluttershy now sported a red, visceral graze on her arm. Not withstanding the burning sensation scouring her fragile body, she fell to her knees, her eyes watering.

"You hurt my friend?!? No pony hurts my friends!!! YOU MEANIE!!!!!" An enraged shriek filled the atmosphere.

The always bubbly Pinkie Pie now had a scorching look of rage in her eyes, hair going flat for a second. Her shout was so loud and so terrifying that the Super Mutant stood there, unable to even reach for the trigger, or even the bolt. Its eyes went wide for a second.

Pinkie jumped in front of her friends, assault rifle loaded. Squeezing the trigger, she barely staggered from the sudden barrage of shots coming from the muzzle. Her face was lit up in the dark room my the yellow flash, a serious, penetrating stare in her once happy and cheerful eyes. The unexpected surpressive fire ended finally, leaving only a hole-riddled torso in the distance, and a trail of grey smoke coming from the rifle's tip. Pinkie showed that she had also grabbed a few ammo magazines with her, reloading the gun with mild difficulty, but impressive knowledge for someone who never laid hands on one.

Her friends watched with utter confusion as her hair returned to its normal, puffy state, and the look of rage dissipated from her face, replaced by one of concern. She immediately got down on her knees, and with quick, confusing sentences, tried to comfort Fluttershy.

"What the hell happened here, girls?" Jason, having returned to his natural visibility, entered the lobby with a couple of audio tapes in his hands. Dogmeat followed him suit.

"Those mean, bad yellow creepies hurt Fluttershy!" Pinkie's voice answered his question, her head raising from the tight embrace that she was giving to her shy friend.

"You... somehow..." The Wanderer's face went blank as he spotted the loaded assault rifle, and the injured Fluttershy. "Nevermind. Let me help ya there, Flutters."

He gave the room a quick scour with his brown eyes and spotted a sole first-aid box attached to the wall. He gave a few steps to reach for it and checked its content: two Stimpaks, three Med-Xs and a Rad-Away. He smiled for a second, grabbed the medical tools and raced back to where Fluttershy was laying. When he looked down at her crying figure, his heart sunk: he surely knew that she was fragile, but now, with that graze on her arm, she looked utterly defenseless. The Wanderer marked that as a reminder that the Wasteland was surely the worst place that he ever set foot upon.

Crouching to her side, Jason smiled weakly to her, wiped a tear off and injected whatever the Stimpak contained in its innards. Fluttershy winced for the last time as her graze closed shut. Raising her head, she gave The Wanderer a warm, friendly with her still wet eyes. The Wanderer stood up and stretched his hand out to help her get back on her feet. With that done, a Stimpak to stop the bleeding on his leg and a quick reload in his rifle, Jason was once again ready to go on with his search.

"D-darling, what are those... things?" Rarity nudged him, her eyes gleaming in the darkness.

"Super Mutants. I don't know what they are exactly, but it's quite obvious that they were once human. The truth is that they hunt people, capture them, and try to bring those poor fellas to somewhere with the... 'Green Stuff'." The Wanderer answered, thinking deeply for a second as he scratched his chin.

"Well, sugarcube. Did ya find any clue on where yer father is?" Applejack came in.

"Well, aside from a few audio logs that look pretty old, nothing. But something tells me that this place has more than just this room..."

The Wanderer narrowed his eyes as he spotted a metallic door in the distance. It was in the same fashion as those seen at metro service tunnels, probably leading to somewhere deeper in the memorial's structure. His first guess was a maintenance area. Walking towards it, he noticed the buttons that worked as doorknobs, and with a simple push, multiple rusty noises filled their ears. The numerous pieces of steel moved into the wall, retracting to the point of leaving the gap between the lobby and the deeper reaches open.

As they entered the new, dim-lighted tight tunnels, Twilight couldn't help herself but to ponder at how many technological marvels she saw during her time with this uncanny wanderer: Weapons that launched deadly projectiles, doors that opened faster than ordinary ones, little computers wrapped to someone's wrist that could store tons of equipment, meds that healed critical wounds in matter of seconds. She wanted to ask Jason everything about them, but she couldn't find the time. Twilight sighed in defeat quietly as they descended the old metallic stairwell.

It ended in a long hallway, stretching its way to a room whose interior seemed to be uninteresting. The hall, however, divided itself to many other directions. The Wanderer walked more slowly, rifle in hands, eyes on full alert. Dogmeat gave constant sniffs to try and detect a living being. Jason took a sharp turn to the left, harshly greeted by a big hand on his face. He staggered back, hands to his nose in pain. The hand came from an unarmed mutant, laughter coming from its mouth. It bent over and grabbed Jason by the neck, ready to plant another firm punch on the face.


The muscular body above him went limp and the pressure around his neck was released. It collapsed lifelessly by his side, visceral liquids flowing from the forehead. Much to his surprise, his savior was in reality, Rainbow Dash herself. The young woman stood there, her eyes not showing any kind of emotion. She was frozen in place.

"Dash... I... I thank you for saving my ass..." He muttered out, standing up.

"I..." She whispered, gazing in terror at her weapon. Her gaze went to Jason, and then to the body: she had saved a life, more importantly, the life of a new friend.

"You're feeling bad, aren't you?" Jason said in his best fatherly tone. He was expecting that.

"I-I... I'm not, Jason." A sudden vigor and confidence in her voice came with such force that Jason himself was left with his mouth agape.

Without saying another word, Jason kept exploring the tunnels. He entered in a room, a strangely, oddly familiar one. On the center, stood an hospital bed, multiple life-support machines in critical repair conditions surrounding it. His heart beat faster by the second he noticed an audio tape resting on the floor. Grabbing it, The Wanderer noticed a small piece of paper on it. "Better Days", it read. Jason's mind raced with a thousand memories, remembering with a gasp: It was his birthplace. The dark, foggy memoirs of his birth were right there. The cracked ceiling, the bed, everything. Holding one hand to the forehead, Jason stored the audio log in his PipBoy and left the room, preventing himself to not fall on his knees and cry.

Taking long and deep breaths, Jason ultimately left the room. Yet another dusty, old, decaying staircase. This one led to a peculiar room, full of control panels, broken terminals and a net made of aluminium, dropping deeper into the tunnels made of pure steel. A table leaning against aforementioned net seemed to be covered in blood and produced a dripping noise, further detail not being shown as only a dying bulb illuminated the area.

"You all, search for squared, grey and flat objects. If you find any, bring it to me."

They all obeyed his command and spread around the dark room. Rarity kept next to Jason as he neared the sound of dripping blood on the table he spotted. Much to their disgust, it was an gore bag.

"D-darling... what's that?" She whispered in his ear, shaking and putting both hands on his shoulders.

"Gore... bags. They store... things there."

His response was a loud sigh as she fell on her forehead against him. Jason startled himself when her face met his back, and turned around to hold her before she smacked hard against the floor. Noticing that she had fallen unconscious, Jason tried to wake her back to reality by snapping his fingers, but she was somehow knocked out cold. The girls neared him, but he nodded in a "I've got this" manner and, after struggling to grab her body entirely, he swung her on his shoulder so that her waist rested on it.

"Great. Now, I can't use my rifle..." He whispered, adjusting her unconscious body on his shoulder again. For a lady, she weighed a lot more...

Applejack knew that she was going to use that weapon. She couldn't feel that fear of before, though. She felt... confidence. A new-found vigor, just like Dash. After hearing what those Super Mutants do to innocent people, the former farm pony knew what needed to be done. And if it helped Jason, she would be happy to help.

Her opportunity came in a second: she happened to be near the door leading to the last level of the structure. From the dark staircase, she saw a lazy mutant going upstairs, a sledgehammer on its arms. She aimed. Her heart told her not to, but she wanted to. For her friends. For the sake of her friends. Applejack pressed the trigger, and followed by a familiar flash, the recoil, and the sound, she spotted the mutant going downstairs with his face laying down, bouncing every time it hit a step. Her heart felt heavy, but her mind told her that she had done the right thing. Applejack didn't feel bad for it, considering the atrocities committed by its race. It was something new, though. Something... grim.

They all ran to where she stood. More footsteps came from whenever the mutant killed by Applejack. The armed girls, including Pinkie, protected The Wanderer and Rarity. Applejack and Rainbow gave two of them simple headshots, while Pinkie relentlessly opened fire. The mutants went down quicker than they thought they would go, since they all carried melee weapons. Their blood painted the dull grey walls behind them. With a motion of his finger, Jason motioned and went downstairs, Dogmeat scouring ahead of him. The lower halls were more home-like, filled with desks, beds, and even couches. The lights were also lighter and blueish. Jason had lost all of his hope in finding his father by now, as Dogmeat came back and negatively shook his head. A sigh escaped his lips, and fatigue finally took over.

The dog returned with an incredible amount of audio logs on his mouth and some others being pushed by his paws. Jason looked with surprised and grabbed them with his free hand, bringing them to eye level. They were all labeled "Project Purity Personal Logs" for some reason. Jason would surely listen to all of them. He looted every object of value in the rooms, such as ammo mags, grenades, medical kits, caps and other junk to sell, and then returned.

"So... what now?" Twilight asked, curious as he stored the last of the audio logs in his computer.

"Now, we camp somewhere, and we listen."

27 minutes later...

Jason gave a long breath as the last transmission ended. His father wasn't no ordinary Vault doctor. No. His father was someone with a great and broad vision of the world, with the nearly impossible dream of totally purifying the waters of the Potomac River. A goal that most would see as unreachable. But in the end, something that would change the Wasteland... for good or bad.

What weighed in his heart was the simple fact that he heard the voice of his father, both in moments of happiness and sadness. He even heard the voice of his mother, sweet and soft as silk, which only brought tears to his eyes. Now, he had a new destination: Vault 112.

Nearing a decaying bridge, a group of peculiar people walked under the pale moonlight. One of them carried an unconscious woman, being assisted by a dog and three more armed girls. The look on the only man's face was of an awkward mixture of tiredness and annoyance. His shoulder grew numb by every second, and the lady resting on it didn't seem to be waking up so early.

"We're... camping under that bridge..." Jason said, pointing to the rubble underside it. He removed the sleeping bags from his PipBoy and threw them at Rainbow and Applejack. "Set camp while I tend to the lady, please?"

"Yes, sugarcube." Applejack replied as she grabbed the sleeping rolls and ran together with Dash to the underside, setting the bags down and gathering wood from the pile of debris.

"You could wake up just now, Rarity... You're heavy..." The Wanderer whined, nearly letting go of her body as he reached for the camp.

"Get your hands off me, you ruffian." Rarity. She had woke up. Being hung upside down, and in an unfamiliar environment, she started to crazily shake her legs and arms around, throwing heavy punches in his stomach.

"Hey, hey, Rarity! It's m---"

Her hand accidentally scored a critical hit on his weak spot. A hard hit. It came down so fast that it was only a blur. A painful hum was everything that he could stutter for the moment as he let go of Rarity and went to his knees. Sobs of agony filled the quiet, cool night air as Jason rested his head on the sand, eyes closed, rocking his face back and forth at his disgrace.


A wave of his hand before it returned to the attacked area was everything she got. Jason started to crawl towards the set camp, an orange light already coming from it. He received weird stares from the girls sitting around.

"Jason? What's happening?" Twilight asked, perking her head from the campfire's warmness.

"Two words: critical... hit..."

A few minutes passed on as Jason groaned and grunted on the ground, sand blending on his cloth and hair with each roll. Finally, he sat on his rump and still sported a contorted face. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly coming into terms with the pain up his crotch. The Wanderer had never been hit there. And now he wished that he wasn't hit there anymore in his dear life.

"Jason? Are you okay now?" Twilight asked once again.

"Y-yes... damn, that hurts..." He then inhaled deeply for one last time, opening his eyes and blinking repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Jason, I didn't--" Rarity's apology was interrupted as his hand was pressed on her lips. He gave her a nod of agreement and removed his hand.

Silence reigned above them, except for the occasional crackles of the dead wood burning in the fire. The cold night chill nearly put the fire out for a second, being protected by Pinkie who shot up from her seat on the ground to protect it. They all stared deep into the dancing flames, all of them diving into the deepest points of their own thoughts. Jason, who finally got answers. Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack, who now had killed for the first time, stared at the orange strands with a certain grimness. Twilight, who was wildly amused by the technology. Rarity and Fluttershy, who listened closely to James' audio logs, and understood the true reason of Jason's presence around in this living hell.

Jason swung his knife for a while and plunged it down on the sand. By tomorrow, he was going to the mysterious Vault 112. Still, that same questioned flew around in his mind: Was James alive, or dead, all of this time?

Comments ( 16 )

Jason needs some T15-b power armor! Soon!

4355974 no winterized power armor and a chinese stealth suit

You still have this set as complete, even though your're re-writing it buddy.

4593496 Sorry for taking so long to reply, but thanks for the reminder :twilightsmile:

It's set as incomplete by now.

i think that rarity needs some "unarmed" wepeans now if she can get a critical hit so easaly like that.....:duck:

5663095 First of all, thanks. It's always good to receive some criticism in my stories. Though, the problem is that I lost some interest in continuing this, and to be honest, all the reasons you've pointed out make me want to re-write it again. This was supposed to be a rewrite with lesser errors and problems than the original one, but I guess I have changed nothing.

Anyways, thanks again! I'll be sure to pay more attention to what I'm writing in the future.

5665475 Honestly I enjoy it....

Great story I hope this stories next chapter comes out soon.

Eh...9/10. Still noticing some misspelled words here and there but overall much better than the original.

Are you gonna upload the other chapters ?

I have seen one or two people actually use regular emoges but lol

Btw do you know any other FoE storys that are good

Hey, bro quick question why did you make a sequel to this story and finish it while this one is still incomplete?

Sometimes, the Idea just pops into your mind and you know that you have to write it before you forget how it happened.

So most likely the sto is dead right? Ha ha

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