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Blowing In The Wind

February 20th 2012

A Story Inspired By The Book,
The Five People You Meet In Heaven

MLP: FiM Fic by Mr.Dependable

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story"
Frank Herbert


The spring sun leisurely sat at attention in the middle of the afternoon sky. Ponies were littered throughout the small village, contently eating in restaurants, browsing the vendors' stands in the town square or just jovially trotting down the cobble stone roads. The skies were aberrantly clear, and birds chirped gleefully as ponies went about their daily activities. It was a perfect setting for a perfect place. Beautiful and serene… it was also the perfect setting for the impending disaster targeted at an oblivious pony.

A Pegasus, peculiar in looks, complacently skipped through her hometown. One would assume from her indifferent and carefree disposition, that she had no obligations for the afternoon. However, a poignant check-mark on her calendar indicated a highly anticipated meeting at the Ponyville train station.

As she sauntered down a damp alley and came to the plaza, which the station was situated, she could hear the distant whistle of an approaching locomotive.

Good…” she thought, “…Just in time for the train.

Every spring the Pegasus planned a vacation for her and her daughter. This year the destination was the regal and lavishly constructed city of Canterlot. She had splurged this time, booking them a room in the decadent Canterlot Castle. Two tickets to her nine-year-old daughter’s favorite filly musical sat in her saddlebags, which hung limply on her back, a pleasant surprise for her chaste infant. It was almost 3:30 and her child would be on her way back from school any moment now, with a multitude of stories to share about the day.

The mare sat on a weathered bench and awaited the arrival of her daughter. The melodies of halcyon warblers and blue jays cut through the calm air as they lazily dipped and dived, twirled and arched. The faint scent of freshly baked muffins floated on a tepid breeze as the Pegasus on the bench ruffled her nose. Muffins were a personal favorite of hers, and her mouth began to water as she imagined sinking her teeth into the delicate pastry. As the mare’s desire grew, she took a deep breath in, a desperate attempt to simulate the sensation of eating her favorite treat. However, as she was finishing her laborious respiration a peculiar prickle manifested itself deep within her nostrils. Her nose scrunched in confusion as she tried to determine what exactly she was feeling. Seconds before the nasal explosion, she squinted her eyes tight in an attempt to prepare herself for the coming storm, and fell into a fit of violent sneezes.

Ponies stared and gawked at her impressive and abnormal succession of sudden exhalation as it halted at five. When the Pegasus finished, she became aware of the crowd of ponies, who now stood flabbergasted around her. She chuckled softly before apologizing and self-consciously swiping at her nose. The pegasus recomposed herself, and once again returned to her peaceful admiration of the plaza’s scenery.

Just as she was about to loose herself to a vast sea of thought, she saw her kin blithely approach the station. She ran towards her and brought the little filly into tight motherly embrace. The daughter wore a grin from ear to ear as she presented a portrait that she had made for her mother during the day. The Pegasus admired the elementary piece of art work, before leading her towards the station.

The dynamic duo pressed through the dense crowd of the train station towards the front of the platform. The dull roar of multiple conversations, while oppressive, was unable to suppress the joyous tones of the young foal and her mother. So much so that anypony who they happened to brush past would be informed of how the filly’s day was at school. As they came to the front of the platform, the mare’s daughter galloped to the edge, and strained to see the incoming locomotive, which would take them to Canterlot. She turned back to her mother with a disappointed disposition at her inability to view the mode of transport. The Pegasus smiled and let her maternal instincts kick in as she grabbed her daughter and resolved her dissatisfaction with a loving embrace.

A piercing screech erupted from the approaching train’s whistle as the band of two pushed their way to the front of the platform. Ponies in crisp, black formal attire forced their way by, as the train drew closer and closer. The grey pegasus grabbed her daughter by the hoof and guided her toward their predetermined point of entry. As they waited, the mother gripped her small child's hooves, and swung her amorously between her hind legs, just like when she was an infant of no more than two years old. Just as it was hastily pulling into the station, with what seemed to be an excessive amount speed, a forceful bump from a preoccupied and reckless business pony set the filly off-kilter and sprawling onto the tracks.

As she shakily raised her now cut and bloodied head from the parallel metal beams, she froze in terror. The train was barreling down upon her position, with enough speed to shatter every bone in her tiny body.

The mother screamed, as her heart shattered in fear. Her daughter now lay in the path of a 500-ton, unstoppable block of deadly steel and crushing wheels. Time seemed to slow as she shoved ponies out of the way and flung herself onto the tracks beside her daughter. With all her might she shoved the glaciated filly out of harms way, as the train engine’s chattering shook her body and rattled her soul in time with the clangourous baleful wheels. The shrill high pitched shriek of her young daughter resonated in her ears, moments before the thunderous force of un-constrainable, forged metal set itself upon soft and vulnerable flesh.