• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 15,899 Views, 683 Comments

One of Those Days - Taranth

Ever had one of those days when you wake up to find you've accidentally switched places with your counterpart in a world where you and all your friends are stallions?

  • ...

6:30PM - Return home

Author's Note:

Whoops, my story fell off the "Popular stories" sidebar. Can't be having with that!

Technically part of the last chapter, but cliffhanger-fu demanded that end where it did, so oh well.

If the formatting allowed it, the title for this one would be "6:30PM: Return Home and prepare for tomorrow FIX THIS SPELL"

Darkness blanketed Ponyville, and most of the ponies who lived there were already in their homes, the flickering light of firefly lanterns and happy chatter of families floating from windows as dinners were prepared and served.

However, the shining white moon and stars provided more than enough light to navigate home by, which was good, because Twilight Sparkle did not have the mental capacity to worry about short-term navigation as she blankly staggered home, her body moving forward on automatic while her mind ran circles.

It’s just Pinkie being random. I mean, Bubble being random. For the thirty-seventh time. Just because you use your magic for carrying and grabbing things doesn’t mean everypony can. Earth ponies have to use their mouths like that all the time. Pinkie has shoved things in your mouth like that before. Just… not quite as… intrusively.

She fought back the instinct to lick her lips. She’d already lost to that urge a few times, and the sugary aftermath of the invasion was entirely gone, but somehow she still wanted to do it again, as if to assure herself that every trace was entirely gone.

She could still smell it, though.

He never even seemed interested before then… or after… it has to be just a Pinkie thing. Even if it wasn’t just him passing over something, it’d just be… to fit in with the rest of our friends or something.

It didn’t mean anything.


Bubble probably wouldn’t even know how to make it mean anything! No, no, that’s not fair… that pony is smarter than we give her credit for… I mean, him credit for… whatever!

It didn’t mean anything.


The subconscious processes guiding her body gave her a signal that there was something that might need her attention, but she was in no mood for such nonsense right now.

Am I seriously feeling… disappointed? Am I really getting that caught up in this? Stop licking your lips, filly! It wasn’t a kiss. It was just Bubble being Bubble and it did. Not. Mean. Anything.

“Dusk Dusk Dusk Dusk Dusk Dusk Dusk!”

Who in Equestria is making all that racke— oh, right, that’s me. An— oh, for the love of…

She reassumed manual control of her body and took a quick step to her right, away from the hoof about to jab her in the side.

The rather familiar, mint-green hoof.

“Oh! Hi Dusk! I thought maybe you couldn’t hear me for a moment there.” That inane grin, irrepressible hopefulness…


Twilight took a long, hissing breath in, her wings spread wide and eyes narrowed, ready to unleash another tirade upon the unicorn…

Then let it all out in a rush, slumping and trying not to collapse.

“You alright?” He looked at her with a tilted head.

Twilight lifted her head just high enough to look in his eyes. “…Look, I’ve… I’ve just had a very, very long day, and I’m very tired, and I don’t really feel like yelling at you, so just… go ahead. Whatever you want to say, whatever you want to show me, just… go.” She closed her eyes, preparing for the tirade...

“Well, first, I wanted to apologise,” Stallion-Lyra stated, his own head hanging and his ears folded back.

It took a few seconds for that to sink in, before Twilight’s eyes snapped open and she stared at him.

“Wait, what?”

“I thought about what you said earlier today… and maybe I have been a bit focused on my interests.” A green hoof traced circles in the ground. “You looked like you were a little stressed, just a bit…”

“I screamed at you for a full minute.” Twilight gave a deadpan stare.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! A bit stressed. Happens to everypony sometimes.” He grinned widely.

“You’re... used to getting screamed at, aren’t you?”

“Well yeah! Usually a good time to come back later, yeah?”

“...Yes. Yes, it is.” What more could she say?

“So yeah. Um, sorry for keeping trying to make you look at all my stuff all the time.”

“Oh. Well, um… thank you.” Twilight gave a smile, tired but genuine. “I wasn’t expecting that. I appreciate it. And I’m sorry for yelling at you – I’ve been a little stressed, today, yes, but you probably didn’t deserve that…”

“Well, I did have one thing… not the usual stuff! I promise!” He waved a hoof to ward her off as the smile fell from her face and she tensed once more. “You said I should try showing you something else! And you’ve been stressed a lot, so I thought I might give you something to help with that, instead!”

At least slightly mollified, Twilight relaxed a little once more. “Well, I did say you could go ahead before…”

“Alright, so most of what I show you is stuff that I know I can’t do, or can’t find, since you’re a prince, but this is something I can already do. Soooo…”

With a flourish, he whipped a series of books from his saddlebags, flipping them out in front of her. Her pink aura overtook his golden as she brought them in close to squint at the text in the moonlight…

Only to recoil as the image emblazoned below the title was quite clear and recognisable, even in the darkness.

Several ponies of various species, in a tangle that was at once acrobatically spectacular and unquestionably obscene.

Twilight had not gone searching, but as a librarian and professional student, she had certainly encountered the Karmare Sutra before.

A quick glance at the others showed their contents as being spellbooks - but rather specialised spellbooks, with an entirely unsurprising theme.

“So? I dunno if you had much experience with these, but judging how stressed you are, you’re probably in need of some relaxation and friendship, right? I’d be more than happy to help you test a few of them – I’m sure you won’t b—”

“AGAIN?!” Twilight cut him off with a strangled scream. Though she couldn’t see it, her mane and tail were waving up without any natural breeze, giving off light and flickering up in a manner quite reminiscent of flame.

Though the stallion didn’t know it, the presence of books - no matter how much their content offended - was likely all that stood between him and imminent immolation.

“You had me!” Twilight hissed at the suddenly-cowering stallion. “I really, honestly thought, for one beautiful, sparkling minute, that I could have a conversation with one stallion today without it ending like this! Is this just what this Ponyville is like? Is it something to do with me? The spell? Why is it that being a mare instead of a stallion for one day sends every. Single. Stallion. into some sort of--”

“Wait!” He shot to his hooves suddenly. Twilight's tirade came to a halt, cut off and derailed mid-rant, as he stared…

He flitted around her a moment with the sort of random movement normally seen only from pink-on-pink ponies, then his eyes bulged.

“By the dawn! You’re a mare?! You’re a mare! When did you pull that off?!” He goggled at her in shock and awe.

Twilight gaped.

The incandescent winds cut out like a switch had been pressed, her grip on the books faltering and failing as she stared in incomprehension at the stallion before her, her mouth opening and closing in shock but letting out no more than a whimper.

And he just looked at her with that expectant, impressed smile.

Without another word, the unconscious part of her that had kept her walking home on automatic took the reins once again and hooked up to her horn, and with a sudden flash of light, she vanished from the street entirely, retreating home to safety.

And a few moments later Harpsy carefully picked up his books again, brushing them off with another impressed look.

“Wow, I was completely wrong. He’s definitely already read these - that’s way more advanced than most of this! Maybe I should get him to teach me some of this too!”

And with an eager skip in his step, he packed them away and headed back to his home, already planning for the future…