• Published 8th Nov 2013
  • 7,786 Views, 51 Comments

A Quiet Party - stoopidity

During one of Pinkie Pie's famous parties, and a bit of drinking, Fluttershy wants nothing more than to have the host of the party all to herself.

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Drinking and Dreaming

Fluttershy took a swig of her cider.

The shy pegasus could admit that when it comes to alcohol, her favorite drink is Apple Family Cider. Just like her oldest friend, Rainbow Dash, but not so much to the point where she would be willing to eat dirt where a mug of the drink has been spilled.

She actually doesn’t even drink a lot. The only time she ever drinks is during Cider Season with her best friends, or on special occasions. Right now, it was neither Cider Season nor a special occasion. She was currently at a party.

Sitting alone at a table in Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy watched as the party thrived. Mares and stallions danced to loud music, played games, and chat idly with their friends. With the way most ponies on the dance floor danced wildly, stumbling during a simple two-step, it was obvious they were all drinking as well. Taking another sip of her drink, she thought either these ponies were lightweights, or she just wasn’t drinking enough, because she felt completely sober. Looking to her table, eleven empty mugs left unattended. Lightweights.

Not that anything’s wrong with that.

Thank Celestia that Mr. and Mrs. Cake are out of town, as well as the twins. Fluttershy thought to herself. When the invitation was given to her, she was hesitant to accept it. It was going to be that type of party.

A large banner hung from the ceiling with bright pink writing. ‘We-Haven’t-Had-a-Party-Like-This-in-a-Long-Time Party!’ was written on it, and true to its words, a party like this is not your typical Ponyville party.

Where fillies and foals were usually present, there were none. Where the drinks were usually set up, it was alcohol instead of fruit punch. Where fillies played Pin the Tail on the Pony, mares sat in a circle, playing Spin the Bottle. The shy pegasus blushed and made sure to avoid watching.

Nopony else seemed to mind that this party for grown ponies was still decorated with colorful balloons, confetti, and streamers. The neon party lights added with the loud music seemed to please them anyway.

Fluttershy didn’t really like these parties. They were loud and crowded with ponies she doesn’t know. She liked quiet and uncrowded. She really only liked parties with just her and her best friends. The only reason she even accepted the invitation was due to the puppy-like eyes and the sweet smile the party thrower gave her when she showed up at her cottage’s front door.

Fluttershy took another sip, scanning the rest of Sugarcube Corner for her friends. Applejack sat at another table, seemingly content with a mug of cider in her hoof as she talked with Rarity. Rainbow Dash watched in amusement as Twilight tried to test the alcohol toleration of her new alicorn self. With the massive amount of empty bottles, glasses, and various types of drinks set on her own table, it was obvious the princess wasn’t doing so well.

That was when Fluttershy’s attention was caught by the last of their group’s friend: the pink blur zooming around the entire bakery.

Fluttershy watched as Pinkie bounced and zipped to every corner of the party. She managed to be in every spot possible at once. The bundle of energy greeted everypony with a bright smile and her cheerful voice. Everypony returned a smile every time.

Pinkie Pie’s smile: only one of the many things she loves about her.

Fluttershy didn’t know how it happened, but it happened. She started to see her pink friend in a different light, along with having strange feelings emerge. Feelings she has never felt with any other pony before. It wasn’t simply friends growing closer to each other, but infatuation... mostly from herself.

It all started when the shy pegasus realized how different her pink friend treated her.

When Pinkie Pie talks with her friends, she talks at speeds almost faster than sound. When she talks with Fluttershy, she slows down for the quiet pegasus to keep up with her.

She loved that.

Every week, Rainbow and Pinkie go out to wreak havoc on the citizens of Ponyville. The two would prank everypony in town, including her best friends. Although Fluttershy could take a harmless prank without being offended, she couldn’t help but feel flattered when she found out that Pinkie never pranks her, even if her oldest friend begs. Pinkie doesn’t want to hurt the shy pegasus’ feelings.

She loved that.

Even Pinkie’s personal boundaries are treated differently for Fluttershy. Anypony that knows Pinkie should know that she’s a particularly affectionate pony, who loves giving hugs and nuzzling her friends, whether Pinkie has known them for years or just a few hours.

When Pinkie hugs Rainbow Dash, she squeezes her hard enough to make the cyan pegasus’ eyes bug out. When Pinkie hugs Fluttershy, she hugs her tight enough to show her affection, but soft enough to not hurt her in the slightest.

She especially loved that.

With all of her friends, Pinkie was extra friendly. With Fluttershy, Pinkie was extra friendly and caring, even considerate with her feelings. And it’s not just her; even Fluttershy knows she treats her pink friend differently.

Fluttershy is comfortable with all of her friends. She could talk about almost anything with her friends. Although she talks the most with nopony else besides them, they can all agree that she’s still very quiet, sometimes remaining silent throughout an entire conversation. Fluttershy preferred listening to talking.

When it comes to Pinkie, it’s as if her talkative attitude would rub off on the quiet pegasus, because she feels she could talk the most with her out of anypony else.

Fluttershy even remembered in Appleloosa when Rainbow was left behind, Spike was dragon-napped by buffalo, and Pinkie went missing. When she reunited with them, she tackled Pinkie into a giant hug. Not her oldest friend, or even the baby dragon who could have gotten hurt, but Pinkie Pie.

That meant something, right?

Then Iron Will happened. New Fluttershy happened.

She made Rarity and Pinkie cry. She made them run away in tears. New Fluttershy didn’t just insult her two friends, she bashed on them. She bashed their professions, their special talent, and who they are. Fluttershy could blame the monster that she became all she wanted to, but she couldn’t hide the fact that it was truly her who said those awful things.

Fluttershy could never forget the look on their faces. She didn’t forget Rarity, but the way Pinkie—her own crush’s eyes brimmed with tears as her hair drooped and her lips quivered, Fluttershy would’ve never realized her own faults that day, and she would have been that horrible monster forever.

Even after all the horrible things she said to them, Rarity and Pinkie came back. Pinkie still came back for her.

Fluttershy took another sip of her drink. She didn’t want to rush things with her nonexistent relationship with Pinkie, but she truly loved her. She let out a quiet hiccup.

She truly loved Pinkie for the amazing pony she was, but the shy pegasus couldn’t lie to herself when she catches herself staring a second too long at the pink pony. Pinkie Pie was a very attractive pony. It was a wonder how the baker keeps up with her body figure. While eating cupcakes, sweets, and whole cakes in a single bite would definitely add a number to a pony’s figure, she would eventually work it off with the endless amount of energy she had.

Nevertheless, Pinkie had an extra layer of softness on her body, giving her just the right curves in just the right places. To Fluttershy, it added more to her appeal. It gave Fluttershy more to hug. She could already imagine how warm and soft Pinkie would be when they cuddle together in bed.

A blush formed on her face as she took another swig of her cider.

It felt wrong in some way to think of Pinkie like that, but the shy pegasus just couldn’t help it. One: she was drinking. Two: her dreams were relentless. Three: Pinkie was just so damned attractive, as if Celestia blessed her.

Suddenly, Fluttershy yelped, nearly dropping her mug of cider as the Celestia-blessed damned attractive pink party pony suddenly appeared right in front of her face.

“Hi, ‘Shy-Shy, sorry for startling you!” Pinkie exclaimed with a huge grin on her face. “Having fun?”

Fluttershy had no idea where that nickname came from, but she loved it, knowing that it came from her crush.

“I’m having a great time, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said sincerely.

Pinkie refilled the yellow pegasus’ nearly empty mug of cider, giggling as she did so. “Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you’re all alone here! Want me to hang with you?

Yes... Sweet Celestia, yes.

“Oh it’s okay, Pinkie. Not that I don’t want to hang out with you, but I can tell you have a huge party to host.” Fluttershy flashed Pinkie a sweet smile. She could tell with the way Pinkie breathed faster than usual, and talked faster than usual—if that’s even possible—that she was in the zone right now as she hosted the party like a true host, making sure to check up on every single pony and greet or entertain them. Fluttershy couldn’t prevent Pinkie from doing her job for her profession of parties.

“Okey-dokey-lokey! Call me if you need anything!” Pinkie bounced off toward a random direction.

Honestly, Fluttershy was completely okay with Pinkie leaving her. It sounded silly, but she was content with admiring the pink pony from afar.

She’s so beautiful... Fluttershy sighed dreamily.

“Who’s beautiful?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she turned toward the sound of the familiar voice. A cyan pegasus holding a mug of cider to her lips, and an alabaster unicorn levitating a martini glass of wine in magic sat in the two previously empty seats across from Fluttershy, both giving her a sly smile. Fluttershy blushed as Rainbow snickered, and Rarity simply stared at her friend expectantly with an eyebrow arched.

“I-I said that out loud, didn’t I?” Fluttershy asked her friends, stammering.

The two simply nodded, taking a sip from their drinks. An expectant stare now formed on Rainbow’s face.

“So who is she, ‘Shy? Finally caught your eyes on a nice mare?” The cyan pegasus asked.

“Mare?!” Fluttershy gasped, giving a pointed look toward her oldest friend and a subtle nod of her head toward the unicorn of their table. “Who s-said anything about a mare?”

“Relax, darling. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you loving another mare,” Rarity reassured the shy pegasus.

“Besides, you’re the one who said ‘she’,” Rainbow added. "With how much you and Rarity hang out every week, I would’ve expected you’ve already told her.”

“I told you, Rainbow Dash, because we’ve known each other for so long. I just...” Fluttershy began to nervously rub her hooves together as she turned toward her spa partner. “The subject never came up during our spa sessions. It’s not like I don’t trust you, Rarity, because I do, but I just don’t talk about it much.”

“Think nothing of it, darling.” Rarity waved a hoof at her friend. After taking another dainty sip from her martini glass, she spoke again, stretching out the word, “Sooo...”

Fluttershy blinked. “So... what?”

Rainbow slapped a hoof against her face. “Who’s the mare you got your eyes on?!”

The shy pegasus shrunk against her seat. “Oh, um...”

Rarity pushed a hoof against Rainbow’s chest. “Rainbow, honestly! Yelling at her was unnecessary!”

Rainbow sighed, “I guess, but c’mon! Can’t we make it more obvious that we want to know who she likes?”

“I kinda...”

“You know how Fluttershy is, darling. She's shy!” Rarity raised a hoof before Rainbow could retort to the obvious statement. “If Fluttershy does not want to tell us who has caught her eye, then she won’t.”

Rainbow scoffed, “Please, you want to know way more than I do.”

“... Like...”

Rarity sputtered, “Said who?! I’m just simply curious.”

“Curious, my flank!” Rainbow chuckled as she took a swig of her cider. Rarity rolled her eyes as she raised her glass to her lips.

“... Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy finally finished.

The martini glass dropped from Rarity’s magic. Luckily, none of the sinful contents spilled as it landed on the table. Rainbow coughed roughly as she choked on the cider she was drinking.

“Pinkie Pie...” Rainbow repeated after getting the cider out of the wrong pipe.

Fluttershy nodded, nervous about her friends’ possible disapproval.

“Our Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy nodded again.

“The bright and cheerful Pinkie Pie? The loud and giggly party pony? The Pinkie Pie that can eat a whole cake in a single bite? The Pinkie Pie that Twilight says, denies the laws of physics?”

“Yes!” Fluttershy slammed her eyes shut, tired of all the repetition, and shouted. “Pinkie Pie!”

“Hi again!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, suddenly appearing right next to the yellow pegasus, again. Fluttershy yelped.

“Oh! H-Hi, Pinkie...” Fluttershy trailed off. The pink earth pony simply stared at her with a smile. The yellow pegasus grinned nervously as an uncomfortable silence descended upon them and the other two ponies at the table. She didn’t know whether Pinkie was about to speak, or if she was waiting for herself to continue speaking. She felt she couldn’t even talk with how Pinkie’s eyes glimmered right in front of her, added with her nervousness beginning to kick in.

“Um... nothing... Pinkie...” Fluttershy muttered.

“Okey-dokey-lokey, see you later!” Pinkie cheerfully said, patting the yellow pegasus’ head before bouncing off to other party goers.

“Well...” Rainbow finally spoke up. “That was awkward.”

Rarity shot a disapproving look at the cyan pegasus as Fluttershy tried to hide the blush on her cheeks behind her long mane. Unfortunately for her, her blushing cheeks didn’t go unnoticed from the unicorn. Rarity almost melted at how demure and adorable Fluttershy looked.

“Aww, Fluttershy!” Rarity gushed. “You’re absolutely smitten with her!”

Before Fluttershy could deny the very true fact, Rarity continued to gush. “Just look at the way you’re blushing, dear! Rainbow, wouldn’t Fluttershy and Pinkie just make the cutest couple?”

Rainbow slammed her now empty mug of cider against the tabletop. “You’re making her nervous, Rare!” The cyan pegasus scolded her, but with the way Rainbow let out a hiccup afterward, it was obviously her angry drunk side showing off.

“Oh, I’m ever so sorry, Fluttershy. I did not intend to make you nervous.” Rarity apologized, losing the excited, lovey-dovey look on her face.

“Besides, they won’t be the cutest couple,” Rainbow added. “They’d be the hottest couple.”

Rarity nodded nonchalantly, tipping her glass toward Rainbow before taking a sip, finally finishing her tiny glass of wine.

Fluttershy’s face almost turned orange from blushing too much. She took a long, hard swig of cider.

“So...” Rainbow slowly started, letting out a hiccup. “What’s your plan, ‘Shy?”

“For what...?”

This time, Rarity slapped her hoof against her face. “How you’re going to get with Pinkie...”

“Oh, um...” Fluttershy trailed off. She never really thought about how she would confront her crush. Although, Fluttershy was completely fine with admiring her from afar, since being in love was a wonderful feeling to her. Besides, she couldn’t keep her feelings hidden away from her friend forever. If she did, she felt she would be keeping a secret from her, and she deserved to know her true feelings.

Thinking back to Rainbow’s question, Fluttershy felt the answer was completely obvious.

“I’ll confront her, and tell her how I really feel about her.”

“That’s a good idea and all,” Rarity responded, her voice beginning to slow down and slur. “But I have a better idea.”

Fluttershy didn’t like where this was going. She didn’t know how many glasses of wine Rarity drank, but it was finally starting to get to the unicorn. Rainbow didn’t fare any better. They both clung on to the tabletop, attempting to keep their balance.

“Bartender! Another cider for me, and another wine for Rare-Bear!” Rainbow drunkenly called out, scooting her seat closer to Rarity and using her own body for support.

“You should go over to her house, wearing the most dashing suit and tie with a rose in your mouth. You get down on a knee before her, and confess your love for her. She’ll jump into your forelegs in happiness, kissing you ever so passionately.” Rarity swooned at her own idea. “Rainbow, opinions?”

“That was terrible,” Rainbow deadpanned. “What you should do, my friend, is show off some of those awesome flying skills, which will make her fall for you instantly. Then you literally sweep her off her hooves, take her home, and make out with her... or whatever it is you’re in to.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks burned. She could almost estimate how many drinks her two friends actually had with how ridiculous they sounded.

“That was worse!” Rarity shouted back. “Alright, don’t listen to that one. You sneak into her room dressed in the best lingerie you could find. No, no, no, I’ll make you one, dear. Anyway, she’ll see just how beautiful you’d look in your skimpy outfit that she’ll have no choice but to make love with you.”

“Sweet Celestia, that was–” before Rainbow could finish their back and forth between their amazing ideas and their constructive criticism, Rarity shoved a hoof into the cyan pegasus’ mouth.

“That’s quite enough from you.” Rarity stuck her nose in the air, letting out a hiccup. “Pinkie, what did you think?”

“Seems a bit much for a first date, Rare-Bear.” Pinkie Pie turned toward Fluttershy. “What do you think?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, turning to see her crush sitting right next to her. “P-Pinkie! What are you doing here?! And how long have you been here?!” The shy pegasus was on the merge of panic, afraid to know if Pinkie heard those terrible ideas at trying to get her and Pinkie together.

“Dashie asked the bartender for more drinks, but we don’t have a bartender, so I decided to be the bartender!” Fluttershy watched as the other pegasus and unicorn took a sip of their refilled drinks. “And I’ve been here ever since Dashie and Rare-Bear started arguing. By the way, who are they trying to get together?”

Fluttershy let out the breath she was holding. Thank Celestia they never said either of our names. She was about to give an unspecific answer to Pinkie, until Rainbow began to babble another idea. Fearing that her two drunken friends would slip their names, Fluttershy quickly got up from her seat, stumbling slightly from sitting for so long, and as the alcohol began to take effect.

“Pinkie, you don’t mind if we go somewhere quiet?” Fluttershy hastily asked.

“Sure, ‘Shy-Shy. My room's pretty quiet!” Pinkie bounced away, taking the lead as Fluttershy quickly followed.

Fluttershy and Pinkie quickly approached the stairs, away from earshot of their two drunken friends.

“All she needs is a pair of sunglasses!” Rainbow crossed her forelegs. “It works every time!”

Pinkie Pie hopped onto her bed, instinctively bouncing up and down on her springy mattress as she patted a spot on the bed next to her. Fluttershy followed shortly after shutting the door to Pinkie’s room, sitting on the spot her pink friend indicated.

Pinkie let out a relaxed sigh. “So, what’s up, ‘Shy-Shy? Any reason you wanted to go somewhere quiet?”

Fluttershy basked in the silence. Although she could feel a muffled thump on the ground below her due to the loud music playing below them, to be in a place this quiet compared to the loudness of the party itself, it gave her a moment to collect herself. She liked the quiet.

“I, um, no offense, Pinkie, but I really just wanted somewhere quiet to relax.” Fluttershy half lied, the number one reason being that she really wanted to be away from her drunken friends. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Nope, I don’t mind!” Pinkie let out another relaxed sigh. “I was actually getting tired from hosting the party. Parties are super fun, but hosting them for a long time is so tiring!”

Pinkie lied down next to Fluttershy, her hooves curling up against her chest. “We could have a quiet party! Just you and me.”

Fluttershy smiled, she really liked the idea of that.

Looking down at Pinkie, the shy pegasus’ eyes widened at what she saw. Pinkie laid next to her in a very seductive pose with one leg propping up her head. The pink pony looked like she was glowing with the way an unknown source of heavenly light shined down on her. She licked her lips slowly, her half-lidded gaze staring directly into Fluttershy’s own eyes. Fluttershy wasn’t sure if the amount of alcohol she drank was tricking her brain, or if Pinkie was really inviting her. She really hoped it was the latter, because Pinkie looked very inviting.

“Oh, ‘Shy...” Pinkie said with a smoky purr to her voice. “Fluttershy...?”

“‘Shy-Shy! Equestria to Fluttershy!” Pinkie put a hoof over mouth, trying to stifle her laughter.

“Huh?” Fluttershy rapidly shook her head, locks of her pink mane flailing everywhere. Before she knew it, Pinkie was back to her old bubbly self, not trying to seduce her.

“You zoned out there. It was actually kind of funny, the way you just stared right at me,” Pinkie said, giggling. “Was there a cute little bunny on me? Or did I do something that looked super funny?” She crossed her eyes, dangling her tongue out of her mouth.

No, you did something that looked super sexy.

“Oh, it was nothing,” Fluttershy replied, nervously brushing her long mane with a hoof. It was definitely the alcohol playing tricks on her. “I may have had a little too much to drink.”

“How many drinks you had?”

Fluttershy thought back to the amount of empty mugs that sat on her table, added with how many refills she had. “Thirteen.”

Pinkie gasped, “A baker’s dozen! Didn’t know you had it in you, ‘Shy-Shy!”

“Me too.” Fluttershy let out a hiccup.

"I actually haven't drank anything yet. Can't be a good host when you're drunk out of your mind!" Pinkie stated, putting her hooves behind her head. “Well, I gotta go back and host the party in a bit, so what’cha wanna do? Something relaxing, I bet?”

Fluttershy nodded. She began to mentally argue with herself. Now would be the perfect time to finally tell Pinkie how she feels about her. She couldn’t think of a better time than this, with the pink party pony relaxed and in a quiet atmosphere. The shy part of her told her to go for it, but obviously didn’t have the courage. The drunken part of her, however, screamed at her to go for it.

Pinkie arched an eyebrow at her friend. She was being really quiet all of a sudden; even if she is always quiet.

The pink party pony wracked her mind for some relaxing activities. She didn’t think it was going to be that hard to think of one. Any activity she could think of turned out to be fun, exciting, and active instead of relaxing. It didn’t really surprise her; most ponies used those three words to describe her. Well... mostly crazy, random, and scary.

She flashed a smile at Fluttershy, deciding to let the guest of honor of their quiet party decide. “Any ideas, ‘Shy-Shy?”

Fluttershy didn’t answer. She thought back to her two drunk friends, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The two very different ponies had so much confidence that she envied from time to time. She wished she could just stride up to Pinkie with the elegance of the unicorn, or with the charisma of her oldest friend, and easily sweep Pinkie off of her hooves.

Pinkie wasn’t sure if the shy pegasus was zoning out again, but it began to make her concerned.

“Fluttershy? What’s on your mind?” Pinkie asked as she got up from her lying position, sitting in front of her friend.

“You,” Fluttershy finally said.

“Me?” Pinkie replied in confusion.

The shy pegasus didn’t know where that came from, or how it even slipped, but she knew she was at least getting somewhere. Right now, it was too late to shy away and take it back, because it’s already out in the open. She decided to take the advice from the drunken part of her.

Fluttershy steeled herself before replying to her crush.

“Pinkie Pie, I like you.”

Pinkie giggled, “I like you too.”

“No. I really like you.”

Pinkie tilted her head. “Like, like you-like you?”

Fluttershy saw this coming. “Yes, Pinkie. Like... special someponies.”

It took a few seconds for Pinkie to register in her head what exactly was going on, and a light blush dusted her already pink cheeks. Questions immediately began to hammer themselves into her head with how quick this revelation felt.

Do you even like mares?

Could you go through with this?

Do you even like ‘Shy-Shy?

Most importantly, would you treat ‘Shy-Shy right?

“I know this is so sudden, but I just couldn’t hold it in any longer,” Fluttershy said as a blush began to form on her face. “I think about you everyday, and I even dream about you. They’re always good dreams too, where we would kiss, hold each other, love each other...”

Pinkie blushed harder, Fluttershy is too shy of a pony to talk about personal stuff like this.

Fluttershy’s blush darkened as well. She just said that out loud, her second time today.

Looking at the not-so shy pegasus in front of her, Pinkie suddenly found herself answering the questions that were hammered into her head.

Yes, yes, duh, and yes!

Fluttershy isn’t some stranger who just asked her out on a random date. Fluttershy is one of her best friends, her friend who she has known for years and has only gotten closer with ever since. She loved Fluttershy just as much as she loved her other friends, and it would be foolish to pass up an offer to be with an amazing pony such as her.

She tried to imagine herself kissing, holding, and loving Fluttershy. It definitely wasn’t a bad image. Fluttershy had the biggest smile on her face, and Pinkie wanted to see that smile in reality.

“‘Fluttershy...” Pinkie spoke for the first since her friend’s confession. “I like you too.”

Fluttershy’s eyes slowly widened, realization slowly dawning upon her. She finally had Pinkie. The shy pegasus lunged at Pinkie, pulling her into a crushing hug. Pinkie hugged her back, tight enough to show her affection, but soft enough to not hurt her in the slightest.

Pulling away from each other, Fluttershy laughed nervously as Pinkie Pie giggled. Their eyes met, and suddenly, Fluttershy found herself leaning forward.

Fluttershy leaned forward ever so slowly, mentally preparing herself for the kiss she has yearned for. She wanted this to be perfect. So many nights have been spent dreaming about this moment that was just bound to happen. Every dream was different; dreams of kisses ranging from simple pecks on the lips, to heated make out sessions. She didn’t care which dream would become reality, as long as she finally got to kiss her.

Finally, her lips met with Pinkie’s nose.

Wait... what?

Fluttershy snapped open her eyes, only to find Pinkie’s azure ones staring right back at her. She pulled away, trying to figure out what just happened.

Pinkie giggled and rubbed the very spot on her nose where her friend kissed. “That was pretty good. For a nose kiss, if that’s what you were going for.”

Fluttershy sighed, her gaze going downcast. She ruined it. “Um... thank you, Pinkie... but that’s not what I was going for.” Perhaps the drowsiness she began to feel threw her off.

The shy pegasus’ breath caught in her throat as she felt a pair of hooves gently clasp the side of her face, pulling her upward to meet her eyes.

“Let me try," Pinkie said with a giggle, and just like that, Pinkie pulled Fluttershy into a kiss, their lips meeting.

It only took a few seconds to register in Fluttershy’s head that she was finally kissing her crush. On the right spot, even. She let their kiss linger before pulling away, trying to gauge Pinkie’s reaction.

Pinkie smiled at Fluttershy. It wasn’t her huge, contagious grin that she flashed on occasion, but a small, sincere smile that showed her approval. The pink pony giggled as Fluttershy’s eyes went half-lidded, and a smirk played across the shy pegasus’ lips.

Since when did Fluttershy ever smirk? Whatever the reason was, it looked so good on her.

Fluttershy threw her forelegs around Pinkie’s neck, kissing her for the third time. Pinkie kissed back with fervor, allowing the shy pegasus to live the moment she’s dreamed for. Fluttershy couldn’t be any happier. The world around her disappeared, overwhelmed with the amazing feeling of Pinkie’s lips pressed against her own.

It was a wonder how soft Pinkie’s lips were, and said pony could say the same thing about her partner. Fluttershy’s were the softest thing to ever touch her own. Their lips meshed together perfectly, soft lips massaging against the other.

As their lips glided against one another’s, Pinkie parted her mouth wide enough to let her tongue softly lick at the other’s, politely asking to allow entrance.

Fluttershy was happy to accept, extending her own tongue to meet with Pinkie’s. The shy pegasus let out a quiet moan as their tongues danced with each other. It wasn’t surprising, but Fluttershy honestly loved the way Pinkie tasted like sugar and sweets. The delicious taste made her yearn for more, and it was Pinkie’s turn to let out a cute moan as Fluttershy’s tongue explored every inch of her mouth.

Pinkie, on the other hoof, tasted apple cider. She hasn’t drank anything yet, and she was glad her first taste of alcohol was from a kiss with Fluttershy.

Yellow hooves found their way up to Pinkie’s mane. One hoof ran itself through the pink, frizzy strands, while the other gently caressed her cheek. Her poofy mane felt as soft as a pillow, even freshly made cotton candy. Fluttershy remembered dreaming about this too.

Pinkie never expected this to escalate this quickly. With how she treats the shy pegasus, she thought she would be kissing her very slowly and delicately, but right now it was the opposite. They kissed each other passionately and with great fervor. Pinkie didn’t have a problem with that.

The shy pegasus’ light touches stirred some sort of fire in the pink pony. Heat spread throughout her body. It felt amazing to kiss Fluttershy like this, and yet, she felt selfish. She felt selfish due to Fluttershy being the one to make her feel amazing with all of her light touches. Here she was, kissing the mare of her dreams, doing all the work. Pinkie felt she should be making the shy pegasus feel just as amazing.

After what seemed like forever, the two lovers parted, a single strand of intermixed saliva hanging between their mouths before vanishing. The two gasped for breath, greedily taking in oxygen due to their mouths being occupied for a long time, and due to how heated both of them felt after such an intense session of kissing.



“Where did ya learn to kiss like that? It was so super-duper.”

Fluttershy blushed. “That was actually... my first time. I guess I just lost myself. You’re a great kisser... too.”

Pinkie snickered before pulling Fluttershy toward her as she let herself fall backward, with the yellow pegasus falling on top of her. As soon as her back hit the soft mattress, she twisted, putting herself on top of her lover. It was her turn to make her friend feel amazing.

“You’re drunk, Fluttershy.”

Once again, the two ponies’ muzzles clashed with each other, before engaging into a dance between lips and tongue. For the two, it seemed like they could do this forever, and the reasons why were endless.

Pinkie took the initiative to further their loving exchange. She lowered herself, kissing and licking at Fluttershy’s sensitive neck. With both of the pegasus’ wings splayed out against the bed in excitement, Pinkie took the time to press her hooves against the sensitive appendages, massaging and teasing the feathers. Fluttershy moaned at the sensations she felt right now, and tilted her head here and there, allowing better angles for Pinkie to kiss. As each ministration progressed, she only seemed to be getting lower and lower.

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes. This was it. Her dream finally came true.

Here she was, underneath the most amazing pony in Equestria as she kissed and licked at her neck. Her kisses slowly went lower, reaching her chest, and it would only get even lower. She could feel sweat trickling off of her forehead, along with Pinkie’s body, and her own even. She could even feel her growing arousal, along with her lover’s.

Fluttershy couldn’t be any happier.

Pinkie’s eyes snapped opened, and her ministrations halted when she heard a quiet sniffle from the pegasus below her.

“Fluttershy! What’s wrong? Y-You shouldn’t be crying!” Pinkie lifted herself back to eye-level with Fluttershy, only to see her eyes glimmering with tears. “Did I do something you don’t want me to do? Did I do something wrong? Stupid, stupid, Pinkie Pie! You can’t even kiss right!”

“N-No, Pinkie. What you’re doing feels amazing... You’re amazing, Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy wiped the tears on her cheeks.

Although concerned for her friend, Pinkie couldn’t help but show a small smile at what she said. “Then what’s got you all saddy-waddy?”

Fluttershy sniffled. “I’m drunk.”

“I can tell,” Pinkie said with a small giggle. “You’re a really calm-assertive-honest drunk!”

“But,” Fluttershy began, placing a hoof on Pinkie’s cheek. “I didn’t want to be drunk... when I finally got to do this with you... a-and you’re not drunk.”

Pinkie nuzzled Fluttershy. “Aww, it’s okay, ‘Shy-Shy. Doesn’t matter which one of us is drunk.”

“I probably... won’t even remember this when I wake up tomorrow,” Fluttershy said.


A feeling of sadness washed over Pinkie. The thought of Fluttershy not remembering any of this—Fluttershy finally revealing her feelings too her, their first kiss together... possibly their first time together... It was hard not to feel a sense of sadness for herself, but most especially the pony that has yearned for it for such a long time.

Pinkie is the Element of Laughter. It was her job to giggle at the ghosties, and make everypony smile. Right now, she needed to make a very important pony happy again. With such a depressing thought in the shy pegasus’ head, she needed this to be perfect, and it was going to be perfect. So perfect, she didn’t even need her party cannon as a finishing touch.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, ‘Shy-Shy.” Pinkie nuzzled the remaining tears off of Fluttershy’s cheeks. “When you wake up tomorrow, I’ll be there to tell you everything.”

Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie’s eyes, turquoise meeting azure.

“Besides, you’re going to wake up in my bed, and unlike your everyday fanfiction where you start freaking out, I’ll be holding you, and you’ll have too bad of a headache to freak out!”

Pinkie beamed at the pegasus below her, the sound of a squee somehow sounding from her large grin. She watched as Fluttershy tried to speak, her mouth uselessly trying to work. Whatever came out were only soft squeaks and stammers.

Suddenly, Fluttershy lunged forward, peppering Pinkie’s face with kisses before connecting their lips.

“I. Would. Love. That.” Fluttershy said between each kiss.

Pinkie smiled as they kissed for the umpteenth time. Nailed it.

Fluttershy had no idea what a fanfiction was, but she paid no mind to it. She honestly couldn’t wait until morning. Pinkie’s the most amazing pony in the world, and she loved her. She says just the right things to her, and knows exactly how to treat her.

Fluttershy parted. “You’ll tell me everything... right?”

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. “Yep, everything!”

Fluttershy’s face suddenly turned red with a blush. “Even...” She trailed off.

Pinkie turned her head in confusion. With the way Fluttershy blushed, it told her exactly what the shy pegasus meant, and she felt a light blush grow on her own face as well.

“If you want me to.” Pinkie’s voice lowered into a suggestive whisper, her eyes going half-lidded. She gave a lingering kiss along Fluttershy’s jaw as a way to show exactly what she meant, even if the shy pegasus already knew.

Fluttershy smiled shyly and nodded slowly. The pink pony giggled.

“I love you, Pinkie.” Fluttershy didn’t hesitate. She may have been drunk, and they may have been each other’s lover for only a night, but they’ve been friends for years. She didn’t feel they were going too fast at all.

Upon hearing those three words, Pinkie didn’t freeze like she was in some crappy drama show. She actually felt even happier. Being such an affectionate pony, she threw those three words at her friends like they were free candy, but now she could actually say it mutually to an amazing pony that she feels the same way with.

“I love you too, ‘Shy-Shy.”

Giving a final, loving kiss to Fluttershy’s soft lips, Pinkie began to slowly lower herself down the other’s body, leaving a trail of kisses along the way.

Before Pinkie could reach her destination, the door to her own room and privacy burst open. Fluttershy's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Pinkie's head whipped backward towards the now open door.

Two ponies stumbled in. One of them being a pegasus, the other being a unicorn. The pegasus had a messy mane of multiple colors, and the unicorn had an elegant mane of purple curls. The pegasus also had a pair of sunglasses on.

The two were kissing wildly and roughly.

"Rarity!? D-Dashie?!"

"Hm?" Rarity cracked an eye open, too engrossed with Rainbow's mouth to notice their current situation.

It only took a few seconds for Rarity to let out an embarrassed scream, and she immediately pulled away from the cyan pegasus. Shortly afterward, Rainbow lowered her sunglasses in confusion, only to find a pink earth pony lying on top of her oldest friend in bed. Her eyes widened. Even if she wasn't drunk, it was obvious, with the way they were both blushing madly, that the two of her best friends were in the middle of something. An uncomfortable silence between them stretched on longer than it should have, with four pairs of eyes wide, four faces flushed, and two jaws dropped.

Rarity laughed nervously alongside Rainbow Dash, who rubbed the back of her neck. Pinkie Pie returned a nervous laugh, the awkwardness of catching her two friends making out starting to get to them. Fluttershy was too scared to hide or even move, the awkwardness of being caught in the middle of a very intimate position petrified her.

The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Um... Good going, 'Shy!" Rainbow nervously attempted to break the awkward silence.

It only made it worse.

Rarity gave another nervous laugh before clearing her throat. "I-I apologize, you two, for... barging in. Um, especially for the display."

The unicorn hiccuped.

"G-Good going, darling!" Rarity exclaimed to Fluttershy before pulling on Rainbow's tail with magic, then hastily slamming the door. The lock to the door was surrounded with blue magic before locking itself.

Pinkie turned to Fluttershy as the sound of hoofsteps quickly went down the stairs. As soon as the sound of clopping hooves faded away, Pinkie burst into laughter, burying her face into Fluttershy's chest.

Fluttershy couldn't resist laughing, herself.

Fluttershy clung onto Pinkie as their laughs died down. An occasional giggle escaped from the Element of Laughter as they relaxed in each others embrace.

"You know..." Fluttershy said. "They make a cute couple."

Pinkie blew a raspberry as she dismissively waved a hoof. "Please, we're the hottest!"

Author's Note:

Fluttershy is weirdest drunk.

I don't know why it took me five months to do this, but here's the sequel if you weren't aware of it.

Comments ( 51 )

This was great. Well-paced, atmospheric, and d'aww-worthy. But, alas, I noticed a few mistakes. You commonly switch between past- and present-tense, as well as leave out a few things such as punctuation during dialogue every once in a while. I'd recommend getting an editor/proofreader, and I'd be happy to oblige.

Like I said before, great story!

This was good. Really really good. I'm impressed.

I appreciate the feedback again, and seeing as I made the same mistakes *cough* again, I'd be glad to have your help. :twilightsmile:

i definetly agree with your author note she is wierdest drink:pinkiecrazy:

great story by the way 5/5 moustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

i meant drunk damn auto-correct......:twilightangry2::facehoof:

Very well written! :yay::heart::pinkiehappy:

This is one of the few stories that it irritated me that Pinkie broke the Fourth wall. I mean it is a steamy romance and then it has a comedy jab. Gah I just need to get over it, it was a great story. I'd think that Fluttershy would be a lightweight as I tend to think of her as the smallest of the group. That's probably due to her presence though. Love the fancy British Fluttershy pic.

:rainbowlaugh: OMG i love it seriously, so hilarious, and Fluttershy doesn´t know what a Fanfic is? come one Fluttershy in which world do you live? XD jajajjaa, Rare-bear? what the hay?, and come on this was just awesome, only a question...what happened with Twilight? XD jajajaja

A pretty good story, yes :pinkiehappy:

Good story.

Pinkie never expected this to escalate this quickly.

Neither did I! :pinkiegasp: This is like the third fanfiction I've read where that happens.

“Besides, you’re going to wake up in my bed, and unlike your everyday fanfiction where you start freaking out, I’ll be holding you, and you’ll have too bad of a headache to freak out!”

Pinkie breaks the fourth wall! :pinkiehappy: You know in Steel Resolve's "Green", Fluttershy does freak out the morning after her first time with Rarity. But she was slightly intoxicated there too. :duck::yay:

I admit that was pretty funny, especially Rainbow Dash and Rarity showing up as they did when they did. :rainbowderp::raritydespair: I haven't seen a lot of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy pairings or Rainbow Dash and Rarity as well. I think because on the show you don't see them together much. But you do make a compelling argument for Pinkie and Fluttershy.

Comment posted by MariusIoannesP deleted Nov 8th, 2013

OMFG THIS WAS BRILLIANT. it is rare to catch me blushing at school, then i made the mistake of watching this brilliant fanfic. OMG i dont know if my face has ever been a brighter red before. i'm almost sad to see this end so quickly but non-the less it was amazing.

3459258 That's for you to figure out. :ajsmug:

3460943 You read this at school? I would've love to seen that.

3461010 well i have straight a's so my teachers cant complain about the fact i goof off during class. XD i'm typing this during algebra 2

This was very good. At first I wasn't sure how the Pinkie and Fluttershy would work out, but the way you wrote it, :pinkiehappy: I couldn't have said it any better.

Great story!!!!

Great story, but I feel like it needs some editing (for general flow).

Also, maybe ponies have a higher general tolerance, but 13 drinks would put most human girls in a coma. :applejackconfused: Conclusion: Fluttershy is best drinking pony. :yay:

The impending drunk-sex with Fluttershy was a bit... :applejackunsure: A lot of folks would call that rape, since Pinkie is totally sober. And the way she reassured Fluttershy that it was OK to continue despite Fluttershy's inebriation was a bit... :pinkiecrazy: In my experience, sober people who want to have sex with me when I'm drunk are not relationship material.

I still liked this story, though. I especially enjoyed your description of Pinkie and Flutterhy making out, and Fluttershy's feelings for Pinkie are nicely elaborated upon. Plus, I'm still lol'ing at the random Rarity/RD drunk-ship! :rainbowlaugh:

There needs to be (if there is, point me to it) a ship-fic with mane six on mane six, but all of them forgetting the very next morning because of such intense hangover, that would even cause Celestia to refuse raising the sun.

Someone must write it for the hilarity, romance, and the complete randomness of it all.


Damn mmmm.... then i guess that if... if Pinkie and Shy were together, and RD and Rare-bear (Rare-bear what the hay?), and no one have seem AJ and Twilight again... maybe... just maybe... O_O HOLY CELESTIA, TWILIGHT IS SAVING KANTO FROM THE ATTACK OF MEWTWO AND THE CLONES?, and AJ must be home in bed cuz she needs to get to work tomorrow, XD jajajjaa

3461815 I think ponies must have a much higher tolerance than humans 'cause of their larger size. And their multiple stomachs.

This was actually not as cheesy as I thought it would be. Good work. Although tbh, the wholw "fanfiction" statement was a bit unnessessary and sorta drew me out of the story a little bit...

:pinkiehappy: That was adorable and sweet, and Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy is my favorite shipping!

3464156 Quiet Breeze
Ponies (equines) have only one stomach (source). Also, if the Equestria Girls DVD cover is any indication, ponies are smaller than humans.... actually, now that I look more closely at that picture, I'm willing to bet pony Twilight has more body mass than skinny human Twilight. :twilightsheepish: Anyway, since these are cartoon ponies, I think I'll let myself bend a bit on the tolerance thing. The fact of the fic is that Fluttershy's tolerance is what the author made it out to be, for whatever reason. :twilightsmile:

I still couldn't drink 13 beers, though. I'd get all :derpyderp2::derpyderp1:

3468036 Oh. Now I feel dumb. :facehoof: I thought horses had two and cows had four stomachs, but thanks for clearing that up! And I doubt I could drink 13 beers either. I'd probably end up in a coma or something. :derpytongue2:

That ending... XD
Cute (hot?) story, all around.

3468036 join the navy itll help with your drinking. I can take 14 shots and 8 beers in only a couple hours. 3 of the shots being japanese habu sake ( look it up if you dont know)

I like this story and i really hope there is more to come

:pinkiegasp: That's amazing! I think I'll pass on joining up, though... girls my size aren't usually considered Navy material. :twilightsheepish: Also, I'm Canadian, so we may or may not be talking about the same Navy. :twilightsmile:

H>>3475531 lol no i would advise against any persoN joinging the american navy just to get alcohol tolerance. This job sucks but its still a great story

3462724 hmmm... What do I receive for this endeavour

An original story, the admiration that comes with it, a possible 'Featured' if it's done well and well circulated, perhaps a sizable following...

In other words, fame, glory, respect, others who have your back...
You know... The usual promise of power made by evil spirits in exchange for your soul. :pinkiehappy:

3476517 you have a deal, message me your e-mail, ill hit you up

That was beautiful :heart::pinkiesmile::fluttershysad:

That was adorable. Good job sir.:heart:

Very cute couples in this one, nice work. :pinkiehappy:

^0^ I loved it

^0^ I loved it

Excellent story. You should make a sequel :pinkiehappy: :yay:

Finally got around to reading this, it was pretty nice.:pinkiesmile::heart:

I can't believe I forgot to favorite this awesome story when I read it the other week! Now I see you have a sequel so..*runs to go read the sequel*

Simply exquisite can't wait to read the sequel I give props to the author

This was such a great story!

The hell was I reading...? :rainbowlaugh: That was hilarious! Fluttershy obviously isn't only the weirdest drunk, but also the cutest... although drunk-Twilight might be major competition. Hmmm. There has to be a good all-the-mane-six-get-horribly-drunk-while-having-a-sleepover-fanfiction somewhere around...

Off to the sequel, I go!

Thank you.

how to kiss step one:find some girl/boy
Step two:find sunglasses
Step three:find out where some one else is kissing
step four:break in while kissing you'r girl/boy
step five:its time to party down stairs

“Besides, you’re going to wake up in my bed, and unlike your everyday fanfiction where you start freaking out, I’ll be holding you, and you’ll have too bad of a headache to freak out!”

Good job author! You've successfully won the (not coveted) Deadpool award!

Omg I loved it SOOOOO MUCH!!! Best FlutterPie fanfic that I have EVER read so far!! :raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

This and it’s sequel combine to make the definitive FlutterPie fanfic! But I’m always gonna be a bit bummed that this didn’t get a RariDash spin-off

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