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Your Closest Bonds (Gilda's Poem)

Your Closest Bonds (Gilda’s Poem)

Stupid, stupid ponies!
They don’t know the mistake they’ve made messing with me
I’ll mess them up so bad, they won’t even be able to see straight
Especially that stupid pink one
They humiliated me in front of a whole crowd
They humiliated me in front of Dash
Stupid, stupid ponies
They’re all so, so lame!
I can’t believe I ever thought Dash would make a good friend
Everyone knows ponies are so soft and lame
I guess I thought Rainbow was different
I guess I had been wrong all along
I spotted a small clearing the vast stretch of trees that revolved around the clustered forest
There was a lake or pond clearly visible through the gap in the trees
Lakes were supposed to be calming, right?
Well, my wings needed a rest anyways
I landed with a slight squish on the cool, mossy ground
My sharp talons easily dug into the soft covering, slicing the delicate roots from below
Each step was the same, squishy yet leaving a trail of small cuts behind me
I gazed out towards the lake
It was a normal lake, nothing special, placid and blue like any other
I removed my eyes from the tree line and gazed down upon my reflection in the body of water
My face was a mess, covered in party gags and some cake
But that didn’t bother me, no, the reflection itself wasn’t an issue
I was angry, my entire body was tensed up with unending fury
But that fury wasn’t directed at the ponies
It was directed at myself
I was infuriated, angry, frustrated with myself
There was only one other time I truly felt like this
It was such a long time ago, almost lost beneath the newer, fonder memories
Back when I first started flight school life more than I could handle
Until good ol’ Dash showed up and snapped me outta my rut
I was an alright kid, never wanted to make trouble, always did my best to learn new flying techniques
Other students weren’t so keen on following the rules like I did though
They made fun of me for practicing and studying, always taunting me or even beating me up
Every day was awful, I couldn’t avoid the onslaught of bullying
One day is tricks and techniques class, I tried doing one of the more complicated tricks
It didn’t end well, my wings tied up and I fell to the ground
The other students didn’t even bother trying to catch me,
But Rainbow Dash zoomed in and caught me before I hit the ground and broke my wings
From there, I did my best to keep Dash around
She was the only real friend I made at that dumb school
We hung out every day after class, flying or chilling on a cloud
She showed me that there really were some ponies out there worth hanging onto
When I told her about all of the bullying, she showed me how to pull pranks
We spent the rest of our years there pranking the other ponies and griffins
There was laughter and contentment, but underneath it all, I grew cold and resentful
I was truly happy to get back at those stupid bullies for what they did to me
In my life, it was be tough or get crushed
Dash helped me grow tough, but I over did it
She was fine with it then, because she didn’t like the other students either, but now
Now it’s different, we aren’t in flight school anymore
I sighed at the thought of having lost the only true friend I ever made
The wind from my beak blew into the water causing ripples to shoot out from the center
My reflection became distorted and I turned away
The ripples in the water made more sense than my reflection did, but they changed, I didn’t
“Excuse me beast of lion and bird, is it you that I just heard?” called out a voice from the forest
“Who’s there? Don’t make me come after you” I threatened
A zebra walked out from behind the cover of the darkened wood
She was wearing some gold bands and carried a sack upon her back, and didn’t seem like trouble
“Violence is not what I seek, for I choose to be quite meek”
“Why are you here? Isn’t this place, I dunno, dangerous or something?”
The zebra laughed at my response, and pointed to her pack with her hoof
“Here I have my pack of goods, to bring back to my house in the woods”
“Well I still don’t get what you’re up to” I retorted, trying to stay intimidating
“As I said, you could be heard, your voice is loud, with every word”
Her rhyming was getting on my nerves really quick, then again I was already mad
“I didn’t say anything” I spat back angrily
“This is true, they weren’t said, but rather thought, inside your head”
I looked at the black and white horse blankly
Could she really have been reading my mind?
“What’re you talking about you creep?”
“I am no creep as you say, just observant, are you ok?” she asked, letting on that she could read my face
“It’s none of your business, I’m fine” I scowled
I tried walking away, but the zebra wouldn’t stop following me
“Beat it, I don’t need some tagalong loser zebra!” I screamed at her
“Foolish here, you should not be, all alone in the forest Everfree” she warned
“I’ll be fine, it’s just a bunch of tr –” a loud roar from behind cut me off
“What was that?”I whimpered, although I tried my best to keep my composure
She noticed and trotted up quickly
“T’was a beast quite large in size, let us go to my hut and stay inside”
Hearing the enormous monster had been enough to keep even a bold natured griffin like me out
Her hut wasn’t too far, and the walk was hastened by our imperative pace
When we got inside the wooden abode, I let out a sigh of relief
I noticed she had been looking at me, and realized that she had seen me scared
“You tell anyone about this and I swear” I threatened again, shaking my fist in the air for emphasis
The forest dweller laughed again “Not in the slightest, do I believe a kind griffin like you, would hurt me”
Her words took me by surprise, as no one besides Dash had ever called me nice
“What makes you think I’m nice, crone?” I replied, trying to continue with my insults
“However tough and mean you act, your soul will reflect your true self back” she smiled
This random zebra was the first being to ever see past my tough façade
Her smile was heartfelt and real, it almost made my emotional walls of steel snap
Could this random stranger really care about a jerk like me?
“I’m not nice,” I continued on to see what she would say “I’m a jerk”
“Perhaps that is what your mouth says, but it is not what your mind portrays”
“Inside you feel you feel you have done wrong, and do believe a piece of you is gone”
The rhythmic words pierced through my remaining barriers, I couldn’t hold back any more
“Shut up! Shut up! I’m not that weak little girl anymore, I won’t have you make fun of me like this!”
“It’s not my fault Rainbow Dash grew soft and lame with her dumb pony friends!”
“I’m still tough, I can still stick up for myself! I only need to care about me, just me!”
My breath was heavy and panting, shoulders tensed as I stood on my hind legs
The zebra did not react, she remained purely calm and relaxed
She waited patiently for my rage to subside, and then began to speak, softly but with intent
“As a child you were scorned, and because of such, a friendship was born”
“From that friendship, your one became two, and as you got older, your friendship also grew”
“Those who once adored you would do so again, if you were the one they once called friend”
“But bitter as your soul has grown, you still have hope to find a home”
“Too long have you believed her reason was all because of petty teasing”
“For the truest of friends will stick together, in hail or rain or any kind of weather”
She concluded her small speech with a bright smile and light chuckle
My body relaxed and I began to understand what this zebra meant
At least, I thought I captured the message of her rhyming
I finally dropped my malicious facemask and grinned a truly happy grin for the first time in ages
With a deep sigh, I mustered up the will to thank her for her kind words and caring attitude
She pointed me in the direction of Ponyville and told me I would be able to leave the forest easily
I had to go and find Dash, if for nothing more than to apologize
I wasn’t sure if she’d even see me, but Zecora the zebra, as she was called, assured me that she would
I opened the door and spread my wings, ready to lift off to the skies above the green labyrinth
I looked back at Zecora, waving and smiling; I had made a new friend today
Lifting off, I was trying to think of what to say to Dash when I heard her call up to me from below
“If you’re wry and you lie, then your friendship will die!” she yelled
“But if you’re true in what you speak, your closest bonds you are sure to keep!”