• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 1,239 Views, 19 Comments

Chunk the Ghoul - 16BitHeros

VR sims are tricky

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It has come to my attention that simulation F1m has been acting rather strangely as of late. It appears that the AI present in the program is advancing without our aid. Not only did the primary system manage to isolate a virus that corrupted almost 50% of the processing memory, but it also seemed to take over all responsibilities of the corrupted half. Advancements like this in a VR program were unheard of until now. I suggest immediate removal of program F1m from public use until either we stop the progression or the program fizzles itself out. Telling you to delete the program would be a crime to science, so just report that it was terminated due to adverse effects it has upon users.

On a related note, the DR-p diagnostic synthesizer seems to have a rather odd pattern of appearance. Unlike the synthesizers in other simulations which scan every thirty minutes on the dot, this one appears to show up at random roughly three times an hour. Although DR-p systems are primarily “mail-men” for the simulation, telling specific systems the status of other systems, this rather odd pattern should probably be looked into in the event that this random scan oddity escalates into an actual problem.

It also appears that the background AI generate many duplicates of themselves to fill in voids in programming loops that the rapid expansion creates.

Though none of these bugs and abnormalities are necessarily malignant, I feel that the longer we ignore these problems the worse off we may be.
Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns,
Sincerely Rodger Malcolm, Head of Marketing