• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 618 Views, 3 Comments

Stories of: The Ponyville Fire Department - Techno Flare

After many incidences like The Great and Powerful Trixie, there has to be somebody to help clean up this mess. Especially when fire strikes, the five brave ponies of the Ponyville Fire Department are there.

  • ...

The Beginning

Amethyst Star's muscles were drenched in sweat, weighing down her muscles that much more. The aura around her horn flickered in a sporadic tempo. She had been stapling up papers all across town for the past three hours, hoping that somepony would notice them. This was an important project she had been working on for the past year. Finally, after begging the mayor for hours at a time, letters to the local government, and going to Celestia herself, she had finally gotten permission to open up the Ponyville Volunteer Fire Department.

She knew that many ponies took residence in Ponyville, but just who would turn up was bothering her. She knew many a pony that would be great for the job, but there were also many that would just bury the project in the ground. If anypony were gonna help, she at least hoped that some were able for the job.

As she was walking down the dirt path, she had realized that she was about to come to the place where she first put up her poster. Standing near that first poster were two pale blue pegasi, one with a mint green mane that caressed its way down her arm, the other with a white-blue mane that was spiked out in several places. Amethyst was nervous - and excited - that somepony was reading her poster. She went up to them and introduced herself.

Three Minutes Earlier

Cloudchaser and Flitter had just gotten back from a rough job. Foal Sitting Rumble was easy on a daily basis, but today was different. Today he had gotten some sugar cubes from Pinkie Pie. He was on the highest sugar rush of his life so far. One can imagine how it went.

Either way, they were positively exhausted. They trudged down the street, only picking their heads up to say hello or to ask a question to one another. As their dejected mood implied, they were not paying much attention to where they were walking. Flitter, being the klutz that she is, walked right into a pole. "Smooth, Flitter," said Cloudchaser duly, half amused and half hurting himself. Twins as they were, they could feel one anothers' emotions. Loosely stapled to the wooden pole was a flyer, so they presently read it.

To all who may want to help out ponies for the greater good, come down to Amethyst Star's (more widely known as Sparkler) house at sundown tonight. A meeting will be held for all that may want to join the newly opened Ponyville Fire Department.

An address hung at the bottom of the paper with some directions. "Can you remember those directions Flitter?" asked Cloudchaser. She really wanted to be a part of something to help ponies out, and she was perfect for the job; winning in the 100 meter dash in the central Equestria division, she was an astounding athlete, and for once she wanted to put those skills to use.

"Why should I? Working in the Fire Department... isn't that dangerous?" Flitter shifted her weight from side to side as she spoke. She had no intention of doing something like that. Risking her life for the good of others, she wanted no part in it. What if she screws up? What if she doesn't make it out?

"Flitter, it won't be that bad!" scolded Cloudchaser, trying to calm her down. "Whatever you do, just don't let your anxiety get the best of you. You could be, like, a watch guard or something. You could monitor over the city, alerting us for problems or small fires that aren't detected. You won't have to do that much." Flitter seemed to calm down, but Cloudchaser could still tell that Flitter didn't want to go. "Please just do it," implored Cloudchaser, like a puppy begging for her bone. "For me?"

Flitter took a second took think about it. "*sigh* Fine, but only because you want to." Flitter had already memorized the address, it wasn't that hard. "I know you won't be able to do this without me." Flitter didn't wish that statement was true. They were twins, they had been together their whole lives, and being separated was like losing half of their personality. Flitter knew that it Cloudchaser went without her, it would not end up well.

"Pardon me," came a sweet voice from behind them. They turned around to see a hot pink unicorn with a violet and lavender streaked mane. "I am Amethyst Star, but you can call me Amy. May I have your names?" Amethyst was trying to act as professional as possible. Cloudchaser and Flitter saw this, and Cloudchaser matched her posture and tranquility.

"I," stated Cloudchaser, pausing for effect, "am Cloudchaser, a winner of the Central Equestria Division 100 Meter Dash two years back. You may call me CC for short." Her chest was puffed out as much as she could handle without toppling over. CC tried to make it seem like a big deal, and it surely was important to Amethyst Star. That was what Amy was looking for; talent.

"I am Flitter," said Flitter in a slightly less powerful tone. "I placed tenth in the Equestria National Spelling Bee." Amy thought it was good enough. If she can do anything, it's memorize a map of the city and give us directions and things like that, thought Amy. Better than nothing.

"So, are you two planning to go to the meeting tonight?" questioned Amy. It was one she pretty much had to ask. If she didn't, how would they know she was that enthusiastic about it. She had been wearing a mid-sized friendly smile the whole time, but that wasn't enough to win somepony over.

"Heck yeah!" exclaimed CC. "It seems like a great opportunity to help other ponies, and we are definitely up for it." Flitter nodded in agreement.

"Great," declared Amy. "I'll see you tonight at sundown." Amy started to slowly walk away, waving her hoof in the air to signal goodbye.

"See you there, too." Cloudchaser started bouncing on her hooves. "Oooohhhh! I am pumped already! I can't wait for tonight.!" Flitter slowly started building her nervousness up again. As her twin sister was frolicking up the dirt road toward their house, Flitter was just another step away from balling her eyes out.

Noteworthy was tired of living in Appleloosa. Even though it was his hometown, the lifestyle there was just... not right. He liked it here in Ponyville. There was so much more technology, more food, and less annoyances like Braeburn. If anything, he was happier here. But when he got here, the only thing he could do was deliver goods. He was strong and all, but he wished there was something more to do than just tug carriages around. His muscles were sore, he was tired, and his house wasn't in the greatest of conditions, but it was life.

As he dragged his hooves along the ground, he saw something. A... job offer? He got a little closer to find out if it was something he was interested in. He finally read the poster. He thought about it, thought about it... It seems like a good idea, but will it interfere with my work and income? I really like this place, and helping out by fighting fires seems like the right thing to do. I think I will! He recorded the directions in his head and immediately went to his job office to call off work for the next couple days. It was gonna be fantastic doing something for this city.

Do I have to remind people EVERY TIME!! Minuette was tired of being referred to as a stupid toothpaste brand. 'Oh, hi Colgate...' Every day she would go through this. It was getting her to the point of literally exploding. Just because she was a dentist didn't mean she was supposed to be a professional. For Celestia's sake... I have a stinking hourglass as my cutie mark! What am I supposed to do with time! If only she could actually figure out what her cutie mark meant.

"UGHHH" she screamed as she walked down the street to her friend's house. At least Amy realizes my problems. She had been somewhat friends with Amethyst ever since she had moved to Ponyville. Amy had been the one to get Minuette to stay in Ponyville after seeing the place during the Summer Sun Celebration, and she was glad she did so. Of course, Twinkleshine was back in Canterlot, but Lyra Heartstrings moved to Ponyville as well, and the three unicorns have been happy ever since.

Of course, she hasn't been too happy as of late. She needed somepony to help get her mind off things, and Amy had offered to help. They were going to talk about gossip and things like that, and Minuette enjoyed it, but something was off. Amy wasn't usually the first to help Minuette in that situation, she also preferred Lyra to help solve her problems. Minuette couldn't help but get the feeling that Amy was up to something, but she was in sight of her house. Minuette took the final steps into Amethyst Star's house as the sun set behind the rolling hills that overlooked Ponyville.

"Minuette! Oh I'm so glad you could join us." As Minuette walked in the house, she saw four ponies sitting around a table in the center of the polished wood floor. She saw Amy at the head off the table, two pale blue pegasi on the side facing the door, that turned around. And on the other side there was an open seat near a big stallion, the open seat closer to Amethyst Star. Minuette knew all of their names and could tell that they knew her. This is going to get nowhere fast.

"Hello Amy! Hello CC and Flitter, and hi to you as well Noteworthy!" Minuette took a seat as all of them replied in unison.

"Hi, Colgate!" Well, all of them but Amy. Amy did chuckle a bit, however, and that just made her steam. Sure Minuette was a little bubbly, but that was just...

"You may know her as Colgate," said Amy, her smile turning into an emotionless face, "but her name is Minuette, and you will call her that. Noteworthy, I don't believe you have met the twins, Cloudchaser and Flitter, and me. I am Amethyst Star, but you can call me Amy. CC and Flitter, this is Noteworthy." They exchanged greetings. "Now, Minuette," stated Amy, turning to Minuette, "I know this was supposed to be the time where I helped you talk about your problems, but I think this will help as well. I have gathered you all here to become part of the new Ponyville Volunteer Fire Department."

"That's it, I'm out of here." Minuette stood up and made her way to the door, but Amy wouldn't have it.

"Minuette, WAIT!" She came to a halt three steps away from the door. "Please, just hear me out." Minuette let a few fumes of anger go and turned around. "The reason I have brought you all here is because you have talent. CC, you were a track star. Flits - and yes, that's your new nickname - you have a photographic memory. Noteworthy, I have seen you pull over two-thousand jewels for Miss Rarity herself. And Minuette, I have never seen anypony able to do as much with so little than you. You can mend gums using just your magic abilities and are able to make great decisions under pressure. With all of us working together, we will be able to prevent deaths and fires in Ponyville. So what do ya say?"

Minuette thought about what Amy had just said. It was all true, they all had talent. But getting a fire department together... they were going to need one. Especially with Twilight Sparkle moving here; it seemed as though wherever she went, crazy things happened. If anypony could handle Twilight's messes, it was herself. She couldn't find a reason not to, so she complied with Amy. This was gonna be good.

"I have made my decision," declared Minuette, everypony's eyes on her. "I will be on the team." A gasp came up from the group as Amy started towards Minuette.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" screamed Amy as she embraced Minuette with a strong hug.

"A little-" she gasped for air "-too tight Amy," Minuette managed to choke out.

"Oops," said Amy, a little disappointed in herself. "I am just so happy that you decided to stay. We're gonna make a great team." Amy and Minuette started back to the table where all the others were waiting. "Alright, from now on, we are proud ponies of the Ponyville Fire Department. Hands in everypony!" Amy extended a hoof across the center of the table, followed by Minuette, then Noteworthy, and last the twins. "Ponyville on three! One, two, three!"

"PONYVILLE!" they shouted in unison. The neighbors had some choice words to say back, but Amy didn't care. She was in charge, and she couldn't have anypony die in her hooves.

Not again...

The Stories of: The Ponyville Fire Department
Story created by Techno Flare

Author's Note:

The story of five background ponies that do not get any screen time, what do they do? This is my interpretation of it. Hope you enjoyed!