• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen April 29th

Daemon McRae

The magic comedy hoers.

Comments ( 15 )

Holy crap.

This was... Whoooooooooooo.


~Skeeter The Lurker


Crazy shit.

Good story.

Very much enjoyed it. I feel so sorry for the little Wallflower.

Dat atmosphere. This story has a wonderful build-up and the ending was both sad and creepy.

I love it. :rainbowkiss:

Holy shirt that was spoopy.

Seriously though, wow. Awesome dose of creepy and fright. Better than most creepypastas I know. Once again, you didn't disappoint.

Dang this was a good. read I could really feel the fear and that ending is just creepy.
A perfect story for Halloween great job :ajsmug:

It almost caught her by surprise when the frame gave way enough for the window to slide closed rather much faster than she expected it to.

I know that feel, same with doors that close much louder than you think they will, especially if others are sleeping.

Damn, this is the second time tonight I've almost cried. You people are wearing me down, I'm proud of you for it.

Enjoyable read.
Well done!

If you put even half as much work into your shooling as you claim,


“Well, Wallflower, now yu’ll be very sorry. Start writing!”


Um... Did... did I miss something? So, Cheerilee went crazy? Like, out of nowhere, all of a sudden massive mental breakdown? Simply reading the word "Wallflower" made her lose her shit after all these years of being a sane, normal pony? Or, there's some... what, a ghost? And no one has noticed this before? No parent suddenly noticed the same teacher from years ago now there and not aged?

I'm just saying that this seems like a hell of a stretch, and the story seems to have very little weight behind it. It just comes and goes. And why is it marked Mature? For some blood on her face?

Aaaannnnddd.... I shit myself.
Love it, hate it I don't care, this story was good and no one can say shit about it.

oh my god..... i can name like 4 teachers *without even stopping to think* that were like that..... except they didn't "try to cheer me up" like the last thing.....

but, i dont get it.... if cheerlie is being haunted then how in the hell is that bitch ass teacher still alive? last i checked: ghosts are dead.:moustache:

Slow to get going, atmospheric and creepy as hell when it does. Well done!!

Creepy. This was just like a Twilight Zone episode!

Flashes of images long unseen glimpses around corners,

If the images are separate from the glimpses, then there should be a comma after unseen.

the thought she heard an echo


her own shool days


Jus then, the bell chimed.


She beat the wall until she couldn’t, anymore.

The anymore is used in conjunction with couldn't, so the comma isn't needed.

which st in the middle, now.

sat and same as before with the comma.

This was beautiful. In a way, it reminds me of The Raven. I'm a big fan of psychological horror, and I have this attraction to the "mysterious and unexplained occurrences" sort of thing. Well done, mate.

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