• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


Okay, first of all. This is a crossover with literally almost everything. Now your real intro.

The world of Equus is in the gates of a New Age of Magic, old evils are awakening as also new powers are being discovered with new rules being written over the old ones. At the same time the new technologies are bringing to the world all kind of new inventions changing forever the life as we know it in what the ponies call an Industrial Revolution.

With all those changes taking place at the same time, Princess Celestia thinks that is time to retake an old project of hers, an organization dedicated strictly to protect innocents. Now The Royal and Night Guards along with new departments of police, intelligence, research and defense, will be coordinated under one organization: Welcome to a new era.
Welcome to Lightspeed

(I have literally no idea of what I'm doing. Characters added as the story progress. Set in the same universe as The Doom Patrol and Mare-Do-Well Strikes! but it's not necessary to read those to understand this, they are separate stories.)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 43 )

Alright, I'm saying this because I don't want this to crash and burn: MY GOD. THAT WAS TERRIBLE. The story is a good idea, certainly original(well, not original original, but definitely done originally). But, mother of Christ, get an editor! I could feel my eyes burning as I read this! I wanted to put on my deerstalker cap so I could discover who MURDERED the English language here! It doesn't matter if you have a good idea or not, if you can't go TWO WORDS without making a spelling mistake or grammatical error, everyone(even people like me, who love crazy crossovers like this) is gonna hate it! Get an editor, please! Preferably one that has English as their native language, and who knows when to use an apostrophe.

Like I said, I said that because I want this story to succeed. It seems REALLY interesting. Plus, Lightspeed Rescue was, and is, my favorite Power Rangers season, so I have a massive reason to see this thing take off.

Okay I admit it. I'm a terrible English speaker and my translator practically broke. That's no excuse since this is not the first time I work without it but its a reasonable explanation for what happened here.
But srsly, two words without screwing it up? Even I know that I'm not that bad, or am I?
Aaaaaaanyways, thank you for being sincere which is more appreciated and helpful than a simply "good/bad story" kind of comment.
Tomorrow I will re-edit this to fix all I can, if you would like to point the bigger or most common mistakes I will take note and properly credit you in the intro credits.

And thanks for the fav too :twilightsmile:.

P.S.: Sorry for burning your eyes but at least it was better than my very first attempt to write a story, it falls in "so bad that is good" territory.

It not that bad. It a good story. I like to read more.

Not bad, off to a good start and I will certainly be watching this one.

4107027 Okay, I will admit, the whole 'two words' thing was a bit hyperbolic. But, it wasn't too far off the mark.

Sorry if I came off as rude. I'm just a bit of a Grammar Hitler. If you want, I could probably edit it.

4107027 Bad at English? I call bullshit on that.:rainbowlaugh:
I believe you could make this story good, just take your time.:twilightsmile:

You got some missing letters in a sentence. It should be right ones are in the last page. Also if this is going to be like power rangers light speed rescue then I got an oc character you can use. Here's his bio:

Name - soul protector

Age - 19

Race - Griffin

Description - dark blue fur and wings with silver color of his talons. Wears a blue cloak and white scarf.

Occupation - martial artist, knight.

Personality - a mix of rainbow dash, applejack and twilight's

History - from a young age soul has seen what the griffin kingdom has been doing to the world in terms of cruelty. He vowed to change the griffin kingdom by protecting the other races from his own kind. Because of his odd coloration he was exiled and seen as a freak for his radical views. He was recruited by spitfire who saw he had one skill that should have been impossible. The ability to use barrier and telekinesis magic. It was through a talk with him that he revealed his farther was a unicorn and that once the king found out had soul's parents executed. The only reason soul survived was his barrier spell. now part of lightspeed he works as shining's apprentice and an inventor in his spare time. He weilds a collapsable staff. He also seems to have some effect on one gilda with his dedication to change the griffins by showing her that she can still fix her friendship with rainbow dash.


I'm more positive on the further chapters where I can work with some action. Introductions are not my strong side so I'm seriously thinking on renaming this one as #0 and the next one being the real #1.

Four! At least four words without mistaking!
Now seriously, if you want to edit this I would appreciate that, so just send me a pm with he corrected version and I will change it.

Thanks for that. I'm taking my time. Actually I'm organizing pretty well my time with four fics at the same time (you can blame TCB: Judgement Day and MDW Strikes! for being the most demanding) but most of the story is already planned so it wouldn't be a major problem now that the intro is finally out of the way.

I'm sorry but I already got something planned with the griffons. It goes like this:
For years, the griffons have battled against the savage lands to build their own home. With nearly to no magic on their side the have gone through almost everything. This have made them more aggressive than ponies but it also made them some of the strongest species existing. They are also got a strict code of honor based on never leaving a fight and only kill something after giving it a chance to fight back. This has made hired assassins mostly unpopular between griffons, specially snipers.
Play me.
Being an outsider between his compatriots and constantly discouraged by his father, Mick Mundy decided to try his luck overseas working as a professional mercenary abandoning the griffon code and following his own standards. Be polite, be efficient and have a plan to kill everyone you meet. Using the code name "The Sniper", he came to work for Hors Co. as part of its Team Fortress till the dismantling of the team at the end of the Gravel Wars.
Since then nopony nor griffon have seen a single feather from him. But of course, nobody sees the bullet coming neither.
But still, if I come up with a moment when Soul Protector comes at handy I will give him the role and credit you accordingly.

Well, I thin those are all the answers. Now I'm going to sleep, see ya.

4111585 kk

4110409 Don't know what's worse: you automatically assuming the author needed OC's, or the fact that your OC is kinda bland. ohgodimsuchajerkforgiveme

4111585 well to both of you I thought that there was need of someone like Mrs fairweather for this. That and it was implied that there would be an organazation with members from the races of equestria. At least that's what I can tell for this. If your crossover is going to have light speed as it's core then shouldn't it have someone to handle reaserch and development. And I don't blame you for thinking that I did only leave the bio. I just thought that if ponies have varied personalities why not griffins. Besides we only saw what some are like with Gilda and that flashback. At least Gilda and rainbow Dash's friendship showed that they can be non aggressive in that respect. That was what I was thinking when I made soul. To show the more calm side buried under the aggression. At this point the griffins hold a lot of potential in fanfics so I see your points. Like I said in the bio soul is one of the more kinder griffins. And remember he is at least part pony so the different personality can be explain that way.

Oh no! You discovered me.:twilightoops:
I mean eh-- We don't we just giv' up partner? :ajsmug:

(and don't be so hard on the dude, he was trying to help on his own way)

I see where you were going.
There's already a character for the roll of Miss Fairweather. I can't tell that much but he/she will be linked to Planetary.
And about the griffons. Well, that's why I gave the Sniper roll to a griffon. In the game Team Fortress 2, the Australians are very violent but the Sniper is way more calm that can be seen in one of the taunts when instead of just mocking a dead rival he takes his hat off in respect. Also, playing as a Sniper forces you to look out for your team, it's a very protective class. For more info about the Task Force go here.

4115471 again I see your point but remember soul has a collapsable staff not a rifle. He's more of a melle type. And again he's part pony and is skilled at barriers and levitation. Levitation to distract and barriers to defend plus his staff makes him pretty balanced. Levitation can also be used in rescue work that and I think I better tell you the reason why guns were not part of his bio. How his folks were executed was like why Batman hates guns. Yeah that bad. So sorry but from that do you really want him as a sniper?

No, don't misunderstand me.
The Sniper from the Task Force is one griffon and Soul is another. There can be more than just one griffon.
The main reasoning for making Sniper a griffon is because he's got the head of an eagle which gives him one of the best sights in the animal kingdom.
For Soul maybe a cameo for now but I still haven't a real story fitting him. Although I would encourage you to write your own story about him, mostly because its your character and I don't feel like making him enough justice when you are the creator.

4117977 I would but I'm having trouble posting my stories onto the site. Apparently I been writting in script format.

4115471 :trixieshiftright:....................seems legit............
need a dispenser here ! :derpytongue2:

Over all the story was good, but I do feel that I should point out a few of things.

1. Why was there a description of the cover art? That seems slightly pointless to the story. :derpytongue2:

2. I'll admit that, "Creative consult by 5thWriter 'his story is bigger'.", had me laughing. :rainbowlaugh: (Not a good idea to do that laughing in the middle of the college library.

3. The chess game between Luna and Celestia was nicely written. :scootangel: As I read it, I got the feeling that Celestia was hiding something and that Luna knows she's hiding something, but cannot call her out on it without proof. :twilightangry2:

4. With Equestria getting so much to protect it, what exactly are the bad guys going to have to make things difficult for them? (Avoid "Mary Sue"-ing the whole country.)

5. Where did Transformers come from? :pinkiegasp:

6. I do indeed recommend getting an editor. If you can't find one, I'll ask mine if she'd be willing to edit and if she's willing to edit have her contact you.

This is a great story and I'm looking forward to seeing what direction you take it in. :eeyup:

Okay, let's see it.

1. I drawn most of my influences from comic book, so it seemed appropriated to give each one of my new fics a cover art for their first "issue" so I did exactly that. Mare-Do-Well Strikes! and Doom Patrol also have their own cover arts as also the three of them shared the title "The Beginning of Tomorrow".

2. Hey, credit where its belong.

3. I really intended to trow a cluster symbolism-bomb, even the pieces being played have some significance (just don't ask me how the managed to drive the game to check, mate and a draw after losing the half of the pieces).

4. "Mary Sue"-ing a whole country?! Is that even possible? *thinks about it, shudders* Nonononononononononononononnononono. NO!
Without revealing too much, I can only tell you to considerate that I'm using as a base the following ideas:
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.
Planetary (and all the other franchises they used during the series).
Team Fortress 2.
Checkmate (and by extension the whole DCU).
And eventually Transformers (more than meets the eye).
If I can't find a villain dangerous enough from all that material then I'm being terrible fan. (only Lightspeed has already enough of a threat for the good ones here).

5. Second chapter, Planetary's first mission.

6. I'm working on it, Serefin already offered but I haven't heard anything about it since then. If yours doesn't have problems with it I would be glad to put another name in the credits under the "edited by" label.

And try to hang from something, this is gonna be bumpy ride.

4. For a villain what about Unicron? That guy causes everyone to piss themselves.

I wish but I'm already working with "robot Orson Welles" in TCB: Judgement Day.
But again, here are a villain from each side that could appear:
PR LR: Diabolico.
Planetary: The Four.
TF2: The Horseless Headless Horsemann.
Checkmate: Kobra.

Just peak your favorite.

i like this story is there going to be more???:pinkiehappy:

Actually working on that, it's funny I kinda got the complete plot for three story arcs but somehow I can't get out of one scene.:derpyderp2:

And thanks for the fav.:ajsmug:

You don't know how many times I have posted that exact same comment or its variations before.
To read it from the point of view of the writer (if I can be called so). Now I know how it feels to be a promoted fanboy.

Just curious, is this a power rangers crossover because of the name and symbol, or will we actually get some morphers and megazords?

It will have Power Rangers and Zords. Specially Zords. Actually, you're just looking at the main foreshadow about it.

wow :rainbowderp:, i can say , i never expected the Transformers part , even though G1 transformers were the best , be careful to keep in mind who are your main characters and where you're going with your plot , and still that part with Spy and Scout :moustache:
i don't think there's another way to make it , it's perfect

Again, hours of source material research. And I have planed at least three story arcs, not ignoring any character. Now you understand why it took me this long to update.

4785721 damn.......
so much work and you got 3 other fics to write ....
here's a few advices - buy coffee
- buy more coffee
- hang out with a few friends
- buy more coffee
and about G1 transformers i gt only one thing to say :

and Starscream will always be my favorite

Yesterday I spent the entire day with mates so I'm good on that part. About the coffee, I'm five steps ahead of yo--
Pinkie Pie: Help! Wave stole my whole coffee reserves. Now he's more caffeine than man now, rambling and bouncing.

I'm wary that Ditzy can now pilot expensive aircraft given her history with flight.

I'm more worried that Lyra, at some point, had access to uranium and now she's getting paid for it.:trixieshiftleft:

4786022 Yeeeeaaaah, that might cause some long term problems. :twilightoops:

Great story, pity you had to cancel this. A lot of potential.

Thanks. Yeah, it was a great concept, but too much for me to take alone.

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