• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 1,326 Views, 9 Comments

Shamanic Wisdom - SteampunkBrony

A potion to save a life, a debt to be paid, and the tale of the most unusual pegasus I've ever met.

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Prologue : A debt to be paid...

Shamanic Wisdom

Prologue: A Debt to be Paid
By: SteampunkBrony

((A/N: 'sup everypony, Steampunk here. Just giving you all a heads up on how this story reads since it is formatted a little odd. In each chapter I'll include a blurb from the listener's standpoint (underlined), then I'll move into either a second person listener's (italics) or a first person view to tell the actual story (normal font). It may seem a little odd but I'll try to make it easy to read. I'm experimenting with this one so bear with me.))

It was in a tavern, the Coltic Shamrock if my memory serves me right, that I first met him. He was an odd one, a white pegasus with a deep blue mane and matching eyes. He had a series of black tribal patterns dyed into his coat, or at least that's what I thought at the time. Being the curious type I decided to strike up a conversation with him and I asked him if there was a story behind his odd markings.

He just smiled and told me that if I wanted to hear the story, I'd best buy a few drinks because we'd be there a while...

Well, it began with me galloping through the Everfree forest back to Ponyville with the bottle of glowing potion clenched securely in my jaws. At the time I did not realize what I had just committed to, and if I had at the time, I may have just returned the potion and hoped for the best...

I can tell by that look on your face that you don't quite understand what I'm talking about do you?


Well let me give you a bit more back story than that. You see, a dear friend of mine was, at the time, in Ponyville Hospital Urgent Care, suffering from the results of a rather brutal hit and run by a unicorn mugger. His ribcage was as good as dust, and he had severe internal injuries. The hospital staff gave him six hours to live unless a miracle happened. Well, all but one of the staff. Redheart, I believe, was her name. She told me of the zebra named Zecora who lived alone in the Everfree forest, and that she may be able to help, for a price.

Now understand that at the time, I was desperate to find a way to save my friend and that the doctors had pretty much thrown in the towel at that point. Their usual fall back, the princess's protege, was out of town in Appleloosa for a while and nopony had enough magical power to heal him.

So I decided to risk it. I travelled into the Everfree and found the zebra's home...

I knocked hard on the door, my hoof making three sharp clacks as it impacted the solid wood. I heard some movement inside and some muttering in a language I did not understand at the time.

"Come in, come in. My door is open for those seeking me within." Her voice had a rich exotic tone to it as a light sprung up within. I hoofed the door open and stepped in, panting from the run to the hut. "You seem to be in quite a hurry, what is the cause of your worry?"

I had never seen anypony like her before. Her mane was styled so it flowed down past her face, which in itself was exotic. Her colors were only black and white, and she had some sort of symbol, which I later learned was called a Glyphmark, in place of a cutie mark. Her cyan eyes were studying me, it was a bit unnerving to be honest. She had five golden rings sitting snugly around both her neck and left foreleg. Two earrings made of the same golden metal as the ones around her neck completed her jewellery. Her tail was braided for the first few inches but after that it was left loose.

"I need your help, my oldest friend is in the hospital. They said he will die in five hours. It was that unicorn who has been attacking ponies who harmed him, his ribcage is powdered and he has severe organ damage... is there anything you can do?" I asked after catching my breath.

"Hmm... a potion I can brew which to these injuries remedy, however it does not brew quickly. It will take three hours to prepare, and of course there is the mater of the fare." She said as she turned and started gathering herbs.

"How much will it be?"

"The ingredients are very rare, and must be handled with great care. However, because it is to save a life that would otherwise be lost, five thousand bits is the cost." Zecora replied apologetically. "I am sorry, but the price I cannot lower, but due to the matter at hand I am doing you a favour."

"I... I don't have that kind of money. I am a traveller, and I just happened to be in town today." I said crestfallen at the price. "I only have two hundred bits to my name."

"Hmm... Well, seeing as you hold him in high regard, perhaps we can reach an accord." She said as she looked at the bottles of ingredients.

"I'll do anything." I said quickly. "He's saved my life in the past, and it's time for me to pay him back. I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't."

Zecora was silent for a moment or two, then replied. "Come back in three hours time to pick up the potion. As for how you will pay me, I have a notion."

I made it in time with the potion, which managed to fix my friend's body to the point that the doctors could do the rest. They didn't seem surprised that the zebra had managed to produce something that could help. They just didn't seem to like the fact that she managed it with herbs and powders instead of chemicals and magic.

As for what the price was... well, if you care to stick around I can tell the story.