• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 5,967 Views, 133 Comments

Eternal Darkness - FLUTTERxxDASH

What happens to Princess Celestia's star student when a spell goes wrong, blinding her in the process? How will she adapt to her new life?

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Voodoo?!.......... What? (UPDATED)

Author's Note:

Decided that I wanted to sift through the chapter and get it to look more presentable as I could not find an editor who could help me. Hopefully now it doesn't look as choppy as before and will be more understandable, Could i ask though that if anyone see's a clear mistake that you would be kind enough to give a little comment about it, thanks guys, now off to the next chapter, Serra.

Voodoo?!.......... What?

After yesterdays events was over it pretty much went like the rest of the days, Luna had kept Twilight company until she fell asleep but she had some thoughts running through her head all the time she did keep her company, today she had to fess up what was on her mind that worried her, "Okay, so you did agree yesterday but I think there will be a bit more to this," Luna admitted to the smaller lavender mare who was sat with her having morning tea.

Twilights ears perked up, as Twilight became confused, "Luna, what are you talking about?" Twilight asked with genuine wonder..

Luna began explaining as Twilight fiddled with her cup, trying to lift it with her hooves, "Well first would be, I don't know how long it will take for you to learn this ability, that is if the pony I am taking you to will even teach it to you. I had some of the guards prep the airship this morning so that we could set off, come this way and we'll move to the airship," Luna said as she picked up Twilight with her arm, making said arm nearly drop the now empty cup but luckily caught it and placed it down before getting up.

Luna quickly took off with Twilight at her side, "Sorry about that but if we wanna get moving it will take a while to get there, okay then first there is actually a great amount of danger, the reason why this island only one inhabitant is due to the predators and carnivorous plants that make their homes there, I found it really strange that this seemingly normal elderly mare could live here but when I finally met her I understood how, she was not normal by a long shot. She was well past her years and had much vast knowledge in the practices your friend Zecora," Luna began explaining in further detail.

Twilight between breathes from the rush tried to ask as best as she could, "So what your saying is that, first when we get there we could be eaten before we get to her, second if we do get there she might not agree to teach me and then we would have to get back again through the dangers, I thought you could speak to her through you're ability to go into ponies dreams? Also how can a seemingly normal unicorn live as long as you say she had?" they were nearing the east side of the castle where the royal chariots and air ships would land.

Luna replied answering the questions in turn as best she could, "Well I can communicate in dreams with her yes but the fact is she only would talk to me when I was the one sleeping, I know it sounds weird but I mean only when she entered my dreams would she speak, plus for the fact she really is not normal. The age she has is nearing a few hundred years for how long I had been conscious of her being alive," Luna said with a bit of regret knowing her answers were not adequate but would have to do for now until she let Twilight meet the mare.

As they began to slow down to a light walking pace Twilight caught her breathe before saying, "Well that's........... rather awkward but okay, still if there is a chance that I can learn this I at least want to try asking her whether she would teach me," That is if the mare is really able to, I'm not even sure if Luna knows if she really could, Twilight felt an ache in her shoulder blade, only a small ache so she pushed it to the back of her mind.

On the Air Ship

It was a new sensation of sounds to Twilight, she had never been on one before, air spat the pistons that pushed the doors open, buzzing could also be heard from the underbelly of the craft. Being lead onto the ship by a guard who had met them at the east entrance to the castle both Twilight and Luna came to the front where ponies would usually sit but for this trip they would be the only passengers, Twilights ears liked the new sensations but she was much happier with the quite of this new room, "Its much less noisy here thankfully, how long do you think it will take to get there Luna?" she asked gaining Luna's attention from where she watched the workers move crates and do their jobs.

Luna turned and moved her hoof to Twilight, who gladly accepted it, "It shouldn't be too long, around five hours or so, for a trip that far is quite fast, over a thousand years ago we never had these contraptions," wonder in her tone of voice, it was clear to Twilight that she was fascinated with how her generation began making new technology, she also found out that Luna had spent a large amount of time on a handheld game, it was fun at the time getting little bits of information on Luna from Miss Tea.

Twilight sighed at having to wait so long to get to her destination, Oh well at least this means I get to spend the day talking with Luna, she is usually to busy during the day, "Well since it is going to take so long what do you want to do in the mean time?" she asked, Twilights ears flicked up at the sudden movement of the vehicle as the air craft departed it's station.

Luna glanced over to the satchel she brought with them, she carried it in her magic as they came to the ship, "Hmm, how about a few stories to pass the time, I brought along some books to read you," Luna moved her wing to grab the satchel, It held three books of different colors.

Twilight scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out again, unbeknownst to her this was becoming a common tick she was getting that Luna really liked, "Let me guess, the next of Doctor Whooves: Plague of the Cyberponies," Twilight chuckled as Luna turned red, lucky for her Twilight couldn't see her Princess looking like a tomato, "It truly surprised me to find out that you were a hoovian Luna but it was a good thing to me, we have more in common,"

Both mares chuckled, Luna began reading to Twilight as they both talked and chatted on the subject of Doctor Whooves adventure. Hours passed as they ran through the books one by one until a call on the ships speakers, called over the radio, "Caecus Island in sight, ten minutes until landing, Crew get to positions, that is all," Closing the book and placing it on the table Luna stood and helped Twilight to get up, then headed towards the back of the ship.

Both Twilight and Luna received protective equipment and waterproof satchels with rations for their journey to where ever this mare called home, Twilight heard a Stallions voice what was slightly muffled by the racket of the engines, "Okay Princess, we will wait here for you both to get back, we will have to float in the distance away from the land, here is your flare, he pointed to the holster on the bags. When you have accomplished what you to do, be sure to point it in the air around this side of the island and we shall come back to this spot, If you aren't back within thirty days we shall send our best in to retrieve you both, good luck," Suddenly Twilight shook as she felt the craft hit the water and skid to a halt on the beach of the island.

Luna nodded to her guard who had fulfilled his duty, now turning to Twilight to help her off, "Lets go Twilight," Luna pulled upon Twilight as they left the craft, soft sand could be felt brushing up against their hooves as the craft departed the island, "okay, stay close, its going to take a while to get there, maybe a day and a bit," Luna took the buckle that dangled on Twilights satchel and clipped it to her own buckle.

Twilight nodded her head, "Okay," There was a harness placed around Twilight so that even in case that she had fallen or anything else that would cause the satchel to come off it had less chance of doing so, "What is that," finally getting her senses back after landing Twilight could feel an energy emitting in front of her. Almost as if a large entity was pulsating in front of her, "What are we staring at?"

Luna looked to the Forrest in front of her and then back at Twilight, "As I said before Twilight, this is an island that was inhabitable for some reasons, one being it had its own wildlife and that wildlife being able to use its own magic, come on now lets get moving," Luna moved forward from the beach were a wall of trees began the forest.

In the dense terrain of the jungle

Hours passed of moving through the humid jungle, presences lingered in the distance never coming close or leaving their side, the jungle was beginning to take a tall on Twilight as she was slowing down quite a bit, her shoulder from earlier in the day was also making itself known by its searing heat and pain striking through her like a dart, "Luna, wait I have to rest I can't keep up like this," Being an Alicorn meant that Luna had in nearly no amount to her stamina when it came to a light stroll in a jungle.

When Luna turned to Twilight it was hard to keep a straight face, something was happening to the lavender mare, she was getting extremely thin. Not the thin like before at the castle, it was much worse seeing this little mare gasping for breathes and her bones clearly poking her skin but her magic wasn't depleting so it shouldn't be happening, Luna cringed slightly as she focused on Twilights ribs move in and out as she breathed, "Okay its quite dark now so I think we should rest for the night, you will have to bare with me a bit longer Twilight, we have to find somewhere dry," she looked around the forest seeing a far off opening that seemed promising.

They moved quick, finding a rock formation that made a dry patch of field underneath it for them to make a small fire, the forest was quite like that of the everfree meaning any form of magic that they held now was quite literally useless so Luna used some of her supplies to create a fire for them to use, "just wait and we can get you something to eat," Luna began digging through the satchel, seeing her friend looking like she was on deaths door never felt right, the last time she was in this position she was a very different being and she would not let another she loved die.

Twilight after many pained breathes and filling her body to the best of her ability was fast asleep after finishing letting Luna watch over her. As she began to dream she saw Orange and red that flitted the forests pitch black, eyes of predators awaited the prey to sleep, Luna never did, she wouldn't.

Inside the Darkness

Twilight woke up to nothing, not nothing but still nothing, she could feel a presence but not see it, no surprise there I'm blind, she thought into the darkness.

All of a sudden a voice shot from the darkness, making Twilight jump, "You make yourself blind, pull yo' head out of your behind," hoof steps drew closer, "what you see with yo' eye is but an illusion, look with yo' mind to stop the confusion," The mares voice was groggy and sounded very old.

Twilight fwipped her head in both directions in vain remembering she was blind, "Who are you, wheres Luna?" a low growl came from her on instinct.

The mares voice was calm and collected but sounded very foreign, "Who am I, am me, who ar' you is the question, the answer has been answered but it is not I that needs it, it is yo' that is in need of it," the mare said in a confusing riddle.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight blurted out, annoyed that she could not see her and now that she was talking in riddles it all seemed the more annoying.

"You are but a pupa, you need to spread your wings and fly but you know not how to, you are caged by yo' own mind child, free you I will, but first you must pass my test, only then will I let you truly rest," her voice echoed back into the darkness.

The quiet pitch black was back but now something vibrated throughout the air around Twilight, what was it, magic, it was as if the magic in the air was dancing and weaving through the air toward Twilight, she could see the colors that the Magic held, Wait I can see that, All of a sudden a large mass of orange magic started hurtling toward Twilight.

Then she awoke................

Twilight could tell that Luna was stood in front of her holding what sounded to be a large creature, Luna's voice echoed into existence as her ears rang, "TWILIGHT!! we have to run, quickly," Whatever it was it was after them, being pulled by Luna both mares began to sprint............ flickers of light began to form in Twilights mind........ red ............ blue............. a green leaf............... as they rushed faster Twilights blood pumped through her faster, somehow she knew when to dodge what was in her path, Tree branch........... bark on the floor.... another branch....... bush's.... she could see colors slightly that popped in her head, "Keep moving, were nearly out of its reach," Luna looked back and was amazed at how Twilight was moving, almost as if she was dancing and not running, she weaved behind her.

Suddenly Twilight saw that the images stopped, the floor beneath her had disappear, both mares screamed at the suddenness of the drop as they hit rapids, no longer could she see any images and once again she was blinded to the world, she grasped onto Luna, " Luna...... LUNA!!," Luna wasn't moving, as they were pushed downstream the jagged rocks battered into them like they were a ball of a pinball machine, cuts and scrapes began to riddle them both, slowly losing conscious and grip of Luna, Twilight finally gave in to the cruel fate the world gave her............... then she felt a large paw rap around her sides and pull her out of the water, How much more cruel can you make my death, first rapids now a bear, then she passed out.

Out of the Darkness

Warmth, that was what could be felt, crackles could heard, and a very sore shoulder blade, Am I dead, the smell of food, GURGLE!! Guess not,Twilight felt her stomach twist at the thought of food. She lifted her head and immediately regretted doing so, pain shot through her head, she moved a hoof to her head and felt nothing, there is nothing there, nothing.............. my horn, Twilight began to panic as she felt only a nub where her horn was, it must have snapped whilst she was in the rapids.

A old raspy mares voice came from a close distance, "Calm yo' noggin ya' stupid pony, every time I av' yo' as company they always freak," it was the mare from the dream.

Twilight lifted her head through force as she snarled in the place she thought the mare was, "WAIT!! its you, you did this, WHERE IS LUNA!!!" only now realizing she didn't know what happened to her friend.

The mare gave an audible sigh, "I tel' ya' nopony listen anymo' huh, ain't dat right Munkey," a loud screech from an animal sounded as the mare finished her sentence, "Don'y ya' worry bout im' he be armless' to ye'"

Twilight kept her ground, not knowing where Luna made her very agitated, "Where have you put Luna, Where are we?"

"Fine ya fuss, we be in mah' hut, Munkey and Furgus helped me bring ya ear tah' help yah' eal', Luna is over ere', she needs to rest or else her life might be at test," The old mare moved Twilight over to where Luna was laid to calm her, "Just rest and then we can carry on Twilight, very soon it will be time for you to take flight," she stated with a smile.

Finally calm about where she was she moved closer to Luna and laid down, falling asleep again. Once again she starred into the deep vast darkness, it was a cold color, one deprived of life. "you know how to do it now child, look without seeing, see without looking," the voice echoed into the reassesses of Twilights mind as she began to focus on the magic around her, first came a sharp brown that was bounding around and wasn't as big as a pony, next she could feel a large orange but not like the one before. The orange sat still, finally the was the white one that had green magic surrounding it, it was pony sized, "you have finally completed step one child but you av only began to scratch the base of dis ability, soon you will be able to see as clearly as when you had eyes," she said before letting Twilight rest in sleep again, real sleep this time what made Twilight happily accept the gift.

Hours later

Numerous hours pass as she slept, she trained in the corner of her mind, trying to figure out how to keep the images from disappearing, she could hold the images of the light in her mind for a while, The elderly mare kept her in this state with magic so that her subconscious mind would not take over and start making her dream.

She woke up again, this time her stomach was painful, she needed some food and at the moment Luna could do nothing to help her, Luna was just next to Twilight, slow ragged breathes escaped her lips, Twilight could feel the heat emanating from her friend, "H-hello, I think Luna needs some help................ Hello?" she asked, she was very exhausted and felt very weak, her shoulder luckily didn't feel too bad though making Twilight get some pleasure from a good rest but the worry for Luna soon won over the debate of wether her own pleasure mattered right now.

She heard the door and a clatter, "Jus giv me ah sec child, Oy fergy, Oy you big orfe," Twilight heard large thudding, presumably the
bear from yesterday, "Take this ere' chicken and shuv it in de pot fer me will Ye'," An audible but calm roar was heard, "Thats mah boy, now, how do ye feel girl, hungry I spose'"

"I am but that doesn't matter," she lied but was more concerned for Luna, "I think Luna has gotten worse," Twilight said as she nuzzled her friends neck to see if she responded.

Hoof steps came closer, "Don't you worry about this one here, she be tough, she is fine. The reason she seems so sick is that you ponies need to use you inner energy to heal but out here that is blocked, meaning you can only use your natural healing capabilities," she stated more clearer when explaining what would happen to Luna.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, didn't really look too good, "You know that sounded really smart and well spoken," Twilight said confused, "but whatever, is there any way we can help her, there must be something we could do, my friend Zecora had studied medicinal hurbs and Luna said you knew the same about it, isn't there something to give her to speed her recovery," she pleaded.

"No child, it is what it is, she be fine soon, just a small fever," the smell of food drifted into the room, "Oh fergy that's smelling good, Keep it up an ye' might be getting a treat," she stated, making Twilights tension fade slightly as she placed herself near Luna to comfort her, getting a calming sigh as a reaction from her.

With her worries answered Twilight now wondered about the light, before now she could not have a proper conversation about it, "Erm..... I'm sorry but your name eludes me," she asked.

"Equanza but you can cal' me Q," Q told her, Twilight was surprises by the odd name but shrugged it off.

"Well then, Q, I was wondering about this ability, it seems really simple to use but I cant even seem to grasp it now, there are no colors or shapes, nothing, is it to do with my horn breaking?" Twilight asked.

An audible sigh came, "You know, fer somepony who has a brain the size of a juju fruit you really not that smart girl, I will explain it, What do you think when you here the term see?"

Twilight thought for a second, "Using my eyesight for the definition of seeing someone or something," text book answer usually.

"Spot on child, that would be if we were talking about ye' eyeballs, one in a dream do you use your eyeballs physically?" she said sarcastically.

Unlucky for Twilight she still had a lot to learn and didn't catch how the mare said it, "No but what does that have to do with anything?" Twilight questioned, another roar came from the smell in the kitchen, making Twilights ears twitch.

"Be there in a tic Fergy," She answered the bear, "So since you haven't physically moved your eyeball when you saw these, it tells you it was not sight that picked up these magical signatures, what really happened was, your body when sleeping opens up to the natural magic that surrounds you. The subconscious mind does this as your conscious mind is being distracted, that is usually in dreams but what we did with you is force you into realizing it in your dream and then try to rip it into your conscious mind as you awoke, sadly the coldness of the rapids shook your mind fully awake and broke the mold we were putting in your mind"

Hoofsteps wandered off into the distance, a few minute later they came back as a thud was heard on the wood in front of her, a wonderful smell drifted up to her nose that made her stomach grumble, "Whats this?" not really catching on from being slightly drowsy from her injuries and being exhausted.

"Food you crazy pony, now eat before the food goes cold on ye', after that I will explain the rest," Q said.

As asked Twilight ate the meal in silence, so did Q, a few minutes later when they had finished Q came over to Luna and slowly fed her so that she did not get any weaker than she already was, apparently even when a body doesn't need netrients from food, when in a place such as this forest it became a necessary to eat, "Okay, back to explaining, your main question was how to use the ability while awake, that for now is not possible for you, as I have said the answer is there but you must discover it. The answer comes to your conscious mind at a later date, think about how to use your senses to feel around you, the smell, the sounds and finally the magic that is in the air, it shapes the world and binds it, this is where we shall start"

Once again Q came closer to Twilight but this time pulled her up to stand, "Follow me and we will begin your training," they moved out of her hut, a few minutes passed and Twilight could hear water off in the distance, "I am going to take you to a place rich with magic, your job is to be able to use this magic"

"But my horn its broke, I really can't see me using it anytime soon, it'l be at least three or four months before the bone begins to grow back," Twilights face contoured in pain and anger at what had happened to her beloved horn.

"Again you are thinking with sight, what is the physical form is but an illusion, your horn might have broke but that does not take away the ability to sense and use magic, the only thing it stops is your magic, what we need for you to learn is to use natural magic, the magic that surrounds us all," finally the sound of water was loud and Twilight could feel the light breeze the water carried, the area also felt very powerful, "Train here, no animal comes near here, you will be safe, remember to not try to see but to feel, once you have felt the magic we can begin step two"

Twilight took her place on a rock as Q began walking away, confused because she could already feel the magic but she thought again about what she meant and decided best to meditate and try to touch the magic and try to use it, "I will be back in a few hours, and don't worry about your friend she will still be safe," with that Q left Twilight to the calm nature, there she began her first steps of training.