• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 1,324 Views, 40 Comments

Fallen Kings and Crystal Hearts - TheGreatPandaKing

In the great land of Equestria, and the world of Eqis in general, there are many strange things that permeate everyday life. That is made even more so with a powerful King Sombra breaking free of his prison, the shattering of a relic, and a new pony.

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A New day with Royalty, Court in a Castle, and a Mailmare with a Wall Eyed Stare

The soft light that flooded warmly around Kaleb caused him to stir a little as the flat surface of the balcony refused to soften. The light of Celestia’s sun would not shirk its duties to awaken the brown stallion, however, and he had to open his tired, red eyes in a morose surrender. He wasn’t even surprised at his surroundings anymore; the night before dispelled any thoughts of them being a dream. Besides, the dull tightness of his back shattered any thought of recent moments being dreams as well.

“Note to self,” Kaleb murmured before a groan rattled its way, lazily out of his throat, “night air and a hard surface do not make the best bed.”

He slowly rose to his feet, his spade ears fluttering a bit at every pop from his knotted back. He leisurely cantered over to the double doors he left open the previous night, his tired eyes gliding across the surroundings while his mind sobered up from the relaxed haze the realm of dreams left behind.

The white stone reflected the sun’s awakening light and lit the room he was in with a warmer, yet harsher, light. The edges of the room seemed to be met with a style of a pillar, making Kaleb think of what he seen in a magazine of Rome, while the walls themselves were a beautiful, spotless white. The architecture of the room showed a love of style and nobility, the pillar corners helped establish a feeling of regality in the rather spacious room. A wooden vanity with gold trimming was resting against a wall beside the door as well as a dresser beside that which shared in the same royal fashion. When his curious brown gaze made its way to one wall, a big bed met his wide eyes. The cover sheets were of a deep red, as well and looked soft to his eyes. Above the bed was a satin, crimson, canopy. His back ached at the fact that such a bed wasn’t cradling it when it awoke causing the pegasus to once more sigh at his actions the previous night.

A gentle knock on the door snapped his mind away from the alluring bed he beheld and he cautiously cantered to the door as another set of knocks rapped the wooden door.

“Y-yes?” Kaleb breathed in a shallow whisper.

The knob of the door was then enveloped in a white aura as it began to turn. Kaleb backed a step away from the door as it was gently pulled open by said aura to reveal a white mare taller than him, with an ethereal multi-colored mane that appeared to be blown in a constant stream of wind, beautiful white feathered wings and a long, white horn. A golden chest piece rested gracefully against her pure white coat. The chest piece matched a golden crown that rested upon her regal, equine head behind her amazing horn. The sheer elegant and regal air of the mare before him caused the tan pegasus to give a gentle bow.

“You may rise, my little pony.” came the warm, motherly voice of the mare before him.

Kaleb brought up his head and looked upon the smiling face of the alicorn mare in front of him. Her crystalline eyes were fixed upon him and he felt his anxiety begin shaking his legs underneath him. His wings began to quiver nervously at his sides before they finally shot open to which the alicorn replied with a lighthearted chuckle.

“You really don’t need to be so restless.” the white mare said once more to the tan pegasus, “I would never harm one of my subjects.”

That phrase didn’t really settle any of the stallion’s nerves but with a stabilizing sigh, Kaleb, managed to steady his wings and slowly fold his wings back to his side. With another deep breath the stallion fixed his gaze more on the royal, white mare that stood before him.

“Thank you your highness.” Kaleb said, a quiver lightly lacing his voice, “I am sorry if I’m being rude but…where am I?”

A light, patient smile was reflected back at the stallion with the light tan coat and messy auburn mane.

“You are sitting in a room of our royal castle in Canterlot. My sister, Luna, had told me about what happened in the Crystal Empire.”

The bright, motherly, eyes of the white mare became a bit more studious in their gaze. Her muzzle was pursed, as though she knew that the verbal territory she was bringing up might be a bit painful. Kaleb felt the warmth of the princess’ kindness and gave her a steady nod as a slight smile spread across his muzzle. The alicorn’s gaze, once more, took on its motherly warmth and gave a nod of her own.

“I have come to ask if you would come to the throne room and talk with my sister and me about what happened.”

Kaleb bowed his head low again. His legs were steady and the light smile on his muzzle gave off similar warmth to the one her gaze held toward all her subjects. He took one more deep breath before he looked back to her.

“If you wish, your majesty.” Kaleb replied, the tremble in his voice, gone.
The alicorn mare before him returned his smile with her motherly one before the door closed by itself once more in the same magical aura.

Kaleb looked back at the door for a few moments as his mind went over what had just happened. The smile on his face slowly began to fade and be replaced by a furrowed brow. He’d never met royalty before, hell, his social interactions were close to none aside from Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. His heart gave a twinge of pain when he thought about the two sisters but he knew he couldn’t get anywhere by moping. He had to stow away his feelings of sorrow and regret for a more…appropriate time. He took a deep breath and felt his heart moan as he stuffed away his deep sadness.

Luna looked toward the double doors of the throne room as the opened to her sister, Celestia, elegantly trotting to her throne beside Luna. Luna observed a slight smile on her beloved sister’s face as she saw her.

“Greetings this day, sister,” Luna rang to her sister with a smile of her own, albeit one more tired, “we trust that thou hast had a good morning?”

Celestia replied with a lighthearted chuckle as her smile widened ever the slighter.

“Indeed Lulu, this morning is going better than I could hope.”

Luna nodded to her sister and wearily stretched out her back, resulting in a few well deserved cracks and pops before she rose to her hooves.

“Tired sister?”

The midnight blue mare turned to her sister to observe an almost catty knowing smirk and returned it with one of her own. She tilted her snout to the ceiling and looked sideways at her sister.

“Well, when somepony is used to staying up at night and not in the morning…”

“Well, it’s not every day I find my lovely little sister sleeping the night away with a stallion.”

That comment brought a shade of red to the princess of the night’s face and elicited a chuckle princess of the sun. Before Luna could retort, however, the double doors opened once more and two Canterlot guards escorted a third pony, a unicorn with a stern look adorning his face but who’s eyes were reflecting a mixture of fear and sadness. The cutie mark of a sword shining in a ray of light was all it took to darken the midnight mare’s joyful mood. She looked toward her white sister who shared her serious look as she nodded to her.

“Shining Blade!” boomed the royal mare in her Canterlot voice, making the stallion wince, “Thou hast been charged with intent to harm a fellow pony while he was not posing a threat to anypony else. More so, you did so with a weapon.”

The disheveled orange coat and unkempt blonde mane only reflected the torment he had put himself through. The bags under his eyes mirrored the defeated look in his amber eyes as they drifter to the ground beneath him. His brow crinkled slightly as he took in the words that the princess was saying to him.

“Doest thou have anything to say in thine own defense?”

“No, your majesty.” The unicorn stallion sighed, still refraining from looking at either of his rulers.

Celestia stood to join her sister, her face serious as she took in the sight of the stallion before her. She looked to her sister, whose gaze was one of terrifying hatred directed at the wreck of a pony that stood before them.

“Do you have anything you would say to my sister, of the stallion you caused such pain to?” the radiant, white alicorn asked to the unicorn as another set of doors opened and the tan pegasus was led in the throne room by Shining Armor, who had arrived especially for this.

The unicorn looked to the pegasus with one of regret and sorrow. He bowed down so that the top of his horn touched the floor of the castle, and uncomfortable position for any pony to portray but one of utmost humility.

“I have brought shame unto the name of the royal guard from my actions and have endangered the life of one of my country’s charges. There are no words that I can convey to explain my upmost disappointment in myself but I wish that I could.” Shinning Blade whimpered through new tears that were forcing their way out of him.

The tan pegasus looked unto the stallion with soft eyes and carefully cantered to the unicorn before he looked to the princesses to make sure he could speak. Luna and Celestia both nodded to the stallion who then returned his gaze to the groveling stallion before him.

“Please stand,” he said with a soft voice, “I am not worth the tears you shed and I am not asking for apologies.”

The words struck both, Shining Blade and Luna, with confused expressions but Shining Blade did as he was asked as he looked into the kind eyes of the pegasus before him.

“I am a stranger to this land, in more ways than I’d like to mention, and you only made a mistake. You shouldn’t let your life be ruined by something so small.”

The unicorn stood there, unable to speak, as the pegasus trotted back to where he was before, his kind eyes and smile betrayed by a somber sadness in his steps. Luna also looked upon the stallion but her eyes reflected a sadness all her own, one that was awakened by his words to the unicorn. Celestia looked at her sister with tender eyes as tears threatened to break away; it always hurt her when her sister was like this, ever since she couldn’t help her before her banishment.

“Be that as it may,” the pure white alicorn said with a firm voice, “Shining Blade has broken a very important rule for the Royal Guard. There must be something done.”

The ruler of the sun looked toward her sister who returned her gaze with one that looked much more lost than enraged. The blank, confused eyes of her beloved little sister caused Celestia to smile as her voice became one softer, one that was considered more normal of the gentle ruler.

“What do you think, Luna? What should be done?”

The midnight blue mare opened her mouth as though she was going to speak but no words escaped her elegant muzzle. She looked at the pegasus that was now back by a rather concerned looking Shining Armor. The pegasus had a smile that only rang hollow and his brown eyes were joyless, almost lifeless as he gazed at an empty space in the throne room. She was more than familiar with having to put on a fake smile; her heart began to ache in pain as her muzzle frowned and her eyes were anything but emotionless.

“We…..we do not know, sister.” the alicorn slowly answered.

The boom of the Royal Canterlot Voice had faded and was replaced with another, very helpless tone. The eyes that were so full of conviction were now closed as a solitary tear rushed down her beautiful fur.

Kaleb could hardly fathom the scene that was unfurling before his very eyes. He didn’t know why this pony was crying but a pang in his heart began to resound in his soul as his eyes softened in pity and guilt.

“Miss Luna?” came Kaleb’s voice, cracking a bit, “Are you alright?”

The midnight mare looked over to Kaleb and cleared her throat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, visibly calming down. She reopened her cool blue eyes and smiled at the tan stallion before she fixed her gaze firmly on Shining Blade, whose very essence seemed to become jagged and fearful.

“Shining Blade, step forward!” the moon mare boomed once more toward the orange unicorn.

The amber eyes set shakily on the midnight princess before he dropped his head and slowly cantered forward. Shining Blade’s visage was so full of fear that Kaleb could swear that if he listened closely he could hear the frantic beating of the shaken unicorn’s heart.

“Shining Blade, we have come to a decision.” Luna began with a focused stare on the orange stallion, “Though the crimes you committed were an offence to our guards, we will take into account the pleas of your victim. You will receive a demotion to guard the exterior of our castle as well as being under the watch of your superiors.”

Shining Blade looked wide-eyed at the princess, his visage showing a stunned pony before the two princesses. A slight smile curved the corners of Kaleb’s mouth as he looked to the shocked unicorn.

Princess Luna looked to Kaleb and weakly reflected his smile before looking back to Shinning Blade and clearing her throat, making sure to also compose herself as royalty should.

“Our word is final, be gone and prepare for thine new duties.”

Without another word, Shining Blade was escorted out of the throne room, the look of surprise and joy never leaving his face as tears rushed down his cheeks. The sight allowed a soft smile to grace Kaleb’s face as he looked to the majestic alicorn that sheepishly smiled back to him. When the heavy doors closed Celestia cleared her throat jumping her sister back into the moment.

“Ah, yes…” the midnight mare managed to stutter before clearing her own throat, “We are grateful that you came to us.”

Kaleb scrunched his face in confusion before lowering his head to the deep blue princess.

“My apologies, your majesty, but I got the impression that I was summoned.”

The tan pegasus brought his head back up and looked into the face of a slightly flustered looking blue princess and for some reason, he thought of Vice Principal Luna. He chuckled a bit as he remembered the time he read her a poem he wrote for a judging.

The two of them were fresh out of college and had already began putting their degrees to use: Luna and Celestia both landed jobs at their alma mater, which caused the three to burst out in laughter remembering various events from their school days, and Kaleb himself began writing for various magazines, short story books and the occasional contest. Kaleb had brought the beautiful woman to his house, new at that point amidst a mountain forest near the town no thanks to the large Apple family that helped found it, and sat her before him as he began preparing some tea. He knew that the two sisters loved their coffee but he also knew that Luna had a weak spot for chamomile and ginseng tea with a drop of honey.

“What’s this about my opinion on something Kale?” the young woman said cozying into a handmade wooden ball chair in the living room that was directly beside the dining room and kitchen.

Kaleb continued brewing the soothing liquid as he also began looking in the moderately sized fridge that stood beside the reliable stove oven browsing assorted vegetables, picking out a few stalks of rhubarb, groaning a bit as he heard Luna call him his most hated nickname.

“Well, you know, there is another small poetry contest coming up and I needed a bit of help.”

Kaleb seized the kettle as it began whistling its alert that it was done boiling and placed the stalks in a couple mugs before carrying it all out to the sight of a completely relaxed Luna cuddled into her choice chair. Kaleb smiled seeing that one of his best, albeit only, friends was so relaxed instead of being greeted by her stiff façade she showed almost everywhere else.

“Right, ‘cause we both know I’m so good at understanding poetry.” Luna scoffed, as her hands jumped to the mug that she knew was her own.

The porcelain had a night sky and moon painted at a small area of the otherwise white mug. This mug was one that she gave to Kaleb as a housewarming gift, though they both knew it was her way of saying that she’d be over quite a few times to unwind. Celestia did the same, though hers had a sun painted on hers, she also gave him a corkscrew for when the two sisters really had to go there to unwind.

“I know; I didn’t want the word of a bona fide lit major.”

The off duty vice principal gave a deadpan look and held out her mug almost demanding that he shut up and pour the damned tea.

Kaleb chuckled and poured the steaming liquid into her awaiting mug flashing her a playful smirk.

“Besides, can’t I ask a lovely lady to listen to my poetry just because?”

To this, Luna’s blue hued cheeks turned a light crimson and almost tried to sink into the chair as she sipped het tea with her flushed face.

Kaleb’s mind was pulled out of its reverie by a gentle cough snapping his gaze back to the thrones where the princess alicorns sat, the midnight blue still had a flushed face and was sheepishly looking at him. The tan pegasus could feel heat slowly fill his cheeks as he bowed once more.

“I’m so sorry, your highness!” Kaleb sputtered, “I have no idea where my mind is today.”

This statement caused the white mare to giggle a bit and snapped the blue mare out of her embarrassed state.

“Thou may rise, we wish only to talk.” the blue mare called in a normal voice, any boom from the trial had left and was now replaced with a more tentative almost shy sounding one.

Kaleb rose his head at that and gave a slight smile to the two mares. He took a deep breath and closed hit brown eyes, steadying his thoughts and focusing on his surroundings. With another breath he focused on his breath enter and leave his lungs. With another breath his eyes opened and he looked once more at the mares who had puzzled expressions on their faces. The blue one began to open her muzzle but closed it again.

“Sorry, it’s a relaxing exercise that I found growing up.” He calmly explained to the princesses, “I just thought you’d want me more…focused.”

The white mare nodded, poorly suppressing a giggle which visibly made the pegasus relax.

“First, let me say, thank you for helping my little sister. I don’t know how you helped her, but I’m sure you did.” the white mare stated, her eyes glistening with a warm brilliance that almost rivaled the sun itself.

Kaleb gave a hollow smile as he glanced into her eyes, eyes whose adoring gaze was truly misplaced. His brown eyes wavered from hers, not wanting to look into them anymore.

“I apologize, your majesty, you must be mistaken.” his lifeless voice breathed into the ether, “I don’t remember helping anyone. I don’t even know where I am.”

The stallion’s voice drifted off at the end, almost like his vocal cords demanded he stop. Kaleb’s own eyes reflected how dead inside he felt as he glanced back into the eyes of the white alicorn before him, against his better judgment. Her eyes that, only a moment ago, radiated warm praise and adoration, now held a look of sad pity and mourning. Kaleb, once more, tore his eyes away, it tore him up to look into those eyes; he could never handle anything like it.

The sharp sound of hooves made his equine ears twitch but he didn’t hazard to look at which of them was coming over to him. His eyes just glanced at the floor, the deep brown pools almost staring through the stone flooring. With each slow step, Kaleb’s heart seemed to wince; it was trying to hold onto the emotions that were held captive in its confines and with every laborious second it grew harder to do so. His wings began to ruffle on instinct when the one who trotted to him had stopped before him. He saw midnight blue equine legs with light blue hooves standing before him in the corner of his eye and waited for the owner to do what she wanted to do.

Luna looked down at the pitiable pegasus before her, her own heart threatening to break with his. When tears began to silently slap the floor beneath him, Luna’s eyes began to water, her own tears demanding to be set free.

“What is your name?” came a soft voice, wavering slightly.

“My name is Kaleb Brown, your majesty.”

Luna gently lifted up Kaleb’s head with a wing, looking into the downcast brown eyes of the pegasus before her. An understanding smile graced her face as Kaleb’s leaking pools glanced into hers.

“Dearest Kaleb, we know how you must feel but our sister speaks the truth.”

The stallion’s gaze searched the midnight princess’ kind one, his brow furrowed. He opened his mouth slowly but closed it as his gaze trailed down Luna’s now dried trail of tears on her fur. The lunar princess watched his brown eyes trace her visage, studying her. It was like he was almost looking for something, what, she couldn’t say but her gentle smile never wavered from his searching eyes.

“So what happens now?” the tan brown pegasus asked, his eyes softening as they glanced once more into hers. Her eyes shone with the beauty and gentle magic of the night as her smile softly grew.

“We hath arranged for transportation to a quiet town.” Luna replied with a voice as gentle as a slow moving current and as smooth as the finest silk, her visage becoming a bit more bashful after her words. “We know thou said this wasn’t thou’s kingdom, but…”

The lunar princess couldn’t look at the stallion in front of her anymore as her ears slayed back. She couldn’t say she felt obligated to protect him as one of her own subjects because not once had one of her subjects actually saved her when she couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t explain she wanted to protect this pegasus she was speaking with nor this feeling of…familiarity, for lack of a better word.

She knew she didn’t know this pony but there was almost a sense of warmth that radiated from deep within her soul when she first saw him, like when one sees a close friend after being apart for years. Not to mention, that power surge she felt when he appeared…it was warm, the same warmth she felt from him but more intense.

Luna could feel the heat rise in her cheeks as she recalled the feeling. It was not only a surge of magic, but the air after it felt like being embraced softly yet firmly. She looked once more at the stallion before her and saw that his gaze was now one of slight confusion before a slow, kind smile spread across his face.

As Kaleb saw the princess’ gaze now searching him in a familiar manner, a smile spread across his face. He could remember the countless times that he and Luna would be talking and the moment that he said something that sounded somewhat incredible, she would search in his eyes. That was one of the things, he had to admit, was simply too adorable and irresistible to him, not to mention why he could never lie to her.

“If you wish, your majesty.” Kaleb said to her with a slight bow. This caused a small bit of crimson show through her fir and caused him to chuckle a little to himself.

The princess regained her composure and her smile, while still bashful, was a bit more…genuine? Kaleb heard the heavy doors to the throne room begin to open, causing him to instinctively turn his head to the new arrival and was met with the sight of a slightly flustered grey pegasus mare, clearly pregnant, with a blonde mane being escorted in by a guard in golden armor, but that’s not what made him truly look as this pony, it was her eyes, her wall eyes nervously tried to focus on her path before almost tripping beside him.

“Y-your highness, you called for me?” the mare nervously asked after she gave a bow that seemed like it nearly threw her off balance.

Both of the princesses smiled at the new mare in the room. Kaleb just stared at her, her eyes almost hypnotizing him, with the way they almost always looked completely cross-eyed.

“Ahem,” came a voice from the throne, catching his attention and the mare’s. “don’t even think about it, my little pony, she’s already taken.” Celestia said to him causing him to fall flat on his face in shock.

“I-I’m sorry, your highness?”

“Oh, it’s quite alright, you only just met her, how could you have known?”

Kaleb deadpanned at the, now slightly smirking princess.

Now there’s a troll that could give Tia a run for her money.

“Um…” came the shaky voice of the mare beside him. “is something wrong, princess?”

“Oh no, I was just going to ask if you were really going back home for your maternity leave, Mrs. Doo.”

This caused the grey mare to brighten up a bit as she nodded.

“Yes ma’am, I gotta get back to my muffin and flower before her brother’s born.”

“Then might my sister and I ask you to escort this this young stallion to the train station?”

The mare looked at Kaleb before smiling back to Princess Celestia.

“Of course, I was just heading there. I’m in no condition to fly back to Ponyville.”

“Oh, that’s great, you two can get the same train too.”

Author's Note:

There we are! The newest update. Thank you all for being so patient and I ask, as always, to bring any mistakes to my attention. I'm very sorry this took so long, A lot's been going on :pinkiesad2: