• Published 1st Nov 2013
  • 9,498 Views, 427 Comments

The Misadventures of Sunset Shimmers - Yukito

A look into the daily life of a certain high school student named Sunset Shimmer and her friends

  • ...

XX - The New Teacher


Twilight Sparkle flinched as a flier was shoved into her face by Sunset Shimmer. Upon opening her eyes, all that Twilight could see was a blur of colours obscuring her vision. "I can't see it."

"We're totally going, right?!"

"Maybe if I could see what it is-"

"Your parents will be cool giving us a lift, right?"

"Again, perhaps if I could just-"

"Hope you've got your allowance saved up!" A silence passed as the two stood still in the middle of the street, gaining strange looks from passersby. "I'm done now."

"So what is it?"

Sunset pulled the flier back so that Twilight could read it properly. "It's a new expo having its first event this weekend! It's not too far from Joe's shop."

Twilight read the large wording of the poster. "'CanterCon'? Movies, games, anime and manga, comic books… with special guests including Craig Charles and Vic Mi… Mig-nanana?"

"We're going, right?" Sunset repeated. "It doesn't run on too late so we'll get to enjoy the whole thing, and there's going to be a large sci-fi area filled with rare memorabilia and a live Robot Wars!"

Twilight gasped. "And look! A karaoke contest! We have to enter! It's the one time I can sing in front of complete strangers and feel at ease!"

"So it's decided then?"

Twilight nodded her head. "I'll be getting my allowance this week, and it's close enough that I'm sure my parents would be alright dropping us off."

"Great! You should totally wear something cuter this year. Like, Sailor Moon, maybe?"

Twilight and Sunset walked together down the street. "No way! That skirt is way too revealing! Besides, I'm happy going as Gandalf again."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Always that wizard with you."

"Hey, if magic was real, I'd trade all my books for it in a heartbeat."

After arriving at their next class, Sunset and Twilight took their seats and chatted about the coming expo until the teacher walked in, silencing the class as the students took their seats. Only, to everybody's surprise, it wasn't their usual history teacher that walked in; it was the school's principal, Ms. Harshwhinny.

Everybody quickly moved to adjust their shirts, their ties, and anything else that may have been out of order. Ever since the principal had introduced a uniform policy at the academy, she had made it a point to pull aside anyone who didn't 'wear it to code'. Just one button unfastened, or one wrinkle on your tie was all that it took.

Twilight still hadn't gotten used to the new uniform, herself. The pleated skirt and matching waistcoat were fashionable, but the skirt was so long that it fell to her ankles and made moving hard, especially when she was in a hurry to reach her next class before the bell rang. The tie was a nuisance to put on every morning, and having to button her white shirt to the collar suffocated her every time.

Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, had already adjusted to everything but the restriction on jewellery and makeup. There had been times where she had forgotten the strict new rules and had her favourite accessories confiscated, or been forced to wash her face in the bathroom before class.

Ms. Harshwhinny narrowed her eyes and scrutinized the entire class. "… Everyone, I regret to inform you that your history teacher, Mr. Barish, is currently away due to an accident that has required him to undergo extensive surgery." The entire class broke out into mumbling, before the principal slammed her hand onto the desk beside her, hushing everybody up. "Therefore, I would like for you all to welcome your new teacher until Mr. Barish returns."

Ms. Harshwhinny nodded to the open doorway, and in response, a woman stepped into the classroom. She was tall, pink-skinned, and dressed in a fashionable-yet-professional one-piece dress that made her hips in particular stick out. Had the school not catered only to girls, a few appreciative whistles may have rung throughout the classroom.

The woman's eyes were a deep purple, and they were wide as she shined a friendly smile towards the class. Her hair was mostly purple, tired into a large ponytail, and was lined with blue and lighter-purple streaks.

"It is nice to meet all of you," the woman greeted. "My name is Starlight Glimmer, and if there is one thing I would like for you all to learn from me, it is to remember that everyone, no matter their race, ideology, or any other circumstance, is equal, and so I would like you all to treat me the same as you would any other student."

Ms. Harshwhinny cleared her throat. "Miss Starlight Glimmer has recently completed her master's degree in history and, in particular, has focused greatly into the American Civil War which, I believe, is your next upcoming examination. Now, I know that I shouldn't need to remind you of this, but our academy has a long-standing tradition of respect and professionalism and, just because Miss Glimmer is only a substitute teacher, that does not change. If I hear of any trouble, or unprofessional conduct, from any of you…"

Ms. Harshwhinny didn't even need to finish. One glare from the principal's eyes spread the message of fear into the students just fine. "I think we'll get along just fine," Starlight Glimmer said, looking over the class with a warm, welcoming smile. "Isn't that right, everyone?"

"Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny!" Everybody replied at once.

"Well then, if there are any problems, Miss Glimmer-"

"I'll be sure to send any troublesome students your way," Starlight Glimmer assured the principal. "Though I have a feeling that that won't be necessary. They all just seem so nice."

"Children are children. One of them will slip up eventually." With that, Ms. Harshwhinny cast one final glare over the classroom before leaving.

Starlight Glimmer clapped her hands together and asked, "So, who likes movies?" A few students raised their hands. "Well, if you all do well in your mock test this week, I have a very fascinating movie about the war for you all!"

The students mumbled to each other as they smiled. "This new teacher doesn't seem so bad."

"I love her hair."

"You think she'll give us less homework?"

Starlight Glimmer tapped her hand against her desk a couple of times, gathering the attention of her new students. "Okay, everyone! Let's focus so that we can get those good grades! I'll be giving you all a test at the end of the week."

The entire class groaned collectively, save for the noticeable absence of one Twilight Sparkle. "Whyyyyyy?" one girl asked as she slumped over her desk.

"Because I want to fit in with the other teachers, and I can't do that if I'm liked by my students," she said with a giggle. Only a couple of the students laughed at her little joke. "Also because I need to know what level each of your are performing at. Now, open your textbooks to page sixty."

At the end of the week, the fated day of the test had arrived. A total of three students had called in sick on that day. The rest of the students were presented with a multiple-choice test, with fifty questions and answer sheets with four to six choices per question.

The test was about the American Civil War of Independence. Heads were scratched and pens tapped against tables as the minutes ticked by. Starlight Glimmer smiled as she watched her students squirm and suffer under the cruelty of her devilish test.

"Thirty minutes remaining," Starlight announced.

"This is too hard!" one student finally yelled as she threw her pen down and held her head in her hands.

"We are under exam conditions," Starlight reminded. "And yes, the test is hard. Unless you studied the parts that I told you to instead of playing video games all week."

"I wasn't playing video games. I just visited the mall every day." The student gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Well next time you visit you may want to consider picking up a history book. In the meantime, finish the test silently until-" Starlight noticed a hand raised and turned to Sunset Shimmer. "Yes, Miss…"

"Sunset Shimmer," Sunset replied. "I'm finished. Can I please go to the bathroom?"

"If I let you outside, you won't be allowed to re-enter until the bell rings," Starlight informed Sunset. "Are you sure you have finished all questions?"


Starlight nodded her head. "Then quietly bring your papers to the front and place them on my desk, then leave without causing a disturbance. Remember that there are other classes still going on."

"Yes, ma'am." Sunset Shimmer obeyed. After she left the classroom, she rushed off down the hallway and towards the nearest bathroom in the school.

She returned to the classroom and stood outside quietly for fifteen minutes, after which the door opened and Twilight Sparkle stepped outside. "It's about time," Sunset said as Twilight closed the door. "It took you that long to finish it."

"It was a difficult test," Twilight retorted. "I had to check my answers carefully, something that you should have done, too."

Sunset waved a hand dismissively. "It's fine. It's not gonna affect my final grade. I'm sure I got most of it right even without checking it."

"Your overconfidence is your weakness," Twilight said as she folded her arms.

"Your faith in your friends is yours."

"Then good job I have no faith in you."

The two laughed, quietly, before Sunset pulled out her phone and checked the time. "So, what do you think of this new teacher?"

"She's fun," Twilight answered. "And she knows her stuff, too. But… I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it kinda feels like she's been staring at me lately."

"Perhaps she's got the hots for you."

Twilight gave a deadpan stare and replied, "I highly doubt that."

"Hey, you don't know. Bookworms might be her type."

Twilight playfully punched Sunset's arm. "I'm serious! It was like that during the test, too. She also seemed really… happy, when I finished."

"Well, maybe it's because you've been answering every question she asked this week before anybody else got a chance."

Twilight's face turned red. "I-I didn't mean to-"

"Oh don't apologize. Everyone else likes it when you give them an excuse not to raise their hands."

The bell rang, and the classroom door opened. Students filed out with relieved looks on their faces and arms stretched high. "Looks like it's over," Sunset observed. "Guess we should be heading over to our next class now."

"Right," Twilight nodded. As the crowds dispersed, Twilight noticed Starlight Glimmer grading the test papers at her desk. "We have music next, which this- Huh?" Twilight turned down the corridor, where she noticed a line of pupils entering Starlight's classroom. "She has a class? Why is she grading our papers now, then?"

"Hey, you coming?" Sunset asked from down the corridor.

"Oh, yeah!" Twilight quickly followed, walking with Sunset down the long hallway.

Students rejoiced as the school day ended, granting them the freedom to flee the school and remove their choking ties, and then race home to change out of their restrictive skirts.

Twilight ran the final checks on her bag to ensure that she had all of her possessions, and that her notebooks were in alphabetical order. "You ready for CanterCon tomorrow?" Sunset asked from the doorway of their final classroom of the day.

"Yep! I'll be getting my allowance today and then spending it all tomorrow!" Twilight replied with an enthusiastic fist pump. "Or… half… Maybe just a quarter…"

"Careful. Don't go too wild," Sunset said with a snicker.

"Okay! I got everything!" Twilight fastened her bag and picked it up. "Let's go!"

As the two girls left the classroom, they bumped into Starlight Glimmer outside, who was carrying a piece of paper in her hands. "Oh, Twilight Sparkle! I'm so glad I caught you before you left!"

"Miss Glimmer?" Twilight asked with a questioning gaze. "What's wrong?"

"I just got finished marking your test paper and… well, I'm rather concerned. I realise that it was hard, but you scored a zero."

Twilight's bag dropped, her mouth hung open, and Sunset Shimmer stared in shock. "W-W-W-W-W-W-W-"

"Hold on, are you sure you got the right girl?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "'Twilight Sparkle'? Neat handwriting, circles probably filled in to perfection…"

"Believe me, I was as surprised as you are." Starlight handed the graded paper to Twilight, who took it with her shaking hands. "Twilight, I was hoping for a chance to visit your home and speak to your parents about this. I know a house call is a little extreme, but, given that everybody else managed to score at least a fifty…"

Twilight squeaked as she looked over her test paper to confirm the story for herself. A tear rolled down her cheek and she hiccupped. "I-It can't be…"

"Twilight," Starlight said, reaching out and placing both hands on Twilight's shoulders, "I believe a quick talk with your parents may be in your best interests."

"… O-Okay," Twilight said quietly, casting her head down and sniffling. "Sunset, you go home without me."

"Are you sure?" Sunset asked. "I could come with you and-"

"I'm sure…"

Sunset said nothing more as she nodded her head and watched Twilight walking away with Starlight Glimmer. She clenched her shaking hands into fists as she glared at the back of the teacher's head. "This is a mistake," she whispered to herself. "There has to be something wrong…"

Turning around, Sunset ran through the building as fast as she could, climbing a flight of stairs and then making her way to the history classroom. It was empty. Carefully, Sunset closed the door and approached the desk.

She searched the desk drawers, as the top of the desk was clear of any papers. The top drawer contained piles of magazines that made Sunset raise an eyebrow. "Someone sure is into Soviet history…" She closed that drawer and tried the next one.

There, she found the test papers in two neat piles. One pile was for the question sheets, and the other was for the answer sheets. Twilight's sheet was on top. "That's right. They give photocopies to the students who request them…"

Sunset Shimmer picked up Twilight's paper and checked it against one of the question sheets. "The first question… WHAT?! Twilight, you… And then after that was… What are you doing, Twilight?! These answers are terrible!"

After reading through a few more questions, Sunset dropped the sheet and slumped into the teacher's seat. "No way… Twilight, you really did get a zero…"

Twilight Sparkle hung her head low in shame, whilst her parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, stared at her answer sheet in distress.

"Our Twilight, a zero?" Night Light asked. "That's impossible!"

"Twilight, dear," Velvet began, placing a hand on her daughter's, "I know I always brag about how well you are doing in school, but you know that I still love you even without your outstanding grades, right?" Twilight nodded her head. "Even so, a zero is just…"

"I don't know what happened," Twilight choked out, holding her forehead in her hands whilst her loyal pet, Spike, whimpered and pawed at her boots.

"I might have an idea," Starlight Glimmer announced, attracting all attention towards herself. "I've been observing your daughter over the past few days. While it is true that she is of exceptional intelligence, I fear that she may be suffering from a condition that has afflicted many students in the past. One that is not so easily recognised…

"Your daughter is bright. Perhaps a little too bright. When she is 'in the zone', as it were, she loses all connection with what is going on around her and pushes ahead, without ever looking back."

"What are you suggesting?" Twilight Velvet asked. "That our daughter is reckless?"

"In a way," Starlight admitted. "Not by any fault of her own, though. I believe that her brain lacks focus, or rather, discipline, perhaps brought on if she has never been in any real trouble in the past that has caused a teacher or any other adult to correct her mistakes."

"Well, Twilight's not one to get into trouble," Night Light said, a hint of pride in his voice.

"And that's where our problem lies," Starlight said. "As I said, I've seen this problem many times before. Twilight was so confident in herself that she perhaps failed to read the questions as carefully as she should have done, or did not pay close enough attention to what she was answering."

"But I looked over my answers, twice," Twilight insisted.

"And through your own eyes, they were right. Because you couldn't possibly be wrong," Starlight returned. "A student who has never been disciplined eventually develops the mindset that they can never be wrong. It has caused many early geniuses to devolve into dropouts. It may start with her flunking a few tests, and then a couple of years later she struggles to keep up with the class.

"There's also the fact that she is a curious mind. When asked to research one topic, she researches five others at the same time. Her brain needs focus. It needs discipline."

"W-Well what do you suggest?" Twilight Velvet asked.

Starlight Glimmer sighed. "Honestly, I was hoping that it was just my imagination. Twilight's previous test scores all gave me some reassurance that she wasn't going to suffer the same fate as those other students, but after today, there can be little doubt…

"Thankfully, there is a school I know of that caters to students with all manner of learning difficulties, including those who suffer from a lack of focus." Starlight reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a pamphlet, handing it to the family to look at. "They are highly accredited and can carry her education all the way through to a postgraduate degree."

"It looks like a boarding school," Twilight Velvet said, a nervous look on her face.

"It's not," Starlight assured. "It is a specialist institute with a strict set of guidelines, sure, but those guidelines are there to develop discipline in students who lack it. In Twilight's case, she would be given very clear goals to work towards and perhaps a private mentor to keep her focussed on her task."

"But it's so far," Night Light pointed out. "I don't know. This doesn't sit well with me."

"But… what if my grades really start to suffer?" Twilight asked. "What if I fail high school and have nowhere to live because I can't hold down a job?"

"That won't happen," Twilight Velvet said, reaching over and holding her daughter. "You'll always have a place here, no matter what."

"It's merely a suggestion," Starlight told the family. "Perhaps we should wait to see what happens for now, although I assure you, this institute has helped out many pupils who are geniuses at heart, but simply need that extra bit of outside help to realise their true-"

Starlight Glimmer was interrupted by loud banging from the direction of the front door. Night Light excused himself to see who it was, and returned moments later with a panting Sunset Shimmer.

"Guys, wait!" Sunset shouted, her knees almost buckling as Night Light helped her to stay upright. "I-I've got something to show you!"

Sunset slumped into the teacher's seat and shook her head. "Twilight, you really did get a zero. But how? These answers aren't just wrong, they're phenomenally wrong. It's almost like you were answering a different set of…"

Sunset Shimmer gasped. She glanced over to the pile of question sheets and started to sift through them. "It couldn't be…" Near the bottom, Sunset encountered a sheet that was different from the others. "It is!"

"Among all the question sheets, there was one that had a set of completely different questions than all the others," Sunset declared, presenting the sheet for all to see. "And at the top of the sheet is Twilight's name! Thankfully she's still in the habit of signing everything she writes on."

Twilight blushed and said with a pout, "I'm getting better." Suddenly, she gasped. "Wait, then that means that…"

Sunset nodded her head. "You took an entirely different test that the rest of us!"

Starlight Glimmer hummed as she took the test paper from Sunset Shimmer and examined it closely. "Well what do you know? This is the paper that I had originally chosen, but decided that it was too advanced for all of you!" Starlight Glimmer set it aside Twilight's answer sheet and examined the two for several moments. "And unless I'm mistaken, you've scored an amazing eighty-eight!"

Twilight's parents both sighed with relief, whilst Twilight was simply flabbergasted by the shockingly good news. "S-So I passed?"

"Was there ever any doubt?" Sunset asked with a grin, before frowning and shivering. "For some reason, saying that doesn't feel right."

"You more than passed, Twilight," Starlight said with a warm smile. "And my apologies for this entire mess! I should have checked my stockpile of question papers more closely."

"Well, for a minute there I thought that I was going to be kicked out of school," Twilight said with a nervous grin.

"Oh, trust me, you have nothing to worry about in that regard." Starlight Glimmer turned to Sunset and said, "I owe you my thanks, too. I'll overlook your snooping for now, since it saved the day, but in future, perhaps you should try simply appealing instead?"

"I'll keep that in mind," Sunset said as she approached Twilight, giving her friend a celebratory hug.

Starlight Glimmer nodded her head and said, "Well, it's good to see that you have such a good friend to look out for you, Twilight Sparkle. I should probably be heading off now."

"I'll show you out," Night Light offered.

"Thank you. And I truly am sorry for this whole fiasco, Twilight. It's just, I've seen so many brilliant students falter that I couldn't stand to see it again."

"It's quite alright," Twilight said with a warm smile. "You were just trying to help, and I'm thankful for that. You'll make a great teacher someday. You just need a little more focus," Twilight added with a wink.

Everybody laughed, and then Night Light escorted the teacher to the front door. "I must say, you really gave my wife and I quite a scare."

"Your daughter is exceptionally bright," Starlight stated. "You must be proud."

"You betcha! I do worry about whether she's making enough time for friends, though."

"Well at the very least, she seems close to Sunset Shimmer."

"Mhm. Those two have been friends since they were children. It's rare to see the two apart. I'm glad that she has Sunset Shimmer to look out for her since her brother isn't around anymore."

"Oh my. I'm terribly sorry."

"Huh? Oh! No no no no no! I didn't mean- He's moved out, not moved on!"

Starlight blushed and turned her head away. "Oh! M-My bad! I completely misinterpreted-"

"No, it's fine. I could have worded that much better."

"So… Sunset Shimmer looks out for her. That's good to know." Starlight Glimmer opened the front door and stepped outside. "Well then, Mr. Light."

"Please take care, Miss Glimmer."

As the door closed, Starlight Glimmer checked her watch and then turned to leave. "Indeed. It is good to have a close friend to watch your back… Sunset Shimmer… I wonder what she scored on my test?"