• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 656 Views, 2 Comments

Forest of Lost Foals - Dusk-Spark

Pipsqueak, Scootaloo and a new classmate named Saphira join the other foals on a test of courage into the Everfree Forest. But will any of them make it out alive?

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Ch. 6: "The ideal you strive to be."

They arrived back at the cabin with no difficulties. Every time Pipsqueak tried to use the Rune Stone, it was always the same result. At this point, he’d given up on it ever working properly. Pipsqueak had been quiet throughout the trek back, just trying to make sense of everything. If he were a unicorn, maybe he’d understand better. He sighed and bumped into Saphira. “What?”

“We’re here.” Sure enough, the cabin was where it had always been. Their lantern had gone missing, someone must’ve come by and taken it.

Pipsqueak used his Rune to see if they left any messages, but there was nothing except the one that Pipsqueak had laid out before they went to go search for the others. "Archer and Featherweight are dead. The others are too. Soon, you will be too." No, no, don’t think about it. Push it to the back of your mind, Pipsqueak. He was just about two inches from the door when something came barreling out like a bat out of Tartarus. He screamed, he heard another scream to match his own. He thrashed his limbs in all directions but all he felt was a pair of hooves beating on him.

“BREAK IT UP!” Saphira bellowed.

Pipsqueak felt the telekinetic grip pull him away from whatever was attacking him. His breathing still erratic, he looked on to see the identity of his attacker. “Scootaloo?!”

“Pipsqueak?!” Scootaloo seemed just as surprised to see the two of them. Her Wonderbolt costume now bore tears along the fabric and dirt markings. She was visibly shaken up. Even after Saphira released the two of them. “Where were you two?!” She demanded with a cracking voice.

“We could ask you the same question…” Saphira responded as she stepped past Scootaloo into the cabin. “You, probably shouldn’t stay out there…” As if on cue, the howling of the Timber Wolves were all the motivation Scootaloo and Pipsqueak needed to dash into the room, shutting the door behind them.

“Why did you three ditch me?! I came back and all I found was your lantern, I thought you took off and left me out here!” Scootaloo scolded them, her voice cracking every so often. Pipsqueak noticed her hooves were shaking.

“Snails lost his team. We followed him back along the path he took. Then we lost Snails, we followed hoof tracks deeper into the forest and we found…” Saphira trailed off, her gaze turning towards Pipsqueak with a quizzical glance.

“Found what?” Impatiently, Scootaloo pressed the issue.

“…Archer’s dead.” Saphira pulled out the fake gem stone she picked off of Archer’s costume and set it down between the three ponies. Pipsqueak didn't even notice her take it before, why did she take it? Well why was Pipsqueak still carrying Featherweight's hat?

Scootaloo stared at it hauntingly, her mouth just hung agape. “Dead?” She uttered in a tone so small, Pipsqueak barely heard her.

“There’s more…” Pipsqueak said in a somber tone as he brought out Featherweight’s detective hat.

“Even Featherweight?”

“…” Pipsqueak nodded sadly. He pulled his hood over his head to hide his face, it was so unheroic for Pipsqueak to show tears, let alone cry.

“Oh Pip…” Scootaloo galloped over to him and pulled the patchy pony into a tight embrace, “I’m so sorry.”

“…” What was he supposed to say to that? A hug wasn’t gonna make this sinking feeling in his stomach go away, it wouldn’t make the air feel any less heavier. It wasn't gonna bring anyone back to life. "I hate this..." But he wasn’t gonna say any of that, instead he just accepted the hug for what it was: Scootaloo’s attempt to console her aching friend: Pipsqueak.

“Scootaloo, where’s the lantern?” Saphira interrupted.


“The lantern that was on the doorstep.”

“I don’t know, maybe somepony else took it.”

Saphira sighed, she wordlessly paced around the room trying to find where she left the broken lantern from before, “Maybe I can fix the one we left here…”

“Scootaloo, what happened to your costume?” It was time for Pipsqueak to address the elephant in the room, so he started with the basics. He could detect the scent of dirt and grass on her and...something else he couldn't quite pin down. It smelled a bit like a bathroom.

“Oh, well…I…thought I saw Rainbow Dash out here, so I chased after her. Ended up tripping and w-well that’s how my costume got dirty.”

Pipsqueak didn’t buy a word of that. Even if he wasn’t the son of a horror writer (who would routinely describe his job as; “being paid to lie”), he could tell Scootaloo just came up with that on the spot. The real question was, would he believe her or press the issue? Knowing Scootaloo, she probably got scared of the green light and hid somewhere. Then a sudden realization hit him, that green light. What the hay was that anyways? If there were a time to remember any of your dad’s works, it would be right now!

Suddenly his rune started to spark to life, the unmistakably pompous voice that came through could only belong to one very irritated little pony:

“Is anyone even listening to me?! Like, hello!” Diamond Tiara sounded agitated.

“ ’Ello?” Pipsqueak answered immediately.

Diamond Tiara groaned, “Tch, Pipsqueak. Where the hay have all of you stupid ponies been?!”

“The Runes haven’t been working!” Pipsqueak retorted, “I think we should all go home now.”

“Are you chickening out already? Silver Spoon, check it out, Pip‘s chickening out”

“N-N-No!” A bold faced lie, Pipsqueak has been scared well beyond his limits. He was so scared, he could fill up a whole building full of Pipsqueaks, “But ponies are…” He felt the word stuck in his throat, he tried to say it but just couldn’t. “Gone.”

“Gone? You mean they chickened out and ran away?”

“No, I mean-”

“They’re dead, Diamond Tiara.” Saphira suddenly spoke up from across the room.

“What’d that little scar-eyed blank flank say? That somepony died? Tch, what a load of horse apples!” She spat back, “Look, either get over here RIGHT NOW, or go back home and be a Scootaloo!”

“Why you!” Scootaloo suddenly flared up, her wings flapping to reflect the indignation she must’ve felt for being likened to a chicken. And then she twitched and collapsed in a heap, groaning in agony while she clutched her right wing. Scootaloo was really bad at watching her emotions. Maybe they should try to put her wing in some kind of sling to keep it from moving. Maybe they should just tie both wings to her body?

Suddenly there was a loud crash, a shout, some yelling, and then the Rune fizzled and died. “Diamond Tiara? ‘Ello! ‘Ello!” He shook it, as if that would get it working. No luck. Diamond Tiara’s group was long gone.
Pipsqueak exchanged looks with Scootaloo, he could tell that she was feeling the same way; They wanted to go home, take their punishment for disobeying the big ponies and then forget this whole thing ever happened. But they couldn’t. Pipsqueak always went through life trying to be a hero, he tried to emulate their behavior and he took their messages of: “Help your fellow ponies” and “Look fear in the eye and laugh” to heart. If he turned back, he’d lose a very big part of himself. It would be like going against his whole existence.

Likewise, Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash, nearly every choice she made came with the question: “What would Rainbow Dash do?” And Rainbow Dash would NEVER leave a pony behind, even if that Pony was Diamond Tiara. She may as well quit the Rainbow Dash fan club if she turned back now, heck she may as well quit being the "sister" of Rainbow Dash while she was at it.

The two ponies sighed in unison, realizing what they had to do. And they didn’t like it one bit, even moreso because it was Diamond Tiara the school bully.

“I see you’ve made up your minds.” Saphira’s horn sparked as the remaining lantern illuminated the room.