• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 900 Views, 8 Comments

Sombra Dislikes Crystals - The Apologetic Pony

A story of Sombra's upbringing and how he came to be King of the Crystal Empire.

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Sometimes There Are Just Too Many Special Rocks To Count

Luna cursed as Robyn came down the stairs.

‘Is he–’

‘He’ll be fine, don’t worry. He’ll wake up in an hour, and he won’t be alone this time.’

With a hint of effort, Luna levitated Sombra back to the bed. Robyn looked pale.
‘I’m sorry to have accidentally put your son through this, it’s my fault. He’s going to wake up, and likely be very confused again, but because he’s woken up once already, he won’t be as panicked, hopefully. I’ll be able to explain what’s going on to him then.’

‘And what is going on?’

‘I’ve been visiting his dreams too often, I believe. It’s not like I’ve visited anyponies dreams as frequently as him, and I know from when I’ve visited others even once, some have been affected in some minor way. Dreams aren’t meant to be meddled with, I got carried away with your son, especially after how he’d reacted relatively well, for really quite a while.’

‘But he’ll be fine, right?’

‘Yes, he’ll be fine. He’s essentially mixed what happened in his dreams, what happened outside of his dreams, and what actually happened. Rather terrifying, I imagine.’

Robyn opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. Luna went on.

‘He’ll need to see a clear and focused contradiction to help him sort his memories, which is why I’ll need to be alone with him when he awakes. We wouldn’t want him trying to figure out himself what happened, that'll make him even more confused.’

‘Does it have to be just you? I’d really prefer to be with him’

Luna pondered.

‘I think it does, sorry. He just really needs to be only thinking about how I’m saying what happened isn’t what he remembers. He’ll think that you’re related, or at least as a method to judge how much time has passed. I’ll let you in as soon as I can, I promise.’

Robyn wished for royalty to be true to its word.

Eventually, Robyn left, leaving Luna alone with the unconscious Sombra. Though Luna hadn’t given an entirely accurate explanation she didn’t feel like it was too far from the truth. There was just a lot more that she didn’t know.

Right on cue, Sombra stirred. It was a moment before he said anything.

‘Hi, err, you know I was hoping I wouldn’t be as confused as I was the last time, but I kinda am.’

Luna shrugged.

‘So what the fuck’s going on then?’

‘Let’s try and figure that out, shall we? I think it’s something like, I spent a long time in your dream last night, altered many things, with your permission of course, and it turns out I messed up somewhere, making you mix up dreams and non, and maybe forgetting some stuff? I dunno, you tell me what happened.’

‘You seemed a lot more certain when you put me to sleep.’

‘Some bravado was necessary, teehee.’

‘Mmm. What happened was, when you showed me the room, after the flour and the spanking and all that, you dragged me onto the bed, said something I can’t remember, and then I wake up here with me feeling like no time’s passed, with the fast heartbeat and everything. And then well, I guess its the same for us from there. Why do do that by the way?’

‘Do what?’

‘Knock me out.’

‘Because you wouldn’t have listened to me when you were so panicked.’

Sombra looked a little miffed.

‘I might have.’

‘With your mother there? It’d have ended in the both of you being deeply suspicious of me. Anyway that’s not so important, here’s what happened. What you said’s right, until the bed. once I “dragged you on,” as you put it, I asked you if you wanted it to be a dream, you said yes, and then we had this semi-conscious session of making out. Afterwards we agreed to invite your mother over here, and that was all. She likes her house in Canterlot very much.’

‘That sounds... great, like we had fun.



They chortled at the noises they were making.

‘I’m not ever going to remember am I, for whatever reason. It doesn’t feel like I will.

‘I think the reason is because I fucked up, basically. I really pushed it, blurring your dreams so much.’

Sombra frowned.

‘That’s it? Aren’t dreams fluid and blurry by nature, my princess?’

‘Yes, but that’s because of the dreamers, not because of somepony playing strings of the unconscious, copying the present at that. It’s truly a terrible power I have, Som-bra. We did have fun though, I’d do it again if weren’t so bad for you.’

‘Would I?’

‘Many times over!’

Should have expected that.

‘I hope I haven’t left you paranoid.’ Luna said. In a rare moment of vulnerability she looked crestfallen.

She didn’t even look like that with the whole other Luna thing. I guess this is more directly her fault, but I mean, do I seem paranoid? I feel fine.

‘No, I dunno how to describe it though. It’s certainly not a disease, not an injury, not an adventure either. It’s just like I’m a little attracted to the danger of you, and the dreams you’re in. Playing with fire, or something.’

‘Though I said at the start it was the lessons that might be dangerous, apparently it’s just me.’

‘Yeah real murderer you are.’

‘And you were always most eloquent on a bed.’

Sombra took a moment to appreciate, and then burst out laughing. Luna went on to ask him if he could lie about his lacking recollection to Robyn.

‘I gave a slightly inaccurate explanation because I wasn’t sure of some things, and I wanted to get her out of the room while I was figuring out what was going on with you. Didn’t know if that might affect you, yeah you get me.’

‘Couldn’t you just tell her that? Or just me?’

‘Oh yeah sure.’

Why wasn’t that the first thing she thought of?

‘Then I’ll invite her in now.’

Luna walked out of Sombra’s room.

Despite presenting himself as mostly satisfied with Luna’s explanation of things, he still felt like he had a lot of questions, he was just too overwhelmed to think of them. Maybe she wants that. Now now, don’t get all conspiratorial on me now. Can hardly blame myself when she thought of getting me to lie before telling the truth. So what’s next? Just another chapter of this, I think.

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