• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 941 Views, 34 Comments

The Prince's Hounds - TheTobacconist

  • ...

I'm fine. I'm busy. I'm sorry.

Octavia sat down at the mahogany desk in her office. She took a moment to consider her view of her factory floor. The large windows allowed her to oversee production without interfering with her employees. They worked hard for her, and she paid them well. Rolling her chair over to the window, she considered her establishment. The Melody Candle Corporation was doing quite well now; thanks in small part to her settlement with the Equestrian legal system, and thanks to her benefactor.

Fancy Pants did not normally stop by here though, despite having a large sum of money invested in the business. He was quite content to allow Octavia to handle the affairs, and did little to interfere with her way of handling things. Still, she found that she appreciated his advice, his words of encouragement, and his friendship. She wished that all ponies could be as helpful as he was.

"Miss Melody." Her secretary peeked through the door. "Miss Scratch is here to see you."

"Send her in, Daisy." Octavia took a moment to straighten her bow tie. It was best to look presentable. Vinyl had the oddest way of fretting over the tiniest details. She was in no mood to deal with any pony's fretting, least of all Vinyl's.

"Hey, Tavi," Vinyl called as she waltzed into the room, and took off her sunglasses. Octavia noted this tiny detail. Vinyl only took them off when she had an issue to press. "How's the business?"

"It's going well, Vinyl." Octavia smiled proudly. "We've recently implemented a new production system that will increase output by forty percent." She tapped a clipboard. "And with these kinds of profits, we should be out of the red by the end of next quarter."

"That's great." Swinging around the desk, Vinyl began giving Octavia a back rub. "So, can I expect you home tonight?"

"It's going to be another late night for me," Octavia sighed, "Another board meeting." She swung around in her chair, and placed a hoof on Vinyl's cheek. "This bruise." Her voice became stern. "What happened?"

"Just a little tumble at the club," Vinyl laughed, "It's alright, the other guy got worse." She scratched the back of her neck. "I'm fine."

"Just..." Octavia kissed her bruised cheek. "Please, be careful."

"Fine." Vinyl stuck her tongue out at her. "Mom."

"Hmm." Octavia propped her head on her forehoof. "I think my therapist would have a field day with that comment." Octavia took on an even somber tone. "So, tell me why you find your mother to be the objec-"

"Ok." Vinyl raised her hooves. "No more mom jokes, got it." She laughed, and then smiled at her, stroking her mane. "How is it going with your therapist, anyway?"

"Ah." Octavia shook her head. She now knew why Vinyl was actually here. "Fine, I suppose."

"Fine?" Vinyl frowned. "She came by the apartment today." The frown became a scowl. "Wanted to know why you didn't show up to your appointment." Her scowl deepened. "Does that sound fine to you?"

"Yes, it does." Octavia wheeled her chair back around. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a factory to run."

"Why didn't you go, Tavi?" Vinyl stroked her mane.

"I didn't feel like it," Octavia insisted, knocked Vinyl's hoof away from her mane, and pretended to read some graphs. "We can talk later."

"I'm worried about you," Vinyl admitted weakly, "I never see you eat, you haven't touched your big violin in months, and you hoard those candles."

"First of all," Octavia snapped over her shoulder, "It's a cello." Her back went rigid. "And those candles are prototypes. They have to be tested. They put food on our table, and keep a roof over our heads." She slammed her clipboard down, and turned back to look at Vinyl. "Now, I'm busy. We can talk later."

"Alright." Vinyl put her shades back on, and made her way to the door.

"Wait." Octavia raised an objecting hoof. "I'm sorry." She stood up. "Work is keeping me real busy. It's put me a little on edge, but I still shouldn't have snapped at you like that." She walked over to Vinyl. Wrapping a hoof around her neck, she kissed her lightly. "I'll reschedule with Doctor Sage." She nuzzled Vinyl. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Vinyl returned her kiss, and walked out the door. She nodded to Daisy as she passed the reception room. Navigating through the factory was difficult. It was as if the designer had made the building as convoluted as possible. She shook her head at the thought. Octavia was not a business pony, she was a musician. She should be playing her cello, and talking about her favorite composers. She should be doing the things that she used to do. Things that would make her happy. Vinyl just didn't know how to make her see that fact.

Canterlot's streets were pristine, and every corner had a smiling face. Smiling seemed to be Equestria's national past time, and Vinyl loved it. She loved the way every pony seemed to greet her, the way the sun seemed to bestow something of a blessing on the city, and the way you always seemed to bump into acquaintances. Every single corner turned just increased the chances of seeing a familiar face.

Fancy Pants waved her over from a nearby cafe. Sitting underneath the shade of a large umbrella, he and his wife looked like the happiest couple in the city. Vinyl had no doubt that they were just that. She returned their waves, and their smiles, in kind.

"Miss Scratch." Fancy sat upright in his wicker chair as he called her. "Come join us." He gestured between himself and his wife. "Fleur and I were just having some midday cocktails."

Vinyl hopped the short black fence, and pulled up a chair beside them. She was never one to pass up on alcohol, regardless of the time of day, mid or otherwise. Not to mention that Fancy was quite hospitable, and she had no intention of insulting a stallion's hospitality. Especially when that hospitality paid for her drinks.

"I'll have a tequila sunrise," Vinyl informed the waiter, and turned to the happy couple. "So, what's new with you guys?"

"We're taking a little time off from work." Fancy sipped his black velvet. "I must say that it's quite good to see you." He smiled again. Partially due to being pleased to see a friend, and partially due to the alcohol. "How are you and Miss Melody faring?"

"I'm alright." Vinyl rubbed her foreleg. "Octavia's been holding up." She looked up at him. "She's been working real long hours lately."

"I don't think it would hurt if she took some time off," Fancy surmised, "We've set up that business to practically run itself." He shrugged. "Though, if I may say, some ponies have different ways of handling things." He sipped his drink again. "When things get tough, well, they just throw themselves into their work. It's unhealthy."

"Enough of that, dear," Fleur de Lis interrupted, "I believe you might be gossiping." She shotgunned her martini. "It's unbecoming of a gentlecolt such as yourself." She smiled at him, and turned to Vinyl. "Have you read the paper recently?"

"I stopped," Vinyl admitted reluctantly, "I stopped keeping up with it since that 'armor' stuff started." She rolled her eyes. "It's all that's ever in the paper anymore." She accepted her drink from the waiter, and sipped it. "Why can't it have some happy things once in a while?"

"Actually, I was hoping to brag about my charity," Fleur chuckled, "The Canterlot Press did an article about it, and I was hoping for your opinion on it."

"Oh." Vinyl sipped her drink a little faster. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"Now that I think about it." Fancy scratched his chin. "How is Miss Melody taking this armor news?" He shuffled in his chair. "I understand that-"

"Let's not get into that, dear," Fleur interrupted. She didn't particularly enjoy interrupting him, but sometimes he left her no choice. "Miss Scratch, I must say that you have good taste." She gestured at Vinyl with a hoof. "I'm fairly certain those sunglasses are quite iconic at this point."

"They're how I'm recognized," Vinyl agreed, "And they add a little bit of mystique to my stage persona." She hoped that she was using that word correctly. "You have to play it up a little bit." She nodded in agreement with herself. "Make them see you as more than what you are."

"Fine advice for any role." Fancy found himself nodding as well. "Oh, I forgot to ask. How is your new apartment?"

"It's real..." Vinyl found herself struggling for the correct word. "Secure, I guess." She shook her head. "The doors have more deadbolts than a ..." Failing to find a suitable analogy, she decided to use understatement. "Well, than a normal apartment." She rolled her eyes. "Double cylinders on all the doors. Vertical cylinders too." She sighed in exasperation. "It's like Tavi doesn't think anywhere is safe."

"Can you really blame her?" Fancy asked, "Blueblood is still a lamister." He sipped his drink just a little more quickly this time. "The guard can't locate him." He shook his head at this. "Honestly, I'm thinking about increasing security in my own residence."

"Alright, new drinking game," Vinyl decreed, "I drink, and you guys talk about normal things."