• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 804 Views, 3 Comments

A Lost Entity - malfarious

Lost in uncertainty can this pony remember his own past?

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Drip.... drip..... drip....The soft patter of a faucet leaking sits in the back of my mind or is it actually there? "Am i dreaming?" I ask aloud unsure of my surroundings. I am in a shack I think, the place is run down and the door is halfway across the room. I look to my right and i see a huge gap in the wall of the house. "That must be were I came in" I thought aloud. I cautiously walk a step towards it to exit this eerie building. As I take the step I turn around without thinking and continue surveying the area. "Hmm there must be something I need to do here at least subconsciously I know that. I look to my left and I see that there is a single door half open. I look straight and there is the kitchen and behind me the exit where the door used to be. Uncertainty fills me up as I slowly walk towards the door the anticipation building with each step I take. The dripping of the faucet becomes intensely loud as if it were building with the tension in the room.Suddenly every move I make is so much more slower and I can feel my hoof move ever so slightly. Paranoia works its way into my body burying a seed of worry into my mind. Causing me to over think and over react over the slightest detail. I can sense a sudden change in the atmosphere and I stop moving hoping to avoid whatever this dreadful feeling is. A minute goes by and whatever is there is still watching me. I cant see it but I just now that its there looming over me. My eyes sweep across the room looking for this ominous presence that has gotten me so scared and riled up. Sadly I can't find it no matter how hard I peer around the shack.

Then in a picture fills my mind of an old mare sitting in a rocking chair, behind her is a barn and beside the barn an orchard of apples. I know this place and I have been here before and the old mare seems so familiar and her name is on the tip of my tongue. Then the orchard slowly fades away I start to panic and try to reach the old mare to warn her of the impending doom. As i run towards her she gets further and further away and soon she starts to fade away. Tears line my face and I don't know why, I don't even know this pony. Curiosity fills me as I return back to the shack. I'm standing in front of the door. " Yes i'm looking for something but what is it i'm looking for." I say to myself looking for something that stands out. I open the door and barge in to find a bed pointed my way broken in half and a dresser that looks brand new. I calmly walk to the bed and see the sheets torn to shreds then another image appears in my mind. This one is a little filly lying sick in the bed she has a fever and is burning up. The house is modest and doesn't have anything flashy really just plain and simple. I hear a pond very nearby. This place is somewhere very familiar I have been here many times. Then just like before the memory closes up on me and I am useless to do anything but watch in puzzlement as my memory is beginning to be ripped away from me. I close my eyes to hide the terrible sight form myself. I open them to find myself next to the dresser. A lone mirror sits atop the dresser it is cracked down the middle. I stare at myself confused. I have a black sleek body with blood red mane. I look away unconvinced of my own appearance. "Who am I?" Things are fading away fast. I open the dresser to find a journal lying there. Then another image appears in my mind. It is me sitting at a restaurant with the book in hand. I see a sign nearby that says " Welcome to Ponyville". No i shake my head. "What is this place??What is this supposed to mean to me?" The memory fades away and I can't see anything around me.

Darkness swarms around me blinding my vision so that I see nothing else. Then it turns inwards on me and i feel myself loosing grip of something precious that cannot be replaced. Choking down on tears im torn away from the light and the darkness invades my whole being. This feeling isn't natural and I no longer care where I am I just want this to stop. Its a dream I convince myself all a dream it cant be real. I rock myself back and forth in the feedle position trying to regain my sanity as its stripped from me. I can feel the darkness hitting me like a whip lashing back and forth holding no mercy. I scream outwards for help for comfort solace a savior anything that can wake me from my dream. Hope is futile for me as the pain continues wave after wave of unbearable torture i finally close my eyes through the pain and sleep.

My eyes open slowly unsure of everything around me. I try to grasp my surrounding but I dont remember where I am. I sit up with a frown looking around the cavern. I slowly look around me for something familiar anything at all. All I see is darkness and a small dim of light at the edge of the cave signaling the open world. It gives me some reassurance that not all is lost and that I still have a chance of escape in case im in danger. Then out of the corner of my eye I see the darkness shifting and turning. I turn quickly to see the shadows dancing about the cavern wall with anticipation almost. Thats impossible though shadows dont express emotions are feelings I must not be fully awake I tell myself. As I pull the blankets over me I close my eyes firmly shut to blink away my fear that my subconscious insists is real. I feel the blankets being torn from my grasp and I look up to see the shadows looking down at me with a playful grin. Wait!!! I swear its grinning at me but that just isnt possible..I stumble backwards away from whatever it was that was hiding in the shadows. My teeth chattered and my legs wouldnt support me it felt like my hooves would fall of at any minute. "wha- wha- you- you- you just cant...but its so...what is going on with me first the dream now you...please spare me I didn't do anything " I stammered nervously onwards when it suddenly hit me I didn't even know my name.

A look of utter disappointment and loss crossed my face as i thought about my predicament. How could i not know my name??