• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 1,013 Views, 31 Comments

A Pony's Heart - CTVulpin

Cabbage Patch is a Changeling who just wishes to live as a pony, to forget about her past and live a somewhat normal life traveling and performing with Trixie's Thespians. Fate, and a certain Princess, have other plans for her though.

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Cabbage's Waking Nightmare

The following morning, Cabbage woke from a fitful sleep with a strange buzzing in her head. It was low and quiet, persistent and mildly distracting, and uncannily familiar. Talking with the troupe over breakfast confirmed that she was the only one hearing the buzz, and it was quickly decided that she should just stay in the hotel and rest even if another show was put on that day. Cabbage had no objections to spending the day inside, away from unfamiliar ponies, and finish coming to grips with the emotional crash she’d had the previous day. She figured the buzzing was just the after effects of the previous day, her Changeling metabolism complaining about experiencing a panic attack while bathed in the positive emotions and sympathy of Barnacle Salt and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, tainting what should have been refreshing energy with fear. Cabbage planned to just lay in bed and meditate until she could balance her emotions again, and maybe overcome some old demons in the process.

As she grew still, however, the buzzing only grew louder, interfering with her concentration. It soon became so intense that she started to think she was hearing words underneath the buzz. Intercept… separated… stop… get her! Cabbage couldn’t make sense of these vague words intruding on her own thoughts, and the more she tried to force the buzz into silence the louder it seemed to get. Finally, she leaped out of her bed with a cry of frustration and stomped irritably toward the door of the hotel suite. “I’m going on a walk,” she said. “Maybe I need activity to clear my head.”

“Will ye be needing company?” Barnacle asked.

Cabbage almost answered “yes” on reflex, but stopped herself and actually thought about the question. “No, thank you,” she said, “I need to try and be braver to make up for yesterday.”

“Best of luck to you then, lass,” Barnacle said with evident pride.

“We’ll be going to check on how our replacement wagon is coming along in a little while, Cabbage,” Trixie said. “I’ll try to remember to leave the room unlocked, but if you run into trouble and nopony’s here, you’ll know where to find us, right?”

“The Lumber and Carpentry Yard,” Cabbage answered, nodding. She opened the door, took two steps out, and then hesitated and glanced back inside. “Um… see you later then,” she said awkwardly. She took a deep breath, finished crossing the threshold, and closed the door before trotting down the hall, already feeling the irritating buzz start to quiet down. As she left the hotel, she opened herself up to the emotions of the ponies passing by in the street, trying to read the general mood of the town. She noticed only safe, mild emotions in the air, generally positive with only a hint of the stress and worry typical of ponies with jobs to do. Cabbage smiled and relaxed a little more as she started her walk. With no particular destination in mind, she wandered wherever her hooves wanted to take her and observed the ponies going about their morning routines unsuspecting of the Changeling in their midst. Focusing on something besides herself seemed to help quiet the buzzing in Cabbage’s head, but it stubbornly refused to go away entirely. On a better note, each pony Cabbage passed without incident was another small victory over her far more familiar problem of social anxiety.

There’s nothing to worry about, she said to herself. Over half of these ponies don’t recognize me, and all those that do were in the audience yesterday. No one’s thinking about Changelings; Ponies here like to assume the best about ponies they’ve just met. To those who know my appearance, I’m the little sea-pony and Trixie’s hapless “assistant.” They like me and… Mmmm, their compliments do fill me up nicely. Oh, is that thinking too much like a proper Changeling though? I’m not taking an emotion meant for somepony else, but… Oh, why am I even worrying about this? I’ve not taken so much that anypony notices a difference, and it’s a shame to waste such good food.

“Cabbage Patch! Hey, over here!” Cabbage blinked as the excited shout pulled her out of her thoughts and saw all three Cutie Mark Crusaders down the road to her right, waving at her.

So much for peace, Cabbage thought, but found there was a smile growing on her face. Well, maybe they’ll be a better distraction from my head. And their feelings of friendship toward me aren’t any weaker. She trotted over to the trio and said, “Good morning girls.”

“Morning,” Apple Bloom said, “ya feeling better?”

“My head feels a little b- fuzzy,” Cabbage said, rubbing her head lightly, “but otherwise, I’m fine. Uh, sorry about flipping out yesterday. I… I just… get like that if I try to… to do impersonations…” She started to quiver, and yelped in fright when Sweetie Bell suddenly grabbed her in a hug.

“It’s ok,” the unicorn filly said soothingly, “we get it. It’s not your fault you have stage fright. We’re the ones who should apologize.”

“It’s… you didn’t know,” Cabbage said, closing her eyes and forcing the panic away. “I don’t blame you, so let’s just forget about it.”

“Not yet,” Scootaloo said, “we have something to give you, to make it up to you.”

“Scootaloo,” Cabbage said, touched but reluctant, “you don’t need to give me anything; there’s nothing to make up.”

“Nonsense,” Scootaloo said. “We worked hard on it all day after your breakdown, and you’re going to accept it. Now come on.” Cabbage tried to protest further, but when the three fillies ganged up behind her and started shoving she gave in and went where they directed. She thought they were going to take her to the clubhouse again, but it was soon evident they had a different destination in mind. When she saw the Carousel Boutique up ahead, she began to suspect what the mystery gift was going to be. Sweetie Bell pushed the boutique’s door open and pranced inside like she owned the place, excitement making her very light on her hooves. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were acting similarly giddy, the orange pegasus almost hovering off the ground, but Cabbage entered with some trepidation. She’d been inside Carousel Boutique once before, three years ago, and recalled that the owner, a beautiful and stylish white unicorn with an elegantly curled purple mane, had been very prompt to respond to the sound of the bell attached to the door, but as Cabbage followed her three eager friends across the shop’s front room toward a curtained-off niche there was no sign of the fashionista.

“Um,” Cabbage ventured, “shouldn’t there be somepony here?”

“We’re here,” Sweetie said, giving Cabbage a confused look.

“I think she means yer sister, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom drawled.

“Ohhhh!” Sweetie said as Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Well, Rarity’s in Canterlot right now, saving the day with her friends. Again.”

Cabbage gaped, nonplussed at the little unicorn’s casual delivery of such a big claim. Curiosity got the best of her, and she asked, slowly, “Saving the day from… what?”

“Uh, I’m not sure,” Sweetie said, thinking. “Did AJ happen to say anything about it, Apple Bloom?”

“‘Twas something they needed the Elements of Harmony for,” Apple Bloom said. “I wasn’t too close to the door when Twilight came by to get her, but I think I heard them mention the Changelings.” She and the other two Crusaders shuddered, remembering their experiences at the royal wedding. “Anyway,” Apple Bloom said, recovering her happy mood, “let’s get on with…” She trailed off as saw the expression of pure fear that had come over Cabbage Patch’s face.

The outside world had seemed to vanish when Cabbage heard the word “Changeling,” as she quickly began piecing together facts and chilling conclusions. Changelings, in Canterlot? Another invasion? It has to be, otherwise why would the Elements of Harmony be rushing to the city? So many Changelings all in one place… and so close, I’d probably be picking up – That’s what the buzzing is! I’m hearing the voice of the hive. It’s been so many years, I forgot what it felt like. Oh no, oh no, this is bad! There’s going to be panic and hysteria and I’m going to be found out for sure because I’m too close to it this time!

All that the Cutie Mark Crusaders could discern was that Cabbage was utterly petrified. “Don’t tell me we broke her again,” Scootaloo groaned.

“We’re terrible ponies,” Sweetie said dramatically.

“Alright, nopony panic,” Apple Bloom said, sounding on the edge of panic herself. “We can fix this. We just… uh… we need ta… We hafta snap her out of it and prove she doesn’t have anything to worry about.”

“How?” Scootaloo asked.

“Maybe we should just take her back home,” Sweetie suggested. “We can carry her. I think.”

“No way,” Scootaloo said. “If that old captain Salt finds out we made Cabbage have another attack, he’ll never let us hang out with her ever again.”

“Well do you have a better plan?” Sweetie retorted.

“I got one,” Apple Bloom said. “The second part at least. Sweetie, d’ya think you can cast that detection spell?”

“Uh, maybe?” the unicorn said. “Rarity made sure that both of us learned it shortly after the wedding, but I haven’t tried it since.” Cabbage’s ears twitched as the trio’s conversation started to bleed through into her panicked mind, and she broke into a cold sweat. “Hang on a sec,” Sweetie Bell said as she closed her eyes tightly in concentration. Cabbage slowly turned her eyes to watch as Sweetie’s horn started to glow.

Please, don’t remember, Cabbage mentally begged. Don’t do this to me.

There was a tense moment when the light around Sweetie’s horn started to sputter, but then it flared right back up and she smiled. “I think I have it,” she said.

That does it, Cabbage thought, I’m out. The fear that had paralyzed her now lent her metaphoric wings as she reared up, spun around, and bolted out of the Carousel Boutique before Sweetie could cast her spell. She gained approximately three seconds of lead time before the Cutie Mark Crusaders overcame their surprise and went off in pursuit, calling Cabbage’s name in confusion and concern. Cabbage tried to increase her speed when she heard them coming, but it made little difference since she had already been pushing herself to the limit out of the gate. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stayed hot on her heels, although they were only gaining on her by inches at a time. The chase wound through Ponyville’s streets as Cabbage simultaneously tried to shake the trio and remember the way back to the hotel, where she could take refuge behind Barnacle Salt and the others.

Eventually, and with the Crusaders still in view behind her, Cabbage found the hotel and galloped inside, through the lobby, up the stairs, down the hall, and into the troupe’s suite. After slamming the door and locking the deadbolt, Cabbage sank to her haunches and looked for the expected looks of concern on everypony’s faces. The room was empty. “Where is every- oh, right,” she face-hoofed, “they’re inspecting the new wagon. Stupid!”

“We’re not all gone.” Cabbage’s head snapped up and around to see Harlequin emerging from the suite’s kitchen with a plate of carrot sticks in his mouth. He quickly set the plate down when he saw Cabbage’s wild eyes and heavy panting. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, kneeling down.

“I almost got-” A knock on the door interrupted her, and she ran to hide under the nearest bed. “Don’t let them in!” she exclaimed.

“This about your secret?” Harlequin asked, peering under the bed. Cabbage nodded and Harlequin straightened up and headed for the door. “I’ll send ‘em off then,” he said to allay the little Changeling’s fears. He unlocked the door and opened it a crack, bracing it against the efforts of Apple Bloom to gain entry. “What do you kids want?” he asked in an annoyed tone. “We didn’t order any room service, and you’re too young to be the maids.”

“Dang. So much for that approach,” Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

“We’re looking for Cabbage Patch,” Apple Bloom said.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about, kid,” Harlequin lied.

“Yes you do,” Apple Bloom countered. “Yer part of Trixie’s company with her. We saw both y’all in the show yesterday, and we also saw her run in here just now.” Harlequin tried to close the door on her, but Sweetie and Scootaloo added their weight to Apple Bloom’s as the yellow filly shouted for the whole suite to hear, “Cabbage, Ah know you’re in there, and Ah know exactly why you’re so afraid right now.”

Oh Luna, did she really figure it out? Cabbage thought, and then mentally kicked herself for the thought. Of course she did. Running for my life like that at that exact moment wasn’t very subtle after all. Cornered again, for real this time. Sighing, she decided to face the inevitable and crawled out from under the bed. “You can let them in, Quin,” she said dejectedly. Harlequin quirked an eyebrow but stood back, letting the door fly open and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to tumble through in a heap. The fillies sorted themselves out quickly and went over to Cabbage, who was brushing dust bunnies off her coat as an excuse to avoid looking at them for a moment more. Harlequin quietly closed the door and sat down in front of it, observing the scene with silent satisfaction. “Ok,” Cabbage said, “let’s get this over with.”

“Don’t look so down Cabbage,” Apple Bloom said compassionately. “It’s ok to be scared, you know. You must have had a really bad experience with Changelings in the past, right?”

Born a weak, soft-hearted freak and exiled from the hive, Cabbage thought ruefully. That probably counts, yeah.

When the sea-green pony didn’t freeze up again, Apple Bloom pressed on, putting a comforting leg around Cabbage’s shoulders. “Ya know, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and I were in Canterlot the last time the Changelings invaded,” she said. “In fact, we were right there when their awful queen revealed herself and beat Princess Celestia. It all worked out in the end though, and you obviously survived whatever happened to you.”

Cabbage gave Apple Bloom an odd look. Does she not… get it? She just thinks I’m scared of Changelings? Maybe I can still get out of this.

“I bet all our talk about what’s going on in Canterlot’s got you worried that somepony you know has been replaced,” Apple Bloom continued, nodding at her unicorn compatriot, “but Sweetie Bell here knows how to cast a spell that’ll put those fears to rest right now.”

…Or not. “No,” Cabbage said, shrugging Apple Bloom’s embrace away, “you don’t… you don’t have to…” She sighed gustily and dragged both fore-hooves down her face as she gathered her nerves. “Quin, watch the door please,” she said.

“Already on it,” Harlequin said, turning the deadbolt for good measure.

“Thanks,” Cabbage said. She looked at each of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in turn, all of them looking worried and a little scared. “I’m sorry about this,” she said, and then discarded her earth pony guise in a flash of green fire. There was the expected screaming, running about, and looking for hiding places from the Crusaders at the sudden appearance of a Changeling, but to Cabbage’s relief it didn’t progress to one of them trying to attack her, or Harlequin. Harlequin remained sitting immovably by the only exit from the suite, watching the debacle unfold with a smirk that Cabbage found particularly annoying. Cabbage remained still until the fillies realized that she was just sitting there and calmed down, gathering around her gain. Once they were all settled, noticeably farther away from her and closer to one another, Cabbage spoke again, keeping the inherent buzzing undertone of natural Changeling voices out of her own as best she could, “Again, I’m sorry, but you were about to discover this for yourselves and I couldn’t stop you.”

“You’re a Changeling?!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Very astute,” Harlequin said dryly.

Scootaloo turned on the larger pony and pointed accusingly at him. “Are you a Changeling too?”

“Honestly, I’d like to say yes,” Harlequin answered, “but I don’t think any of you would find it amusing.”

“Quin, please take this seriously,” Cabbage said.

“Wait, wait,” Sweetie said, “I’m confused. Cabbage Patch was replaced by a Changeling, and you, mister, are ok with it?”

“She’s been a Changeling the entire time I’ve known her,” Harlequin said. “Didn’t realize it at first, but… Well, I’ve had time to get used to the idea.”

“I’ve never stolen a pony’s identity in my life,” Cabbage said. “I’m just not good enough to pull it off.”

“Oh yeah?” Scootaloo said, “prove it.”

“You three caught me without even suspecting I wasn’t what I appeared to be,” Cabbage said. “Isn’t that proof enough that I’m a bad Changeling?”

“Gotta admit, that’s not a bad point,” Apple Bloom said.

“Well I’m still not convinced,” Scootaloo said.

Cabbage frowned, briefly at a loss, until she remembered the key flaw in her abilities that had originally cemented Scootaloo’s interest in her and essentially started this whole mess. “Sweetie Bell,” she said, “stand up and hold still a moment please.”

“Uh, ok,” the unicorn said hesitantly as Cabbage slowly walked around her, memorizing her shape, colors, and manestyle. After completing a circuit, Cabbage stood in front of the three fillies and focused. Pushing past her mental blocks by sheer determination to regain her friends’ trust, she changed into a copy of Sweetie Bell that was nearly perfect except for one key detail.

“You’ll notice I didn’t copy your cutie mark, Sweetie,” she said in a perfect imitation of the unicorn’s voice, presenting her flank. “Now watch. This is why I can’t possibly replace a real pony.” Closing her eyes in order to more clearly visualize the paired musical notes of Sweetie’s mark, she willed it appear on her flanks. She felt the tingling heat of her transformation magic responding and opened her eyes to see the results. As she expected, the mark had come out incorrectly: the notes had normal black circles instead of the pink hearts on Sweetie Bell’s flank, and the staff of the right-side note was squiggly. In less than a second it faded away on its own, and Cabbage looked at the Crusaders expectantly.

“And that happens every time?” Apple Bloom asked, looking unusually intrigued.

“Every time,” Cabbage confirmed, and then remembered that she was still transformed and dropped the Sweetie Bell look. “Sorry. I can’t change my size either,” she continued, “and I should have been as big as a full-grown pony years ago.”

“You sure get voices down good though,” Scootaloo said. “What’d I tell you?” she added, nudging Apple Bloom and Sweetie in the sides. Cabbage risked a smile, and Scootaloo returned it easily. “Alright, you’ve convinced me,” she said. “Besides, I really can’t see a… Changeling as timid as you kidnapping anypony anyway. Uh, that isn’t just part of the act, is it?”

“Oh believe me,” Harlequin cut in, rolling his eyes, “she’s a genuine shrinking violet. It’s a small miracle that we can get her to do anything on the stage in front of ponies.” The suite door shook slightly as somepony outside tried the latch, followed by a firm, irritated knocking. Cabbage tensed up as Harlequin turned to look through the peephole, and then relaxed as he undid the locks and jumped back to avoid Trixie opening the door into his face. Barnacle and Maggie Pie entered in the wake of the troupe’s headliner, and all three stopped and stared when they saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders and an undisguised Cabbage Patch looking back at them. After a moment, Maggie turned around and closed the door.

“Looks to me like the secret’s out,” Barnacle said.

“It’s just these three,” Cabbage explained, changing into her normal earth pony disguise and looking meek.

“Well that’s all well and good,” Trixie said, “but what happens now?” She advanced on the Crusaders, looking down her nose at them. “What are these young mares going to do with what they’ve discovered? Trixie would be extremely upset if her troupe had to disappear from Ponyville before their new stage-wagon is complete.”

“Aye,” Barnacle said, “Cabbage’s true nature is not something to be shared lightly. Ye’ve joined the crew of the rare few who know about it. The question is, can we trust ye with the secret, to keep it a secret?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders shared a long look, and then withdrew to another part of the suite to talk in hushed tones. The little conference was over nearly as quickly as it began, and then Scootaloo came over to act as spokespony. “We’ve decided to agree to keep the secret, on two conditions. First, Cabbage Patch will remain, for now and always, a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, even when she leaves Ponyville.”

“W-what?” Cabbage stammered, incredulous. “Why? You know that I literally cannot have a cutie mark, real or fake. Why keep me in the club?”

“Because it’s not just about the cutie marks,” Scootaloo said in a longsuffering tone, “it’s about being friends forever. If we keep your secret, then you have to keep being our friend, got it?”

Cabbage couldn’t help but feel amused at the pegasus’s serious demeanor, partially because she could feel it coming from nearly everypony else in the room. “All right,” she said, “I can do that. What’s the second condition?”

“You need to at least see that gift we still owe you,” Scootaloo answered.