• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 471 Views, 2 Comments

Ponyville Random Events. - ChromeRegios

Some ponies looking for something else to do... most of them are unlikely and/or ponies you know of... take a look.

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(10:43 AM)

Derpy Hooves recently decided to be a door-to-door salesmare selling a device called, the super-duper apple peeler 9000. One day, she heads off to town wanting to introduce her new found gadget to the resident ponies in town. As she was walking, she met her friend The Doctor in town and asked what she was doing... and told him.

"Derpy, selling kitchen gadgets door-to-door is a hard way to make living!" The Doctor said, trying to change Derpy's mind about her decision, but she just shook her head.

"I'm young, doc! It's good experience, I like learning new things!" Derpy reasoned as she continues on, but The Doctor follows her still trying to change her mind.

"All you'll learn on this job is how to starve!" The Doctor said with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.
Derpy just gave out a giggle and waves a hoof at him. "Now that is one thing aint never gonna happen!" She said as she heads to her first house.

Meanwhile, Applejack is having a sleepover at Rarity's again. Ever since the inccident in their last sleepover at Twilight's, they both gotten closer together. It was afternoon and they were chatting to one another, telling stories and sharing gossips trying to pass time.

"So, did you hear about our lovely Mailmare?" Rarity asked, looking at Applejack while she fix the curls on her hair.

"The door-to-door salesmare? Now isn't that hunky-dory..." Applejack said, with a smile on her face just by thinking that their reliable mail mare is now a salesmare.

Rarity giggled at that as she continues to do her hair, she spots a familiar face heading to her house. "Ohh! She's coming our way!" Rarity announced to her guest. "Want to have fun with her?" She asked.

"Yeah, lets!" Applejack nods in agreement as she stood up and went to the door along with Rarity.
Derpy knocks at the boutique's door three times with Rarity giddy in excitement. "You answer it, Rarity. It's your home..."

Applejack pushed her a bit closer to the door as the fashionista pony nodded and opens it.

There, wearing a brown tie and a baler-hat was Derpy, holding a little suitcase in her mouth as she raised her cap at Rarity as a sign of respect. She puts her suitcase down and started her sales pitch.

"Good afternoon, madame. May I have a moment of your time?" She asked, looking directly at Rarity's eyes.

"What's on your mind, my dear?" Rarity returned a question with a light smile on her face. letting Derpy inside her house.

Derpy picks up her suitcase and enters the house then laid the suitcase on a table as well as opening it. "I would like to introduce you to the hoofy-doofy company's latest labor-saving device!"

"A maid!?" Rarity asked, with sparkles on her eyes.

Derpy nods her head and shows them her product. "Rejoice! I bring you the super-duper apple peeler 9000!" She said, showing her product in a form of a white two half hollow ball with plastic edges inside the ball which take's shape as an outside of an apple, with great pride in her eyes she lets them show it.

"An apple peeler? This isn't another Flim-Flam scam, is it?" Applejack asked, slightly discouraged about it already.

"On the contrary, It's one way to save time on manually peeling an apple and it'll give more time on baking, and preparing the ingredients instead of putting a lot of time in just peeling apples.

Rarity clasped her hooves together and sighs. "An apple peeler! The answer to a housemare's prayer! How does it work?"

"If you will kindly point the way to the kitchen, I'll show a little demosntration." Derpy asked, as Rarity nodded. "And of course, every well stocked kitchen has apples!"

"This way to the pantry..." Rarity leads Derpy to the kitchen, stopping at the table where a bowl of apples is seen.

Derpy grinned goes over the Apple bowl and grabs one. "Observe... we place the apple in the super-duper apple peeler 9000..." She popped the apple inside the peeler. "A few simple twist of the two halves, and..." After several twist as she demonstraits she pops the peeler open. "Voila! A perfectly peeled apple... courtesy of the super-duper apple peeler 9000.

"Amazing!" Applejack said, genuinely impressed by the device's performance.

"Why's it amazing? She's had lots of practice." Rarity said cheekily. "Let me see if I can do it!" She asked Derpy.

"Certainly! Be my guest!" She hands the peeler to Rairty.

The fashionista mimics what Derpy did as she puts an apple in the peeler, and with a twist and turn of the device... "What do you know, I did it!" She brings out the apple out of the peeler perfectly peeled.

"Let me do one!" Applejack did so as well. After several tries, they both peeled all the apples in the living room.

Derpy was impressed and took out her notes then asked... "How many do you want to order?"

Upon asking that, Rarity looked at her with a troubled look. "Who needs them 'em now? We've peeled all our apples." She said, showing Derpy the peeled apples.

"Now, what're we supposed to do with all these peeled apples?" Applejack looked at them confused. Then, Derpy had an idea.

"How about a Apple Muffins?" She suggested, with twinkle in her eyes.

Both Rarity and Applejack looked at each other, then with a nod they both agreed to what Derpy suggested. Derpy smiled widely and heads to get some bowls and a large spoon. "Let's see... I'll need cinnamon, sugar, butter..." Derpy asked Applejack for several materials and ingredients .

"Coming right up, your chefness!" She giggled at that, then gathers what she asked for.

After a while, Derpy starts making the muffin batter, plus squashing the apple bits to a more bite sized portion... she added the bits of apples in the batter and gets the muffin molder as she pours some in each hole.

"You're quite the expert in this thing, miss..." Applejack said, leaning over to observe Derpy's work.

"Just one of my many talents..." SHe boasted a little, smile at her as she finishes off. "Ah!Beautiful! All ready for the oven." She presented the finished uncooked batch.

Rarity looks at the table filled with spilled butter and flour. "Who's going to clean up this mess?" She asked the latter.

Derpy nodded and puts the tray of muffins inside the oven to cook. "Why don't you two relax in the living room? In the mean time, I'll clean up and leave everything exactly as I found it!" Derpy claims as she wipes her hoof off with a cloth. She goes back in the kitchen and starts cleaning...

Rarity and Applejack both giggled as they both sit back down at the couch. "Aren't we awful? Doing that to Derpy?" Rarity said, cheekily.

"B-bakin' muffins for us and now cleaning up the kitchen." Applejack added, giggling as she talks. After several minutes, a sweet aroma of the muffins filled the living room. "Mmm! Smells delicious!" Applejack sniffed, nearly floating in air by the fragrant aroma.

"She is good..." Rarity sniffs the air as well, her horn glows pink at the intoxicating aroma. After a while, Derpy comes out of the kitchen and calls them both. "Okay ladies! All done!" She bows and points them to the former messy kitchen.

Applejack and Rarity both came in together and sees the kitchen was now spotless... cleaned top to bottom. "Wow, you did a fine job! For that, you may have a muffin." Rarity offered, but before they can say another thing, Derpy hands them a bill and the muffin tin.

"I already did! The muffin tin is just the way I found it... empty!" She picks up her suitcase, gave 10 of the apple peelers to Rarity and asked the payment from Applejack. Rarity has no choice but to pay her since she DID after all cleaned the kitchen... at least for the trouble.

"I...I can't believe she ate all nine muffins!" Applejack looked at the muffin tin, spotless...

"I can't believe I bought ALL her peelers!" Rarity and Applejack both stunned at that. Thinking that they can pull a fast one on the ditsy pony, but instead... they were both been double fooled by one ditsy pony... Derpy Hooves.

(8:05 PM)

A peaceful summer evening in Ponyville, and Trixie the showmare had her chance to show off her talents again... but she never expected to perform along with Twilight and the rest of her friends. Worst, Twilight's name was next to the groups title. Trixie was furious at that... she was not about to perform in the name of her rival. She demanded to Twilight that SHE has to be the main star of their show... Preventing any more conflict, Twilight nods and gave her what she wanted but hasn't told the others yet. Twilight also approved to change the banners name and as well as the posters to something more that Trixie liked.

In a In the stage near the town square after several modifications before the show, a huge sign is seen on top of the stage that reads. "TRIXIE AND THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY, featuring TRIXIE!" Their performance was a dance show, dedicated for the founding of Ponyville and it's festival of the Harvest Moon.

"Is this the way you wanted, Ms. Trixie?" A stagepony asked the showmare, as he arraged Trixie's name at the banner.
Trixie puffed her cheeks and shouted. "NO! I wanted my name in BIGGER letters!" Trixie demanded.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity saw this and went to confront Trixie. "What's with this ego trip of yours, Trixie?" Rainbow Dash demanded, pointing at the huge lettered name beneath the original show's name.

Trixie raised an eyebrow and looks at her. "it's no ego trip! I'm actually being modest!" She said, pointing at their title. "You'll notice that my name appears below the Elements of Harmony!" Trixie laughed and went off to check on the other props.

Dash was infuriated at this and decides to look for Twilight. She found out where the purple unicorn was and burst in to the dressing room shouting. "Twillight! Have you seen what "Ms. Super Star" is doing?" She said, hovering on top of Twilight.
Twilight sighs and looks at her. "Cool it! I know!" She rolls her eyes at her multi-colored friend. "It's okay with me! She's got my permission."

"Have ya gone off your rocker?!" Applejack looks at Twilight in disbelief.

Twilight sighs once again and explains. "Trixie claimed that it was unfair for the group to use my name! he says I wind up with all the credit!" Twilight said, as she stands up and heads to get a comb on the drawer.

"But you're the one with the responsibility!" Rarity said, afraid that Twilight has been threatened to make Trixie in the headline of the whole show.

"And you'll have all the headaches!" Pinkie Pie added.
Twilight grabs the comb and looks out to the stage and observes Trixie. "If she wants more attention, she can have it!" Twilight said with a smile.

Outside the stage area... fan-colts of Trixie, about several dozen saw that she was back in the spotlight and was the star of the dance group... they all squealed and squaked like fan-mares.

"Look!, boys! Trixie's got top billing!" One of the fan-colts shouted.

"She's really a superstar now!" Another fan-colt cried out pointing at the poster pasted on the wall.

Meanwhile, Trixie grabbed her cape and hat and sets out to have a break on the constant ordering on the stageponies and after the first show... "I'm going for a soda... I'll be back in time for the next show." She told them and went off.

After several minutes, she returns to the back of the stage carrying a pack of soda for her pony dance partners. While Trixie was about to enter when a group of colts surrounded her smiling brightly. Trixie smirks as she knew who they were... "Ah, my public! You guys want an autograph of The GREAT and TALENTED Trixie?" She asked, but the colts shook their heads, thinking of taking something else from her.

"Nah! Autographs are only for teeny-boppers." All of a sudden they start to grab her. "We want souvenirs!"

Trixie was over whelmed by the group of crazed fan-colts. "H-hey! Let go!" She tries to struggle out of their grasp, but it was a loosing fight. After taking somethking that interested them, the group ran off along with some of Trixie's property leaving her dazed and staggering to maintain her balance near a wall.

"I got her hat! It'll look nice in our clubhouse once we matle it to the wall!" One of the colts shouted.

"I got her cape!" Another colt yelled, while they all ran towards the next block.

Trixie sat down on the ground, trying to figure out what just happened. "U-ugh... w-why would they... Do that to me?!" She was about to go back to the stage when she spots another group of ponies, and this time... they're fillies...

"Look, girls! It's one of the Elements of Harmony! All alone and unprotected!" One of the fillies cried out...
Trixie's eyes narrowed upon hearing that... "O-oh, no! it's another fan club!!" Trixie was about to teleport out but she was snared by a magic lasso. "N-no!!" She yelled as she was a sitting duck out in the open.

"LETS GET HER!!" A filly shouted as the group ganged up on her.

One by one they lunged at Trixie, tearing her fur out, and her remaining accesories and pieces of her dignity. The girls mugged her and tossed her to one group after another, getting what ever their hooves can get... After three more groups, Canterllot guards saw her being literally stripped down to her fur came to assist and resced her just in time before the fur on the bottom half of her body was ripped out, revealing much more than the fans bargained for.

Half an hour has passed and Twilight was worried for Trixie. "Gee, I hope she's alright... it's been half an hour since she left."

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's just out there signing autographs." Rainbow Dash replied, sitting on top of some boxes.
Just then, the back stage door opened and the two guards carried her inside... tattered and nearly furless...

"W-wha~ TRIXIE!" Twilight ran to her side. "What happened to her?!"

"Dear me... was she mugged?" Rarity asked the guards.

"Worst than that." One of the guards said.

"He was attacked by a band of roving souvenir hunters!" The second guard said, as they laid her on the floor to regain her pride and composure, but not entirely.

"She's in terrible shape!" Rarity said, genuinely worried about Trixie now.

"She'll never be able to make the next show!" Pinkie frowned at that thought.

Trixie shook her head to try and get her vision back... she then looks at Twilight then replies. "D-don't worry! I'll make the next show." Trixie said in her usual boastful tone, but instead of going back to the main stage, she picked up a white paint can and brushed her name off of the Stage Banner using her remaining magic. "B-but first, I've got to get my name off these signs..." Trixie said, as she does so...

Twilight smiled at that and gave her friends a nod and the look of "I told you so" in her eyes... And from then on, the performance of the group was flawless... Trixie learned that if she wished for something, she should be prepared for the consequences in the future after that...