• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 1,198 Views, 6 Comments

An Angel Among Ponies - thunderclap

Grant Walker used to kill Angels, now he has to work with a few ponies to get himself back home

  • ...

Smoke and Mirrors

The group of ponies and I continued to walk into town, giving me a chance to see all the animals that Fluttershy kept. There had to be at least one of every animal. All of them were running or flying as if this were an everyday occurrence.

‘How does Fluttershy afford all of this?’ Gabriel asked.

‘I don’t know. How does my hair seem to defy gravity now? Seriously this place is a Newtonian nightmare.’

‘Are you still on about that? So you look different now. It’s not that big a deal.’

‘You know I just feel like complaining.’

“Grant, would you mind explaining how you’re able to heal yourself so quickly now?” Twilight asked.

“Sure, but first can you tell me why we’re walking instead of running if this Trixie is such a threat?”

“She’s not a threat per se…”

“She’s an annoying showpony who says she’s better than everypony else.” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Didn’t you tell me you were the best flier in Equestria just a second ago?”'

“I might brag a little but when I do I don’t put other ponies down when I do.”'

“Uh oh,” I said while rubbing the side of my head.

“Is there some sort of problem?” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yeah, where I’m from I always tend to have problems with people like that. If she’s that bad I might have to be careful so I don’t do something stupid.”

“You mean like getting in an argument?”

“I was thinking something more along the lines of her face getting acquainted with the dirt.”

“Do you solve all yer problems by fightin’?”

“No, I can be diplomatic if I want to be.”

“Then please be on your best behavior,” Twilight scolded. “We don’t want you to get into any trouble.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Seeing as you answered my question I’ll answer yours. My power is a little odd to describe. I’m able to use the substance that was used to create my and maybe even all universes.”

“That’s incredible!” Twilight exclaimed.

“It does sound very impressive.” Rarity added.

“Well, it does have its limitations. I can only use it for so long and I can only use so much of it at a time. Also, where I’m from there are two types that can use this power, Physical and Elemental. I’m a Physical type which means I can use the substance to improve my physical aspects: strength, speed, healing. Anything involving my body’s natural processes I can control. I can also create the sword you saw.”

“That’s very interesting, what can Elementals do?”

“Their powers are similar to your magic. Are there any other questions?”

“Ah got one. You said you were a soldier, if yer still sixteen how’s that possible?”

“Where I’m from there’s a war going on between Humans, Demons, and Angels. In order to fight them my kind trains people to use this ability I told you about. We even trainkids at times.”

“That’s horrible! Using children to fight in a war is just ghastly!”

“Everyone is given a choice to leave at any point. No one is forced to fight. We only train the children at first. After that they’re only put into active duty when they reach adulthood.”

“Does that mean you don’t actually fight?”

“Oh no, I’ve been active for almost two years now.”

“But you just said…”

“I’m a special case. I requested to fight.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I have my reasons.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“Look the reason I do what I do is a touchy subject, so please respect my privacy.”

“Still, a war between Angels and Humans must be hard on you.”

“Not really, my Angel father has never been a part of my life.” The rest of the trip was spent in silence. I put on my best happy face but it was difficult after having brought up my father. I tried to focus on something that doesn’t completely piss me off which helped a little. Once we got into town a pony walking down the street noticed us. His eyes grew wide and he looked absolutely terrified.

“Aaah, a monster,” he screamed before running into town. A few ponies looked out and had the exact same reaction. Now, I’ve been called some horrible things in my time. And I’ve had people do terrible things to me because they didn’t like me. But there’s something about being insulted by a talking pony that just hits you in the right place.

“Don’t worry about them. We’ll explain everything to them later.” Twilight said with a hoof on my side (probably trying to reach my shoulder) in an attempt to comfort me.

“Wait, calling someone a monster and running away aren’t signs of affection here?” I asked with a smile. I think they could tell that I was hurt but they dropped it. When we got to the town square the crowd was pushing away from us and calling me a monster all the while. And that’s when I first got a good look at Trixie. She was standing on some sort of foldout stage with a banner that had her face on it. She had a silver mane with purple eyes and a light blue coat. She was wearing a purple cape and wizard’s hat with star designs on them.

“Citizens of Ponyville, I the Great and Powerful Trixie will defeat this monster that you all seem to fear and save you all.” The crowd instantly turned their attention towards me as I gave my best confused look.

“What, are you talking about me? Honestly why has everyone been calling me a monster? Is it the hair? Because, I’ve tried and it doesn’t want to stay down.” Most of the crowd was confused by this; a few were still scared while others laughed a little.

“Yes, the Great and Powerful Trixie is referring to you. Now prepare to be slain.”

“Quick question,” I said raising my hand.

“What is it?”


“Why what?”

“Why am I being slain?”

“You are a monster that is terrorizing these ponies, that’s why.”

“Oh, I can see how walking could considered terrifying. I’m sorry if I caused any trouble, now if you excuse me I’ll just keep going and leave you to your own devices.” I turned my back and started to go back towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Stop right there!” Trixie called getting off of her stage.

“What did I do now?” I asked, keeping my cheery attitude.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie isn’t done with you yet!”

“Why not, you told me that my walking through town was scaring the ponies in town, I apologized and was ready to leave. What’s the problem now?”

“Well, I,” Trixie stuttered trying to come up with a reasonable response.

“You still want to fight me?” I offered.

“Yes! You might be trying to trick the Great and powerful Trixie, but it won’t work. You want this town to trust you so you can strike at the right moment! The Great and Powerful Trixie will stop you before that happens!”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

“Of course, since my time away from this hole the Great and Powerful Trixie has learned to overcome many vicious creatures. A miserable specimen such as you doesn’t stand a chance.”

“Wow and all I’ve done is beat a hydra.” Trixie and the crowd looked worried for a moment but the showpony recovered fairly quickly.

“Ha, you are trying to unnerve the Great and Powerful Trixie with false accomplishments.

“He did too beat a hydra!” Rainbow Dash boomed over the crowd.

“Not to mention saved our lives!” Rarity added.

“Yeah, he’s not a monster he’s a hero!” Pinkie Pie finished. The crowd looked to the ponies that had spoken up and the others and started asking them if this was true. They nodded and most of the fear in the crowd seemed to go away. Apparently they had some sort of reputation around the town.

“Well, if that’s all then I have some business to attend to.” I stated, walking past Trixie and back towards the girls.

“That was impressive.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, how’d you manage to get the crowd on your side like that?” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle. At that moment she took on the form of a certain blonde haired girl. The image died as quickly as it had appeared and left me confused.

“Umm, Grant? Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost or something.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“What was that?”

“I asked if you were okay.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just zoned out there for a second.”

“Does that happen often?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t think…” I replied, pretending to zone out again.

“Grant, are you…”

“Yes, I’m fine. So, where are we headed to now?”

“I think we should head to my place. There are a few tests that I want to run on you.”

“Um, I’m starting to get an “I need an adult” feeling.”

Twilight seemed to be taken aback by my statement. “I… I didn’t mean it… that would be wrong!” She stammered, her cheeks turning a very nice shade of red.

“Relax,” I said with a laugh, “I know you don’t mean to do anything sketchy to me. If you did I would’ve been missing more than my shirt when I woke up. Besides if there’s free candy at your place you can do whatever you want to me.”

None of them seemed to get the joke. Actually, Pinkie Pie zipped over to a nearby tree and pulled a bag of candy out of it. She threw half of it to me, keeping the other half for herself.

“There you go. I always keep a few stashes of candy around, just in case of candy emergencies.” She stated as if it were just an everyday occurrence.

“Pinkie, why would you…” Twilight started.

“Let it go, Twi. Out of all the emergencies she’s prepared for, a candy one makes the most sense, for Pinkie anyway” Rainbow Dash said

I started to laugh a little as I bit into a piece of caramel. “Well, I said candy would give you free reign on whatever tests you had, so let’s go.”

Twilight managed to regain her composure and led me to a large tree. She stopped in front of it and opened the door. The girls followed in after her. I went in last, having to duck in as I did. I had half-expected to see elves running around making cookies, but instead the inside of the tree was filled to the brim with shelves of books.

“Wow, you have quite the collection of books Twilight.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said with a giggle, “it comes with living in the town library.”

“Once we’re done with these tests I might have to browse through your classic literature section.”

“You’re a fan of the classics?” Twilight asked, seemingly surprised.

“Comes with having a Literature professor for a step-father,” I replied. “What did you think I just ran around, slashing things with my sword for fun?”

“Hey Twilight,” a purple lizard said, coming down the stairs on the other side of the room, “what’s going…” he stopped talking as soon as he saw me. “Twilight what did you bring home?”

“This is Grant Walker. He’s the one I saw fall into the Everfree Forest. Grant, this is, Spike, he’s my number one assistant and a baby dragon.”

“He’s a dragon? Does that mean he can breathe fire?”

“Yup, and I can do a bunch of other cool stuff too.”

“I have to say, Spike you seem to be taking my existence pretty well. Most of the others out there looked at me like I was some kind of monster, and the rest called me a monster.”

“Nah, I wouldn’t call you a monster. You seem like an alright guy to me.”

“So do you. So Twilight, when are we gonna start those tests of yours?”

“Just follow me and we can start immediately.” Twilight replied, leading me down into the basement.