• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 2,521 Views, 74 Comments

Sheamus In Equestria (Unedited) - Brohgue

During a match for the World Title, Sheamus slams his opponent so hard it shifts space and time! Now he is in a world full of talking ponies.

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Sheamus attempted a Brogue kick, he lunged forward reaching his foot in the air where the annoying rainbow horse was flying. His foot seemed to go through her as his foot came back down. He looked down at his victim, but she wasn't there!

"Too slow!" He turned and saw a very confident flying horse with a smug grin plastered on her face. Sheamus let out a groan of frustration.

"Since when da herses faukin smile!?" He lunged out again but with a fist this time, almost striking her tail as she dashed about two feet to the left, she smiled again before raining five quick punches on his chest. Sheamus could take it, it did hurt, but he has been punched by Big Show, this cupcake ain't got shit on him. Sheamus grinned evilly as he quickly grabbed her tail, she tried to squirm from his grasp, but to no avail.

"Give up, Barbie?" The horse just tried to squirm out of his grasp, she bucked his chest, knocking the wind out of him. His grip loosened a tad, but he quickly grabbed on to the tail with his other hand.

"You're goin' ta haf' to try harder then that, fella." He pulled her towards him and put her in a headlock before attempting to put a stop to this peacefully, no one wanted to hurt adorable little ponies.

"Now, are ya goin' ta stop fightin'?" Sheamus asked calmly, hiding his anger, no response from the horse. "Ah don' wan' hurt ya." The horse turned while still in his grasp and glared venom at him. She replied in the harshest voice possible.

"BUCK YOU!" Sheamus was confused for a second.

Buck you? buck... duck... fu-... oh you dick! He thought. Sheamus yanked her tail, forcing her to the ground violently, he grabbed her again. this time in a side-headlock. Before talking again, more loud and angrily.

"Ya mind runnin' that by ma again?" The horse turned to face him and glared even more viciously then last time. She responded in a loud raspy voice.

"Buck... YOU!" Sheamus tightened his grip around her neck, whilst rotating her around in to a normal headlock, he lifted one arm and cuffed his hand around the armpit, his arm still on her throat.

"That's 'nough outta ya, time to go to... sleep." He smiled wickedly as he tightened his grip, the little horse was flailing around uncontrollably, as he got her throat more exposed, she let out a few gurgles. The horse started to flail less and less until she became limp, she let out one more grunt before passing out.

Sheamus smiled, content with his work he decided to take in his surroundings. His eyes came upon three smaller horses cowering together, two of which crying in their embrace, the orange one was trying to be brave and let go of the other two. He frowned, they were just so adorable! Sheamus approached the small colorful horses and spoke up.

"Uh, ah am not to good with this stuff, but uh... sorry for almost killin' yer friends? Ah was jus' defendin' ma self." The orange one smiled slightly as she spoke up.

"As long as it was self defense... that was pretty cool, I mean you were just like BLAOW and then BAM!" The little horse was punching the air for emphasis of the sound effects. The other horses just looked at her, they glared at her like she was some sort of criminal. The orange one shrugged and replied in a high apologetic type voice.

"What? That was pretty cool! Besides they hit him first, I mean Applejack just bucked him for no reason!" Sheamus rubbed the back of his head and nervously laughed. He wanted to be on the side of the only horses who didn't attack him. He needed to choose his words carefully.

"Uh, sorry, Ah didn't mean no harm... Ah was just defended ma self." The other two seemed to calm down, their eyes widened as the three yelled in unison.

"LOOK OUT!" Sheamus stared confusedly at the three, until what felt like a blunt object struck his head. He fell down to one knee and held his head. Another strike slapped his back, it felt like being hit with a kendo stick during a No DQ Match. He heard a strong southern accent yelling at him from behind.

"HOW. ARE. YA. STILL. CONSCIOUS!?" The voice said between strikes, Sheamus quickly rolled over on to his behind to get a look at his attacker. It was the orange horse from last time, what a surprise! She was holding a long, thick tree branch.

Sheamus got to his feet and started to dodge strikes half of which hitting his shins or calves. "AH! FAUK! FAUK! FAUK!" He said at each time one of the swings hit him. Eventually he sidestepped a swing, and the horse dropped the stick, she struggled to fit the stick between her hooves, it kept slipping, considering she had no fingers. Sheamus saw the opportunity and went for the Brogue Kick. He did his usual skip with his left foot and his right in to the horses head. The horse flew ten feet strait in to the same tree, whilst being knocked unconscious as the boot connected with her skull.

"Damn, fella, these herses don' know when ther' outmatched!" He turned to see the three small horses again, each had mixed reactions. Scootaloo gave a smile of approval, Sweetie was face palming or face hoofing I guess? And Applebloom's jaw was agape as another tear fell from her eye. Sheamus didn't know if he should smile or frown, because honestly it was satisfying booting that stupid horse in the head.

"So, girls... uh, what now?" Sheamus gave a nervous smile, Scootaloo and Sweetie were deep in thought, while Applebloom stared wide eyed at the orange horse, he didn't bother to deal with the yellow one this time.

Then Sweetie raised her hoof in the air, she started to shake it excitedly in the air. "Ooh! Ooh! We could get Twilight!" Scootaloo seemed to brighten up at the idea.

Sheamus rubbed the spikes in his hair out of confusion. "Who's Twilight?" A purple glow surrounded his body as he was lifted in the air, he wasn't able to move. The three horses smiled and pointed behind him.

"That's her!" They said in unison. An angry looking purple horse started to approach them rather quickly.

"Girl's get behind me!" The crusaders exchanged glances of confusion.

"Why? Whats wrong with Sheamus?" Sweetie questioned, "Is it because he made Rainbow go to sleep and punted Applejack... twice? Because it was completely out of self-defense!" Sweetie said in a defending tone.

Why are all of the adults acting like cocks!? Sheamus thought to himself.

Author's Note:

You guys like cliffhangers? Yeah I thought so.

Please like, favorite, comment and even dislike all criticism is welcome! There is a bit more profanity in this particular chapter, so tell me should I increase the cursing or decrease? But I will increase Brogue Kicks...
Point out mistakes so I can improve please.

~ T.C.P out