• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 479 Views, 12 Comments

A Fruity Adventure - King Fruit II of Apland

When a portal opens up in Ponyville Library, it's up to Twilight and the gang to save the day in this gripping tale of heroism, friendship and fruit.

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Chapter 2 - Saint Peartersburg

Juicylips unfroze from his stupor with a shake after several hours. “Right, now that’s over with we can get right back to business.”

The ponies scattered around the hospital ward perked up again on finally hearing activity from their host. They rose with a start and trotted over to the deformed pear, eager to have their questions answered.

“Alright.” Juicylips began, “What was it you asked me again?”

The ponies glanced around at one another before Rarity finally came forward. “Do you know what? I have completely forgotten.” She announced.

“Well then, we can continue as we were. Let’s get goi--”

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash cut in, “We wanted to know what’s going on. That was it.”

“Ah yes. I remember now…”

The pear rolled in an unusual rocking pattern through the whitish-green sludge that was formerly his comrades towards the window, and began to gaze out of it.

“We found you all in a heap just outside the city.” He explained, “A bright flash of light caught our attention and my party was sent to see what it was.”

Juicylips rotated to look at the ponies. “You were on the cusp of sweet oblivion, we saved your lives.”

“Cheers.” Applejack said, heading towards the door with a hateful glance in the direction of her host and saviour.

“stop!” the pear shouted, heaving himself at the exit and standing in the way. “nowt’s free.”

“okay then, what do you want.” Twilight asked, stepping forwards.

Juicylips looked conflicted for a moment (as much as possible as a fucking deformed fruit) before steeling himself. “I want your help.”

There was a collective gasp around the room, for some reason, because it wasn’t that amazing. The ponies came forth and listened intently; they hadn’t had a good quest in months.

“The world of Apland is in great peril.” Juicylips said, “A great carnal beast is coming to destroy all we hold dear, and our cruel dictator of a king is sitting back and letting it happen. The king’s nephew, The 4th lord of st peartersburg, is spearheading the revolution but it’s a losing battle. The king is just too strong, and the beast is still coming. Nothing can stop it. Nothing except you.”

“Noice.” said rainbow dash, doing a loop-de-loop as she was wont to do. “Lets go and break some beast legs!”

“Hold on there Rainbow.” Twilight warned, “I’m not sure about this. What do we get in return, Mr. Pear?”

“Do you want to stay here forever?” He replied, the veins in his eye pulsating grotesquely as the pile of sludge on the ground shifted slightly, as if for emphasis.

“I don’t want to stay here forever.” Rarity drearily mentioned, followed by nods from her friends.

“Very well then.” Juicylips confirmed, “I can get you safe passage home, but I need the heart of the beast before the portal can be reopened.”

“We’ve got a lot of choice then.” Twilight remarked sarcastically.

Juicylips looked slightly smug. “well then, let’s go and meet The Fruitlord.”


Saint Peartersburg was magnificent. The hospital was situated on a hill on the east side of the city, offering wide vistas of the landscape. A wall snaked its way around, broken up by bulb-topped pointed towers. Within was a sea of rooftops, riverlike roads splitting them into blocks. Every now and then a spire jutted out from the house level. Outside the walls endless grassy fields stretched into the horizon in every direction, shimmering orange under the sunrise. The jewel in Saint Peartersburg’s crown, however, was the palace in the centre. It was surrounded in lush gardens and a wall of its own, before huge towers and halls loomed over the surrounding houses, casting a broad shadow. The gold lined building reflected the sunlight, outlining it in all its glory.

“Holy shit.” Applejack exclaimed, ruining the mood conclusively.

“Let’s get going ladies.” Juicylips announced, ushering everyone towards the cable car station heading down the hill.

“Wait, where are we going again?” asked Twilight, ever suspicious.

Juicylips turned to her with another smug expression and said, “why, to the palace of course.”

“Sexy.” Twi replied.

The party cramped themselves into a small cable car, pushed up against the windows. The box jerked once then slowly began to crawl down towards the town centre. Fluttershy, who had yet to actually say anything, continued to look down silently at the swarming city below. Before long, the gondola reached its end and the ponies and pear slumped out of the door and righted themselves.

“Here we are.” Juicylips needlessly pointed out as he looked up at the towering walls of Saint Peartersburg palace and began to make his way over to the tall wooden gate, behind which lay the first step of the adventure awaiting the ponies -- The Fruitlord.