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Arkham Asylum (not as exciting as the game) part 1

In the dark of Luna’s night Twilight managed to fly to the hill that overlooked Arkham Asylum about half an hour after getting the message, Equestria’s prison for mentally sick. “Guess it will be up to me to help stop this riot.......” Twilight said about to fly to Arkham......

“A long way from Canterlot, aren’t you?” a dark voice whispered and Twilight turned around to see a unicorn dressed in a strange purple costume.

Twilight thought she saw the strange looking unicorn from a newspaper or something but decided to ask, “Who are you?” Twilight asked ready on her guard.

“Who am I Ms Green Lantern?” the mare asked Twilight in the same dark voice “I am the reason the criminals of Ponyville rest easier when Celestia’s sun dawns, I am the terror that protects Ponyville during the night, I haunt the nightmares of every pony who has ever committed a crime in Ponyville, I am the creature parents warn their foals before they go to bed and I am the vengeful spirit of justice! I am Mare Do Well!”

Wait you are that vigilante that started appearing a year ago!” Twilight remembered the story in the paper a year ago when she first show up “The one who dresses up like a bat!

“NEVER CALL ME A BAT AGAIN!” Mare Do Well said getting up in Twilight’s face ”and I suppose you are here to help quell this riot, fine but remember you are doing this my way.”

Why should I listen to some vigilante?” Twilight asked annoyed as she followed Mare Do Well to the entrance of Arkham.

“Coming from a vigilante yourself?” Mare Do Well asked with amusement in her voice.

That’s different! This ring means I am an intergalactic police officer!” Twilight stammered.

“...........Whatever you say.” Mare Do Well said rolling her eyes behind her mask a bit.

IT’S TRUE!!!!!!!!” Twilight pretty much shouted with a huff.


In the main hall of the Asylum a unicorn pony wearing an orange jumpsuit with white make up, his mane was painted green and a red smile painted on his face was facing the inmates.

“Criminals and degenerates of Ponyville tonight not only will we gain control of Arkham but we will take back control of Equestria!” cackled the pony to the inmates “we will take Ponyville back under our control! I have heard that Mare Do Well is here in the asylum from an informant with that purple unicorn with the green mane. Whoever brings me their dead bodies will have the honour of being my new right hand pony! Now go the Cackler has spoke..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”

The inmates then charged out of the hall.


Twilight was using a construct fist to knock out the inmates coming her way while Mare Do Well was using her boomerangs, bolas and her own hooves to knock them out.

While they were doing this they were also helped tied up prison guards who thanked them and helped take care of the beaten inmates.

They really seem to have it in for you.” Twilight commented as she knocked out more inmates.

“Most of them are in here because of me.” Mare Do Well replied in a deadpan sort of voice.

They came across a cell containing a large locked up minotaur. “Who is this and why isn’t he out?” Twilight asked as she then used a construct of a hand to scratch her head.

“Bane an assassin that I have personal history with, my guess is that he is so locked up that none of the inmates knows how to release him.” Mare Do Well responded as they continued their way down the prison.

They came across a yellow unicorn wearing a hat stolen from a guard and using his magic to hold a shotgun he had stolen from the same guard.

“I will make you pay Mare Do Well for making me lose my badge and causing me to be locked up in here!!!” the unicorn shouted with a crazed look on his face.

“Branden....” Mare Do Well said with a sigh recognising the crazed looking unicorn.

Who is this Branden?” Twilight questioned as she let up a green shield to cause the bullets Branden was firing at them, back at him knocking him out.

Mare Do Well used a bola to tie his legs up and responded “he used to be captain of Ponyville’ SWAT and had been corrupt and known to use excessive force in his duties. I had him sent here after he tried to collect a bounty on my head. Come now I know where the evidence locker is, we may have to get there to make sure none of the criminals have reclaimed their stuff!”

Minutes after a yellow construct of a sword cut the bola opened allowing Branden to go free. He was then taken by the collar to face Sunset who having recharged her ring was in her Yellow Lantern uniform again.

Me and my associates out of these degenerates have decided your are the most qualified to join our cause, either you come and work for us or you stay and rot in here understood punk?” Sunset asked with Branded cowering under her gaze and nodded vigorously.


A criminal had gone into a cell where Gilda in her Red Lantern uniform was attached to a table with a device on her head channelling the love magic into her mind and making sure she was in a state of hibernation.

The criminal decided he used use the griffon as his own personal thug. Removing the device from Gilda’s head her eyes opened.

The criminal would later be found covered in blood unconscious on the floor as a hall on the wall would be there.


The Cackler was in the office of the warden. On the floor he had in red paint written “CACKLER’S” over the word ‘WARDEN’.

“Ah I miss my dear sweet Upper Crust, I do miss her and hope she can rejoin my empire...” Cackler said swinging about on the Warden’s chair like a foal.

“Oh well.....” the Cackler said once he stopped spinning. Then entered a inmate facing the Cackler.

“Any news from the colts about our intruders?” asked Cackler with a jolly face as he was enjoying his game on the Warden’s chair. The inmate looked scared for a moment.

“The colts are all after Mare Do Well and the Lantern but so far nopony is successful....” said the pony fearfully choosing his next words carefully “but Croc is all chained up and ready in the fighting arena you told us to set up!”

Excellent, you may leave.” the Cackler laughed as the pony bowed and then left, grateful he had managed to go through the meeting with his life.

Cackler thought to himself and decided that Mare Do Well and that ring wearing unicorn must now know their place and know who is in charge now.

He then stopped and turned on the intercom, this was going to be sweet.


Twilight and Mare Do Well had gotten to the Arkham storage area. “Everything seems to be here except...........” Mare Do well stated before pausing “Something’s not right!”

What’s not right?” asked Twilight facing Mare Do Well while she was guarding the door.

“Everyone’s equipment is here except for Firefly’s stuff.” answered Mare Do Well.

Who is Firefly?” Twilight asked wondering if it was some supervillain like the ones she had to deal with for the past almost week.

“Firefly is a crazed mercenary who goes around flying in body armour and using a flamethrower to cause chaos and anarchy.” Mare Do Well explained “We have to make sure he is stopped before he gets out!”

They then went out of the room and then locked it back up to make sure nopony else could break in. Then came a voice on the intercom.

”Ding dong, testing, five, four, three, two ,one, Mare Do Well, can you hear me from there?”

“Cackler!!!” Mare Do Well with an edge in his voice, Twilight remembered that the Cackler was a crazed criminal that faced Mare Do Well before and had once been the famous Canterlot noble who moved to Ponyville and went insane due to an accident.

You do hear me Mare Do Well, is you can you say hi to Lantern for me?

What are you up to?” Twilight asked on the edge, she understood this Cackler would be dangerous.

All I want is freedom, freedom to spread my wonderful chaos all around Ponyville and maybe see my darling wife Upper Crust again!

“You are going back in your cell where you belong!” Mare Do Well roared out and they both then heard the Cackler’s laugh throughout the intercom.

I will gladly go back to my cell, provided you force me back there of course. To do that you must go through my new bestest friends in the whole of Equestria Firefly and Croc!

“You release Killer Croc?” Mare Do Well roared out and then the chuckle of Cackler was heard.

I did and he is anxious to see you again! Ta-ta for now!

After the intercom was switched off Mare Do Well rushed to an elevator and went in with Twilight using the speed of flight her ring grants her in order to catch up.

Who is this Killer Croc that Cackler mentioned?” Twilight asked thinking she had to be prepared for anything.

Mare Do Well gave her a look and said “You will see for yourself soon enough!”

Author's Note:

The Mare Do Well vector with permission belongs to deviantart user JackSpade2012.

You can catch the origin of Mare Do Well in my universe in Earth 52 right now.........

I'm serious, please read and review it, pretty please!

Come on it only has about two comments on it and one is mine!