• Published 14th Nov 2013
  • 9,053 Views, 62 Comments

Art of night 1: Blind love - ImaginaryCatnip

Sometimes you have to become blind to see what was in front of your eyes the whole time... Twilight Sparkle experienced it. Spilight!

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Blind love

***Golden Oak Library***

It was another warm and sunny day in the small town Ponyville, one which made most of its inhabitants leave the interiors of their safe homes to bask in the light of Celestia’s sun. The small town was unusually busy today with preparations, for tomorrow would be one of the most celebrated fairs which went by the lovely name of “Hearts and hooves day”. Many couples and those ponies who wanted to spend their entire day with their special somepony, waited in anticipation for it, while preparing their own surprises for their loved ones.

Inside the Golden Oak Library, where thousands upon thousands of books were housed, the atmosphere was mostly normal and scheduled like every single day…mostly. Twilight Sparkle, the newly crowned princess, sat on comfortable blue pillow, using her magic to flip through pages of book she was reading, while her assistant Spike, who was a purple dragon, was running around frantically around the place.

“Flowers? Check. Chocolates? Check. Moustache? Check.” He marked the positions in his check list, a habit which he caught from Twilight after years of living together with her. Unaware to him, the alicorn was growing more and more agitated as the dragon continued his activity, for it was different to participate in checking a list of her own and different to listen to somepony (or somedragon in this case) doing it while you wanted to concentrate on reading.

As expected, it didn’t take Spike much more time, until his best friend finally snapped “By Celestia’s Sun and Luna’s moon, can’t you be a little more quiet Spike? I can’t concentrate on reading at all!” She shouted, which made Spike stop and look at her apologetically.

“Sorry Twi, it’s just that I’m nervous about tomorrow. What if she refuses?” asked the young dragon, distress in his voice as he looked at the ground while biting his lower lip. The ‘she’ he meant, was of course the pony of his affection – Rarity.

Twilight cringed visibly at the attention he was giving to the white unicorn who was (for two years now) so oblivious about it, that she didn’t even appreciate what he was doing for her. Recently the whole situation started to annoy the lavender mare for some reason, but she quickly concluded it was simple jealousy, for nopony ever looked at her like Spike did at Rarity.

Seeing his upset gaze, she laid down her book and trotted closer to her number one assistant. Seeing him like that really made her upset and being the best friend she couldn’t let him drown in his own sorrow. In the meantime, Spike was contemplating his own feelings but soon he was snapped back to reality as he felt a hoof touch his scaly shoulder, which made him look up to meet Twilight’s sympathetic gaze.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure it will be okay this time… speaking of which. Didn’t you promise to help Rarity today?” She inquired while trying to sound as natural as she could, her words making the dragon look at the clock on the far wall. Upon noticing that it was indeed getting late, he gasped visibly and mover from her touch.

“I’m going to be late!” He yelled and before the purple alicorn could as much as blink her purple eyes, he speed out of the library, leaving her alone…like always.

As her smile slowly slid off her muzzle, she heaved a sigh. Now that Spike finally went away it was time to do her hidden research, one that even her assistant didn’t knew about. Using a flick of her magic, she closed the door behind him and covered the windows, so nopony would disturb her work. Turning towards the basement entrance, she slowly moved forward and slowly descended down the steps where everything was waiting.

Twilight Sparkle never would admit it to anypony, especially her friends, but every year when it was hearts and hooves day, she would feel very miserable. For all her knowledge and accomplishments, the lavender mare couldn’t help but feel a ping of jealousy upon seeing happy couples wandering through the city. It made her feel lonely and cold inside, for the worth of everything she achieved was next to nothing if she couldn’t share it with anypony special only to her heart.

Every single year, while everypony was spending this wonderful fair with their loved ones, she would be sitting all alone with only her books to accompany her and it seemed that it would be even worse because Spike wouldn’t be there to accompany her.

She remembered that when she lived in Canterlot, those feelings weren’t bothering her that much but upon moving to Ponyville two years ago, they only got stronger and more unbearable. All of her friends, Spike included, always spend this special day with a partner, but for her it was the same routine and she promised herself that this year everything will be different.

Yes, this time I will find my special somepony! – She thought to herself with determination sparkling in her amethyst colored eyes as she neared the magic cauldron. What she wanted to do was a simple thing… a magic brew which would show her the image and location of pony that she was destined to be with. Of course, other ponies would consider such a method to be extreme but for Twilight it was actually something more natural than talking to colts… it was easier this way for this socially awkward pony.

Now…I need to add a root of dandelion, and two petals of roses.. or was it three petals? Where did I put that book? – Ran her thoughts as she mixed various ingredients with each other, her work absorbing her so much that she quickly lost track of time…only research mattered now.

It didn’t take her longer than two hours before it was finally finished. – Perfect! – Smiling with delight, she looked at her accomplishment and prepared herself to finally get to know the secret identity of her special somepony. Moving closer while her heart beat faster than usual, she looked inside the cauldron in anticipation and… it was then, that the whole brew suddenly exploded into her muzzle, the hot liquid getting inside her eyes, nostrils and mouth, as her vision turned black.

Jumping back, she trashed around the whole place, screaming from immense pain, unable to see anything for some time, until she finally managed to conjure a spell which splashed water from above her, making the burning sensation go away and wash the whole mixture off her muzzle as she coughed, trying to catch her breath.

Panting heavily, she rubbed the water from her eyes with her hooves but for some reason everything was still black… - Did I turned the lights out? – Using the flick of her magic, she casted a simple spell of light to illuminate the dark basement but nothing changed… and then the realization hit her… -No… No, no, no- she began to panic, fear griping her heart as she lost all strength in her legs and sat down, rubbing her eyes intently and blinking them rapidly but the blackness didn’t go away no matter how hard she tried or wished it would all pass.

Twilight already knew why it was so dark, for she lost one thing that mattered most to her… her eyesight! As she felt fear overtaking her completely, she heard the library doors opening above her and Spike voice calling out her name “Twilight? Are you home?” With the last strength she could muster, she called loudly to her number one assistant, her voice breaking in the middle of her sentence “Spi-ke!!”

- Ten minutes earlier -

Spike was going back home from Carousel Boutique, yet another of his days spent on helping the white mare in her work. The road to library was of course long and it was already pretty late in the night which made him slowly think over very important things… mainly, his feelings for Rarity.

Contrary to what his friends thought about his crush being never changing and strong admiration, he recently began to wonder, what was it exactly that he felt towards the fashionista? No matter how much he thought about it, the answer eluded him, escaping his mind before he could grasp it. They were friends, he knew that much but his infatuation with the white unicorn seemed to vanish more and more with each passing day.

Truth be told, he actually wanted to ask her out on hearts and hooves day, because he began to wonder what she was to him now, but even this idea seemed to be less and less heartwarming as the fate full day neared.

When did it start? – He asked himself in his mind and went back to an event which happened three weeks ago. He and Twilight were sitting inside the library and did one thing they rarely have been doing ever since moving to Ponyville… they talked like best friends.

At that time, Spike realized how he missed those times when only the two of them mattered and began to question himself, would they vanish completely if he were to move away from the lavender mare to live with his special one? The very thought sent cold shivers down his spine, for he simply couldn’t imagine himself and Twi to be apart, for he strongly believed that he needs to take care of her. It scared him to think that she could be left all alone in that dusty library and he decided that he won’t ever move away, unless she finds her special somepony.

This line of thought however, led him toward next questions, which were about his and Twilight’s current relationship, the colt she needed if one were to replace him in his duties and so on. It didn’t take long before he asked himself about the possibility if maybe he could become her special somepony and as mad as that idea was… it burned bright in his mind for he couldn’t find anything against it... unless of course, Twilight wasn’t attracted to dragons that is,

All of it amazed Spike that in their life together, he never actually stopped to think about her like a mare he could spend his life with in more romantic way. Twilight was Twilight after all, but the possibility was now there and it confused his feelings about love. Still, even if he did love Twilight more than Rarity, he couldn’t tell her about any of this for fear that it would change their relationship in a very bad way, even if she was smart and pretty and…

Okay, that went too far – He bashed himself as he neared the heavy wooden doors leading inside the library, his heart beating a little faster than it normally would, but he ignored it completely. Opening the entrance, he went inside and the very first thing he noticed was the absence of his lavender furred friend. “Twilight? Are you home? He shouted, hoping that she wasn’t asleep… she could be really grumpy if woken up with shouting. He was about to look around when her scream tore through the air startling him “Spi-ke!!”

Shocked, with fear gripping his dragon heart, Spike quickly went towards the place where the sound came from… the basement. Opening the doors, he descended quickly down the stairs, sometimes jumping more than two steps at a time and then his eyes fell upon the sight which froze him in place.

Before him, Twilight was sitting inside the bright room, additionally illuminated by light from her horn. The whole place was a mess, as if a hurricane went through, but the worst sight presented the lavender alicorn, her mane a mess, fur smeared with various ingredients which laid scattered everywhere on the floor. The poor mare, who sat in the middle, clutched her eyes with her forelegs, while salty tears streamed down her muzzle, landing on the stone surface.

Without thinking, he quickly rushed to her side, feeling the sticky substances beneath his talons as he didn’t bother to look where he stepped and quickly took her in his arms. Hugging her tightly as she sobbed, unable to utter a word which he could understand, Spike felt his heart throb in his chest.

He was scared to death and whispered softly to her, for a situation like this happened only once before… when she accidentally broke her horn as a filly and didn’t know that it would grow back. If she was in this state, Spike knew it was something serious and really hoped that soon she will tell him what happened. Thankfully after a while, her sobs finally began t calm down little by little.

“It’s okay Twi, I’m here… w-what happened?” He finally dared to ask and then felt the mare shift in position, moving slightly back so he could see for himself. As she opened her eyes, the dragon stiffened upon seeing one of scariest things in his life, for her eyeballs were totally white.

“I-I’m b-blind S-spike*sob*… please… *sob*take me t-to *sob*hospital.” She managed to say, keeping her head rational enough, for she still held a ray of hope, that maybe if magic made her like this, then it might be possible to reverse the effect.

Frightened beyond belief, Spike nodded his green spiked head and gently took her foreleg into his trembling claw. Slowly, he began to led her, his heart pumping blood faster than it should with every step they took. – If only I was here… it’s my fault… - He began to think, but fought back the tears that wanted to come out. He needed to take care of Twilight first.

***Ponyville Hospital***

Sitting inside the empty hospital lobby, Spike stared intently at the doors to doctor’s office, as if he wanted to see through them, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was going inside. Fear gripped at his heart, as he imagined every possible scenario, in which Twilight would forever remain blind and will say that it was his fault… of course his mind was over-exaggerating things but he couldn’t help himself.

As soon as they came inside, Nurse Redheart, who happened to be on duty tonight in Ponyville Hospital, nearly got a heart attack of her own upon seeing what happened to the newly crowned princess. With professionalism sharpened over the years, she quickly and efficiently took Twilight inside the office and till now no word was heard from them.

He wrung his scaly fingers, cracking their joints, as he pondered what would happen next. Of course he knew the main answer and that was to take care of Twilight… he already was doing it all the time anyway, but right now his mind raced as he tried very hard to predict every possible situation which could happen, because he wanted to prepare himself for what was to come.

Nearing the end of his thoughts, the white doors finally opened and Nurse Redheart along with Twilight came through them. Spike immediately noticed the white bandage around his friend head which obscured her eyes which only added to his fear. Worry in his own emerald orbs, he came closer and looked at the nurse, countless questions filling his head. Thankfully, Nurse Redheart was the first to initiate the conversation.

“She is okay Spike… well, for now. I did basic tests and they turned out to be okay, no damage to the eyes themselves. We still don’t know when she will regain her eyesight because the cause of this blindness is magic. I’m sorry, I can’t really explain it properly, magic trauma is out of my field of expertise and…” her response was cut short by Twilight’s words and as she commented, Spike noticed bitterness in her voice, something which others usually missed when she explained something.

“In short, this accident is related to my failed experiment… and I might NEVER regain my eyesight.” Stated calmly the alicorn, her conclusion professional as always but in her heart she was terrified and the purple dragon noticed it right away for his heart mirrored hers.

“Don’t be so sure about it miss Sparkle. I know it is hard for you right now, but it’s not the worst case scenario yet.” Cheerfully reassured her the white mare, as she put her hoof on Twilight’s coat, stroking it gently in affectionate gesture. She knew that it would probably not mean much for the lavender alicorn but during her years of helping in the hospital, she learned that those small words of hope could really help ponies cope with their newfound situation.

“I know…” Quietly whispered Twilight as she furrowed her eyebrows, trying very hard to remain calm. She wanted to cry but being a princess she put on strong face, which wasn’t unnoticed for both Spike and the nurse.

“Escort her home Spike and be sure she gets plenty of rest. I will visit you tomorrow and perform some more tests but if anything happens be sure to let me know right away.” Instructed the hospital mare, as she motioned for him to take her foreleg which he did, startling the lavender mare slightly with this sudden contact.

“I will, thank you for everything nurse Redheart.” He said, expressing his sincere gratitude and with those words, he began to carefully guide his best friend towards the exit, making sure that she won’t fall down.

“Don’t thank me, I didn’t do anything.” He heard silent whisper behind his back, the voice belonging to the white mare… but he couldn’t agree with those words. Nurse Redheart might not have given Twilight her eyesight back but Spike knew that she did her best. She wasn’t a miracle worker and only earth pony at that. However, the dragon knew that there was some other thing she did… she gave Twilight hope.

***Golden Oak Library***

The way back towards the ancient tree was silent between the two, as neither of them knew what exactly say. The duo simply walked through the warm town, their noses catching the smell of night and their fur stroked by gentlest of winds. As they made their way towards their cozy home, Spike noticed that Twilight was trembling all the time and it was definitely not from cold… he knew that she tried her best to keep herself from breaking down in front of him, she always behaved like this, never wanting to make her friends worry.

As soon as they reached the big tree, the dragon guided her inside and upon closing the doors behind them, he sighed heavily. “So…um…I suppose we should call it a night. I’ll lead you to your bedroom and then make some light supper, seeing as we skipped the dinner today. Is that okay with you?” He asked, hoping that she would feel a little better about the idea of finally resting and maybe eating.

Nodding her head, Twilight didn’t utter any word but silently waited for him to guide her further, which he did right away, wondering what was going through her head but got answer upon noticing how her lips quivered a little. The biggest challenge was to go up the stairs, but they somehow managed to overcome that obstacle without the mare falling down, much to Spike’s relief.

“Okay… wait here, I’ll be right back.” Gently whispered to her ear the purple dragon as he helped her lay down on the soft bed. With that, he exited the room and made his way down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

If only I didn’t go to Rarity… - He once again thought, while frown resurfaced on his muzzle, as he prepared a daisy sandwich, a simple thing but Twilight’s favorite at the same time. He expected her to break down today or tomorrow, she always did that when troubled, so steeling his eyes with resolve that he will take care of her like always, he forcefully grabbed the food and made his way towards the bedroom once again.

Just as he was about to press the handle he heard series of silent sobs coming from the inside, which confirmed his earlier theory. He was amazed sometimes, how both of them knew each other so well.

Exhaling the air which he kept in his lungs, he silently slipped his way inside and saw his best friend, whimpering quietly on the bed, unable to contain herself any longer. Spike knew that she wanted to be strong before him, but even she couldn’t fight her own feelings indefinitely and that was the result.

Slowly making his way towards the bed, trying very hard not to startle her, he set the plate with sandwich down onto the nightstand and made his way up. If Twilight noticed any of his actions, she made no notion of it but it didn’t matter to the dragon.

“Twilight…” He whispered, and wrapped his arms around her, feeling her muscles stiffen but she didn’t push him away. Taking it for a good sign, he began to slowly stroke her back like he did before in the basement, his purple, scaly claws parting the strands of her lavender fur. Her tears still poured from her eyes like two rivers, falling down onto his dragon hide. Her tears were cold like petals of snow but he didn’t mind them. Right now she needed him more than ever before and he was going to be there for her.

“I-I’m *sob* scared S-spike” She sobbed as she wrapped her forelegs around him, pulling him closer into her, fearing that if she let go, he would vanish just like the world which she couldn’t see now.

“Shh…It is all going to be okay Twi.” He tried to reassure her, but even to him those words were empty... for there was no proof of it and he knew that Twilight was not somepony who accepted something without scientific facts.

“W-what will *sob* b-become o-of *sob* m-me? I-I can’t *sob* study *sob* like that! P-p-princ-ess Celes-tia*sob* s-she will aban-doon me. ” She poured out her worst fears before him, which for once weren’t the product of her overreacting imaginative mind. While Spike knew that princess would never abandon Twilight, the fact that she lost her sight would really become a problem for her studies, but Spike wasn’t going to let her fall into despair, not after everything she had done for him in the past.

Hugging her even closer, he gathered his voice to sound as strong as possible during this heartbreaking situation “I will be your eyes Twilight. You will be able to study until you get your eyesight back. I promise you.” Those words, as expected, had almost magical effect on the mare, making her stiffen at first and then relax visibly.

“Th-ank y-you.” She whispered with still broken voice, as she laid on the bed, pulling Spike down with her in tight embrace. Blushing, the dragon took notice of their faces closeness and for once he was glad that Twilight couldn’t see his reddened muzzle. “Um…Twilight…” He began but the mare cut in, before he was able to finish..

“C-can you stay with m-me for tonight?” She asked, as she still trembled and the purple dragon couldn’t help but agree to this, for she needed him and his complicated feelings for her were the last of his worries right now.

“I will” He said gently and with that, both of them soon drifted into dreams, both full of scary and pleasant things at the same time, the heat of their bodies warming up the cold fear of today’s events.

***Golden Oak Library – Hearts and Hooves Day***

Awakening slowly from his slumber, Spike could feel the softness of mattress under his scaly back and warm furry blanket on his stomach… - Wait…’furry’ blanket? – He thought, before opening his eyes, only to find the sleeping lavender mare with her body wrapped tightly around him.

Blushing madly, his muscles stiffened but he made no movement, not wishing to wake her up. Slowly, the events of yesterday’s night came to him and his initial shock was quickly replaced by deep sorrow. Moving his free claw slowly to Twilight’s glistering mane, he stroked it gently, the longer strands of hair flowing between his scaly fingers, amazing him with their softness.

“Mm-mmm” moaned the mare, awakening from her dream and slowly lifted her sleepy head, startling the purple dragon who just in time retracted his claw. It didn’t take long before she began to rub her eyes with her hooves… and upon noticing that nothing have changed with her vision, a deep frown painted itself on her muzzle. Still, Spike wasn’t about to let her fall into depression right after the day just started.

“Morning Twi. Did you sleep well?” He asked, trying to at least get the conversation rolling, hoping that she will bite and make the situation more pleasant for them both. Spike didn’t had such luck, as the mare first jumped up slightly, probably startled by his presence and then her dry and emotionless tone resounded around the bedroom.

“I certainly wish I was dreaming right now.” She said, while sitting up on the bed, trying to get off him. It was clear to Spike that she hid her own embarrassment and wanted to move away as quickly as possible, but not being able to see where exactly the bed ended put her into tight spot, leaving her only one possibility… to wait for the purple dragon.

Sitting on the bed himself, Spike chuckled silently and went closer to her side, slowly helping her down, while trying very hard not to make her fall down. As soon as her hooves touched the stable wooden floor, he let go of her and issued first of many questions that he was sure to ask today “So…what now?”

“You know how I start my day Spike… let’s just get it over with.” She said while staring at the wall with heavy frown still present on her muzzle, oblivious to the fact that her number one assistant once again turned as red as an apple from Sweet Apple Acres.

Spike didn’t knew, what exactly made her request this of all things but the whole idea made his mind race frantically not to mention his heart, so he still needed confirmation just to be sure… it could be a terrible misunderstanding after all. “Uh…are you sure about it Twilight?”

“Yes I’m sure, why wouldn’t I be?” As soon as those words left her mouth, the poor dragon could feel his heart going so fast, he was sure it would perform a sonic rainboom any minute now. Never in his boldest dreams would he actually imagine Twilight or any other mare asking that of him. Still… being a male he couldn’t decline.

“O-okay. I-I promise n-not to p-p-peek” He said, but deep inside he was unsure if he will be able to keep this promise… - No! For Twilight’s sake I have to! – He fought with his own mind, trying to shake the images away. Thankfully, he was soon snapped out of his thoughts by her questioning voice.

“Wait, peek?” She asked, ears standing up at full attention, her head moving fast to look at him, an action which she failed to perform as she looked at the uneaten daisy sandwich from yesterday, which still laid on the nightstand while Twilight was furrowing her eyebrows at it, thinking it was Spike.

The dragon would probably find it funny and correct her, but right now a whirlwind of emotions was rampaging inside him “Uh…y-you start a d-day with s-shower, right?” asked Spike uncertainly, already knowing the answer to that question. It seemed to be misunderstanding after all, so he prepared for Twilight’s outburst which was sure to come next.

“S-SPIKE! I didn’t mean the shower!” Embarrassed beyond belief, as her lavender colored cheeks turned deep scarlet upon realizing that indeed her routine started with that intimate activity. While the clothes weren’t used most of the time in Equestria and served only as decoration, taking bath or shower was still considered to be a very private and intimate moment.

Not that she minded, after all she and Spike are… -We are… - She found herself unable to word a correct response, only now realizing that she never actually questioned their relationship. They simply were, he took care of her and she took care of him, that was all to it or so she believed, but then another question flew through her head.

“O-oh, good then uh… brushing?” Stuttered poor dragon, while trying hard to change the uncomfortable subject as soon as possible. While in the distant past which he remembered, both of them indeed took baths together, they were too young back then to even know what the word ‘intimacy’ meant… but doing it now would really feel strange.

What will happen if one day he moves away with somepony else? – Twilight found herself at a loss, as she issued this question, fear tightly gripping her heart with its invisible hand as she imagined herself spending day after day alone in this tree, with no one to greet her in the morning, no one to take care of her if something happened or if she simply needed to talk. Those feelings of her, gave birth to another strange emotion, one she couldn’t name yet but she never wanted to experience it for real.

“…” As the mare stayed silent for some time, deep in her thoughts, Spike waited patiently for confirmation to his question but it seemed that she stopped responding altogether, her muzzle still red from embarrassment. Twilight might have been the smartest pony he knew, she might have studied anatomy and think about taking shower together in more scientific terms but Spike knew that once her imagination ran wild, she could spend a lot of time spacing out… and the fact that she was thinking about them together in shower was NOT okay with him.

“Twilight?” He nudged her with his claw, its sharp tip stinging her a little to make her come out of her trance and this action of his finally got a response from the lavender mare as she looked sheepishly at the daisy sandwich, trying very hard to keep her voice leveled.

“Uh…I-I need the s-shower.” She finally confessed while stuttering, which sent chills down Spike’s back for he couldn’t believe what he just heard. Twilight on the other hand couldn’t comprehend what came over her when she made her decision… all she knew was that her objection about this intimate activity vanished somewhere along her trail of thoughts.

“Wha…?” He began to ask, but was quickly stopped by Twilight’s raised and distressed voice as she firmly sat down on the floor and rubbed her front hooves nervously together, deep down wondering what came over her… still, she said A which means there was not going back before saying B.

“I-It can’t be h-helped! I’m s-sticky from all that s-stuff from basement… and this…” She pointed at her eyes “…might take a while and I c-can’t not take the b-bath”. She concluded, while trying very hard to hide her ever growing blush from the nightstand and the sandwich. Unfortunately for her, the alicorn was finally looking at Spike at this moment and this image warmed his heart for she looked very adorable like this.

Wait, ADORABLE? What is wrong with me…?! - He questioned himself, but already knew the answer. “Uh…I see…” Remarked Spike and gently touched her muzzle, making her yet again turn her head away from him. Sighing, he took her by the left hoof and began to led her from the bedroom, thankful that she doesn’t see his expression and his lungs inhaling and exhaling air deeply to calm himself down.

“That’s a poor choice of words.” Joked Twilight noticing his last choice of words while trying to loosen the awkward atmosphere between them at the same time. However, what her dragon assistant said next, only fueled her already red face. “S-sorry. A-again I promise not to p-peek…”

***Golden Oak Library – Afternoon***

It was well past midday, when the duo consisting of one purple dragon and lavender alicorn laid comfortably down in the main lobby of the library, on their couch. The mare rested her head, as she listened to Spike’s words as he read for her ‘The fundamentals of Equestrian law’ with occasional pause to feed her dinner.

Sufficient to say, Twilight was far from pleased by all of this because without seeing the letters for herself she had hard time concentrating and understanding. The fact that she had to be feed like a foal was additional humiliation given that she was now a princess. Of course the mare never made big fuss about the whole nobility stuff, she didn’t care about it actually, for it was only the visible form of her accomplishment. Still, had somepony seen her right now she was sure that her hard earned reputation would crumble. What annoyed her most however, was not that her world turned upside down, it was the feeling of being a burden for poor Spike, something she never wanted to be.

And he waited for this day whole year – She reminded herself, completely spacing out. While part of her was glad that he didn’t went to Rarity and was here with her, she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she was robbing Spike of happiness he deserved. The worst part was, she felt conflicted inside, because part of her didn’t want him to ever leave her, an unknown feeling still present in her stomach, one which she feared to give name to.

Twilight Sparkle rarely didn’t know what she felt and being as smart as she was, she quickly figured out what it was… today she started to see Spike in different light, the current events showing her clearly how important part he plays in her everyday’s life. The very possibility of him leaving her alone in this big library to live with somepony else in the far future broke her heart, shattering it to countless pieces.

Would she be able to cope with this over time? The alicorn knew that if Spike wasn’t here now she would probably still be stumbling inside that basement or maybe even be dead at this point. She owed him more than she would ever be able to repay and she knew it. She lov…

Stop that, he likes Rarity – She tried to convince herself, but all this thought did, was to make her jealous. The white mare could have most colts from the town and the fact that Spike’s heart was for the unicorn to take any moment saddened Twilight greatly. If only for a single moment an opportunity like that was presented for her, she wouldn’t think twice about accepting the dragon’s feelings. In her eyes he was funny, smart when needed, he knew how to make her relax and how to both talk to listen to her… and most of all, he was able to withstand her moods and accept her defects, which was everything she needed from her special somepony and she knew that.

It amazed her that she never actually stopped to think of him in that way… Oh, how foolish and shortsighted she have been, having everything she needed and looking for it somewhere else, leading to this terrible accident.

As she was daydreaming like that, while listening to his calming voice, she quickly found out that those feelings began to uncontrollably build up in her and she realized that if she didn’t do something about them, if she didn’t push him away right now, she would say something that she could regret for the rest of her life. Steeling her resolve, Twilight turned her head to ‘look’ at Spike. It seemed easier right now because he was reading all the time so she could tell where he was.

“Spike?” Her voice immediately caught his attention, as his eyes looked up from the boring book at his lifelong friend, wondering if maybe she needed something. Knowing well that she had his attention, she proceeded with her plan.

“I appreciate what you have been doing for me the whole day…” She began, trying to contain the nervousness in her voice as best as she could “…but its Heart and Hooves day. I know how long you waited for it, so why don’t you go over to Rarity?” as those words left her mouth, she could feel immense pain building up inside of her chest, but if this would make Spike happy then she was fine with it for today.

Shocked by her behavior, Spike found out that his voice got caught up in his throat, however he wasn’t going to leave Twilight for the white unicorn who never even responded to his feelings anyway. She needed him more right now. “I…can’t do that Twi. Somedragon needs to take care of you.”

She didn’t knew why but those words hurt her deeply… was he pitying her? That must have been it and she didn’t like it one bit. Genuine care was fine with her but pity she couldn’t stand, especially not from him. “I’m not an invalid Spike, I can sleep those five hours so go and stop wasting your life because of me!” She shouted, a little louder than she intended but she really wanted the stubborn dragon to be happy.

“Is this what it is about?! Twilight, I would NEVER consider taking care of you to be waste of my life! How could you ever think like that?!” Spike felt his own voice raising, but he couldn’t help it for she hurt his feelings thinking like that. He really liked… no, he loved her, he was sure of it and for Twilight to say that he wasted his life taking care of her sent him over the edge.

“B-but you won’t be here forever! What if I won’t regain my eyesight after ten or twenty or even fifty years?” Scared by his vigorous outburst, she lowered her voice, trying instead to make him realize her rational viewpoint, for she never wanted to fight with him or hurt him with words sharp as knives.

Spike on the other claw, was not going to buy her logical argument, in his heart already knowing the answer and he couldn’t be more sure about. “I’ll stay even a hundred if needed be.” Resounded his strong voice, making Twilight pause as her heart quickened its beat so much that she was feared it would jump out of her chest. Frustrated and utterly confused, not able to hold back her feelings, she yet again shouted.

“Why?! Why are you so stubborn?!” She demanded the answer, her emotions being a roller coaster, changing from anger at him, to love for him, to fear that he will leave, to anger at Rarity, to pity for herself. It was too much and she couldn’t handle it all…no book ever prepared her for something like this and she didn’t know what to do.

Unknown to her, similar emotions were going through Spike, as he tried very hard to bottle it all up but it was then that his tongue slipped, saying the words that he promised himself he would never say out loud, especially to her “Because you are more important to me than Rarity or anypony else!” yelled the dragon straight into her face, shocking them both and making the argument stop abruptly.

As heavy silence filled the room and time seemed to freeze, on the leather couch, there sat to lifelong friends, neither of them sure what they should say, feel or do. This uneasiness continued for what seemed to be an eternity, but in fact only one full minute passed, before Spike was able to find his voice again, his eyes cast down to look at the floor.

“S-sorry, I-I…” He began, fearful of what the lavender mare might think or do, but to his surprise, she moved her hoof up to her muzzle, covering it, as her eyes began to grow moist behind her eyelids, few drops of fresh tears escaping from underneath them, falling down her cheeks, leaving behind matted paths in her fur.

“Y-you really mean this?” She whispered, her voice hardly containing the emotions she felt. Nopony ever said words like those to her and Twilight knew that if he pushed just a little more she would not be able to control herself anymore and that is exactly what happened with his next words.

Gathering his courage, Spike forced himself to look with his emerald eyes at the lavender alicorn who sat near him, the one his heart yearned for, the one he wished to take care of now and forever. “Yes. I know how it sounds Twi but it’s the sincere truth. Recently I… began to wonder what I feel towards Rarity because my crush vanished, replaced for other feelings for a mare that was always close to me yet I couldn’t see her before. Sorry, I’ll understand if you don’t…” As he poured his words out, hoping that they won’t damage their relationship in any way, fear awakening in his heart, Spike felt her front legs wrap him in a tight hug, her soft lavender fur enveloping him completely and his senses overflowing with confusion.

“Uh…Twi?” He asked Twilight after some seconds in which she nuzzled him so gently that he nearly had trouble breathing because of excitement which grew in him. Wrapping his clawed hands around her frame, he felt her body tremble and her tears falling onto him.

“I…I was so blind…” Whispered the lavender alicorn, her voice breaking as her heart could no longer fight the bottled up feelings for her number one assistant. “…I…that brew was supposed to show me my special somepony for today…and I never realized that I saw him every day, and now I can’t even see the face of one I love the most.” She confessed, her regretful words making Spike both happy and sad at the same time, realizing that she felt the same way. He never even dared to dream that she might respond to his feelings like that and in such romantic way. Being a dragon he was resistant to lava… but it wouldn’t be a lie to say that right now his heart melted completely under the affection she graced him with.

Moving his head back a little, he gazed at the most beautiful mare he ever knew, her beauty not enhanced by many cosmetics or even on the outside to show everypony. True, she was beautiful, but it was her inner self, which captured his heart not her looks like with Rarity. Mustering up all of his courage once again, with beating heart, he decided to do one more thing… something which felt right at this moment and only this moment. “…I can still show you my love Twi.”

With those words his muzzle moved closer to hers. At first their noses gently touched, startling Twilight a little but soon she found herself responding to his affectionate gesture with silent moan escaping her lips. As Spike closed his eyes he titled his head slightly to the left, Twilight doing likewise with her own and their lips finally connected in the first true kiss of love, both of their worlds colliding with each other, sparkling in bursts of explosions, setting their caged hearts free, letting feelings speak for them.

Spike always wondered how it was to feel the kiss on his lips and was pleasantly surprised that his imagination never managed to ever come close to replicate this sensation. He could feel her sweet soft lips tickling his, the taste similar to amethysts flowing through his mouth. Twilight on the other hoof, could feel the fiery flames, sending burning sensation through her whole body, warming up her every nerve as she relished in his spicy taste.

Unaware to them, this moment was even more magical, as small purple and sparkling fog slowly lifted itself from under Twilight’s closed eyelids, sending a strange, tingling sensation through them, which made her unexpectedly break the kiss and much to her shock she found herself lost for breath. Opening her eyes, she looked at Spike’s smiling face and then another realization hit her.

“I…see you…” She whispered, her voice trembling with every word she spoke, happiness filling her heart with warmth. To this, the dragon opened his own eyes wider and cocked his head to the side while lifting his eyebrow in question. However, before he could as much as ask, she pounced happily onto him, wrapping her forelegs even tighter than before around his neck, as tears of joy flooded from her purple eyes “I see you!” she once again said, this time louder, unable to contain herself.

“What?” Inquired Spike wide eyed, not believing what he just heard, as his own heart slowly filled with overflowing happiness, as he stroked her furry coat, his emerald eyes becoming wet, his own tears falling down.

Moving her head back to look at her dragon, she enjoyed every second of this event, especially the vibrant colors of his scales as her lips turned into the most genuine smile and the most beautiful one Spike have ever seen “I have back my eyesight Spike, the spell must have been broken when I found out…” she began to go into one of her scientific rambles but cut shortly as she stared deep into his emerald eyes, unreadable emotion flowing through them.

“Twi?” He asked, worried that something wrong might have happened again, but the deep pools of her amethyst orbs didn’t hold any worry inside them, only raw joy and love for him and only him.

Moving her head closer once again, she finished her sentence near his face, mere inches from his lips, her voice a faint whisper nearly drowned in the sound of their fast beating hearts “…my special somepony.”

As Twilight connected their lips, once again making them closed around each other, Spike found his scaly ones rubbing against her furry ones, this kiss more hungry than their first one. Deciding to go one step further, he parted her sweet lips with his own slightly, gaining entrance to her mouth. Deepening the kiss, he slipped his thin, long tongue inside, surprising her a little as he began explore, his flexible muscle wrapped around her wider one, stroking it and pumping for her saliva. Neither of them knew how long it lasted but when they finally finished and parted from each other, a single string connected their mouth before breaking, as they gazed deeply inside their eyes, purple and green drowning in each.

“I must admit, that’s the best hearts and hooves day in my life.” Whispered Spike, as he laid on his back with Twilight nuzzling his scaly chest with her cheek, content smile on both their muzzles. It was then, that dragon finally realized that it isn’t the gift or preparations that are important on this day but the very simplest things like being together and sharing love.

Twilight on the other hoof had thoughts of her own swimming through her head. – Sometimes you have to become blind to see what was right in front of you the whole time… yes, that would make for a perfect letter to princess Celestia – Concluded the ever faithful student and was about to get up to write it down, but upon feeling Spike’s clawed hand firmly clamped on her back she decided that the letter can wait. After all, her own heart waited years for finding her special somepony for this day and for the whole future.

Author's Note:

A short oneshot created late in the night for all Spilight fans out there... not my best work, because I wrote it half conscious but the idea was too good to leave it alone. Hope you will enjoy it! Also, let me know about big mistakes, as I said, I was half asleep when writing xD

Comments ( 59 )

I hope you write more stories, this was awesome:raritystarry:.

And all this could have been avoided with a simple pair of goggles.
Silly Twi, that's science 101. :twilightblush:

But seriously, good story.

3488311>>3488515>>3488555>>3488589>>3488713 So much praise :twilightoops: and here I thought this story was medicore at best. Glad you all enjoyed it, I'm really happy! Seriously, there is nothing more a writer such as myself could wish for! :twilightblush:

Bravo! :yay: i enjoyed that :twilightsmile:

3488838 Glad to read it!
3488849 Oh, there will be more, I don't plan to quit writing anytime soon :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by DJ Sparkle deleted Nov 14th, 2013


Spilight > Sparity

Great fic and it was adorable. Peace out.


This was fucking beautiful...... good lord bless you :heart:

3488867 Agreed! Poor Twi needs Spike! :twilightsmile:

3488872 Really happy to see you enjoyed it! I'll try to make the next one just as beautiful :twilightblush:

I'd just like to point out that the appearance of whiteness in the eyes is a product of having cataracts. There's no reason for Twilight's eyes to be of any unusual coloration, given the cause of her blindness.

3488919 I agree there is no reason for change of coloration, but I planned to go for more visual effect (since I already use magic) that would make her blindness sound more serious for readers :twilightsmile:

Honestly not bad, was going to say something about how I really doubt finding out one's heart desire can affect their ability to see or not if blinded but eh, it's all chill. It's short, sweet and to the point, very well made, some errors here and there but well done, I love Nurse Redheart and glad she was in this, for once none of Twi's friends needed to be all around her, glad to know, it was getting annoying with them all being together with they got real life shit to deal with:facehoof:


What she wanted to do was a simple thing… a magic brew which would show her the image and location of pony that she was destined to be with.

“She is okay Spike… well, for now. I did basic tests and they turned out to be okay, no damage to the eyes themselves. We still don’t know when she will regain her eyesight because the cause of this blindness is magic. I’m sorry, I can’t really explain it properly, magic trauma is out of my field of expertise and…”

I thought it was kind of obvious myself. The elixir didn't show her her soulmate, but rather blinded her until she kissed her soulmate. It's a Beauty and the Beast type thing only with blindness instead of transformation.

3489355 Well, I must admit that its not my most mysterious plotline fic seeing as it is only a simple oneshot :twilightsmile:

What I aimed for is: Sweet, short and obvious fic that will show how close Twilight and Spike are and that goal was achieved. Sadly, it seems that I indeed fell into common script of "Beauty and the beast" which is really cliche nowdays. Thank you for pointing it out, I'll take that into consideration when creating another fic. :twilightsmile:

3488994 Truth be told Nurse Redheart gave me the most trouble seeing as there isn't really much to work with when adding her character. As for the whole blindness, I really got lazy with this storyline. I mean "Magic" is the explanation, which shows exactly how I wanted to avoid details :twilightblush:


It's not mediocre, you underestimate yourself. But it is far from perfect, too- aren't we all? Keep working on it. Especially work on capitalization, as it seems to be a problem for you.

3489896 It indeed is, but being somepony who learned english by himself I really fail to see most of my mistakes. That's one part of why I write at all, to improve myself :twilightsmile: Thank you for the input, I'll promise to look into it and improve where I fail the most!

Another great story. You are proving to be quite the writer, and I can't wait for more.


That's the most impressive thing about the story. Personally, my reccomendation is to join one of the myriad groups on the site devoted to getting editors to people in need. Or, find a friend. Either way, best of luck to you.

Great story. I enjoyed it a lot.

This is the second fic that has made me shed a tear for the happy couple.

You are a great writer, my congrats on a job well done, even if is a oneshot and you where half asleep



Why is the title is Art of night 1 ?

3490559 There will be more!
3491058 Glad you enjoyed it!
3491640 Was going for a bittersweet ending but changed it at the last second to happy one, it just felt right to do this:twilightsmile:
3491901 As the name points, it was done late in the night! Normal fics I create when I'm well rested and don't use all of my imagination. Art of night, as the name suggests, points at fics that I'm writing when half asleep and they overflow with emotions and descriptions. They are different from my usual fics, that's why the name is different. I started Art of Night 2 yesterday :twilightsmile:


Art of Night 2 ? What is it ? Is it ready to read ?

3492624 Not yet but soon :twilightsmile: Still, its going to be dark comedy... I plan to make a VERY evil and cruel fic. I don't expect a lot of people liking it but oh well, I can't write sunshine and rainbows all the time :twilightsmile:


TwiSpike or ...?

3492634 Sadly, this time no TwiSpike... but can't say anything more not to spoil the surprise :twilightsmile:

Yet another amazing SpikexTwilight fic. Had feels all the way. The story made sense and the massage here was clear as well (about her eyes.)

10 out of 10 for romance.
9 out of 10 for grammar
9 out of 10 for overall story
Like and fave your way

anyone notice not one of her friends came to vicet her when she was blind and id love to see raritys reaction.

I Love it, great work,
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!

Mad feels. Definitely worth some liquid pride. :pinkiesad2: :fluttercry:
It would be funny to see Rarity's reaction though :twilightblush:

If this is your "non of my best" storys I do need to read the rest
The feels got to me. But no liquid pride (that only happens on special occasions)

Still. A solid 9/10

It's only supposed to be a metaphor, stoopid potion! Man, magic is a dick. :pinkiecrazy:

More seriously, this was pretty good. You're right, this idea was too good to simply leave unwritten, and too good for any of those grammatical issues or strange word choices to matter a great deal.

3516541>>3535936 Glad you two liked it, Art of night 3 is currently in workshop and it is a nice and sweet Spilight with some comedy that I think you will enjoy :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Madgod Vatuu deleted Dec 28th, 2013

Aww!:heart: a happy ending!:heart:

If only I didn’t went to Rarity…

You said that at one point in the story. Twilight also later says something like this. It should be go, not went. I'm just informing you since English isn't your first language.

so you wrote this when you were supposed to be sleeping.:ajsleepy:
You don't need sleep.:pinkiecrazy: Sleep is for the weak. you are stong.:pinkiecrazy:

great story though:twilightsmile:

I haven't realised why I haven't commented before, I've read this 4 times. ^^' I seriously love it, Spilight is one of my favourite pairings, I thought you did well and look forward to future works of yours.

4005998 Wow, really glad that this story has dedicated reader! :twilightsmile: And my next work is... going to be one small and one BIG. I would spoil the big one but the only thing I can say for now is this:
The big one is going to be about EVERYTHING.
The small one will be Spilight of course :twilightsmile:

4006991 My reaction. -----> :pinkiehappy: (There needs to be a Fluttershy squee emote already.)

4007102 Haha true, as well as Discord emotion and other notable characters. I'm working on chapter for my current long story, should be posted today and need to finish next one... so much to write and only two hooves :derpyderp2:

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