• Published 19th Nov 2013
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SpartAnon - Bastinator

Anon is a Spartan-IV and a member of Fireteam Crimson. When he accidently finds himself on the wrong end of a Forerunner artifact, he finds himself in Equestria. It has to be a dream, right?

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Chapter 11: The Crystal Door

You run your hand across the towering obelisk while the others marvel at the city’s splendor. ”I don’t remember it being so glamorous,” Rarity gasps.

”The Princess really took a leading effort into rebuilding it after Sombra was defeated,” Twilight replies.

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” you earn a group glare, “It’s just some shiny city.”

”It ain’t just any city,” Applejack explains, “It’s the Crystal Empire.”

“Well that explains why Rarity’s head over hoof for it. I don’t see the appeal.”

”It’s a beacon of hope,” Fluttershy says coming out of hiding, “A sign of happiness for all of Equestria.”

”Fluttershy’s right,” Rainbow joins in, “We basically saved the Empire. We’re heroes!” Everyone turns to Dash, “What? We did, didn’t we?”

”You’re missing the point,” Twilight berates her, “The Crystal Empire’s aurora shines bright across all of Equestria, a sign of prosperity.”

“Sounds like hogwash to me.”

”I figured.” You walk down through the streets of the Crystal Empire, the ponies being of immediate note. Their coat and mane are… well, crystalline. Their entire form shines brightest, almost blindingly so if you catch them at the right angle. For once, these ponies don’t seem to fear you nor look at you with disdain. They flash a smile and go about their day. ”Do you believe me now?” Twilight asks.

“They’re nice, I’ll give them that, but it doesn’t mean that this place is somehow influencing an entire nation.” You walk through the rather pristine houses, each adorned with their own garden, neighbors chatting away like you’d expect in some fairy tale. This can’t actually be how they act on a day to day basis? You’d be exhausted by the time you hit the street.

”Ooo, I have just the thing,” Pinkie says wiping her hooves behind her.

”Pinkie no!”

You try to cancel out the noise but it’s not enough. Pinkie’s damned instrument cuts through you like a knife through butter as well as her friends. Twilight snatches the horn from her lips, handing it to Applejack for safe keeping. ”Aww, why’d you do that?”

”It’s going to make us go crazy,” Twilight answers without another word.

“The crystal ponies seemed to like it,” you say as a group applauds Pinkie’s performance. You look up at the massive tower reaching to the heavens, a true crystal structure if you’ve ever seen one. At the base of the structure directly underneath the tower lies a simple crystal stone in the shape of a heart. It emanates a strong aura unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your time here. “Uhm, Twilight? What is that?”

”That Anon, is the Crystal Heart.” So… shiny… You reach out to touch it, Twilight slapping your hand. ”The Crystal Heart is sacred to the crystal ponies, you can’t just touch it.”

“Well why the hell not?”

”It’s the source of love and light for the empire. The crystal ponies power it as one to protect against evil.”

“So what you’re saying is that this is some kind of weapon?”

She ponders this as the others move upwards into the tower. ”I guess you could think of it like that.”

“I need one.”

You reach your hands for it again. ”Anon!”

“I’m just kidding Twilight geez. I’m culturally sensitive to a degree.”

”Like a griffon…”

“What’d you say?”


“Damn straight nothing.”

You leave the pulsing crystal behind you as you move back up to the rest of the group. The inside resembles much of the exterior as most of the furnishing is made from crystals. Seriously, they’ve got a cloud city, crystal city… Do they have a sea city too, ‘cause that’d be retarded. You enter one of the many roomy hallways, two ponies approaching you. Twilight yelps in the sight of them and goes running over, “Shining Armor!”

”Twiley,” the stallion hugs her, “It’s great to see you again sis.”

“Sis? That’s Twilight’s brother?”

”Sure is,” Applejack responds.

“I travel an ungodly distance through time and space and I still meet a guy who sounds like a douche.”

Applejack smacks your arm, twice you’ve been smacked so far today. ”Shh, that’s Prince Shining Armor.”

“That surfer dude’s royalty? Celestia needs to clean house.” Make that three smacks.

You’re just going to have to deal with it. After all, you volunteered to go along with them. Twilight wouldn’t stop talking about revisiting this place and you had to keep AJ preoccupied. You’d been waiting for the right time to cash in a favor and this was the time. The other pony approaches, a pink alicorn this time. The Princess you assume. Twilight lets her brother go and… oh lordy is she dancing?

“Applejack, please gouge out my eyes so I never have to watch her dance again.” Four smacks. You’re going for a record. “Fairly unladylike for a Princess though. I can only assume they know each other very well.”

”She was her foalsitter,” Rarity explains.

“What is that, like a babysitter?”


“Hot.” Five and going strong.

”What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming for another few months,” the princess says sweetly.

”I know, but I just couldn’t wait to see you. Oh! There’s someone I want you to meet.” Please don’t be me… What are you thinking, of course it’s you. Twilight leads the royal members to you, both of them visually curious. It’s too late to cloak now, damn your lack of clairvoyance. ”Shining Armor, Cadence, let me introduce you to my friend Anon.”

Looks like you get to make the first move. “Friends a strong word, I prefer close associate. Anyways, name’s Anon. Nice to meet you princess.” You bow, Cadence blushing at your formality. An air of jealousy fills the air as Shining Armor coughs in an effort to draw attention to himself. “Sup Surfer Steve.”

”Anon…” Twilight growls.

”It’s alright Twiley, he’s just poking fun.”


This is followed by another uncomfortable silence. Why must you always be the instigator, but alas… “So you going to show us around or what?”

Shining Armor rubs his forehead, “Oh course, sorry about that. I kind of blanked out there.” Not surprising. ”Come on, the others have already been around but you’re new. Don’t wait up for us alright?”

”I wouldn’t dream on it,” the princess smiles. Lucky bastard got a catch like that? They must have a lot in common. Like the brand of douche they use.

”And here’s the royal dining room. It hasn’t been used in a long time, but we’re trying to amend that.” The table’s barren, but even so it has an airy quality to it. Seems nice enough.

He goes about this with the whole castle and you’re fairly sure you’ve been going in circles. “Exactly how long have you lived here?”

”Uhm, I don’t spend a lot of time up here actually.” Oh you think you do.

“Spending more time down below in the private quarters.”

”We’re trying to renovate this area as much as possible, but we drop by every now and then.”

“I’m sure you use that renovation excuse a lot.”

The look on his face is priceless, “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“Oh I’m not saying that you’re using as much time as you can to dine the princess with your personal meat stick, but that’s basically what I’m saying.” That seemed to get him riled up.

”That’s of no concern of yours, and secondly that’s my wife you’re talking about.”

“I’m quite aware,” you say admiring a painting on the wall, “I’d do the same thing in your hooves.”

“You’re intolerable. I don’t know how my sister stands you.”

“Likely the same way your wife stands up with your constant nobbing, small doses.”

”You didn’t just…”

“Imply that your bratwurst is more like a slim jim? I think I did.”

He’s fuming at this point, “Go buck yourself Anon. I’m outta here.”

“Tubular.” His hoofsteps pitter patter down the hall until your left by yourself again. It’s about damn time, you thought he’d never leave. You skip down the hall by your lonesome, this time enjoying the peace and quiet. You open a large pair of crystalline doors revealing what appears to be the throne room. For the most part it’s the same white pink blue combo you’ve seen around here, but a large blackened portion of the floor is sure to grab attention.

It’s cut squarely in the middle of the room right before the throne itself, a looming shadow hanging over. You peer over the edge, a stairwell spiraling down further than you could see. “Huh. An ominous stairwell leading to the bowels of the tower where the previous King likely kept dangerous artifacts.” Sounds like fun. You whistle as you take the stairs down, this is nothing.

Five minutes later… Okay maybe these go down further than you thought.

Ten minutes… There’s got to be a bottom somewhere.

Twenty… Mary mother of god! Where the fuck is the end? Screw this, you activate your shields and take a deep breath. Patience is a virtue until it becomes a pain in the ass. “Geronimo!” *Crack* You stop suddenly seconds after jumping, the floor cracked under the weight. That doesn’t make sense, your shields didn’t even go off. You look back up, the light barely reaching you. Could’ve waited a few more seconds, but nooo… You just had to-

A door? You wasted a good half hour of your life for a door. You huff and tear open the door a white light filling your view. You swear there better be candy at the end of this. You step inside.


”Don’t spend too long out there,” Applejack hollers waving at you from the barn.

”Hurry on back,” Applebloom tacks on holding onto her sister’s leg.

“Come on, it’s just a run. I’ll be back before you know it.” You set off down the trail and let everything seep away. The visor reads all green, your shields hum in your ear, radar silent. It’s times like this that make your time here special. You occasionally hang out with your friends by Ponyville, though you keep the visits brief. Unless it’s official business you try and stay home where you belong. Except for when you go on these walks.

Between your friends in town and loving family at home, this is your alone time. The time where any and all troubles of the world seem so distant. It’s been so long since you’ve had a good run like this. You were overdue.

You stop off by the river and peel off your helmet, exposing your dampened hair to the cool breeze. Breathing deep you take in the fresh Equestrian air into your lungs. You scoop up water from the stream and bring it to your lips. Everything’s perfect here. No more worries about the war. You had a mare who filled in that gap, that anger. She was there for you whenever you were down. You’d become so focused on the past until you met her. And then she decided to settle down… Settle down with you. It was the happiest moment of your life. And you’d never let her go. You lay back on the hill and close your eyes. Never.


You open your eyes to the darkness of night. A smile creeps on your face as you stretch your arms into the air. But something… It’s strange, but something isn’t right. It’s in the air, a subtle yet noticeable change. That’s when you hear it, the distant hum of something you’d wish to forget. The two forward engines of a Type-52 TC. A Covenant Phantom. You throw your helmet back on and highlight the fastest way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Another phantom wails overhead, following your waypoint. No… not here. You push yourself back to the barn, cutting through the brush with your suit. The critters sprint out of your path as you stampede back towards home. Please…

You stumble out of the wood and onto the beaten dirt path to the barn. They’re hanging directly overhead, both phantoms with their plasma cannons at the ready, waiting. You grip your holster, your pistol absent. You always kept it locked up when you were off on runs. You clench your fist as you approach your home. The camo cloaks your body as you stand at the front gate looking ahead.

Applejack and Applebloom must’ve hid, you went through the steps in case this… An elite breaks the door open from the inside and tosses the two into the field, their grunts training weapons on them. The grunts laugh at their conquest, the elite heading back inside. You slide your combat knife out of its sleeve, one of the Unngoy smacking Applejack with the butt of their plasma pistol. “Hands off!” you scream charging in.

They hail plasma fire down upon you, the few that hit taking a good chunk out of your shields. You tackle the closest Unngoy, driving your blade in his neck and tearing off his methane re-breather. You roll his body over you, using it as a shield from the green plasma bolts his comrades continue to fire. His blood shines blue off your armor as you grab his weapon and deal with three more of the grunts. Applejack bucks another in the face as they try and reach for Applebloom. Years of experience give her that edge.

You fling your grunt shield into another of its kin and score several shots into his exposed belly. Your shields hum to full charge as you make sure no one else is around, Applejack comforting the filly. “Are you two okay?” They nod, Applebloom drying the tears on her cheek. “Good, we need to- GAH!”


An elite grabs her by the scruff of her neck and holds her there. You struggle to breathe as you watch the prongs of the sword recede from your chest. Everything goes quiet, your visor flashing red as you hit the dirt. The elite kicks you over, but leaves himself open to one last plasma round to his exposed head. Another brother of his hits his foot over your face and knocks away your weapon. ”Riok ni’ jinohag thugra.” You gasp as he grabs you by your chest piece, your wounds splitting further. ”Ni’ fen fuex. Ei ni’ krorjka riok… wolool.” He rips off your helmet, his beady eyes staring into yours.

With little strength left you spit the gathering blood in his face. “Hinge head.” He hits your stomach forcing more blood to spurt from your mouth. He turns you around facing the two ponies, two elites pressing their energy daggers against their throats.

”Riok krushex diolan iuera, buotq’en ohleru ji.”

“I don’t know *cough* what… you’re saying, but if you hurt them…” The elite openly laughs at you before bringing his head next to your ear.

He growls hoarsely, “Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument.” The elite nods to the other who holds Applebloom up a little higher. ”Jafla Buotq'en. Talk to the gods. Khu Muox.” Time slows as the elite obeys his command, the filly falling cold to the earth.


The elite covers your mouth, ”Ni’ jafla!” Applejack closes her eyes, unable to see her like this. He digs a finger into your wound as you try to unsee his act of strength. But all you can see is her bow swaying in the wind before you.


You look to Applejack who remains strong during all of this. She knows as well as you what’s going to come next. But she doesn’t fight it, even as her captor raises her to the air. ”It’s gonna be okay.”

That was the last thing she said before being thrown to ground beside Applebloom. A beam of light shone down from the sky as a powerful gust of wind swept behind you. It was your friends coming to your aid. The elites roared at one another and dropped you to the floor in retreat. But your friends were too late. You were too late. You crawled over to the two of them with the last of your strength and pull them in your arms. “I’m- I’m so…” You bury your face in their mane as you began to weep. “Please… please wake up…” A hoof is placed on your shoulder. “Please.”


You stare out the window of the train as you watch the city move away. ”Anon.” It was all your fault. Applejack sits across from you, healthy as can be. Safe… “Anon?” If only you hadn’t taken that run. You could’ve… ”Anon please say something.”

You look to her, real, concrete, solid, true. She’s still here for you, waiting. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

”I know that Anon. Ya don’t got to say it.”

You watch the passing terrain as it flies by. “Yes I do.”

“Before… you asked me if I became a Spartan because of my parents.”

She nods, “I remember.”

“I served in the military, for a good while. I lived on that anger, at least until I met her.”

Twilight looks to the others, “I think we should give these two some privacy.”

”We’ll be right outside if you need us,” Fluttershy says sympathetically as they leave the cabin.”

Applejack stays quiet until the doors close, finally speaking up, “Your wife.”

“Yes. I remember when we first met in a training sim. Red vs. Blue. My team was pinned down by sniper fire and I was sent to neutralize the threat.” You can still remember seeing her face pressed against that scope. You were captivated by her. “She kicked my ass while I was distracted. It was our first real fight, one could say.”

”You must’ve loved her very much.” You did. More than anything.

“About a year later I asked for her hand. She said yes. So I moved to Reach, a place I thought we would be safe.” How wrong you were. “I left to go for a run, leaving her at home with my daughter. They told me to hurry back, but I took off by the creek.” You can feel the moisture building behind your eyes. It was so vivid, every detail. “She had me forget all about my pain, only for it to come back with a vengeance. I… I watched it all. Held back and forced to watch.”

“That’s terrible.” Applejack places a hoof on your hand, a little peace forming inside.

“After I had recovered, my friends didn’t recognize me anymore. I was that angry kid all over again, but this time I had a gun in my hand. I signed up for the Spartans the first chance I could and I’ve been killing Covies ever since.”

She searches for the words to say to you. Not an easy task you’d say. But she looks back at you, not at your visor but through it, “Thank you for telling me this.” You grip her hoof and sigh.

“I wanted to tell you for a while, but I couldn’t find the will. When I entered that door…”

”Twilight says it makes you see your worst fear, whatever it may be.” And yours was to watch them die all over again. To watch Applejack and her sister be taken away from you.

“I swear on my life, that no matter what happens. I will do everything in my power to keep you and your sister safe.”

She shakes her head, “Didn’t I tell ya Anon? I already know that.”

You manage to squeeze out a chuckle. “I guess you did, didn’t you?”

She stands up and sits next to you, wrapping you in a hug. ”You’re a big ol’ dummy you know that.”

You hold onto her as you look out the window. “That I did know.”


You and Applejack walk back up to Sweet Apple Acres after saying farewell to her friends. She jokes with you about this and that as you get closer, an energy-filled Applebloom darting down from the road. ”Oh Applejack it’s just great! Have you seen it yet? Have ya?”

”Hold on there sugarcube, what’re you on about?”

”It’s- It’s amazing. I don’t know how you done it.” She looks to you in confusion and you just shrug your shoulders. ”You got to see, ya just gotta.”

She pulls Applejack by the hat towards the barn and you can’t help but laugh as Applejack tries not to ruin it. Her visions obstructed the whole way there, led only by Applebloom and yourself. You smile as you get closer to the barn, Applebloom freeing her once inside the house. ”Now will ya tell me… what…”


”Holy…” She stands slack jawed in the face of her new house. The old floorboards have been replaced with freshly cut pine and the walls have been renovated and touched up. The old lighting fixtures have been replaced along with the kitchen appliances, putting the kitchen back on par with any back in Canterlot. ”How did-“

”It goes like this for the whole house! Even the barn’s redone!” Applebloom cheers galloping up the stairs.

“Don’t run too fast, you’ll trip and fall.”

”Alright!” she yells from upstairs. You just shake your head as Applejack looks at you. “Kids these days. So… Whaddya think?”

”How? I don’t understand.”

“I asked the Princess for a favor while we were back in Cloudsdale. I just needed to get you all out of the place so they could work.”

”That’s why my folks off in Appleloosa wanted to see the rest of ‘em.”

“Yep. I wanted it to be a surprise, and a thank you.”

”Anon… How could you afford this?”

“I saved every bit you paid me, simple.”

She looks around one more time admiring the gift. ”I- I don’t know what ta say.”

“You don’t need to say a word.”

She grabs you and pulls you in tightly for a hug. ”Thank-“

“Shhh,” you shush her, “Not a word.” You stay there for a spell and let it sink in.

Today was a crystal day.