• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 3,608 Views, 77 Comments

To Be Human - Bastinator

Death is a part of life that no one wants to think about, but he's not so fond of it either. After an eternity of work, Death finds Rainbow Dash, but instead of taking her away, he decides to stick around and find out what it means to be 'H

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Chapter 13: Crimson Wastes

How many ways can one express how they feel? Must it be vocal, or can it too be a silent gesture? If so, there must be thousands of variations, each differing in the most minute of details but portraying an entirely different image. And of all the thousands, the hundreds of thousands that you can choose from, you chose laughter. “Tartarus,” you finish your chuckling and grab the book from Pinkie’s grasp. “They could have chosen to venture in Lake Whinny or take a wander along the green’s of a trotting path… but no, Tartarus.”

You can’t help but grin as you look down at the pages of the book, but you’re unsure why? You are not happy about this situation. It does not bring you joy. Great hazards surround those fillies, and yet you have chosen to laugh… A churn of your stomach is all it takes to wipe away the stranger’s smile. ”Do you think this is funny?” Twilight responds to your improper reaction, “These girls are in danger and you- you laugh?”

For the first time since the Gala Rainbow steps up in your defense, “He’s just as shocked as we are. He just- doesn’t know how to put it in words.”

“These’re our kin, Anonymous. We gotta to help ‘em.” Don’t get involved. Once you do, they will tear you apart. No, they’re your friends. They would never- Wouldn’t they? Just keep reading that book of yours and let them sort this out. That’s sure to go over well.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Pinkie lunges up with a raised hoof only to fall back down and scratch her head, “How do we get there?” The foolish- no. The innocent mare thinks to go to Tartarus? They have no idea what lurks beyond the veil of their world. Stitchers, Umbras, Abominations, the souls of the damned… each fixed in a state of perpetual hunger. Your friends would be the perfect dish.

You look up to find Twilight before you, “Give me the book, Anon.” You can see the drop. It’s slow at first, each second dropping by another notch with alarming speed. Looking to the others only proves what you have already assumed, each one utterly plummeting to a single digit. Is it fate, or is it their own free will? Always was one of the fuzzier subjects. You don’t wish to see them die… but it is no longer your choice. You hand over the book.

“You will not last a day in Tartarus,” you give a warning as you walk back to the front door, looking back. “None of you will.”

Determination does not fade from their hearts however and your warning falls on deaf ears. “We must win.” Rarity sticks up her chest beside Applejack. “And as uncouth as it sounds, we must –acheem- We must kick some flank for our sisters.”

“Yeehaw, I think I like ya more and more every minute, lass.” Rarity pushes up her curls in a blush at the compliment. Even Fluttershy seems to be willing to go, the coward of- She is not a coward. Fluttershy is… shy- and a coward. Silence.

Twilight takes charge of this group, and while she may be a strong leader, she is not qualified. “After all the time you’ve spent with us, you still doubt us. Our friendship is tougher than any force in Tartarus.” She steps in front of her five friends, Pinkie having trouble staying in one spot as per usual. “We may not be fighters, but we’ll fight to keep our friends and family safe. We stopped Nightmare Moon and saved Equestria from everlasting night.” Don’t laugh. “And we can save them now.”

Fools all of them. They think they have a chance in Tartarus, all because they ‘defeated’ Nightmare Moon. The thought lingers that you should tell them the truth… but it is not the time or place. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack… Rainbow Dash. Rainbow… she is the only one who bears the second thoughts in her eyes, if you can perform such a feat. She is the only one who is listening to reason. If Death himself says you will not last one day, you should not question it.

“We should listen to Anon, girls,” Rainbow Dash leads them in the right direction. Each one looks to her as if she had said ‘buck the Wonderbolts…’ Wait a second-

“You ain’t turning filly on us now, are ya Dash? We need ya.”

“No, not at all. I’m all for heading straight down to Tartarus as you guys,” she backs off with a lie, “but Anon has never lied to us. If he says we won’t make it-”

Twilight interrupts her, “But we will make it. Anon hasn’t been thinking clearly these past few days,” she turns, now glaring at you. All the work it took to turn her to your side and it collapses in a heap of wasted effort, like a Jenga pile. Jeng- by Tartarus you hate this pain. Then release it. ‘Fat chance.’ “Anon told me he thought that ponies in Canterlot were heartless, in his own way, that they didn’t care about their fellow pony. I’m from Canterlot, Anonymous. You don’t know anything about us.”

“And you know nothing of Tartarus!”

Air catches in her throat, all of their throats at your outburst, but it is well deserved. “S-sugarcube.”

“Do not. I say, do not, ‘sugarcube’ me. This is neither the time nor place.” You look to Twilight who is still trying her best to appear as their fearless leader. More on the fearful side at this point. “Go! Venture into Tartarus if you see it fit. See how that fares for you. Then I shall tend the farm in Applejack’s stead; run this library and Rarity’s boutique, bake sweets in Pinkie’s memory and care for Fluttershy’s animals. There will be no one left to do this once you’re gone.”

So angry, you have to stop it- You can’t stop anger. Stop it, purge it, it’s all the same. Control… learn to control yourself. Even after your outburst, Twilight attempts to speak, “We- we stopped Nightmare-”

“Ah yes, I had almost forgotten your grand journey. This is sarcasm, because I, in fact, do remember. I remember the challenges you faced along the way. A rockslide, a peeved beast, a serpent’s mustache… Nothing.”


“Ms. Moon still had a heart, a conscience. It was never her intention to kill any of you. I have no eyes and yet I see the truth clearer than you, how is that?” You don’t give her a moment to answer. “The beasts of Tartarus want one thing. You. Not everlasting night, not a party or a fancy dress…” They don’t care, those creatures. A friend to you is just another dish to them. You lean against the door, a drain sapping you of your strength to stand. Wood… You always like how it felt, especially the polished variety. Your finger just glides across the surface… “Please,” you mutter under your breath, “If you were to ever take my advice, do so now. Do not go to Tartarus.”

You look to Dash for a measly second, unable to bear seeing the number rest above her head, unchanged. “We have to go.”

“You don’t understand,” Twilight shakes her head. “They’re family to us. We have to save them.”

“And I have none, is that it?” you question, a legitimate one at that, not one that is said to prove one’s point. “To be Frank, a pony whose name I do not know, you are the closest thing to a family I have had.”

You hear one of them approach, looking up to see Rainbow Dash, “And what if it was one of us in Tartarus?”

“That’s different,” your voice but a whisper.

“Would you come for one of us?”

As Death, it is a certainty that you would come for them, but as a human… Strange, you think with a smile, you did not expect that answer. “Yes, I would.”

”Then help us.” You straighten your back, all eyes locked on you. “You know more about Tartarus than any of us,” Rainbow Dash whispers to you. Knowledge is a powerful thing, but it is useless when unable to be put to action. You are thankful that yours has the correct vessel.

You straighten your tie and walk towards Twilight, towering over her as you have always done, “Can you help us?”

“If I do, then I do not want any banter, any of this ‘sass’ that a child gives to their parents. You will listen and you will obey. Is that understood?” Twilight doesn’t respond but nods all the same, and that’s enough for you. “Very well then. I will join you in your quest as I have in the past, but we leave at once.” You allow Miss Dash and Miss Sparkle next to you but raise your hand when the others attempt to approach. “It is unwise for you to join us.”

”And who might that be exactly?” Rarity adds with a ‘fire’ in her voice.

“The rest of you. I cannot guarantee your safety should I have six ponies to watch over.” You do understand her reluctance to stay behind, ‘believe it or not.’ An emotional uprising rampages within her, even more so with dearest Applejack, given how important family is in their daily ritual.

“So ya want the lot of us to twiddle our hooves while the three of ya rescue our kin? Who do ya take me for?”

“Anon knows this place, Applejack,” Miss Dash comes to your aid. “If he says it’s too dangerous for all of us, he’s right.”

No, that was not the aid you were looking for, AJ raising a brow, “How in tarnation would Anon know about Tartarus?” It has been a long while since you watched atop the Obsidian Tower with The Guard, but Tartarus… Tartarus never changes…

You look down to Twilight’s own curious glance, “How do you know?”

“Because I’ve been there.” All you wanted in this life was a vacation. Nightmare Moon you could wave off, Scootaloo’s forest adventure was not. Then you found headaches and nightmares, but still you persisted. This was to be your last night, your final day. It’s a shame that the vacation you sought still out of your reach. “Miss Sparkle,” you call out to her once again, “Do you believe you can recite the same incantation that the fillies might have used?”

You allow her to sift through the pages in search for the ritual, but should she take too long you will be forced to use more… compromising, methods to get to Tartarus. “How do you know they used a spell?” one of the ponies asks, your mind too- What’s the word? Bogged? The correlation between the two is not as devoid as you had thought.

“The Gates of Tartarus would require the fillies to traverse the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy said that her animals saw no pony enter, is that not correct?”

Fluttershy nods before Twilight perks up with a shout, “I found it!” This is fortunate; you did not wish to travel to Tartarus the other way. “It’s far different than any spell I’ve cast before, but I think I can cast it all the same.”

“Very well, let us be on our way.”

Twilight clears your surroundings, the rest of your friends standing back at a safe distance, “Ya sure you don’t want us to come along?”

“I’ll keep them safe,” Rainbow Dash poses a false smile, a true one would not be appropriate given the circumstances. “All three of them will be right behind me when we get back. Don’t worry.” They are right to worry. Ponies are unequipped for the horrors that lie beyond the veil of life. Many have tried to explore the forbidden realm, only to fall to the corruption within. You must ensure they do not follow suit. Suit, why must these words encompass multiple meanings. It is not efficient.

The wisps of air begin to form around the three of you as Twilight begins her incantation, muttering the words to herself. They glide through your fingers as you raise a hand, the wind caressing the skin between each digit, a marvelous sensation. It is short lived however as the speed picks up, the simple breeze transforming to a gale, the strength of which almost knocking your caster over. Trudging through the violent gusts you hold her down, the fillies likely having clung together merely to stay afloat, like a sailor in a hurricane.

You attempt to look back to the others, tendrils of light swirling about the three of you in a sphere, each spiraling at speeds that your own Rainbow Dash would marvel at. “Stay back!” you shout over the howling winds at Applejack as she stepped forward, her retreating motion ensuring her safety. One by one the four ponies’ numbers rise and return to their previous state, the metaphorical weight lifted from your shoulders.

Your head snaps down to your feet as the feeling spreads, moving from your chest down to your toes, a gap appearing between you and the floor and you… fly. You look to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, the latter flailing her hooves at her unintended flight. Twilight remains calm and continues. This is how it feels- to ascend in this form, complete weightlessness. It is incredible! Now you understand how Miss Dash must feel when she takes the sky as her own.

”How much longer?!” Dash hollers to Twilight whose eyes have now opened. It’s in this moment that the unicorn realizes that, yes; she is floating mid-air and soon joins the crazed leg motions of her peer. Twilight’s lips move to answer her, but no words seep from her mouth. You wonder if your ears had lost their tune, but both of them seem to realize her loss of voice as well. In fact, all noise has ceased and the world has gone white, not a blinding white that is, not yet at least.

Turning your head you find nothing but the vast openness of light. It is almost time. You hover over to the two of them, holding them both by the neck. You speak to them, your words answering to them on a channel that they cannot possibly comprehend. You speak to their souls, not to their ears that they have accustomed to. “Close your eyes and minds. Until I speak again, you shall not open them. This you must do for me.” With hesitation they nod, your instructions absolute in nature.

Weight returns to you, all of you but you no longer stand in the confines of a library. Neither do you stand at Tartarus’s gate. Twilight… No one gets it right the first time. Practice, after all, enhances performance.

The gates are as proud as ever, the clouds casting their blinding light to all who would look upon them. Should their eyes have been open, they might have lost their sight entirely, a cruel punishment, without a doubt, but a just one for those who look upon the land that they have not yet earned. Then why is it that you are allowed to look? A malicious joke to the core of your being. You lead many to these gates, those that deserve the reward that lies beyond. What reward have you been given for your eternity of service? A land of horrors warped and depraved that serves as a task itself, a garden of thorns that spreads like a weed that you must hold in line. That is your reward?

You sigh and turn away from the golden gates and their precious reward. You are not a member of the living. You harbor no soul to gain a prize. A servant to life, and nothing more. By the neck you lead them away to a land that would more willfully harm their bodies than their eyes, to the steps. The clouds here have grayed, each bundle darkening the closer you get to the steps, the closer you get to Tartarus. “The danger has passed,” you whisper, the two opening their eyes.

“Wha- Where are we?” Twilight asks as she spins about in utter confusion.

“The land above. A mistake in the incantation led us here, but I have brought us to a safer place.” You chuckle at that last part, an ironic phrase. “We must venture down.” Both of them look around for the place you speak, finally following the point of your finger to the stone bricks that descend further into the darkening clouds.

“Down- down there?” a shiver rolling up Twilight’s spine.

“The girls are down there somewhere.” Rainbow nods with a determination- that you rarely see. “We’re going to get them back.”

“And the first step is before you… Will you take it?”

“Of course I’ll take it. Let’s go, Twilight.” Rainbow goes first and with a little prodding from you Twilight soon follows. The pillows of gray that hug the spiraling stairs of rock darken even still, blackening to their core of shadow, the first sign of thorns finding root within them as well. The stone too appears to change. While the first few steps appear pristine with the most minor of scuffs, the further you descend the more flaws begin to appear. Cracks and fissures become more evident and they can be seen to have worn with age.

This whole place has gone to Tartarus, an ironic phrase. This is Tartarus, doom incarnate. Even still, there has always been a certain appeal to this place. It’s quiet, you guess and there’s… Hmm, is that all you can muster? Land of the damned indeed. “So this- this is Tartarus?” you hear Twilight ask as she continues down, the unnatural features around her planting the first seeds of doubt within her.

“We have not reached it yet. We stand upon the Steps of Ascension, the bridge between two worlds.”

“Doesn’t look like much of a bridge to me,” Miss Dash’s voice trails up to you.

“When I said bridge-”

“I know what you meant.” You almost smile… of course she does. She knows you better than you might know yourself. Interesting proposition that.

Twilight is not sated with this answer it would seem by further questioning. “What does the bridge, the step bridge- Steps-” It’s humorous to see her vigorously shake her head about in bewilderment. Is it a bridge, or are they steps? They act as steps, but also a bridge. A Step-Bridge would be far more accurate. “Guh!” It seems she has given up on the naming section of her question, “Where does -it- go?”

“Why, Twilight Sparkle, I do not know what this -it- is, and I most certainly do not know where this unknown entity goes.”

She stops to leer at you a moment before continuing down the steps, the space surprisingly bright despite the sheer gloom of our surroundings, “You know what I mean.” Astute as always. Yes, you do know where she means.

“The Steps lead from Tartarus to the land beyond. It comes by many names, each culture granting it a different title. Valhalla, Nirvana, Rapture, The Beyond, The Afterworld. Each a unique label and each ends on the same golden gates. Heaven, comes to mind.”

“Heaven…” Yes, Heaven. That’s what you just said. Why has she repeated it? You pick up the pace, the mare always seemingly just around the corner and- Is that a notepad? How has she managed to sneak a note taking device past you?

“Where did you obtain your writing instrument, Miss Sparkle? I thought you had not the time?”

“Well,” she grins meekly, “Pinkie likes to store balls; I like to keep paper and quills around the house.”

Not alone in your curiosity, Rainbow turns her head, “You keep that stuff in your dress too?”

“You never know!” her unconvincing cheer might work on others, but to Dash and yourself, she may as well be speaking to a wall. They hardly change their position.

“I do hope that this insistent note taking will not get in the way of our search, Miss Sparkle.”

“I know why we’re here. You don’t need to tell me.”

Good, because we are almost there. You can see the faint glow of red upon the steps now, Dash too noticing it. “We’re close?”

“Very, and Miss Sparkle?”

She only picks up the pace at your words, bounding downwards two, maybe three steps, at a time. You close the gap between you. “Yeah? Whoa-” Grabbing her by the tail you pull her back on the steps, her excitement almost driving her off to the earth below.

“Watch your step.”

“You could’ve told me earlier.”

“You didn’t ask,” you reply with a shrug as you glance back over the wastes. Maybe not a waste, different all the same.

Vast sweeps of red cross the land almost like that of an ocean, the crimson red of grass serving as waves, thick bushels lying still, no breeze to push them along. “Are those- trees?” Miss Dash asks, her mental image of this land likely crushed. Dotting the landscape are indeed multiple trees, but they are not those that she has taken a slumber upon.

“Ash trees, I believe they are called. Their roots can spread for miles around, lingering upon the surface. Never shall you see two beside another for long.”

You move Twilight along, having to tear her away from her precious notes so you can proceed on this quest. “So they’re just like trees in a desert?”

“Come again, Miss Sparkle?”

”Desert trees. They keep shallow roots to ensure their survival and to absorb water.” This must be where her reading comes to play. Perhaps you too should pick up this hobby. Valuable information lies in those bundles of scribbled paper.

“In a way they are similar. In others, they are not.”



“How are they different?”

“Twilight, we need to focus,” Dash ‘fixes her wagon.’ Now that is a phrase that simply makes no- Nevermind, you get it now. Interesting how each statement houses some truth, no matter how strange.

Peeking over the edge, Twilight does not relent, “We have plenty of time, Rainbow Dash.” You cast your gaze off to the side at that very thought. They have plenty, but the crusaders may not. It is not a matter of hours they have been gone, but days. Time is a funny thing after all. A minute in the living world is an hour here, and we had been at the gala for hours… The thought is unpleasant. You can only hope the Guard had picked them up, but you must search regardless. ”So Anon… How are they different?”

“Still you do not relent? Some might consider that admirable, but still, others think it a curse. Both, maybe?” Awaiting her answer still? Why yes, she is. You are speaking to Twilight Sparkle after all. Her curiosity is without equal. Only your own may surpass her. “Look up,” you motion to the sky, “You see the clouds yes? They remain black but without a drop of moisture within their thorned interior. No rain falls in this place; that is how they are different.”

“But if there’s no rain, why do they have roots?”

By the perk of her head you can see that Rainbow Dash is the first to solve the riddle, “You don’t want to know.”

“They get their nutrients from a different source.” That is the last you say as you continue on, letting Twilight solve this conundrum herself.

You savor the moments of silence as you continue down the steps. ”I still don’t get it.” Her innocence will harm her one day.

Each step brings you closer to the ground, the mountains that rest at your back seemingly growing as you continue downwards. Perspective is a perplexing wonder, able to alter one’s entire view, not just the physical one but their personal bias as well. How might you see this land anew? ”Uhh, Anon?” Dash calls out to you, “Do you mind coming up here for a second?”

“Posthaste.” Now where did that word come from? Squeezing past Twilight you stand behind Rainbow Dash, strangely the one who leads your group. Surely you are more qualified. “I am present.”

“We’ve got a problem,” she nudges toward the steps, or rather, the lack of them. You look over the edge finding not more stairs, but merely the earth below. A brown structure rests near the shattered base, a tent of old, vacant by the looks of it.

“Indeed. It is most difficult to step where one’s feet, or hooves, cannot be set. It is lucky that you be blessed with wings.”

She flares the twin limbs of hers in a stretch, perhaps. “I can fly here, right? Nothing is going to snatch me out of the sky?” You do not answer straight away, and her face darkens for it, “Then how am I supposed to get down?”

“There are creatures in this place capable of flight,” answering her at last, “but you needn’t worry of their involvement. Most take to slumber in heights beyond our search. Even should they awaken, I have no doubt in your capacity to lose them in the sky.”

She brightens at your smile and praise, flapping her wings until she’s hovering just beside Twilight and yourself. Speaking of… “Well how do I get down?”

You scratch your chin now that you look at her, “Can’t you just do that magic thing where you pop out somewhere else?”

She speaks of teleportation, a most dangerous magic, even for a trained sorceress. “I don’t think I can make it all the way down there.”

“Tis a shame you lack wings presently, else this obstacle be merely a breeze against you.”

Twilight soon smacks herself in the head for some reason, “Duh, you can carry me Rainbow Dash.”

“In a dress? You’ll get caught in my wings, and we’ll both be in trouble.”

“Yes, it is a most dangerous thing. We do not wish to doom her to stay in this place permanently.”

Taking one last look over you nod to yourself, “So what’s the plan?” Leaning down you sweep Twilight off her feet, the mare gasping at your sudden movement, “A-anon?”

“I would tighten your grip, Miss Sparkle.” Her hooves lock around you and you smile reassuringly. “Perhaps you should close your eyes as well.”

“I’ll try and slow you two down,” Dash moves behind you while avoiding your gaze, a strange tone in her voice. “On three?”

“On three?” Miss Sparkle nods and you line yourself with the edge. “One… Two…”

“Wait I’m not-”

“Three.” A bit too late you suppose as you speed down to the ground with her in your arms, her grip tightening more than you expected. You are glad you do not require air as she does. Dash clings to your back as she tries to hold on, but as she expected the ends of Twilight’s dress cast themselves to her face. It is troubling to fly when you cannot see. Distracted as Twilight is you take the time to focus, concentrating on the surface you hope to land upon, the familiar breeze absent among the rush as you continue to plummet.

Without further delay you find weight returned to you, your landing silent- except for Twilight as she continues to squeal in your ear. Thankfully she is silenced by Rainbow Dash who shoves a hoof in her mouth after untangling herself from your backside. “He only has two them, and I don’t like repeating myself.”

“What?” you try and face her, only managing to twirl about in place.

She hops off you and shakes her head, “You’re hopeless… Ughh!” She returns to the air in a ‘jiffy’ wiping her hooves. “Something’s touching me.”

“It appears to be only yourself.” Twilight calms down in your grasp and you finally allow her to stand only to have her leap back into it in fright.

“Ahh! I felt it too.” You unbury your head from her mane and pull her off, “It grabbed my hooves.” Yes, you’re sure it did. For safe keeping you walk over to the base of the steps, now a mere pile of rubble with a gray hue. Needless to say, Twilight is all too happy to stand on them rather than the grass. “It was all grimy and clung to my hooves,” she remarks with a shiver. You look over to the tent, the pitiful thing. Gashes cut into the roof, patches of leather bound across the surface like a bandage for an injured calf. “This place… It’s nothing like I expected.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles at the thought, “You’re telling me.” A couple seconds later you hear a thud, turning to find dear Miss Sparkle’s notepad to have finally reached the ground. “Hey…” its owner pats her dress as the quill comes hovering down as well, “That’s mine.”

“I believe this is why saddlebags were made,” you note as you walk back over and pick it up, the strands of grass seemingly lunging at your hand as it approaches. A subtle growl all it takes to make them retreat. “Be more careful with this one. I will not come back for it.”

She nods with a smile as she holds it close to her chest like one would a gift. To her it must hold great importance. Her whole life must have been bound to the many pages in that book. Not just that book of course, but… Well you understand. Rainbow Dash sets down at the top of the pile, a small tower still standing in its center as she looks around, “It’s so big.”

That’s what she- “Umhnnmmm…”

Twilight topples back at the sudden noise and Rainbow Dash’s eyes are plastered to the tent, its folds rippling and slowly tossing about. “Anon… I think-”

“Yes. I know.” Your state of calm hopefully will find its way to her as it had to Scootaloo once before. “You will be safe.” You don’t know that. You do. Just look at those numbers jumping about- She will make it. You don’t- Yes. You. Do.

Turning around you face the tent, only turning your head when you hear Twilight sneak closer, the bits of stone grinding across one another. “Sorry.” She says that and yet she moves closer, notepad brandished. Silly ponies, you think to yourself.

“Come out of hiding, face the air.” You spy bits of brown fur from the cuts along the tent, a pale brown, its color washed away much like the blood in its veins. More movement, rustling and turning in the small confines it finds itself in. The tent is twice the size of any normal pony, only coming a heads-length shorter than yourself. The creature must be quite large and bulky… and remarkably slow. “I said-” you start out, far harsher in tone this time only to be stopped by another.

“Know what you said…” it comes off as a groan, a soft voice yet gravely as well. “I come at my own time.” His hooves step out first followed by a pair of gray horns that spread to the side. His eyes are a pale gold, drowned out through the years you would assume from the thin frame he has for a buffalo. He wears a black robe, scorched with only faint marks of silver revealing its former color that falls from his body, likely dressed when he was moving about. It covers most of his slim form, a simple bandana covering his mouth. His eyes wander over you in inspection, “Haven’t seen one of you before.” When he turns to your friends the bandana lifts a hair, “Ponies… Heart still beating I see.”

There is a hunger in his eyes, one all those like him share but also within those orbs are control, something you seem to lack. “I haven’t seen a living soul in… How long’s it been? Uh, too long.”

Twilight, who has been shaking like a leaf speaks up, “Who- are you?”

Your hand twitches at the movement of his hoof, untrusting of his motivations. Alas, he simply moves his hoof to untie his bandana revealing the cracked smile behind it. Pressing a hoof to his chest he bows his head as best he can, “I am Wild Hoof, Guardian of the Steps and resident of this land you call Tartarus, welcome to all, living and dead.” His eyes travel over you with that last part and you furrow your brow, driving his eyes to the others. “Who might you be?”

Twilight is able to stand straighter after his introduction, his innocent smile and elderly features granting a familiarity to her. “I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is Rainbow Dash and Anonymous. Glad to-”

She moves to shake his hoof only to be blocked by your hand, this ‘Wild Hoof’ chuckling at your defensiveness, soon turned to a cough. “Anonymous- *cough cough* -is skeptical of me. He is wise, listen to him.”

Rainbow Dash joins her, tentatively landing on the grass even when it clings to her, “Not to ruin your little conversation, but we’re here for a reason Twilight. Remember?”

“Of course I remember, it’s just…” So easily brought off track. At least your curiosity does not endanger yourself.

“Wild Hoof,” you address the elderly buffalo that turns to you, “We come seeking three fillies, each of a different race but pony all the same. Have you seen anything of the sort?”

His lips scrunch together as he rubs his jaw, “Fillies? Tartarus isn’t a place for them. Why would you bring them here?”

“You accuse me you insolent-” Dash grabs you by the shoulder before you do anything rash.

“What Anonymous means is that he didn’t bring them, right?” You unclench your hand and sigh as she whispers, “It’s okay. We’ll find them.”

“It’s not my fault, Rainbow.”

“I know.” Lies… She blames you- Quiet.

”Have you seen them?” Twilight asks on your behalf.

He begins shaking his head only to stop and nod, “Ahh yes, I do believe I have. Little ones wind up in the strangest of places. Why I once new a calf, little thing…”

“Where did they go?”

“Ehh what? It was only the one calf.” You’re going to kill this buffalo, giving him a fate worse than this.

“Where did the fillies go?” Rainbow helps you out, asking so you don’t have to finish him.

“Oh them. Yes, I told them, yes I did. I said no girls should be out this way. Told ‘em to head…” he turns around… and keeps turning… and turning. “Oh feathers.” He forgot. The damned fool forgot where he sent them. “That way! I almost forgot for a minute. My mind isn’t what it’s been.”

“Yes,” you grit your teeth, “I understand that quite well.”

Rainbow Dash looks off in the direction he designated, “Let’s get going, they’re counting on us.” You nod to her, wishing to leave this place as soon as possible, except Twilight has other ideas.

“Mr. Wild Hoof. If I could take a moment of your time there are some questions I want to-”

“Acheem! Twilight, we are waiting.”

“Oh I know this’ll only take a minute-”

“Now.” Your voice bordering on a growl at this point, your anger flaring at her continued disobedience.

“Okay, you’re right. Let’s get going.”

You make it a couple feet before Wild Hoof speaks again. “The both of you should find better clothing. What you have will not last for long.” That’s- a fair warning. You will heed his advice soon, once you have gone on your way.

“Wild Hoof, stand vigilant.”

“And yourself, Anonymous.” An old buffalo… How long has he- It matters not, he has his duty and you have yours.


The steps never seem to end as the three of you continue to traverse the plains with no end in sight. You begin to suspect he led you astray, but that cannot be the case. He may be a Lost Soul, but he contained himself in a most delicate manner. For one of his kind to guard the Steps? He must be of worthy make indeed. “Are you sure he sent us the right way?” Dash flies up higher, squinting to look that bit further but with no luck, “It’s just- nothing. How are we supposed to find them?”

“We could’ve gotten more information if Anon would’ve let me ask him some questions.” And let time find its way to corrupt the fillies? The chance is ‘fat.’ Now that is a phrase that still masks itself to you. Would that not make it a large chance?

“From that old coot? Good luck with that. Have you ever asked Granny Smith a question? Be glad if you haven’t. She goes on and on for hours and you still won’t get the answer you want.”

“Can’t you imagine it though? These are ponies from another time. Who knows what we can learn.”

“You learn not to come here and ask.” Your first word in a while grants a temporary silence before Twilight’s disbelief comes out in a huff. “You doubt me?”

“After how quick you are to judge ponies? Your judgment is questionable at best, always seeing in the worst in ponies…”

“I see what is there.” You shoot right back at her. “Should everyone adapt your eyes then they would be blind to the darkness that swells within.”

“Wild Hoof is just an old buffalo. What’s so different between him and I?” Once again, two ideals that battle each other, both unmoving. It is a fruitless conflict. “He helped us when he had no business to. He could’ve just let us be on our way or lied, but he decided to help.”

“Twilight, please. Anon just-”

“The difference,” you interrupt, “is that Wild Hoof was fated to Tartarus. He is not the first, nor will he be the last.” Even you are astounded by how calm you are, never ceasing a beat as you continue to walk. “The pure go above in the clouds of light; they are the ponies like you and Miss Dash. The others earned their fate here, each for their own reasons. You are different, but you refuse to see it. I wish no more to speak of this subject. Continue on.”

They follow, now leading them yourself. “It’s not all that bad,” Twilight mutters under her breathe.

“Then you know nothing, Miss Sparkle. Continue.”


Minutes pass, hours maybe if the time is known to you. It can only be felt in this place to be truthful. You may attempt to decipher the time using some algorithm, some calculation; there is no one who will stop you. You will not be the first to try and neither the first to fail. You force your legs to push harder as you walk upwards to the peak of a hill, the sky a pale yellow as it drifts among the clouds. If you train your sight you can almost see the breeze, blackened strands that wisp through the sky. Dangerous all the same.

“It feels like we’ve been walking for miles,” Twilight groans as you continue to ascend, an ash tree sitting at its peak like a tower.

“We have, but we can’t give up. We’ll find them.” This would be faster on your own, but you will not allow them to venture unprotected. Before long the three of you reach the top, Twilight falling on her flank at the tree’s base. “Twilight I wouldn’t-”

“The tree will not harm her, Miss Dash. One of the few things that won’t.” You continue along the top until you reach the edge, the hill revealing itself to be a cliff. In the distance you can see the ocean, or what would appear to be. ”The water’s purple?” Dash raises a brow in question, “What’s next?”

“You are mistaken to believe it to be water. That is the Ocean of Smoo and I would not recommend we get close enough for you to test it property.”

”Pfft… That’s a stupid name for an ocean.”

“True enough, but it is not an ocean. In fact you are staring at one of Tartarus’s most prominent residents. It’s been there for a long time, since before your Equestria was founded in fact.”

Rainbow continues to stare at the coastline, “This reminds me of when you took Han, Chewie and me across the ocean,” she whispers for only you to hear. Twilight is still catching her breath.

“I enjoyed the sight, but this sings a different tune.”

She smiles and looks up to you, “Looks like you’re getting better with those phrases.”

“Miss Dash… There is something I have been meaning to discuss with you. I wished to speak of it after the Gala but-”

“Let’s not talk about it, with all that’s happening it’s not the time. I promise, just wait until after this is over and we’ll talk about it for days if you want. Okay?” A fair enough proposition. If you told her now that you were to leave- You are unsure how it would affect her search. On the bright side, however, you would not have to travel far. ”It still reminds me of that day though. You and me, the cliff, the ocean, the villa- Anon there’s a village down there!”

“Did somepony say a village?”

“Where?” you look following her hoof, finding a small assemblage of buildings next to the Ocean. “There? Strange, souls know better than to stay so close to the Smooze.”

“I thought you said it was Smoo?”

“Different names, same creature. Terrible manners if I recall.” Gave Tartarus quite a fright when it moved in, but you found it a place and it hasn’t moved since. Must like the schools.

“If the girls headed this way, then they must’ve seen it as well! They’ll have headed that way for sure.” What she says is true enough, but there is one problem, reaching it. “What’s wrong?” Those, you think to yourself as you peer down the cliff, barely noticeable amongst the rocky landscape below. Stitchers.

“To reach that village we must cross Sin Valley, home to one of Tartarus’ less receiving hosts. It is a dangerous path. I do not recommend it.”

“Can you get us through?” Miss Dash looks up to you, a need in her eyes. A need to see those girls safe. A good mother she would make, without a doubt.

“I believe I can, but you must stick to me like glue and stay ready to flee.”

“I’m not one for running,” she admits, “but alright. Let’s go.”

“Where’re we going?” Twilight groans, both of you looking over to see her ‘dopy-eyed.’

Dash manages a chuckle but you do not, “How much did she have to drink?”

You rush to her side and stare into her eyes, Twilight lazily leaning back to keep the distance, “Whoa… You’re fast.”

“Is she… drunk?” Twilight attempts to mirror you as you try to look behind her, the mare finding great pleasure in this, but you soon grow tired and pull her up, finding small thorns in her flank. “What’re those?! Is she poisoned?”

“Not this day,” you pluck the few that stung her from her rump, setting her away from the tree this time. “The stickers of an ash tree have a numbing quality. Those who seek its fruit will fall into a stupor, eventually falling unconscious so its roots may drink.”

Rainbow Dash holds her up so she doesn’t topple over, the Pegasus quite worried for her friend, “Will she be alright?”

“Now that the thorns have been removed she will quickly recover. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah I guess,” she doesn’t really think about it and holds Twilight close. “I thought the tree was one of the few things that wouldn’t harm her.”

“It is,” you reply, standing on your toes to grasp one of the few dangling ash fruit that hides within the gray bushels of leaves. “The thorns merely drive its victim unconscious. Abominations generally finish the job for it.”

“Does everything here want us dead?” she shivers at the thought. It must be a shock for her.

“And Miss Twilight said this place ‘wasn’t all that bad.’ If only she could see herself now. Ash fruit?” You hold out a lime specimen, quite resembling the fruit in fact, the only difference being the black spots that wrap around it. She takes in and looks up, silently asking if it’s safe. “Ash Fruit is quite nutritious believe it or not. The Guard harvests these when they can and feed it to the prisoners of Frostbite.”

“Alright, if you say so.” The two of you touch fruit before taking a bite, bits of juice leaking from the puncture. Both of your eyes go wide at the taste. You had thought the ash tree had gotten its name from its leaves that resemble the color of ash. You did not realize it was because its fruit tasted of an ash tray. Most unfortunate.

Despite the taste you force Rainbow Dash to finish her fruit so that she might sate her stomach. You did not lie about the nutrition however. It could do with some sugar, and by some you might want add the entirety of Sugarcube Corner. She even force-fed a piece to Twilight which made her spring right back up to her old self. “UGH! What’d you make me eat?” It was quite entertaining.

“Ash fruit. It’s a Tartarus delicacy apparently.”

“Very true. Care for another, Miss Sparkle?”

”No!” she shouts, backing away in fright, “I just want to keep moving.” That is something all of three of you can agree on and with you in the lead, you follow the cliff down towards Sin Valley. Twilight scratches her rump on the way down, “Did I get something on my flank?” Dash looks to you and snickers, only alarming the poor mare, “What? What’s on my flank?”

“Nothing is attached to your backside any longer, my little pony. There is not a need to worry a hair on your flank.”

She sighs in relief only to perk back up, “What do you mean ‘any longer?’” Strange, you thought your words made the point remarkably clear. Perhaps you should allow the mystery to envelop her like the Everfree Trap? Ehh, perhaps not. Quite noisy they can get.

“You sat in a spot you should not have, but the threat has been dealt with, my word is yours.” Well it isn’t exactly. Your words are yours and- Yes you get it. The things that cross your mind- Yes, mine.

“If you think about it, you saved her life,” Rainbow Dash hands her praise to you, but it is not yours to own.

“I did no such thing. She was in no danger while in your company. I believe you would have kept her safe.”

Her cheeks adopt a reddish hue, the blush, your praise working well on her it would appear, “Yeah sure, but I wouldn’t have known what to do. You did.”

“And… what did Anon do to me exactly?” Why, you grabbed her by the flank and extracted small pieces from it… Perfectly normal. You peer over the cliff’s edge and plot a course to descend into Sin Valley. You can only hope its residents keep to their own.

“Well, you see Twilight-”

“I request you remove your dresses, both of you.” You look back to find Rainbow wide-eyed and even redder in the cheeks, Twilight’s mouth agape. Why do you think a slap is in order? Hmm, strange. “I might expect your ears dampened still, Twilight Sparkle, but to you, Miss Dash? Your ears should be as sharp as blades. Must I request once more?”

“N-no, I heard you,” she explains, half laughing and half a nervous chuckle, “I just don’t understand why. Especially in front of Twilight.” No response from the unicorn yet. A resurgence of the numbing toxin? Possible. Improbable, but wholly possible.

At last, she speaks. “I uh, didn’t think you’d make your mind up here of all places.” You raise a brow in what is the most utter state of confusion.

“Those who call this realm home bask themselves in clothing that covers their skin, fur and feathers. Your dresses do not do so.”

“Yeah, of course,” Dash smiles though still with a nervous chuckle, “Besides, flying or walking in these dresses isn’t very efficient. That’s it…” At least one of them sees the logic your words and you wait for them to disrobe, an odd sense of perversion finding you. It is an odd thing, are they not nude at all times, save for these occasions. Of course, this feeling is both illogical and inappropriate, you shall ignore it entirely. Soon enough they have stripped themselves but it is when you task them to tear these clothes apart do they protest.

“You can’t be serious. These- Rarity made these for us for the Gala. We can’t just tear them apart like tissue.”

“If it meant your safety then I assure you she would overlook the heresy in the act. If you question my orders again, this trip is over and I shall go on alone, sending the both of you to Ponyville. Am I understood?” You can imagine inside Twilight’s brain at present, wondering how it is you planned on sending her back. Another mystery that you harbor. She has the easiest time with her task, able to rip it into logical strips and wrap them accordingly… Rainbow on the other hand or hoof.

It is rather sad to watch her gnaw at the strands as she attempts to tie the uneven patches around herself. Magic would be preferable to wings now, would they not? Her eyes beg for aid, but her honor, her reputation that she works so hard to maintain, will not allow her to express it. So you must aid her, of course. You kneel beside her and continue the work for her, her beauti- her cerise eyes, giving their muted thanks. You take care not to injure her wings as you wrap her in the tattered remains of her dress. It is a shame. Her appearance within it was awe-inspiring. You find it rather disheartening that you shall never see her wear another again.

She cuts her breath as you wrap another around her stomach, the strips almost blending into her skin. Again her breath shortens at your touch, her eyes clenching as she calms her racing heart, “I’m fine.”

“I did not ask,” you point out, the mare grinning as she looks up and away.

“You didn’t need to.”

“You are a curious creature, if you’d mind the description. Few things seem to disturb you, unlike those your fellow ponies share. Despite our time together, I still somehow lack the ability to comprehend how it is your priorities have been placed. Confounds me it does.”

“It’s just- Oooh,” she sucks in her gut as you reach her chest, “Some things are more important to me than others.”

“I must wrap your wings as well I’m afraid.” She nods and allows you to continue, “Remarkable things these, many a Pegasus must be ‘green with envy’ over these.”

“So that’s why you’re green,” she chuckles, “I always wondered.”

“Actually I do not- Aha, a joke. Forgive my speed of thought, I am attempting to concentrate.”

“Of course… No time to chat. Gotta think of the girls right?” There again, the smile. It is an expression to show joy or happiness and at the same moment, it conveys a deeper pain within. It does not seem a common thing. You wrap the last pieces around her wings, your hand lingering on the last exposed stretch before ending the process by binding her neck. “Hey, Anon?”

“I do believe you are quite finished,” you push upwards and admire your handiwork. “A fine job I say. Twilight, could you ensure her outfit is fit for travel?”


“Yes, Miss Dash, do you require something else of me?”

A more genuine smile graces her face and you do declare it fits her better, “Nevermind.” Very good then, you take the first steps down the cliff, paving the way for the ponies behind you. Should you hasten your journey you will arrive at the oceanside village in a matter of hours.


You clench your teeth as you slide down the rocky cliff, shards of rock collapsing after you in a fashion that may draw you unwanted attention. “Are you alright, Anon? Rainbow, hurry up, we need to get down there.”

“Quiet,” you hush at them, but it is obvious you were not loud enough for them.

”I’m going as fast as I can, it’s not like I can fly anymore.” Her bandaged wings flare out as she hops further down.

“Silence your tongues,” a bit louder you call out this time, but still not loud enough.

“I thought you were the athlete here. Move your-”

“I said silence!” you almost shout, the outburst disrupting Twilight’s jump and landing her a one-way trip down the cliff side. “Dragon’s blood…” Rainbow Dash reaches out a hoof to help only to get dragged down along with her, the two speeding down like a pair of runaway chariots. You wait for them to get close enough and jump up, grabbing one in each arm and tucking them to your pits.

A trio of clicks hits your ears as you land and you quickly rush and kneel behind one of the many boulders that can be found scattered about. “Phew, thanks An-”

“Shh,” you hold your hand over Twilight’s mouth and peek around the corner, releasing the two of them in the process. A fog of dust conceals most of the site, but there is still enough to see those who might enter it. Twilight gasps when she sees the first one, Rainbow taking silence duty this turn. It looks like a pony, taller and slimmer however, its skin paler than any you might see in Equestria. No hair of course, it fell out long ago when the corruption had taken them. You can hardly spot the thin lines of black that piece the creature together, thread that’s been so delicately stitched that it earned them their name.

It looks over the site, lowering its elongated neck to the ground as two more crawl up behind it, each examining this new development. Twilight learns how to quiet herself at last, “What are they?”

“Stitchers. Souls lost to the corruption. Envious creatures, the loss of beauty a development they cannot cope with. They find the features of other animals… desirable. “

“They look just like…”


“Yes. Rarity would be a great prize for these monsters… We must leave at once, before they discover us.”

“No objections here,” Rainbow whispers as she turns to leave, a rock crunching beneath her. The stitchers freeze in place, their heads cracking over to your location in one swift motion.

“Go, now.”

The two of them slip away at your instruction, your back sliding up the rock as you wait. They have picked up your trail, and when they do, there is nothing that will stop their pursuit. Stitchers crave what others have. The color of their skin, their eyes, wings, their smell, anything. Your friends are not some prize for them to steal. They are yours.

A chill runs down your arm as you prepare yourself, preparing to end this second life of theirs in a single touch. A hoof touches the edge of your rock, claws sliding out of its edges to grasp it further. You raise your hand, ready. The crack of rock comes from afar, back to where they had come from and it is enough to draw their attention, but what caused this? Its claws recede back as it moves away, your arm lowering in turn. “Anon…” you hear Twilight whisper. “Over here.”

Lowering back down you sneak over to her only to be smacked in the chest, “Don’t make us worry like that.”

“It was for your safety to leave. Where is Miss Dash?”

Akin to the timing of a clock, she returns with her hooves covered in the dusty remains of stone, “Are you alright?” Are you alright? Is she mad?

“You risked your life to deviate them from their course. Do you realize how much danger you could have been caused yourself?”

“She saved your life,” Twilight replies for her, almost in disbelief that you are acting this way. She would not understand if she knew that you had no life to save.

“At the risk of her own? No. I will not allow it. My being here is to ensure that you both do not lose yourselves to Tartarus’ dangers. Think of yourselves, not of me.” Rainbow Dash opens her mouth but you will not have it. “I am nothing here. You matter, not I.” You take another glance around before continuing on, “We must hurry. This place is not safe.” They cannot be harmed. Rainbow cannot be harmed. You turn around, finding her still there, staring at you. “The girls are waiting for us, we cannot delay Miss Dash.”

”Yeah, of course. Sorry,” she bows her head and trails behind as you lead them through the territory of Sin Valley. You can only hope this to be your last encounter with these creatures. The next time might not end quite as well. And it will be your fault should they- You won’t let that happen. You can’t.