• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 2,852 Views, 38 Comments

My Little Gallade: Friendship is Bisharp - Tee Sion

Gallade and Bisharp were simultaneously transported to and unknown world due to Team Plasma's new weapon. They must do whatever it takes to survive and they find a strange town populated by strange beings, but they've seen worse...

  • ...

A Shocking Entrance!

"Need a little help?" A feminine voice spoke up, it was a Gardevior, behind it was a Klefki. I was amazed at our luck, we're about to get owned by a shiny Gyarados when suddenly a Gardevior shows up. Gyarados was badly hurt from that Thunderbolt, it struggled to move, but the poison along with the pain was hard to beat. I sighed and looked over at Bisharp, he was just as surprised as I was, Klefki dangled it's keys menacingly at the Gyarados. I was hurt bad, I could barely move, the Klefki used Thunder Wave at the Gyarados, who became paralyzed. The Gyarados finally gave up and just laid there, looking at us, still angry.

"It looks like you guys needed help, so we came in to give your some" Klefki said, floating towards me. I nodded.

"T-thanks for that by the way, we're lucky you came" I said, smiling.

"Just don't count on us being there all the time, we can't see everything, just like how we didn't see what teleported us here." Gardevoir stated, her blank expression unchanged.

"Yeah, it was a nice day, then we were blasted by this laser and then, HERE!" Klefki said excitedly, well it was only from the adrenaline.

"Anyway, how about we get you guys healed up huh?" Gardevoir obliged, she charged a Heal Pulse and released the pulse. I took a long breath at the feeling of being healed, my body feeling much less sore and more healthy. I stood up, along with Bisharp, thanking both of the ladies for their help. I heard a door open, and Twilight ran outside, the storm had cleared, and the Gyarados was resting quietly. I suspected the Gyarados was just mad that it was, without warning, blasted by a laser and sent here. They are mostly nice pokemon, they are meant to look fierce, but you just have to treat them the way you would want them to treat you.

"Gallade, Bisharp! Are you alright?! You looked really hurt!" Twilight said, she had a point, I WAS and LOOKED hurt, but I'm fine now. I reassured her that we were okay, but she didn't look to persuaded.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Pinkie asked, inspecting my body for damages. "HUUUUUUH! Oh no! Gallade you've got crazy long sword elbows! That must hurt really bad!"

"Pinkie Pie, those have been there ever since I was here, and you're just noticing?" She shook her head, I sighed and thought.

Now, what are the plans for getting out of here? I can't replicate the laser, or walk all the way back, nothing here is familiar!

"So, Gallade" Gardevoir started, "Did you get blasted by a laser too?" I nodded and told her about it.

"Well, if you didn't see, then you wouldn't have known that it was Team Plasma that did it." She and Klefki gasped. "Yeah, they really caught us by surprise, we were jet resting up, and then they arrived in a blimp and shot us."

I didn't notice Twilight eying the both of us intensely.

"You two REALLY look alike!" She blurted out. Everyone started at her and she blushed from the attention, but what she said got everyone to look at us, all except Bisharp and Klefki, they already knew.

"Ooooooh, it's like they're meant for each other!!!" Pinkie Pie said, causing the both of us to blush. Applejack stopped Pinkie Pie before she could tease us more.

"So, what now?" I said, it was a really good question, what now?

"Well, I suppose you could just start to get introduced around Ponyville!" Twilight said.

"Yeah, and then we can throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville, Pokemon!' party" Pinkie said excitedly, jumping around and babbling stuff to herself. Bisharp and Klefki stopped their conversation and agreed to the ideas. It wasn't a bad idea at all really except there was one problem.

"Everyone is afraid of us... Just look around" I said, there were closed curtains, hell, the doors were even boarded up. It was an awkward silence, but Twilight spoke up.

"Im sure they will just need to get used to you, it may take a while" She said, giving a sheepish smile.

"It will be fun! I bet there would be cake and parties and streamers!" Klefki shouted, shaking in excitement.

"OMG there WILL be all of that stuff!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVEEEER!!!" Pinkie screamed, walking with Klefki.

"Well, thats Klefki for you, always excited and ready to have fun" Gardevoir said.

"She's a lot like Pinkie Pie" There was a sudden sound of a door opening and I heard rapid foo- hoof steps. There was a small pony, tan colored fur and red hair, it had a piece of paper and a pen.

"Excuse me mister, will you sign this paper?" He said, with big eyes. I looked at the gang, they shrugged and I picked up the paper.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING MISTER!!!! GET AWAY FROM THAT MONSTER!!! IT WILL KILL YOU!" A voice spoke up, the small pony shrunk down and ran away from us, into it's house.

"Hey, you forgot the paper..." I said, weakly holding it up. The door slammed and I sighed.

"Well, I'm outta here" Bisharp said, he began to walk away, not looking back.

"Bisharp? Where are you going!" I said, walking over to him.

"I'm leaving this place, we don't belong here, you saw what just happened, we are classified as monsters. They obviously don't know what the hell we just did for them, and even if they did, we're still monsters that they should be afraid of!" He took a breath, "Come on, Gallade, I mean look around, no Humans, no Pokemon, nothing for us! We need to leave!"

"How would we do that? We were teleported her by a laser, we don't know where we are!" I said, Gardevoir walked up to us.

"Please, just stop this, it won't help" She got in between us, I stopped.

"Sorry, I just lost my temper there, i'm already homesick okay. I miss home, I don't like it here..." Bisharp said, this surprised me. He wasn't one to open up like this, or be so angry. I saw the clouds start whirling, making some kind of vortex. Everyone looked up, it was purple-ish with dark blue lightning. This was a problem.

"Lets go inside, you three can stay in my home for tonight, okay?" Twilight said, waving the rest of the gang goodbye.

"Are you sure? I mean I dont want to be a bother" Gardevoir said.

"No worries, I have a guest room"

"Wow, thanks Twilight! Now, lets get going" I rushed, it was staring to get cold out there.

The library/house was pretty nice, although this meant she was a librarian or an egghead obsessed with books. She walked us inside and stopped, she looked at Bisharp...

"Do you think you can put those away?" She said, pointing at Bisharps hands, well really it was his whole body.

"You mean these? Oh no no no, these don't go away, I can't do that. It's just part of my nature" Bisharp replied, shrugging and reassuring Twilight he wouldn't used them here. We walked inside of the guest room and I sat down on a chair, letting Gardevoir get the bed. Bisharp had no problem sitting on the floor, he would damage anything else.

"Sooo, umm, is there anything you need?" Twilight asked, we all shook our heads, "Well, goodnight then"



"Yeah, goodnight I guess"

Twilight shut the door, I groaned.

"Why did this happen to us" I said, expecting no answer.

"Well, it could be a project that Team Plasma is working on" Gardevoir stated. She walked over to the window.

"That's right, but what for? This place doesn't have pokemon or humans, so what's the big deal?" I walked over to her and leaned against the wall.

"Well, I don't know exactly what they're planning, but maybe it's some kind of way to trap pokemon here to capture them." She had a point, pokemon were often captured by bad guys like them.

"But why here? There is no place for them to refuge here, or even build anything. Unless we're supposed to be for some kind of invasion, I don't know what they have up their sleeves."

She didn't respond, I looked at the swirling clouds. Lighting of all colors bursted out from the sky, it would be awesome, if it weren't so supernatural. The lights and colors really brought out Gardevoir's beauty though, she looked up at me. I turned away quickly.

"G-goodnight..." I walked over to the chair and leaned back.


Man, this is going to be a wild adventure....

Author's Note:

Finally, a chapter is up now. Sorry for the shortness (Holidays and stuff) :twilightsheepish: