• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 5,433 Views, 197 Comments

The Chronicles of No One - Pr1me Sh0ck

A human displaced in time and space, no immediate hope of getting home, no friends to call his own and trapped in a body that is not his. Will he make it past the first day let alone the first week and how will he overcome the challenges he faces.

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Chapter 13: The flight and the friend

Chapter 13

Noah stepped through the doors of Ponyville hospital, his heavy hoofsteps alerting the nurse on reception to his presence.

“Hello and welcome to Ponyville Hospital, I’m Nurse Redheart, how can I direct you today?” the mare asked not looking up from her paperwork.

“Oh I’m just in for a check-up,” Noah jovially answered in a buzzing voice.

The nurse looked up from her work, a look of puzzlement crossed her face at the tall cloaked pony before her. Noah drew back the hood of his cloak, giving the mare a toothy grin. “No One,” Nurse Redheart exclaimed, “Almost didn’t recognise you, as hard as that may be to believe, how may I help you?”

“Oh well I’ve figured out I’m not hallucinating, and I’m not unconscious, and I’m still quite a long way from home,” he stated, “So I thought I might borrow that wonderful soundproof room you have and scream at the walls for another half hour, I should be fine after that.”

“You really like to scream at walls don’t you,” The nurse jested.

“Yeah, I suppose so, it’s a good way to get it all out of your system.”

“I might have to join you sometime and just scream.”

“Hah. Join me sometime and I can give you something to really scream about,” Noah replied quickly, a large smile upon his face as he stood oblivious to his own words.

The nurse’s jaw dropped, not expecting that sort of remark. Noah’s face fell as his mind clicked over and he realised what he had just said, his hoof found his face with another resounding thwack. “I’m sorry, that sounded didn’t even sound good in my head, I don’t know why I said that,” he mumbled.

Nurse Redheart gave a short laughed, her agape mouth reforming into an honest smile, “I haven’t had a chat like this in such a long time. It’s a welcome reprieve from all the uptight doctors.”

Noah let out a long breath, thankful that the nurse hadn’t taken offense to his quick tongue and slow mind. “Thanks,” he said softly, a warm smile replacing his previous grimace, “I’ll definitely owe you a favour.”

“Third corridor on your right and the sixth door on your left, I’ll come check up on you in about twenty alright,” she said with a wink.

Noah gave a few flustered huffs, stumbling through the double doors and making his way through the corridors. As the door to the white padded room closed with a soft click Noah gave a contented relaxed sigh, smiling for a moment, before screaming to the walls.

Nurse Redheart’s ears perked at the sound of muffled screams emanating from within the hospital, she gave a small chuckle, “Weird one he is,” she mumbled to herself, returning to the paperwork before her.

The earth pony maid trotted briskly through the halls of Canterlot castle, the clop of her hooves hitting the marble echoing down the long corridors. Two rights, a left and then another right, third door on the left, she thought to herself. As she arrived at the door she tidied her uniform up, brushing over the creases that had formed, and knocked politely.

Her hoof hadn’t struck a second time as the door was almost wrenched from its hinges, a wild eye Pegasus stood holding the handle, “Are you here from the Princess,” the blue mare demanded, “Well what did she say, can I deliver the report to Ponyville, can I fly with the Wonderbolts?”

The maid had trouble following the ecstatic Pegasus, from being in her face one second to flying tight loops in the doorway the next. Her saving grace came from another voice inside the suite, “Rainbow, settle down before ah take ya down,” came a southern toned threat.

“Ahh miss Rainbow Dash I presume,” the maid said calmly as the Pegasus dropped to her hooves, still wild eyed but much more subdued, “To answer your question yes, the Wonderbolts have agreed to let you deliver the preliminary report to Ponyville, if you would like to follow me, I shall show you to the courtyard.”

“No time for the scenic tour,” Rainbow exclaimed loudly, “Hold on tight.” She grabbed the mare around her barrel, holder her tight as she launched herself and her cargo into the air and out of the room through the balcony.

Down in the courtyard screams of distress could be heard emanating from the castle high above. As the source grew louder the noise began to unnerve the ponies who stood at attention. Moments later a rainbow streak delivered thoroughly frightened mare in front of the group, performing a tight loop before dropping down next to the mare, landing to face Princess Celestia.

“Isn’t she too reckless to be in the Wonderbolts?” Fleetfoot muttered to Soarin.

“I saw that as a calculated risk, besides, she has the raw talent to be one of us,” Soarin whispered back.

“Raw talent’s nothing if she can’t control it or herself,” Fleetfoot hissed.

“Hah,” Spitfire chuckled, interrupting the discussion, “You should have seen Soarin when he first joined up, full of talent, but he couldn’t use any of it, we taught his how to fly like a Wonderbolt though.” Spitfire took a moment to look over Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, she has the skill, it’s just whether she can apply them to a team scenario, that’s what this is, a test for her to see if she could be the next Wonderbolt.”

Fleetfoot grumbled, Soarin chuckled as he reminisced his first few months of Wonderbolts training. “No complaining, if she passes she’s one step closer to joining our little group, if she doesn’t no harm no foul,” Spitfire continued, “Either way I don’t want to hear any insubordination.”

“Yes boss,” the two snapped back automatically, they stood to attention once more as Princess Celestia turned to face them.

“Alright my little ponies, your job is to deliver these preliminary reports to the towns and cities of Equestria as quickly as possible. They contain no information that could be used to target any innocent group or individual, all they mention is an incident during the wedding and for the guards to keep an eye out for any odd behaviour of their citizens or any new arrivals. As soon as the reports are delivered you are to return to Canterlot to assist in aerial patrols. Is this clear?”

A chorus of ‘YES MA’AM’ resounded through the ranks of the Wonderbolts. “Good,” Celestia continued, “Then a safe trip until next we meet, Spitfire, a word if you please.”

Spitfire turned to the rest of her comrades, “Take five guys, but don’t stray we move out as soon as I’ve talked to the Princess.”

The group broke, each pony relaxing and trotting about, Spitfire made her way over to where the Princess and Rainbow Dash were talking. “You wanted to see me Princess?”

“Yes Spitfire, I know you’ve already agreed to allow Rainbow Dash to deliver the message to Ponyville, but I want you to take extra care, nothing can be allowed to happen to her. I know it’s a lot to ask but I want one of your best guarding her for the duration of the exercise.”

“But Princess,” Rainbow began.

“No buts,” Celestia interrupted, “There is very little known about the Changelings, and with the large threat that they pose I don’t want to take any chances, the one condition that I place on you going is that you are guarded. Spitfire, can you see that it is done?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Spitfire responded confidently, “I’m sure Soarin would love a chance to hang with a possible recruit,” she hinted, a twinkle flashing in her eyes.

“Then go forth, and please do be safe,” Celestia finished, turning and leaving the two pegasi to converse.

“So Rainbow,” Spitfire started, a knowing grin spreading across her face, “You can fly above the speed of sound yeah?”

“Can I ever, you are looking at the only mare to perform a Sonic Rainboom in this generation,” Rainbow exclaimed loudly, drawing the attention of some of the other Wonderbolts.

“Nice, nice, but how long can you fly at that speed?”

Rainbow’s face dropped, she didn’t know the answer, she hadn’t even tried to fly distance at those speeds.

“Well now is your big chance, this task will double a chance to test your ability to fly in formation at speed for longer durations. You won’t be following us the entire distance, we’ll drop you off at Ponyville and continue on our flight. That should give you enough time to recover while we continue the mission. We will swing by and pick you up again about four hours later, should be enough time to get fully rested.”

Spitfire turned to the rest of her team who had crowded around the pair, “Soarin, Celestia wants Rainbow with guard at all times, you’re the one with the most training, so you’re on babysitting duty. Rest of you understand the mission?” A chorus of ‘YES MA’AM’ reverberated through the courtyard, “Then let’s fly.” She shouted, launching herself into the air with one large flap of her wings, followed shortly by the dozen other ponies the made up the Wonderbolts.

Noah sat in silence, he had screamed to the walls for a good ten minutes before collapsing into quiet contemplation. More easily than before he drifted into his mind, the magenta orb that kept him company joined him soon after. You look different, Noah thought as the being materialised, No longer a sphere, now a vague pony-like shadow, still magenta though.

The shadow let off a pulse of amusement, <You are becoming more suited to this method of communication, as this continues my form will grow stronger and stronger. Similarly if you were in my thoughts you would look like this.>

Noah reeled for a moment, the orb had always spoken in feelings and emotions, bare words spoken when needed but nothing so complex, You can talk?

<I could always talk, you simply would not listen.>

So who are you then?

<Depends on who’s asking, to you a friend.>

And to others? Noah enquired.

<To my subjects I am a ruler, to my equals I am a visionary and a saviour, to the ponies…> The flow of thoughts drifted off into silence.

New question, Noah thought quickly, What am i?

<That is a tough question, and quite dependent on the context.>

Alright then do you know what I am?


Will you tell me?


Noah was becoming exasperated at the half answers he was receiving, his emotions becoming clear.

<I can’t tell you what you are, simply because I don’t know, I know what you look like, what you drink, what you eat, but there is more to you that distinguishes you from what you look like.>

If you didn’t want to tell me you could’ve just said so, Noah thought angrily.

<I do want to tell you, but if I am wrong it may do you more harm than good.>

I can always find out myself, this town does have a library, Noah stated.

<Then I shall help you along, conduct your research into myths and legends, that may help you find yourself.>

Always the cryptic aren’t you, Noah thought dryly.

<It is in my nature, but do try this, when you leave this place, look how I taught you to look, it may help.>

Yeah I’m still gonna hang around here for a while and meditate, see if I can get back some memories.

<Then I shall help you, if you will allow it.>

Oh you know what they say, misery loves company, Noah replied, and earnest pulse of laughter emitting from the magenta shadow, So do you have an actual name?

The shadow was quiet for a while, mulling over a response, <Are we friends?> it finally asked.

Yeah, I suppose so.

<My friends call me Chrissy.>

“You did good Dash,” Soarin exclaimed once they peeled from the group, rapidly bleeding speed as they descended into Ponyville, “Kept up pace, kept in formation, how are you feeling.”

Rainbow panted beside him, the trip had been absolutely exhausting, travelling at such high speeds in formation. “I’m good,” she wheezed, “Ready to go another round.”

“Whoa don’t push yourself too far,” Soarin replied, “We rarely take trips like that, I’m surprised you actually made it, and at our top speed too.”

“Well at least I have some time to rest, I don’t believe you guys do that speed that often.”

“We don’t, and we’ll be taking it easy on the way back too, so don’t worry, some good grub, a quick nap and you’ll be right as rain.”

The two swooped down in front of the town hall, Soarin held open the door as Rainbow trotted inside, “After you,” he said with a grin.

Rainbow poked her tongue out at him in response, before making her way over to the guard on duty, “Hey Point, I got you a letter from the Princess for the town guard.”

“And here I was thinking you’d dropped in to see little old me,” Pointguard replied, smiling sarcastically.

“Har, har,” Rainbow said, “Look there was a little incident in Canterlot during the wedding, nothing too major,” she winked at Soarin, a gesture to show her unparalleled subtlety, Soarin smiled in response. “This just says the town guard needs to keep an eye out for odd behaviour and any new arrivals.”

Point read the letter over, and reread it again to make sure, “And you can’t tell me what this was incident was?”

“Sorry Point,” Rainbow responded with a shrug, “Classified.”

Point shrugged again before turning to Secret Strike, “Take a look at this,” he said solemnly, “You don’t think…” he trailed off.

“Can’t be, besides I’m not going to jump to that conclusion,” Secret replied.

“Still best to do a check-up, I think Derpy will know where to find him.”

“Is everything alright? What’s going on?” Rainbow asked, the hushed whispers of the two guards concerning the mare.

“Oh nothing too much, we’re just performing a routine check up on all recent arrivals,” Secret replied casually, “Just like the letter says, I’ll let you get on with your day, looks like your friend is waiting for you.” Secret nodded toward where Soarin was standing patiently, “Cute looking one too, good catch Rainbow.”

“He’s not my… I mean… I’m going,” Rainbow firmly stated, as she turned and stormed out of the town hall, the ever relaxed Soarin in tow.

“What was that about?” he asked as the door to the hall closed.

“Nothing,” Rainbow almost shouted at him, “They’re just checking up on arrivals, obviously want me out of there.”

“Well isn’t that a good thing, them doing their jobs?”

“It is, but they acted like they knew something, and they mentioned Ditzy,” Rainbow had her hoof to her muzzle deep in thought, “I’ll bet she’s involved in something, quick let’s find her and see what she knows.”

“Aren’t you just jumping to conclusions?”

“No I’m making sure Ponyville is safe, just like I said I would, now let’s go,” Rainbow was nearly jumping with excitement.

“Ahh, I’m going to skip this one out, I think you can handle anything that gets thrown your way, know of any good grub?”

“Oh try Sugar Cube Corner, I’ll meet you there in half an hour when I’m done investigating.”

“Right half an hour before I start beating down doors.”

Rainbow took off in the direction of the markets, Soarin took the time to admire her form before turning on the spot, “Right Sugar Cube Corner, Sugar Cube…Sugar… Dammit she didn’t tell me where it was.” Soarin turned to a mare that had trotted out of Town Hall, “Excuse me ma’am, can you tell me where Sugar Cube Corner is?”

“Certainly,” Secret replied, showing him to the café before heading out into the markets herself.

Author's Note:

Woo another chapter, hoping you like it.
as always let me know what you think, constructive criticism is the best.
Big thanks to all who have read the story, those that hit the thumbs up, and everyone who wants to read more, you guys are the best.