• Published 22nd Nov 2013
  • 1,908 Views, 20 Comments

A Night of Love - ColossalParadox

When 2 mares have an anniversary, shenanigans take place, and no, not sex. [sorry] :(

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The Night of Love

A Night of Love

Written by: ColossalParadox

Illustration by: A Random Google Search (iJab on deviantart)

It was a nice, quiet night in Ponyville. All the stores, shops, and market stands were starting to pack up and close for a good nights rest; as well as the resident ponies. But there were two mares that would be going to bed a little later than usual. Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch were going to finally get to be together with each other for tonight. They, on occasion, would get to spend a night or two together with each other, but only if they didn’t have to work on those days. Due to Octavia being a famous cellist, she usually had orchestra practice during the day and around the time she got home, Vinyl was busy getting ready to leave for a gig she had at some night club as DJ Pon-3. While their scheduling was hectic, they did get to spend time with one another. So what made this night so special? Tonight, was the night of their six month anniversary ever since they became an item that day in the bar. Call it fate, destiny, or merely dumb luck, these two were meant for each other. They knew deep in their hearts that they were inseparable, bound together with the very strong string known as love, woven and sewn together by the hands of fate herself. While being a fillyfooler wasn’t really an idea ponies thought could be possible because, how can two of the same sex love each other? The answer, easy; ponies make a special connection in some way, shape, or form. Whether it be through eye to eye contact, a simple bump in the hallway that causes one to drop their stuff and the other stops to help pick it up, or accidentally placing your hoof on another ponies’ hoof. Octavia and Vinyl’s hearts were bound together; they knew all too well that they were. Every time they see each other there is a noticeable increase in heart-rate in both of them. Either way, while fillyfooling wasn’t very common, it was not frowned upon. Ponies were constantly reminded that they had no right to judge others for loving who they loved. As long as they were happy, others should be happy too. If they weren’t, they need to just keep it to themselves and move on with their lives. Anyway, getting back to the anniversary, Octavia had gone out earlier to get some ingredients and other items for the most perfect meal she had planned and a special little something something. Octavia’s luck was at its peak for she was able to reach her last destination just before it closed up for the night. The last ingredient, and the most important at that, was a very alluring spice called Oregano. It was the flavor enhancer for her favorite DJ’s favorite meal, steamed asparagus with artichoke seasoning. She didn’t know why, but oregano had such an entrancing aroma to it. While it smelled mostly of pepper, if she really concentrated on the spice she could make out a little ginseng in there along with a few herbal leaves she couldn’t identify but were familiar to her. The dinner also called for a romantic setting since this dinner was special. She had picked up a few candles to light to give the feeling in her dining room a little ambiance. While she didn’t seem like it, Vinyl was very romantic in her own way. She always made Octavia feel as if she were a princess, living in her own gigantic castle, with her own personal servant. Of course, Octavia did earn her keep by doing menial chores such as: washing and/or drying dishes, taking out the garbage, sweeping the floor right before Vinyl mopped it, always doing her part to help around the house. Though since Octavia was out running some errands, Vinyl stayed at home to clean up the house for their anniversary. The eccentric DJ didn’t mind cleaning since she had unicorn magic to help her out, Octavia just didn’t think it was fair to Vinyl if she did all the work. All Vinyl really had to do to get ready for their date was pick up a few things that were lying around on the ground and do a little sweeping and she was done. While she was glad to be done with the work, she got upset because work distracted her from realizing that her most amazing cello player still wasn’t home yet and would now have to sit patiently for Octavia to get there.

Octavia walked into the house, saddle bags full of ingredients, some candles, and a secret. Vinyl was at the door immediately to greet her little Octy-pus when she walked in. Using her magic, Vinyl floated Octavia’s saddle bags into the kitchen and set them on the counter. Octavia gave a little smile and thanked Vinyl for helping her. Vinyl welcomed her by sharing a passionate kiss with Octavia. She was surprised at first, but Octavia melted into the kiss shortly afterwards; her eyes closed and her heart fluttered as she savored the moment, concentrating on the feeling of Vinyl’s lips touching her lips. Whenever Vinyl kissed her and vice versa, Octavia went to her own nirvana. Everything else just went away and it was just her and Vinyl, in their own little world. Octavia didn’t want to separate from Vinyl for she enjoyed kissing her too much, almost like a force drew her to Vinyl saying “please stay like this, you can stay like this forever”. Octavia had a dinner to make though, and as much as it pained her to; she slowly broke the kiss with a thin trail of saliva still connecting their lips, almost representing their connection to each other, it was not entirely like it though because the saliva eventually broke and fell to their chins. Their chests were heaving from lack of oxygen. Vinyl looked down to the floor and saw a spot where a drop of saliva landed. “Aw man, and I had JUST swept that spot too,” Vinyl said with a smirk on her face.

Octavia looked down and smiled, “well, I don’t see a difference since you missed a spot here and OH… there is one too,” she retorted pointing to few spots on the floor, now using the DJ’s trademarked smirk. Vinyl’s cheeks turned a crimson red and went to get the mop.

Blushing was a little noticeable, especially on white ponies, but Octavia didn’t understand it though. Why was Vinyl embarrassed, she was only kidding about the spots. Did it have something to do with pride? Oh well, another great mystery about Vinyl that will never be solved, not even by Sherclop Pones, the greatest detective pony of all time, along with his sidekick Doctor Trotson.

Vinyl returned shortly with a mop while Octavia squeezed passed her to go to the kitchen and get dinner started. It was already 7:17 and this meal took a good half hour to fully make. Since Octavia was so kind, she told Vinyl that it was okay if she got a small snack to eat, such as an apple or banana, while she prepared dinner. The recipe wasn’t really that difficult, it was just tedious because you had to set a pot of water on the stove and set it to the right temperature so the asparagus would heat up at the correct pace or it risked getting under steamed which made it soft, but crunchy, or it could get over steamed which made it too soft. Vinyl could be very picky at times, but she would probably still enjoy the meal so as to not upset Octavia on their anniversary. That was one of the many things Octavia loved about Vinyl is that she knew when to speak and when to keep her big yapper shut. The part about making the dinner that wasn’t as tedious but still needed a lot of attention was mixing the artichoke stew that went on top of the asparagus. It was composed of tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano of course, olive oil, virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, and extra extra virgin olive oil. Why so much olive oil? Octavia never knew, it was just what the recipe called for so she never questioned it. The taste never suffered from it that much either so that is another reason why she never questioned it, for it was… magnifique.

Octavia got finished cooking and ready to set the table. Since she was so refined, everything had to be perfect when she set the table for dinner. Plates were placed directly in the middle on one end of the table between the fork that she placed on the left and the knife she set on the right. After getting the plates and silverware ready, Octavia then decided to set up the candles. The candle holders were singles, which meant they held one candle each. The candles were just a generic red stick; nothing too exciting, Vinyl didn’t mind though. They were plenty romantic in her magenta eyes.

Vinyl usually wore her hip purple shades, even when she wasn’t djing, she just seemed to never want to take them off. Octavia even saw her fall asleep in them a couple of times. Octavia asked again and again why she always wore them, but Vinyl always told her the exact same thing, “they define me”. Octavia has mixed feelings about Vinyl’s glasses. While they gave her mare-friend a sexy appearance it depraved Octavia of the opportunity to see Vinyl’s mystifying eyes. To Octavia, they were no ordinary eyes. They were the most wonderful gemstones that shined like the sun, embedded into the eyes of the one she was sure she would love for eternity.

Sitting down at the table, Vinyl and Octavia were prepared to eat their dinner. Refined Octavia used a piece of cloth as a bib, while Vinyl could care less if she got anything on her. Even though she was a bit messy, since this was their six month anniversary, she decided to take it easy and just eat the food to get the flavor and actually taste it, not inhale it.

Not much talking took place while they were eating. Even while they chewed their food, they never stopped staring into each other’s eyes, not even to see if their forks were making contact with actual food or just an empty spot on their plates. Even though they didn’t talk that much during dinner, a gift never needed any words to say how much you loved somepony. Octavia placed a little white box with a blue ribbon on the table and slid it in Vinyl’s direction. Vinyl excitedly, but carefully, lifted the box and removed the string with her magic. She took off the lid and gasped at the beauty of her gift. It was a tiny silver model of her DJ turntable. This made her so happy that she actually shed a tear. Examining it closely, she read “please don’t drop me like your bass” on the front. She didn’t understand what that was supposed to mean, but she didn’t ponder it for too long because she had a gift to adore. After recovering from amazing gift shock syndrome (AGSS), she pulled out her gift from underneath the table, a gray box with a charcoal black ribbon, and floated it over to Octavia with her aura of blackish gray magic. Octavia was shaking with excitement on the inside, but she had to show a little restraint and keep what refined stature she still tried to show. She slowly undid the ribbon and took off the lid of the box to reveal a small, golden cello necklace. Now it was Octavia’s turn to tear up as Vinyl used her magic to put it on Octavia. They had no words to express their feelings about each other’s gifts. They both had smiles of love and happiness plastered onto their faces as they continued eating. When they got close to finishing their meal, Octavia was the first to speak.

“How was your dinner, love”, Octavia asked Vinyl.

“It’s really good Octy, I don’t know how you do it”, Vinyl responded.

“I sometimes don’t know how I do it either; I guess I am a natural born cook”.

“Well, whatever it is you do, I love it every time, but not as much as I love you”.

Octavia looked away with a small blush adorning her gray cheeks. She always loved when Vinyl did that, connecting her words to make her feel special and loved. It just gave her an incredible feeling of lust for Vinyl, wanting Vinyl to just hold her, kiss her, and make her feel safe. That had done it; it was time for Octavia to advance the evening. She looked at the clock on the wall, 9:17.

“Vinyl”, Octavia said, getting Vinyl’s attention.

Vinyl looked up, all the while shoving the last bite of her food into her mouth and said with full cheeks, “yeah?”

Octavia giggled a little at her mare-friend’s immaturity and asked, “what say you we move this to the living room”.

“I say, sounds like a great idea to me”, Vinyl responded with a goofy, full mouth smile.

The two mares pushed out from the table and got up from their chairs. They slowly shoved the chairs back underneath the table. Octavia put her two front hooves on top of the table and blew the candles out. If she was taught anything during those safety learning days at school when she was a filly, it was to put out any and all kinds of fire when you were done with them.

Vinyl led Octavia into the living room, Vinyl’s right foreleg intertwined with Octavia’s left foreleg. They both had smiles of love on their faces and fazed into each other’s eyes, wondering what the other had planned. Vinyl brought Octavia over to the leather couch and unwrapped her leg from Octavia’s. Vinyl sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her, motioning for Octavia to sit beside her. Octavia went up and sat where Vinyl’s hoof had been tapping. They looked deeply into each other’s eyes; they both had smiles that kept growing wider by the second. If their cheeks were to stretch anymore, they would need surgery to get some extra face to complete the smiles they wanted to have but were unable to.

Vinyl leaned in slowly closing her eyes as she did. Octavia shut her eyes as well, waiting for Vinyl’s lips to connect with her own. Octavia felt a light breath on her upper lip before another pair of lips touched hers. They passionately made love, moaning from the feelings that were building up in their chests. Octavia enjoyed every single second of Vinyl’s soft, tender, caring lips on hers. While Vinyl kissed Octavia, she slowly moved her left hoof up to Octavia’s head and gently stroked her mane. Octavia smiled into the kiss as the tenderness of her true love’s hoof pet her mane, giving her a relaxed feeling. Vinyl stopped petting Octavia and wrapped her hoof around Octavia’s neck, pulling her down with her as Vinyl began to lay down flat. Octavia was on top of Vinyl now; never separating their lips on the way down for fear that it might ruin the mood. It might have been harder to kill the mood than that though, since this was their six month anniversary. Vinyl enjoyed this very much, despite how she was just a little uncomfortable with Octavia on top of her, but Octavia’s kissing made up for that. After a little while of kissing, Vinyl began to poke her tongue out of her mouth, easily sliding between Octavia’s lips. Octavia smiled and welcomed Vinyl’s tongue by opening her mouth and giving complete freedom for the curious appendage to roam her mouth. Octavia soon followed suit and began to move her tongue, swirling it around Vinyl’s as they began to wrestle for dominance.

They were both equally matched in the tongue wrestling so they just allowed them to touch and examine one another. Even though it wasn’t sex, Octavia felt a special kind of ecstasy when they were just kissing. It filled her chest with warm feelings of a love that was uncrushable and unstoppable. Octavia would never let Vinyl go; she would always be there for her in the darkest of times.

Octavia didn’t know how, but Vinyl always seemed to be able to fill her heart up with love and a force that was stronger than any magic that a unicorn could learn or create. Seeing Vinyl always made her more powerful in a way. Octavia knew that if she always kept Vinyl in her heart, she would have the strength to conquer any challenge that dared to put itself in her way. In a way, she knew she did the exact same thing to Vinyl; all they needed were each other to have and keep safe. They would protect each other at any means necessary.

After a full 5 minutes of nonstop kissing, they finally separated, their lungs begging for fresh air to fill them. Even though they needed to come up for air, their hearts still beat strong, they beat as one. After they had time to catch their breath, Octavia made sure Vinyl was okay to and went back into another make out session. For every second they kissed, their hearts beat even stronger together; keeping them connected and made sure they would always love each other for infinity.

Most ponies think that a heart is just some soft, weak mass of tissue whose sole purpose is to just pump blood though the body. Only one part of that statement is true, and that is not its only purpose. The heart is actually the strongest muscle in the body and is the easiest to make stronger. It is also a decision maker and storage place. Depending on what kind of pony you are, you can either have a good heart, a bad one, or a neutral one. The heart helps a pony to make tough or important decisions if they can’t make it on their own. So a good one helps you to make the right decisions, a bad one tells you to make the wrong decisions, and a neutral one is just as indecisive as you are, but it can still help you make a decision. Also, while your brain holds all the important memories and information, the heart contains all the precious ones. To Vinyl and Octavia, that precious one has a large place in their hearts, the time when they had first met. It was that night that their hearts led them to each other. As soon as they looked into each other’s eyes, they knew they were meant to be together. They could never say how much they loved each other enough. So instead of using words, they expressed it in another way; that of which they were doing right now. They could not remember the last time they felt this much love for anypony in the past, except for maybe their parents and siblings, but in a platonic way . The time they were sharing right now was like a precious egg, that needed the most tender and loving car from its parents in order for it to survive. Right now, was their time, on the couch, enjoying the company of each other. Octavia had something to say, so she separated herself from Vinyl momentarily to speak.

“You know”, Octavia started, “I really love your gift, just in case you felt I didn’t appreciate it or anything”. Octavia glanced down to her cello necklace, dangling mere inches from Vinyl’s nose.

“Oh I knew you would, and I really enjoyed your gift too, just in case I didn’t show enough gratitude already.”

“This moment is so perfect; I never want it to end”.

“Who says it has to”, Vinyl asked in a soft tone as she wrapped her arm around Octavia, allowing her to rest on her chest. Ever so slightly, Octavia’s head would raise a little to the beat of Vinyl’s heart. Octavia giggled.

“What’s so funny”, Vinyl asked.

“Oh, nothing, it is just your heart is, ‘dropping the bass’, as you say,” Octavia responded. Vinyl thought about that for a moment and all at once, the sudden realization hit her like a heavy metal hammer.

“I knew the talent came from somewhere, and I have a great muse as well”. Octavia blushed at this comment.

“Thank you, love”.

“And don’t worry, I won’t”.

Octavia shifted her head from Vinyl’s chest to give her a bewildered look. “Won’t what”, she asked.

“Drop you like my bass”, Vinyl answered.

With the response, Octavia instantly remembered the engraving on the little turntable she gave Vinyl. Relief washed over Octavia like a wave and felt as if a bothering weight was lifted off of her heart and mind. Was she concerned that Vinyl would eventually abandon her? Did she not fully trust Vinyl up until now? Octavia felt a little upset and angry at herself for not fully trusting Vinyl to stay with her. In order for a relationship to stay strong the couples had to trust and love each other unconditionally. She would have to silently curse herself later. She could do nothing about it now though, for it was in the past and she wasn’t going to let that ruin this moment.

Octavia rested her head back on Vinyl’s chest, listening to the constant beat that emanated from her. Octavia’s smile returned shortly thereafter concentrating on nothing else but the beat. It made her feel safe, like she could never be harmed and as long as she heard it, she knew she was never going to be alone or left by herself to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. She nuzzled Vinyl’s soft, fuzzy chest and Vinyl began to stroke Octavia’s beautiful charcoal colored mane again. This coaxed a few relaxed sighs out of her as she rested; never wanting to leave this spot for it was all too perfect. Octavia swore that if anyone came barging in or if the telephone rang, even if a bird made one little tweet, she would silence them in a matter of seconds. She wanted nothing to interrupt this very special and precious moment she was sharing with her beloved. But alas, she could not escape the dreaded morning that was to come eventually and have to wave goodbye as she went to orchestra practice to prepare for the next Grand Galloping Gala that was right around the corner, and then she would have to wave goodbye again when she got home to her DJ who would be getting ready to leave for a ‘gig’ as Vinyl called it, so she would enjoy this as much as possible.

Their hearts were beating stronger than ever as they lay there together on the couch. They both thought about their future as they enjoyed the company of each other. Would they eventually get a marriage license one day? Who would be the pony to marry them? What would their parents think about them finding a pony of the same gender to spend the rest of their life with? The last question is the one Octavia worried about the most, she wasn’t really worried about Vinyl’s family since they were not as stuck up and snooty or ‘refined’ as nobles called it, than Octavia’s parents. Ever since Octavia has been with Vinyl, she slowly let Vinyl change her to being still sort of refined, but not afraid to let loose and have fun. All these worries buzzed around in Octavia’s head like an annoying mosquito that would never leave until it got the sweet, nutritious sustenance of your blood, or in this case, Octavia’s sanity. These were the times when Octavia might go into a little panic attack and start to hyperventilate, curl up into a little ball, and try to hide her shame from the world as she almost began to cry. But then, Octavia remembered she was lying in the arms and on the chest of her protector, her savior, who continued to stroke her mane. All the worries that were in her head were instantaneously slain by the great knight of love, known as Vinyl Scratch and referred to as DJ-Pon3. Octavia smiled, and began to slow the hard and fast breathing that she didn’t notice she was doing, snuggling her head back into the chest of her life prize. Just lying there, thinking, daydreaming about a fun filled future with Vinyl, and enjoying their night of love.

Author's Note:

There we go. Let me know what you think of my first story and please point out any mistakes I made. I let microsoft word be my editor and thinking it might have screwed up something. Please tell me what you think and Brony19, I hope you liked it, now you know what you must do. I'll be waiting. (Of course, only if you thought it was good enough *squee*)

Comments ( 17 )

Very cute. Keep up the writing. :twilightsmile:

3524206 Thank you so much:pinkiehappy:, if enough people like this story, I might expand on it some more.

So romantic. :pinkiesad2: This is a great piece of work. I can't wait for more of your work.:twilightsmile:

3524512 Thanks so much:pinkiehappy:, I don't think I did that well though because I am not the best with detail, but I am glad you enjoyed it. I have a few stories in mind, so look forward to those :D

It seems I have been called out. :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, here's what I thought of it, if you were interested:

The wall of text theme you got kinda killed it for me. Other than that... I actually don't know what to say. I am a sucker for romance and OctaScratch, as well as a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, and this... I guess you could say that this gives me hope. Hope that one day I'll be able to be in love that much. I loved it. :rainbowkiss:

Also, this gave me ideas... ones I'll have to use.

3526180 Yeah, it has walls of text, but I didn't know where to separate them unless it was another character talking, sorry.:twilightsheepish: I just wanted to try and add as much detail as I possibly could. I will try and work on that. Thanks for the positive criticism :pinkiehappy:, hopefully it will help me in the future. I might even use some ideas I had in here for some other stories I had in mind too. Thanks for reading and for this amazing deal to inspire me to write. Also, I was a little confused with your comment, just a tad. You said the walls of text killed it for you but said you loved it. Is it just a neutral feeling, again, sorry for the walls of text.

The warning is a real turn off for most readers. You really only need it if you're writing fetish clop fics. It's kinda obvious by the tags and the picture what this is going to be.

Are you going to keep writing TaviScratch after this?

3526336 The warning is just supposed to be a joke, I didn't imagine it would be a turn off. Yes, I will write more OctaScratches (that is what I call them) in the future. So look forward to those:pinkiehappy::heart:

Good to hear.:twilightsmile:

My only complaint was the wall of text, and how to break it up is to find a period at the end of a thought and break it there, not just when a character starts talking.
also indent, it helps.
other than that a nice read and I hope to seem more from you.

3534304 Yeah, I get this a lot. I think instead of making an entirely new paragraph because I want those to be transitions to new scenes or character talking, I will just indent them in my upcoming stories. Thanks you and I hope to see more from me too :twilightblush:

3557990 Thank you, It makes my day to read such wonderful comments like this. And yes, how coincidental indeed :moustache:. Look forward to an amazing crossover story in the future, you know if it isn't rejected again, which it shouldn't.

Is it really your first story? I would have never known. It was such a sweet and heartwarming tale, and so well written. I will expect amazing things from you in the future.

3748372 Thank you very much. I can't believe I was able to write something like this, I guess English class really did help me :pinkiehappy:. But I do owe some credit to Brony19 for helping me start my writing hobby on here.

:heart::heart::heart: Amazing absolutely amazing first story, and very heartwarming and romantic :pinkiesad2::twilightsmile:. I will say this with all truth you are able to paint a picture with words and because of that it makes you feel like you are actually there watching it. :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

3995000 :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: A very much thank you is in order. I didn't think I was that good with detailing anything in a story. I just let my imagination run free with this one. Half the reason this was wrote was so a friend of mine would continue their own OctaScratch and the other reason was because it seemed like a good start to get my writing career on here going, so here I am. :D Thanks Again :rainbowkiss:

7193376 :heart:

(Psst! I also have another in the works for a series I am doing. Keep an eye out for it if you are interested!)

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