• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 2,762 Views, 169 Comments

Truth Needs No Colors - Lastingimage24

Sometimes we're so busy trying to fill in anothers' status quo, we forget that the ones we love don't need the truth adorned with such decorative taste. This is the story of an odd unicorn struggling to find a friend's place in the world.

  • ...

5. Words Without Water

“Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you I had no control over.”


The sun must have had some vendetta against poor Sketch’s eyes. They mercilessly assaulted the defenceless spheres, squeezing and prodding until he could hold them open for no longer. He blinked.

Sketch had spent the day gliding along to school. Well, it had only been around fifteen minutes but it felt like an entire day. Canterlot, decidedly being cruel for no good reason, chose not to have a cloud in the sky the one day Sketch got even less sleep than he usually did. The white, reflective surfaces of the city didn’t help any either. He thought he could do it. Force himself to stay awake, at least until he got to his easier classes in school. But as he drifted off once again, nearly bumping into a wall that had somehow gotten closer to him, he thought maybe he wasn’t in any position to be going anywhere, much less someplace that expected him to give a damn.

Because of all the things he was giving at the moment, a damn was not one of them.

As he tumbled once again, barely dodging a mare who subsequently cursed under her breath, and into a table, he decided that he was much too dangerous to be anywhere public at the moment. He tried to find what establishment the table belonged, and after seeing that it was something he could afford, he threw his body onto one of the seats. Maybe if he ate something it would give him enough energy to find out what he wanted to do. An uneasy waitress, no doubt having witnessed the strange spectacle of a barely conscious unicorn dumping himself carelessly into one of her seats, walked up and cautiously pulled a pen she stuck behind her ear. “Uhhhmm... may I... help you?”

Sketch decided to be kind to the mare and assure her as fast as possible that he wasn’t drunk or crazy. He put on his best smile and exhaled and spoke at the same time. “Yes, please. I’d like a sandwich, something everypony gets.”

Her mood visibly improved once she knew that he wouldn’t be any trouble and she smiled back at him. “The Hayseed Special, comin’ up! WIll that be all?”

“Yeah,” he said, resting his head onto his hoof. She beamed once again and walked off, presumably to fetch his food. As soon as she was out of sight, he let his head fall to the the table nose-first, unable to keep it propped up with his neck alone.

The noise of the streets and the restaurant became front and center now that his vision was gone. The clanking of silverware, hooves hitting the ground, and idle chatter was all that he could hear. He tried focusing on an isolated conversation to see if he could eavesdrop on any nearby ponies, but there was simply too much noise.

He thought of that waitress that had just taken his order. He had already forgotten what she looked like, but he remembered her being attractive. Picking up his head, he tried to make it seem as if he wasn’t trying to sleep, in respect for the working mare. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black griffin having dinner with a white one. He turned his head in mild shock, such a sight being a rare encounter in Canterlot. There were a few other ponies also passively staring at the two female griffins, just out of spectacle rather than unease. He wondered if they were more exotic than the average griffin or if it was just unimportant genes that determined color, like a pony’s fur color. They seemed to be having fun, laughing and taking bites in equal order. They looked to be related in some way, with their structure sharing blatant similarities, such as beak shape, body proportions, and facial features.

Suddenly, the two turned towards Sketch and flashed him a mischievous smile. Sketch jumped and hit his knee on the bottom of the table, hard. He quickly turned straight ahead of him as blood and warmth rushed to his cheeks. He could hear the two laughing at the sight, which made him blush a bit more. When they went back to talking, he noticed it was in some other language. They must have been recent immigrants.

Stupid Haren made the idea of Griffins that much more appealing to him, and now he was catching himself staring at others as well. If only being a teenager wasn’t so... difficult.

“Here’s your meal sir.”

Sketch faced the waitress and smiled. He got up in order to give enough space to a plate, a humble yet well made sandwich. He ate it slowly, trying to focus on the food in order to stay awake. It actually wasn’t helping much, considering there wasn’t much to think about. He exhaled as he finished, thankful he didn’t choke on account of falling asleep with food in his mouth. And then he fell asleep...




“You’re a regular badass, aren’t you?”

Sketch’s heart stopped for a moment as he rose immediately, He slammed his hoof on the table in a strange act of defence. He reared, a scrutinizing look adorning his face. What the hell is she doing here?!

“Going to late night parties, hanging out with bad crowds, skipping school...” That familiar face smiled, and she looked at him with one eye as she faced somewhere else. “You’re such a bad kid.”

“Syntax,” was all Sketch could muster. He was angry for some reason. It was her attitude, he was sure of it. She knew something. Sketch scowled, dragging his hoof across the table and back into his lap. Sketch knew he hadn’t seen the last of her, but he didn’t think it’d be this soon.

“Howdy.” Syntax tapped her hoof on her nose in a very taunting way, her smile becoming more malicious after each playful tap. She stopped eventually, slowly bringing both of her hooves down onto the table and facing Sketch for real. “I didn’t think I was going to have to see you this early, but... hoo boy do you got some ‘splaining to do.”

Her confidence made sketch nervous. His heart was beating at an incredible pace, and his sweat provided the most uncomfortable environment for him. He decided not to answer, lest he say something damning.

“You know, I almost forgot about you. You were a weird kid, that’s for sure, but nothing newsworthy. Hell, nothing about you or your stupid friends is newsworthy. But the thing about the best stories is that the people involved usually aren’t newsworthy. Just the person the story’s about. So I thought, ‘why not?’ And damn if your record isn’t interesting.”

Sketch wanted to say something. He wanted to scream. But the only thing that escaped him was a frustrated growl. How did this even happen, in retrospect? He was fine just a second ago. He didn’t think that this mare was even that maschevious. Yet here they were.

“So, let’s go over this together, shall we? I mean, your parents obviously don’t care, so somepony has to point this out. First, you were late. That’s not big deal, I mean, it happens, right? But it was consistent. About once every week. Now, I can buy that being a coincidence, you’re probably just sick of school, right? Boys will be boys. But, then the strangest thing happened. Your tardy days became closer and closer together. So did your habit of falling asleep in class. Now why is that? There just had to be a reason. Eventually, you were just late everyday, and slept in class every day. Then there was that incident where you blew up in the middle of class and stormed out. But you didn’t suffer any consequences because... some griffin immigrant gave a good word about you to the principal? Now what sense does that make? And now you’re skipping school because you're exhausted after a drug filled party, one in which you were noticeably sober. What gives? Why the strange behavior?”

Sketch was flabbergasted. Had he really left so many breadcrumbs? Was it so obvious? Does... she know?

No! Don’t let her get in your head Sketch. This is all just conjecture.

“Now I know what you’re thinking. ‘Syntax, this doesn’t prove anything!’ Well, it doesn’t have to Sketch, because you’re going to tell me what I want to know, whether you like it or not.”

“What exactly are you threatening me with, Syntax?! You don’t have any proof.”

Syntax, appearing to be completely prepared with that point, simply chuckled and wagged her hoof. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. You’re really underestimating me, kid. You don’t think I’d have swiped your records while I was at your school? Your stupid principal was easy enough to convince to give me these in return for some ‘favors’.” Syntax lifted a folder from her bag and tossed it onto the table, making sure there was enough distance from it to Sketch so he wouldn’t try to make off with it. “So tell me, Sketch. What. Are. You. Hiding?” She glared daggers at him, determined for an answer. The newfound finality in her voice made it obvious that this was his last chance. Sketch began to sweat. Of course, nothing she could threaten would ever make him tell the truth, but if she really reveal this information to his parents, it would make his life a million times harder. And once she convinced them that she was trustworthy, she would tell them of his transgressions at the party, with a girl they hadn’t met. It would make it very difficult to keep Trust a secret. And of course, it would certainly limit the amount of times they could see each other. Everything would be ruined, and they’d probably slowly drift apart until they both were just memories of the past to each other.

But at least she’d still be able to live her life in peace.

Sketch swallowed and glared right back at her, a response she likely wasn’t expecting, as her face transitioned to one of surprise for s short time. Slowly, she frowned, and looked away.

“So be it, kid. Screw up your life, and everypony that cares about you. See if I care.” SHe reached out her hoof and grabbed the file, pulling it towards herself. Yet, the strangest thing happened. The folder wouldn’t move. “What the--” She eyed to file to see why it wasn’t moving, and saw an odd yellow object pinning it in place. It was avian in nature; a griffin’s talons. Her mouth became agape as she followed the deadly-looking talons to it’s source: a smug looking griffin with orange-tipped feathers. She wore a devious smile, something straight off of Syntax’s face.

Sketch couldn’t believe his eyes. “H-Haren?!”

“Hey, little pony. How’s it going? Having a good time with my friend Sketch here?” With feign delight, she beamed at her, and grabbed the file with both of her talons, forcing it out of Syntax’s grip. “What’s this you got here? Looks pretty interesting, I have to say.” She flipped through the pages and records while humming. “Some folder- ooh! This is Sketch! Hey, Sketch!” She turned towards the aforementioned pony, who was simply staring on in shock. “Sketch, they got a picture of you in here!” She unfolded the folder to the page in question, and showed the picture to both parties. “Adorable, innit?” She closed it once again and slapped it with one talon while holding it with the other. “This seems to have a lot of important, damning evidence against you, Sketchy!” She glanced at Sketch in faux horror. Then, a mischievous grin crept onto her beak, granting her an absolutely evil image. WIth one smooth motion, she grabbed the file on one end with both talons, and tore the file in two.


Shock came over her, that was as real as a pro wrestling match. “Oops! Silly me! Now that’s a damned shame!”

She ripped it a few more times, each more vigorously than the last. Syntax looked on, slack-jawed and wide-eyed, not knowing how to react. She stopped when she had a couple dozen of neatly torn pieces of cardboard and paper, and set them upon the table. She took Sketch’s tea and poured the whole thing over the remains, minding enough to put some kinetic energy towards Syntax as she did, getting a little bit of tea on her. Sketch hadn’t even known he had gotten tea until now. “Man, I am so clumsy! Welp,” Haren sighed, turning over to SKetch once more. “Guess you won’t be getting blackmailed today. Sucks, right?”

Haren started to laugh unnaturally, a pompous, refined laugh. A dumb smile spread across Sketch’s cheeks as she did, happy that someone was looking out for her. There was silence for a time, before Syntax slammed her hoof against the table.

“You! You... you bitch! How dare you!”

Haren reverted back to her normal self. Obviously irritated by the mare, she slowly turned as she spoke. “Oh, yes, yes, right. I’m the bitch. Because I don’t go around extorting kids for something as stupid as a hunch.” Haren leaped forward, causing an enormous amount of fear to occupy Syntax’s eyes. She wrapped her talon around her throat with ease, and squeezed just enough to keep her from struggling. “Listen, you sad excuse for a scumbag reporter. It doesn’t matter who, what, or why you put so much effort into taking advantage of. You don’t have to wait for Karma to bite you in the ass, because I will already be doing it. Think about that the next time you try to do something as pathetic as threatening my friends, asshole.” Syntax gritted her teeth in a combination of fear and anger. A tear ran down her cheek as emotions boiled to the surface but were unable to get out. Haren pushed on her neck and sent her back, allowing momentum to take over as the chair she rested on teetered and fell, sending Syntax to the ground. She sat there in a pathetic lump, groaning in pain. Haren spat at the ground in front of her.

Sketch looked around and noticed that they were gathering a couple of spectators.

Syntax tried to recover, but chose to sit on the ground, most likely afraid of what Haren might do had she try to get up. “Y-you! Y... You think that was my only copy?! You don’t think I’d be prepared enough to get more than one?”

This hardly affected Haren’s stature. She simply laughed. “You’re bluffing. Besides, even if you weren’t,” Haren boasted, pulling a card from in between her digits. “I know where you live.”

Syntax gasped, reflexively slamming her hoof against her bag. Haren must have picked the card at some point, either before the confrontation or while she was marehandling her. “What?!”

“So tell me, pony. What’s gonna happen if you rat out my friend?”

Syntax’s eyes widened while her pupil’s narrowed, an absurd amount of adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins. She stammered, “You can’t! I-I’ll call the authorities.”

“Mmm-hmm? And what are you going to tell them? A crazy griffin is after you so they should post a guard at your door? Not likely or believable, is it? Or would you tell them the whole thing, about the whole extortion incident? Listen, you piss-pot. If you go anywhere near my friends again...” She grinned and cracked her talons. “You won’t be able to shit for a week because I kicked it all out of ya.”

Growling and snarling, Syntax positively seethed with anger. She was trapped like a rat, and nothing to do about it. She opened her mouth to speak. “I-”

Haren punched the table, hard. THe sound reverberated throughout the entire area, trailing down Syntax’s spine. Her ears dropped down to her neck, and her anger disappeared into pure animalistic anxiety and fear. “Or do you want me to kick your ass now? If not, then get up, and walk away without another goddamned word. Understood?”

Syntax squinted once she shook the scare. Without further protest, she shakily got up, fixed her bag, and walked away, staring at the ground the entire time. There was more silence, a silence that was even louder than most sounds. A few moments passed before Sketch could feel himself breathe again. “Haren,” he barely managed to whisper.

“‘Sup?” she responded nonchalantly. Acting like nothing happened was obviously intentional, perhaps to make Sketch feel as he didn’t owe her nothing. It didn’t work.

“Haren... That was awesome...” he breathed, a soft smile forming. His eyes went half mast, as he was unsure why she would go to such lengths to aid him.

“Aww...” Haren nervously groaned while rubbing the back of her neck. She sniffed and wiped her nose with a fair amount of flourish. “ It was nothin’.”

“No,” he replied blankly. “It was. Believe me.” They shared a heartwarming smile as the two closed their eyes. A bit of chuckling could be heard from behind them. Sketch recognized it but turned anyway. The two twin griffins were giggling while eyeing them both suggestively. It was obvious what they were laughing at.

Jeez, they must have saw the whole thing. Come to think of it... Sketch looked around to see various ponies pretending to not have seen the events that took place and several others gawking in disbelief. Sketch ears began to burn as blush lit up his face.

“We should get out of here,” he suggested. Haren quietly nodded and began a brisk stride out, with Sketch following once he laid enough money at the table. He never actually got to eat that sandwich.

As he caught up, he called to her. “Haren!”

“Hm?” she asked, unable to look him in the eye. Something must have been on her mind...

“Do you mind if I chill at your place? I cannot go to school like this.”

She shot him a warm look. “Of course.”

Sketch loosely threw his body on Haren’s bed, groaning loudly and letting his heart rate die down. He had once panicked at the idea at sleeping at Haren’s bed, but he was simply too tired to care. “Oh, lords and ladies.”

Haren chuckled as she joined him inside the room at sat in the lone chair the room provided. The room was bare and mostly empty, aside from some very plain-looking furniture and functional dressers. Sketch almost feel asleep right then and there. But his mind began to wonder. Where’s Anthem? Normally such a thought would have been ignored while he slept, but all he could think about was that night at the party. What the hell were they doing. His eyes shot open as a nauseating taste of dry air began to form in his mouth.

“Aren’t you going to ask?” Haren’s voice broke the silence, as she addressed the elephant that had entered the room. Sketch sighed, not really in the condition to have talks like this. He sat up and looked at Haren, who despite her smug positioning, wore a tired, distant, and weak smile. She stared at him at big eyes, that looked like they were wet with tears, without her actually crying. This sight gave Sketch pause. He hated it when she looked like this. It was so... unnatural.

He looked away as not to be bothered by her state. “Yeah... What the hell... why were you doing... what you were doing?” His tone of voice almost sounded like he was scolding, but held the understanding volume of a parent.

“For fun,” she answered bluntly. Though, with the way she said it, even she seemed dissatisfied with her answer. She looked away as well, unable to keep looking at Sketch without crying. She looked so frustrated, as if she were annoyed with how hard this was. “It started a few days ago. When I got Anthem that movie for Hearth’s Warming.”

“Oh, Celestia...” Anthem breathed, absolutely dumbfounded at what lie before him.

“Like what you see?” Haren asked, her words hanging in the air with innuendo tied to them with strings. Anthem couldn’t react however. He was too enamored with what he saw.

“I can’t believe this... Haren... How did you get this?!” The film reel was in excellent condition, brand new. It looked so shiny, so valuable. And it was. It should have been impossible, but yet there it was, right in front of him.

“I pulled a favor from a guy I knew. It wasn’t that big of a deal,” she lied. It had cost a pretty penny, and with the favor she cashed in, she could have gotten anything she wanted. But she wanted this more. She wanted to see Anthem’s lit up face when he saw the reel. And she got what she wanted. All the shitty feeling she had melted away when she saw that innocent smile, the one a kid has in a candy store. It was worth everything she ever had, and more. Just to see it once again.

“It is ABSOLUTELY a big deal. Do you know how hard these things are to find?!” Anthem shoved the reel in her face, causing her to recoil in amusement. “Well, I mean of course you do, you just got it!” He squeed, an incredibly hilarious sound coupled with his borderline baritone voice. He hugged it as a teen would do a diary once she had just written about her crush. “Oh my Celestia!”

“Well I’m glad you-”

“Let’s watch it right now!” Anthem said, cutting off whatever she was going to say. She opened her beak in shock.

“Both of us? Right now?”

“You. Me. Right now.” Anthem was already halfway through the set up process, and probably would have already been done had he not have been extra careful whenever handling the film. A couple of snaps and clicks later and the projector was set and the movie starting. He vaulted over the couch and landed in a sitting position. The couch cried out with the sudden weight on it. Haren was uneasy, inching slowly to the other side.

“C’mon, what’re you waiting for?” Anthem asked impatiently as he tapped the other side of the couch with his hoof. Haren lit up at the gesture. She didn’t know why she was so giddy about this, she had watched films with Anthem before. But she had always walked in on him already watching one and joined him silently. This time he invited her. And it seemed he preferred her to watch it with him. It was a different experience. She took her usual seat on the couch.

Some time passed. The movie was excellent so far, still in the middle of the exposition as it followed the main character through his childhood as he grew. Even Haren, who was not that much of a connoisseur of films, could see that this movie simply bled quality in almost unimaginable quantities. A rush of emotion was placed into every scene, every shot had an aesop, and every line of dialogue a theme. It was an enrapturing experience. However, Haren felt the best part wasn’t actually the film itself. No, it was Anthem, who never tore himself away from the film, who starred with absolute concentration and respect. How he it up with joy at every sound, smiled with every scene, almost cried at every score. This was what made the whole thing worth it. The whole couple years of knowing him was what made this worth it. Haren, in a stupor, reached for his muzzle, attempting to caress it to affirm that it was real, only to be stopped by a sudden noise.

“Aaah!” one of the actors from the film screamed, leading Haren to snap back to reality. She quickly turned to see what she had missed. This scene was about the main character and his love interest taking a walk after a party. She had been wearing clothes the entire movie, and now a certain mishap made her lose them. She hid in a nearby bush to hide her embarrassment, as the main character teased her, pleading with her to show him the real her without all the bells and whistles. As silly as the notion was that somebody would be embarrassed without clothes on, Haren still blushed at the suave direction the main character took. And just how damned romantic the whole scene was.

Haren found herself wanting to speak. “Funny.”

Anthem’s ears perked up at the sudden voice. He turned to Haren with a puzzling expression. “What is?”

“She’s all ashamed about being naked. Kinda dumb,” Haren explained, chuckling at the end.

“Yeah, hehe. I guess.” Anthem continued to watch the film, only now he was distracted. Somehow, what Haren said, caused the fact they were both naked to become oddly apparent. Kind of strange. Maybe the movie was having that big of an effect on him?

“Back in my country, wearing clothes was the embarrassing thing.”

Anthem snorted, a jovial guffaw emanating from his mouth. “Why?” he said in between chuckles.

Haren was glad she could amuse him that much. She joined in on the laughter. “Because, it means you care enough about the people around you to hide yourself in shame. And the more elegant the clothes the more dependant you are to the one you are with. It’s a sign of accepting your vulnerability to the one you...” Haren trailed off, somehow unable to say the last word. Anthem, dense as always, didn’t catch on.

“Now that’s funny,” he commented, leaning on his armrest more. There was something uncomfortable about the room now. The air was thicker and none of the positions he tried really felt comfortable. “The last thing I want my mares to have are clothes.”

“Heheha! Yeah. It’d be so weird if a griffin and a pony got together. eh?” Haren immediately froze after she said that last sentence. She had been letting her brain go on autopilot ever since they started talking, and she blurted that out without even thinking about the consequences. She kept her eyes glued on the movie without actually watching it. She did not dare look away.

Anthem was eerily silent. Not moving a muscle or saying a word. Hell, it didn’t even sound like he was breathing. They both began to sweat, unsure of what to say.

Anthem, more confused than scared, was the first to speak. “I dunno... I don’t think it’d be that weird. I mean I’ve been with some strange girls, y’know?”

Haren knew he was just trying to relieve the tension, but he only succeeded in making it worse by admitting that it wouldn’t be odd if they...

There was more silence. Anthem began to get physically frustrated. He kept fidgeting in his seat, but every new position made him regret movement even more. Eventually, Haren had to chime in, to try to defuse everything. “I don’t think it’d work out too well. Our anatomy is just too different.” Haren hadn’t tried to implement them. It just happened.

“I’m sure the basics are the same. You’ve got talons and stuff. Our differences would stem to... other parts, but that could be managed right?” What the hell was he saying? He was just making conversation, right?

“We could use our talons, i guess,” Haren blurted out once again. She fought the urge to stuff her arm down her throat to prevent herself from talking again.

Anthem finally took his eyes off the movie to look at Haren and recoil. That was the last thing he expected her to say.

“And i hear ponies do some other stuff that griffin’s wouldn’t even dream of. We kinda just stick to the way nature intended.” Haren continued. She wasn’t sure if her brain could her the things she was saying. She looked to Anthem to gauge his reaction, but it was... normal. He was just looking at her with a normal expression. “What’s... common?”

Anthem wasn’t expecting to provide input. “Uhhh... M... mouths?”


“Mouths... you know... for...”

Haren’s eyes widened and blood rushed to her face. “Oh.”

Another silence.



“You want to try it out?” Why. Why. Why. Why am I doing this? I’m going to ruin everything. He’s going to say-

“If... you’re into it.” Anthem breathed. He’d never even thought of the possibility... So why yes?

“Friends do this kinda stuff all the time, right?” Sure it’s what you always hear... but it probably doesn’t happen as often as people like to think.

“Hehe, right.” Anthem smiled. Not a coy one. A genuine smile you’d give a friend, not a lover. A smile he always wore with Haren and Sketch and all of his friends. But never one he had shown to a lover. He never smiled to his lovers. Never.

“So...” Is this really happening? Is this what I wanted? Do I care? Haren smiled back. “How do I start?”

“Damn.” A single curse was all Sketch could say.Haren itched the back of her head, with a distant, yet content expression.

“Yeah. It was what I said too.” She laughed, glad to have gotten the story off her shoulders. “You ponies are into some weird shit. Why would you put something like that in your mouth? God, it’d be awful to be the male. That place shouldn’t be explored in that way, yet you guys are super excited to do it!”

The lewdity of their conversation got to Sketch, finally. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, we’re gross like that.” Sketch switched his expression to his previous one. “So... what happened?”

“Hm. Well let’s just say we didn’t exactly watch the movie that night.” Haren laughed, rubbing her shoulder.

“That’s not what I meant, Haren.” Sketch kept his serious face on and scrutinized her. Haren immediately saw that he wasn’t falling for it.

“That obvious that something’s wrong?”

“You’ve practically got a flashing neon sign saying it.”

Haren sighed, in both exasperation and exhaustion. She started slowly. “It’s just... well we didn’t do more than that... weird pony stuff. I mean... I think he called it third base?”

“Thats... common if it’s your first time as a pair,” he added. “Testing the waters so to speak.”

“Yeah, but we skipped first base,” Haren said slowly, unsure if she was using the right terminology.

“Oh!” Sketch exclaimed as his eyes widened. “Oh.” Another realization dawned on him. This may be more complicated than I thought.

Haren got the hint that her message got across. “And we never stole home, either...”

Sketch’s heart faltered for a moment. This is way complicated. “So... how often do you guys... score triples?” The baseball terminology was getting kind of ridiculous, but the situation was too dire to comment on it.

“Every couple of days. Until now.”

They both remained there for a moment. Sketch could swear he could hear the still air. Sketch believed it the right time to ask the obvious question. “You don’t think he’s in love with you.”

Haren shook her head.

“But you’re in love with him?”

Haren sighed in response, got up, and walked over to her bed along with Sketch. In a moderately surprising act, she got in with him. Sketch didn’t react, however, mostly due to him being too tired to.


“How long?”

She placed her arm above Sketch’s, who was on a lower part of the bed. She stared blankly at the wall behind him. “A couple of days after I met him.”

“My lord, Haren. That was like... four years ago? It was before I met him.”

“I know. I never expected this to happen. I was happy just being his friend. I was selfish to want more.”

“I don’t know if I’d call it selfish.” Sketch yawned, and his eyes became heavy. He allowed them to close, despite Haren’s company. He knew neither of them would do anything, so it was just them comfortably hanging out. Yes, that’s what it was.

“What would you call it then?”

“I don’t know. But it hurts, I know. It hurts when someone’s so close... but it just feels like they’re miles away, always out of reach.” He lifted a hoof into the air, held it, and let it land gently on his forehead.



Suddenly Haren reached out and grabbed Sketch’s neck, pulling it towards her chest. While he initially was surprised, he allowed it to happen.

“Thanks for this. Thanks for the talk.”

Sketch chuckled. “Thanks for saving her life.” And with that, he fell asleep.

Author's Note: