• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 10,264 Views, 272 Comments

How to be a Mother - Mattricole

  • ...

Parent-Teacher Conferance

“Scootaloo!” Diamond Tiara shouted as she walked up to her daughter. “What in the world is this?!” she asked as she showed Scootaloo a envelope.

“I-it’s nothing, Mom…” Scootaloo replied, looking away from her mother. Diamond Tiara scoffed and slammed the envelope on the table.

“Nothing? Nothing?! This is anything but nothing!”

“What in tarnation is going on?” Apple Bloom grumbled as she walked into the kitchen, sitting down next to Diamond Tiara. “What’s wrong, hun?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong! Scootaloo got in trouble at school again!”

“Ah know; we were there,” Apple Bloom sighed as she took the envelope in hoof. “It’s just a parent-teacher conference. What’s the big deal?”

“What’s the big deal?!” Diamond Tiara asked as she slammed her hoof on the table. “How can my little Scootaloo get an education if she gets kicked out of school?!”

“Diamond, Scootaloo isn’t going to be kicked out of school,” Apple Bloom reassured as she wrapped a hoof around Diamond’s shoulder. “Look, we’ll go to the conference, apologize fer Scootaloo’s misbehavior, go home, and have a nice dinner and a movie. How’s that sound, hun?” Apple Bloom asked as she nuzzled Diamond Tiara’s cheek, causing her to giggle.

“Oh, Apple Bloom, you always know how to make me feel better!” Diamond Tiara gushed as she turned her head and kissed Apple Bloom on the lips.

“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Scootaloo groaned as she covered her mouth. Her parents could be so embarrassing.

“Alright, class is dismissed. I’ll see you all tomorrow morning,” Cheerilee said, signalling the students to get up from their seats and rushing out the door. “Scootaloo, you stay!” Cheerilee shouted as she caught Scootaloo trying to sneak out.

“Sorry, Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo mumbled as she took a seat in front of her desk.

“Good, now, all we have to do is wait for Miss Jalapeno to get-”

“Miss Jalapeno’s no longer her legal guardian!” Diamond Tiara shouted as she slammed a document on top of Miss Cheerilee’s desk. “I am!”

“...What?” Cheerilee mumbled to herself as she looked at the document in front of her. As far as she could tell it was a legal document stating Diamond Dazzle Tiara (her student) as the legal guardian of Scootaloo (now Scootaloo “Pretty Face” Rich).

“As you can see, I am now the proud owner, I-I mean “parent”, of Scootaloo!” Diamond Tiara said, smirking as she stared at a gasping Cheerilee.

“WHAT?!” Cheerilee once again shouted as she re-read the document. “IS THIS EVEN LEGAL?!” Diamond Tiara just shrugged in response.

“Ah don’t see why not. We got the document an’ everything!” Apple Bloom bragged as she sat next to Scootaloo smiling.

“...Apple Bloom, what are you doing here?” Cheerilee asked, though in truth she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

“Well, ah just couldn’t stand by and watch a single mother raise a child on her own!” Apple Bloom shouted as she thumped herself on the chest. “As a responsible member of the Apple Family, it was mah responsibility to take-”

“I asked her to marry me, and she agreed because she’s after my money,” Diamond Tiara finished, earning a glare from Apple Bloom. “Now, let’s get this conference started. Apple Bloom needs to fix dinner.”

“Uh...okay?” Cheerilee responded, unsure if she should call the mayor over this, but decided against it. Coughing into her hoof, she lifted a stack of papers to her face. “You do know why I called the two of you here today?” she asked with a smile, earning a glare from Diamond Tiara.

“Oh, I know alright!” Diamond Tiara shouted as she slammed her hooves into the table. “Scootaloo! I can’t believe you hit Truffle Shuffle!”

“But, Mom, I-”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses!” Diamond Tiara growled as she turned to Cheerilee. “Ma’am, I am terribly sorry for my daughter’s misbehavior,” Diamond Tiara said as she bowed her head, earning a rather awkward grin from Cheerilee.

“That’s...quite alright, Diamond Tiara.”

“Please, call me Madame Tiara.” Diamond Tiara said with a grin, causing Cheerilee’s grin to twitch.

“Okay…Madame Tiara” Cheerilee growled, unsure if she should give Diamond Tiara a detention for disrespectful behavior. “But really, I do believe we should ask Scootaloo why she hit Truffle Shuffle, don’t you think?” Cheerilee asked, causing Diamond Tiara to groan.

“Ah agree with Miss Cheerilee. We shouldn’t be talkin about Scootaloo as if she weren’t here!” Apple Bloom said as she wrapped a hoof around her daughter. “Now, Scoots, why did you hit Truffle Shuffle?” Apple Bloom asked, causing Diamond to growl.

“Honestly! What does it even matt-”

“He called mom fat…” Scootaloo muttered, causing Diamond Tiara’s eyebrow to twitch.

“What...was that, dear?”

“He called you fat, so I decked him in the face.”

“...I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!” Diamond Tiara roared as she quickly leaped off her seat and ran towards the door, only to be stopped by Apple Bloom.

“Diamond Tiara, stop!” Apple Bloom begged as she tried to keep Diamond Tiara from crawling away. “What kind of example will you be setting for our daughter?!”

“A good one!” Diamond Tiara barked back. “I’m gonna teach her nopony insults the Rich Family! And if they do, we teach them a lesson!”

“Diamond Tiara…” Apple Bloom muttered to herself, before leaning forward into Diamond’s ear, and started to whispering. Eventually, Diamond Tiara started to settle down, and stopped fighting Apple Bloom. “Better?”

“Yeah...a little bit.” Diamond Tiara replied as she went back to her seat. Taking a deep breath, she smiled at Cheerilee. “Sorry about that. So how much is it going to cost for you to forget about Scootaloo’s little...incident?” Diamond Tiara asked with a smile. Cheerilee brought her hoof to her face and sighed.

“...One hundred bits sound fair?” Cheerilee asked, causing Diamond Tiara’s grin to grow.

“I think that’s more than fair.” Diamond replied as she grabbed her purse, paying Cheerilee the allotted sum. “And another two hundred for a certain colt to get punished?” Diamond Tiara asked, jingling her coin purse in front of Cheerilee.

“...Just get out,” Cheerilee growled as she pointed at the door.

“Eh, it was worth a shot,” Diamond Tiara sighed as she ushered her family out.

“Thanks for getting me out of trouble, Mom,” Scootaloo mumbled as she lay in bed.

“It’s no problem, my little Scootaloo!” Diamond Tiara giggled as she kissed Scootaloo on the cheek. “I would do anything for my little knight,” Diamond Tiara said as she tucked Scootaloo into bed. “Now go to bed, it’s way past your bedtime.” And with that, Diamond Tiara turned to leave Scootaloo’s room.

“Good night, Mom,” Scootaloo yawned as she snuggled into bed.

“Good night, Scootaloo,” Diamond Tiara cooed as she turned off the lights and exited the room. Turning towards her own room, Diamond Tiara giggled to herself. I’m such a good influence, she thought to herself as she entered her room and lay down next to Apple Bloom.