• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 1,431 Views, 9 Comments

Fear Factor - Apple_Crack

Fear is a powerful weapon. Twilight has never shown fear before when faced with villains such as Nightmare Moon. But there is one thing that causes her fear to this day.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Come on, Twilight, please open the door. We’re getting worried about you.” Another knock came on Twilight’s door.

It was the third time today that Spike had tried to help her. She stared at her desk, trying to immerse herself in her newest edition of Daring Do, “Daring Do and the Temple of Icthlarin!” She ignored the meal placed beside her book as she closed it with a slight sigh and blew out the candle lighting the room. Hanging her head in defeat, she shuffled to her bed, knowing it was going to be one of those nights again.


Twilight tried to jump up out of bed. She fell back on it with a resounding thud. She glanced at the room around her. Five ponies and a little dragon surrounded her bed. The neat bookshelves reminded Twilight that she was in her home, safe from the snakes in her nightmare. She looked at herself and saw a rope across her chest holding her down. She called upon magic to undo her bonds, but only a few sparks fell lazily from the tip of her horn. She thrashed against her bonds.

“Ya ain’t getting outta that, sugarcube. And don’t think about using magic, ya hear? Spike fetched us that magic training thingy preventing spells.”

“Very funny, girls, now let me go!” Twilight continued straining against the rope.

“Sorry Twi, but until yer fear is conquered, we ain’t letting ya go.”

Twilight froze. Was it that obvious to everypony? “How did you know? And how did you get in here?”

Pinkie giggled. “Silly Twilight, we came in the front door.”

“I let them in,” Spike answered, “You need help, Twi. You’re starting to worry us. You haven’t left the library in four days.”

“I was doing some important studying,” she lied. “And what is it that I need help with?” Twilight hoped they would give the wrong answer.

“Um... well… you seem to be afraid of snakes. I’m sorry, was I too direct?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Come on, Twilight. Don’t play dumb with us. Fluttershy told us everything. Ain’t that right, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash nudged the yellow pegasi.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t get your permission,” Fluttershy said, head hanging down.

“So I’m afraid of snakes, big deal. I’m not hurting anypony else, right?”

“So hurting yerself is better, Twi? Look at ya! According ta Spike, ya barely eat and can’t sleep. Tain’t healthy.”

“And just look at your mane, dear! It looks as if you haven’t seen a brush in years!” Rarity added.

“Ya ain’t helping.”

“But one must take pride in one’s appearance, unlike some ponies.” Rarity flipped her mane.

Twilight forced herself to look. They were right. She felt how her body had wasted away in the past days. She felt lightheaded and weak every day. Her mane was a disheveled mess. Her stomach growled out for any form of sustenance. She needed help. Twilight held back the tears welling up in the corners of her vision.

“Let it out, Twi. Ya wanna tell us about it?”

Twilight did. She told them every detail of her horror.

“It all started back when I was a filly. A circus had come to Canterlot…”


“Now you know everything,” Twilight told them, her eyes staring at the floor.

“Don’t ya feel better, Twi, getting it off yer chest this way?”

“You’re right, AJ, it’s like a weight I carried with me for years is gone,” Twilight said to her smiling friends, “Now would you please let me go?”

“Not so fast, Twilight. We're not finished yet.” Rainbow stomped the floor and flapped her wings.

“Telling ponies your fear is one thing, facing it is what makes a pony stronger.” Rarity glanced at the group and received a silent agreement.

“Everypony is afraid of something,” Fluttershy said.

“I’m not afraid of anything! I’m the bravest pony that ever lived!” Rainbow smiled and puffed out her chest.

“Hey Dashie, remember the day with the scary dragon, and you were bouncing your ball, and I was like ‘Roar,’ and I scared you into thinking the dragon was back, and I roared again and we all laughed?” Pinkie flashed a smile.

The smile on Dash’s face dropped slightly, but she regained her composure. “You guys didn’t scare me. I was faking it the whole time!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Alright. Everypony ‘cept Dash has a fear.”

“Spike, be a dear and go fetch our friend downstairs.” Rarity blinked her eyelashes at him.

Spike sprinted downstairs.

“Who’s this ‘friend,’ and why can’t he or she come up here without assistance?” Twilight asked, suspicion laced in her voice.

Before anypony could answer, Spike returned, carrying a crate with a handle on it. As he set it on the ground beside Fluttershy, a sound came from the crate.

Twilight’s eyes grew wide at the sound.

“Are you crazy!?” she screamed at the group, resuming her struggle.

“O-oh… are you sure about this?” Fluttershy pawed at the ground.

“Come on Fluttershy, we’ve been over this already,” Rainbow beat her wings a little faster and rolled her eyes.

“Rainbow’s right, this is the only way to help Twilight,” Rarity added.

“Now Twi, I promise–”

“Do you Pinkie promise? Doyoudoyoudoyou?” Pinkie bounced in front of Applejack.

“Yeah, I Pinkie promise.” Applejack recited the movements and words, closing her eye before putting her hoof into it. “That ain’t nothin’ bad gonna happen ta ya, Twi.”

“Yeah, if anything does go wrong, Fluttershy can use The Stare."

Twilight had to give credit to Rainbow Dash for trying, but it did nothing to reassure her.

“Maybe we should get started before somepony says anything else. Right, girls?” Rarity glared at Rainbow.

They all nodded and stared at Fluttershy. She reached into the crate and pulled out a monstrosity that Twilight never wanted in her home. Twilight noticed every detail of the snake: the green scales, the elongated body, the forked tongue, the razor sharp fangs, the slits for eyes, and that hissing sound brought Twilight back to her past. Twilight wished she could cast a memory-erasing spell on everypony.

Beads of sweat formed on Twilight’s head as Fluttershy stood there with the snake. It wrapped itself around Fluttershy’s hooves and flicked its tongue. Fluttershy just giggled at it.

“I’m sorry, Mister Slithers, for keeping you locked up. I’ll make it up to you later.” Fluttershy carried the snake towards Twilight.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing?” Twilight felt her voice crack.

“Twi, we’re gonna show ya that snakes can be yer friends, too. Now sit still an’ don’t move.”

Twilight stopped, not because she listened to Applejack, but because Fluttershy reached the edge of her bed and unwound the snake from her hooves.

“Now be nice, or you won’t get your special treat later.” Fluttershy looked sternly at the snake before placing it on Twilight’s chest and stepping back.

Twilight nearly fainted now that it touched her.

The snake sat curled up for a moment in the middle of her chest. It rose and fell with her panicked breathing. It moved towards her face. The entire room around her blurred. She could no longer see her friends. As the snake continued its movements, Twilight closed her eyes and turned her head. She waited for the inevitable bite and pain.

Something wet grazed her cheek. She flicked her eyes open and waited. The room around her returned into focus.

“I think he likes you, dear.” Rarity pointed her hoof.

Twilight craned her head forward and stared into the eyes of the snake.

It flicked its tongue out again and licked her cheek. It then curled up on her chest.

Her breathing calmed, the tense nerves in her body creaking back into place. Why was it just sitting there? It could have attacked her at any point, yet it just licked her cheek and curled back up. Was she truly afraid of this creature, a being that caused her pain? Could it be something far deeper causing her fear? Her eyes widened, a slight twinkle flashing across them. She smiled for the first time in days.


“See Twi, not every snake is ah bad apple. Was it as bad as ya thought it would be?” Applejack asked through a mouthful of rope.

Rarity’s horn glowed. The magic prevention device fell away from Twilight’s horn.

Fluttershy lifted the snake off Twilight and smiled at it. “You are such a good boy. Just for that, you get two treats tonight,” she told it, who hissed in joy.

“Actually, it was. But it also revealed something to me. I finally understand why I was afraid of snakes,” Twilight told them.

“And that would be…?” Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows, her wings beating faster in anticipation of Twilight’s answer.

“It wasn’t the snake I was afraid of. It was the fear of my family losing me. I saw the pain in their eyes in the following days. They purposely went out of their way to spend time with me and make me happy. If they were doing this because they almost lost me, how would they react if I did die?” Twilight felt tears in the edge of her vision, but willed herself to keep it together. “I didn’t want anypony else to feel the pain my family went through, especially you girls. I feared that if I died, everypony I care for would fall apart.”

“Twilight, we all care for you. If you had told us, we would have understood and helped you. You made us proud today,” Rarity wrapped a hoof around Twilight.

The group bobbed their heads up and down.

Pinkie shoved her face into Twilight’s, obscuring her vision with blue eyes and a huge smile. “Does this mean that I get to throw my ‘We’re so happy you faced your fear of snakes and are friends with snakes now’ party?”

“Yes, Pinkie, you get to throw your party.” Twilight rolled her eyes. Leave it to Pinkie Pie to jump right back into party mode.

Pinkie leaped off Twilight’s bed and pulled out her party cannon. She fired it into the air and bounced up with the confetti and streamers.

“Whoa there, sugercube. I don’t think a party is a good idea right now.”

“Oh, okay!” Pinkie fell back to the ground. The streamers and confetti still hung in the air.

“But we can have a party tomorrow, Pinkie. Nopony misses a Pinkie Party!”

Rainbow Dash stamped her hooves in excitement and everypony else followed suit with cheers.

“Tomorrow will be fine, girls. But right now, I have some sleep to catch up on.” Twilight yawned as the adrenaline in system died down.


The girls and Spike followed Twilight as she trotted downstairs. Twilight thanked each of them for looking out for her and their help in overcoming her fear. One by one, her friends left, until it was just Spike and her.

“You ready for a good night’s sleep?” Spike turned his head towards her.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, but would you mind getting the spare bed out for tonight?” Twilight asked as she turned to head back upstairs.

“Why?” Spike followed her.

“No reason in particular.”

They reached the top of the steps.

“Would you please get the bed out and fetch me a glass of water?” Twilight asked, coughing into her hoof.

Spike ran over to the closet and pulled down the spare bed out of the wall. He ran back downstairs.

When Twilight was sure he was gone, she quickly unleashed her magic on her main bed. It disintegrated into a pile of ash that Twilight quickly pushed under the rug.

“Note to self, buy new bed tomorrow,” Twilight said to herself.

She no longer feared snakes, but that didn’t mean she wanted to touch them or have them touch her things.

Comments ( 3 )

I wonder remember when Spike saw his fear in that magic door at the Crystal Empire?

Applying my last comment to RD...
She's either lying or she's an idiot.

I like the ending.
I do have to wonder, though...
What would happen if Twi met a lamia (half snake, half pony form) who lived in the catacombs of Canterlot? Oddly specific, yes, but easily explained...

His name would be Bright Eyes, or somewhere along those lines. He'd be blind, but have incredibly hearing. He'd be dressed in tattered black robes concealing his face. He'd be white, or just a really, really light grey. there's be a scar shaped slash across his eyes. He'd probably have a low, deep voice too.
Anyway, the meeting would probably be arranged by Celestia after hearing Twilight had a fear. She'd be ordered to explosre the caverns beneath Canterlot to contemplate her fears, little knowing that the tunnels have been enchanted to not let her out until she's "conquered" it. In the dimly lit darkness, she'd find a single candle and a pony in front of it, hooves crossed in a prayer-like manner. He'd be the first to speak, and the conversation between them being the philosophy of fear. He admits that he is here for a similar reason. Only after explaining it, does Twilight feel something brush against her leg. She steels her nerves and asks what he's doing down here, and then he admits that he was sentenced to roam aimlessly through these tunnels for an eternity as a punishment for the fear and tyranny he inflicted upon the land long ago. He used the Lamia's gift of hypnosis combined with dark magicks to give all the ponies of Equestria nightmares to submit to his will. The initial punishment was dealt by the elements of harmony which stripped him of the very same gift that caused so many years of fear. The second step of punishment was Princess Luna's sentence. After this explanation, Twilight feels something scaly sliding against her leg, which prompts a question from both of them respectfully. The lamia's is what Twilight's phobia is, and Twi's is what he is.
Bright Eyes, in his 1000+years of wisdom decides to frighten Twilight to near death, resulting in her running as fast as she can out of there. He recognizes that she will probably hate him with an intensity rivaling the sun, but also recognizes the benefit for her.
As twilight runs, she mulls over the conversation and everything he said ultimately coming to the conclusion that fear sometimes cannot be conquered. That being said, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can live with it. The enchanted caverns lead her out, and leaving Bright Eyes to his solitary confinement and introspection.

Whoops! :twilightsheepish: Kinda overdid it. Sorry. You don't really DO NOT need to do... all that... Sorry. :fluttercry:

As much as I like to see Twilight confront her fear of snakes--they are incredibly cute little buggers, after all--I can only shake my head about the manner her friends decided not to encourage her to face her fears, but straight out enforced it via inacceptable means. While facing a fear might be a viable path of action in a controlled environment and with approval of the patient, this horrendous treatment might even make it worse. I halfway expected Twilight to nearly die again due to cardiac arrest or something like that, due to the high stress factor. I sincerely hope you do not actually think that this would be an acceptable course of action under practically any circumstances.
From a technical standpoint, it was well written and entertaining, especcially Twilight's determination to not keep anything Mr. Slithers touched in her house.

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