• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 744 Views, 8 Comments

Apple Blossoms: A Blooming Prequel - StarRibbon

The Cutie Mark Crusaders still haven't received there marks which is troublesome as they embark on a new journey together:Teenage Hood. Everything they once thought are switched as love blossoms. Can they band together and survive the school ye

  • ...

A line of Beeps



Was she falling or was she laying? Her body was numb and she can't move her limbs at all. She wanted to flex and to see her body. Then, the lag dragged on. She needs to flex badly. She feels scared.



Then the burning came on, she couldn't scream. Her limbs burned with piercing pain. She couldn't see whatever caused it-she can't do much but cry. Even then, she can't cry at all. She feels desperate.



Her limbs stopped burning, but her throat felt hoarse despite the inability to scream. Her muscles ached in desperation. When that ended, it was silent. With pain, there was feeling. She wasn't alone, but that left. She feels abandoned.

Beep Beep Beep

The shroud let her eyes open wide, but there was nothing to see save darkness in strangely let, odd lights. The lights flashed in blotches that were in lumps of colors. Why they came together was odd to her. Was it to mock her and her inability to cover her face? Some of the lights were blinding- a rainbow-esque blotch was insanely bright but beautiful. It was coupled with cyan and violet pink. She felt jealous of its radiance and boldness. The next light was something vibrant but less blinding:yellow, red-orange, red, and something pink. She felt herself want to smile and blush at the light. She didn't know why.

More colors flung towards her. So many unaccounted for pinks and purples. One noticeable was pink, purple, white, blue and a tinge of silver. Her heart fluttered and she was sure her cheeks were flustered. She couldn't stop herself from the strange chest flutters. Yet..she liked it. She wanted to embrace the colors for some stupid reason. Her heart broke when they disappeared. Everything disappeared except the darkness. She felt heartbroken.

Beep Beep Beep

"You said she would be fine!" Blurry voices. Sound could enter through darkness? She realized she could move her head back and forth. When she had, her shoulders were able to be moved too. She wanted to weep. They were scaring her. They were afraid like her, despite the inability to put the words together.

"She's going to be. She should be up by now instead! We're learning of why now."

They were there, she wasn't alone. But, she was. She was terrified.

Beep Beep Beep

Her body wasn't her own. It was foreign-different. A new entity filled her being. It was companionship she never experienced-those feelings. Rich, anger-inducing feelings. They weren't of normal circumstances either, but it lingered. Thoughts that didn't exist previously cloud her vision, the darkness filled with new rich variants of different images. So many-but they were so limited. How old was she? Where had she been? The dark splotches caked her vision of a long line of images. Some pained her-she didn't understand said feelings, others made her feel richer. Then, there were just images that depressed her that she couldn't see. The voices she couldn't match except one.

Her-she knows her. It alluded her how she managed to still have a burning desire for her-but she doubted it could be reset in the other. Her senses heightened to a degree she never experienced, her muscles began to strain, starving for movement once more. She hadn't moved so long-it was too long. She wasn't comfortable in her own skin anymore. She was too big-older than the images, she figured. If she wasn't the pony...then why is she seeing this?

'Scatenata, darling..' The voice cooed. She perked her ears-the voice was taunting. Images of a cello bow so cold lingered deeper than she wishes it had. She's supposed to be pure-innocent. Her first time with another she loved. So, she lied. Covered her trails. She wanted to be that way, but she wasn't. This voice made that certain. "You better stop playing around." The images started shifting into something darker, harsher than could ever been done. Fillies and colts spewed on the floor before getting sown shut-organs simply removed and used for the illegal meat trade. At least, she figured. Terror filled her being-the little pony simply held onto the scalpel in such horror that can't be described. Then, a crack.

She couldn't rid of them-they filled her very place.

She felt so disgusted and horrified.

The beeps of something get louder, she can hear the been rushing against her ears. The source she can't find.


She wanted to scream out. She begged and pleaded to a god that she had to assume was looking away. Then again-she hardly knew what a god was. She prayed to the very word and idea. Then, her forearms moved. She moved an arm and touched her face for the first time. She bent forward, leaning. It was something terribly unexpected-didn't know she had that ability. The darkness gave way with cloudy, dizzy and disorienting lights that flooded and hurt her eyes to even look at.

Wings-she had wings? Could she move them? She forgot about the appendages entirely. It fascinated her that she has something like that. She figured she was an earth pony. Then again, are they usable? She wanted to test that sooner or later, but had no strength to had the moment. She could barely see, after all. Her wings stretched, but they they roared in defiance. They didn't want to be moved so they created pain that prevented it. She sputtered and coughed out before feeling a warm pair of hooves (assuming they were-she hardly knew what hooves felt like anymore.) and an earth-shattering embrace that knocked the air out of her.

"Pinkie! She's in recovery!" A stern-voiced mare reprimanded. The hooves recoiled and clunked as they hit the floor. When the disorientation stopped, she could see it was a pink clad mare. Her hair a puffy dark pink in contrast to her light pink coat. The stern mare was, instead, purple clad. Indigo hair with a purple and pink streak that straighten to the horn until it curved to the nape of her light purple coated neck. Dark violet eyes greeted her along with a set of light blues.

"Oops, sorry.." Pinkie sheepishly laughed. She looked around as nervousness clenched at her chest. All these ponies and all the emotions pent up ached to be released-but how? They reminded her of the splotches from before-there was the yellow and red blotch that was now a mare along with the rainbow blotch that was unbearable to see with a cyan to boot. Beside her was the pink, purple, white and blue blotch she wished to have stay, it turned out to be another mare with a tiara. So many whites, oranges, yellows....too many ponies to describe!

Dizzy. She was dizzy with emotions, confused and helpless. They stared at her and talked-they greeted and cared. Why didn't she know any of them?

"Scootaloo, we were worried sick about you!" The yellow and red mare spoke. Her name wasn't Scootaloo. They must be mistaken or something. Nopony called her (then again, who talks to her? She doesn't recall anypony) Scootaloo. It was a strange,uncouth name she sort of adored. Scatenata was her name, it was a cursed name that she loathed, but her name.

"W..Where am I?" She asked. Wait-she could speak? This was wonderful! The weight of her emotions (they have weight?) fell off her shoulders. "My...my name...Why are you calling me Scootaloo?" Who knew such a little question could warrant so much?

Comments ( 4 )

4406362 Thanks~♥ I loved your story too.

Nice twist on scootaloo

Nice story!
Looking forward to see this finished as soon as possible :applejackunsure:

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