• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 3,488 Views, 61 Comments

It's only a game - Sakits

Button is a huge gamer, and didn't pay attention to fillies, but now that he has to share lockers with Sweetie Belle and not to mention that he has to sit right behind her during class, things have changed Button at home and school.

  • ...

Operation Success

Ok Button, this is it. All the practice that you have done with your mom, and it all comes down to it.

Thought Button Mash, as he was slowly making his way up the stairs to the red colored school house. Today would be the day where he would ask out Sweetie Belle to the PonyVille Choir. He walked through the halls taking notice how vandalism was on some lockers. Some had pony skulls, others had guns or knives on the lockers. As he walked over to his locker he found it to be neat and spotless, mainly due to Sweetie Belle. Button Mash put in his combination locker and opened it swiftly, taking note that Sweetie Belle still hasn't shown up. He was glancing to the front of the school-house door back to his class. Silently cursing in Humgonian, he picked up his stuff and headed to his class.

Classes went much faster than Button would ever think. And school food served the best thing that he ever tasted in his life. It was the end of the day, and he couldn't wait to tell his mom all about, except he couldn't give any updates on Sweetie Belle because she wasn't there at school today. And at last the school bell gave off a high piercing sound letting the ponies that school was over. Button Mash ran out the front door of the school house feeling the wind go through his mane.

Excitement all around him, he was about to turn the corner until he saw a white unicorn filly with a purple and pink mane. Button Mash stopped in his tracks immediately. He found Sweetie Belle, and it was about time while he was at it. Button Mash trotted over to Sweetie Belle was, she was sitting below an oak tree with her homework spread out everywhere on the grass. He couldn't help himself and not take notice her beautiful mane. She looked up from where her work was and then he fell in a deep trance in her sparkling green eyes.

" Hi Button, may I help you with something?" Sweetie Belle said sweetly.

"I-er well um.. Uh......" Stuttered Button Mash

"Something the matter?" Giggled Sweetie Belle.

"Um.... No..."

Ok Button, this is it. It's now or never, do or die.

"So Sweetie Belle, I was wondering, you know.... If you would like to go to the PonyVille Choir next week with me?" Button Mash asked confidently, with his chest puffed out trying to look like superpony.

"Hm, I'll make you a deal, one that I'm sure you will win. Now, I will go with to the concert as long as you have the tickets on you right now." Sweetie Belle replied giddily.

"Um sure." He said. “Just let me get them out of my saddle bag and show you them."

Button Mash slipped his his saddle bag off of his shoulders as if he was taking his homework out. But instead of homework he was going to get the tickets out to present her with them. Of a couple minutes of searching Button started to get a little nervous. He started to fumble all over the bag, and still couldn't find those two tickets. Without any choices left, he decided to turn his bag right side up and dumped every item that it contained. Pencils fell from the bag, crayons, notebooks, homework, anything school related fell onto the grass. Button then frantically searched the contents on the ground and to his dismay, he could not find the two tickets to take Sweetie Belle to the PonyVille choir.

Sweetie Belle sighed. "Well, I guess that I'm not going out with you anyway, loser."

Button Mash just stood there as his crush actually crushed him into the ground. Why did she call him a loser? What did she mean she's not going out with me anyway? Tears sprung up into the eyes of the hurt colt. This wasn't the Sweetie Belle he knew and came to like. She just called him a loser, that was much painful as her rejection towards him. While still dazed in her thoughts, he heard her call out towards him.

"See ya, LOSER!" She then proceeded home whilst laughing of what events just had taken place. Button Mash stood there with tears forming through his eyes as he knew the only thing he could scream.



Button Mash awoke from the terrible nightmare he has just witnessed. He slowly remember what happened in his dream. Asking out Sweetie Belle, forgetting the tickets to the choir, Sweetie Belle then rejecting him, and him being called a loser and screaming out in agony. The one item in that dream that he needed for her to say yes was forgotten at his house. How could he have been so careless to forget such an important piece to ask her out with?

Button Mash groggily rose from his bed. The rays of the sun casting through the window was hitting the tip of his mane and into his face. He glanced over to where his clock was, and the time was shown in green numbers indicating that it was 5:00 in the morning. He glared at the numbers knowing that he woken up 3 hours early for school. Though, this does mean that he can play one of his game consoles because of no one else is awake.

Button Mash let out a long yawn and got out of bed. He carefully stepped over all of the action figures and games that littered his floor. Looking cautiously , he tiptoed to his shelf where most of his games where. He rummaged throughout the games looking for a shoot-em up video games until he came across the Call of Duty Black Ops 1 game Xbox 360 version. It was a classic, and one of his favorite game. He plopped the the game into the awaiting counsel.

Two hours later into the game, he heard a voice behind him that was filled with anger and disappointment.

"Really Button, you had to wake up this early to play this dumb game of yours?"

"But moooooom I woke up really early today and I had nothing else to do and I didn't want to go back to sleep" He said, without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Buttons!" She said getting into her strict voice. "You woke up just to play this dumb game and not go to sleep? I'm really disappointed in you!"

"B-but mom, you don't understand-"

"What don't I understand?” Buttons mom demanded.

"I...I. er.. I had a nightmare mom." He said. With his moral sinking even lower than before.

"Oh, that's ok sweetie, everypony has nightmares. Including me too. So what was your nightmare about anyway?" She said her face changing from anger to sorrowful.

"I...er... It was about me forgetting the tickets to ask out Sweetie Belle and then her rejecting me. And at the end, right before I woke up, she called me a loser." Said Button Mash, realizing how stupid he must have sounded like.

"Aw, well that's ok darling, everypony gets nervous and afraid when they ask somepony out. And if she does reject you, you can say ok and walk on. There is nothing to be afraid about."


"No buts, I'm sure that she will say yes. I mean, who wouldn't say yes to my handsome colt? Now come downstairs so I can make some chocolate chip pancakes for your big day today."

"Er...ok I guess mom" Button called out. Trotting downstairs as he awaited for his mom to prepare breakfast.


At the same moment, Sweetie Belle started to wake up from her sleep. Ears perking up because of a continuous beeping coming from her alarm clock. She fumbled around trying to hit the clock to stop it, after her fourth time she succeeded and turned it off. Rubbing her eyes slightly, she sat up and stared at the Octavia poster hung across on her bed. A smiled beamed across her face. How much she would pay anything to go to one of her idols choirs. Listening to her playing her cello and to her strong voice that inspired Sweetie Belle to want to sing

Right then the smile was swept off of her face. She just remembered that she had school. Sweetie Belle groggily got out of bed, mumbling about how she hated school. Right before she left to go downstairs she combed her mane 100 times, just like her sister, Rarity, and then went back upstairs and made her bed. Unlike the stereotypical on colts and fillies, her room was clean and and bed always made. Probably due to the fact that her sister is always a clean freak and a germaphobic, with a side OCD.

Sweetie Belle proceeded to walk downstairs, she stopped halfway when she smelled something very good. Her eyes widened when she remember what that smell was. She broke out in a full trot downstairs and into the kitchen when she saw her sister cooking blueberry hay waffles, her favorite. Just smelling the aroma of the waffles made her saliva glands water up. She made her way to the table in the side of the room, quickly sitting in the chair and awaited for her waffles to make there way to the plate.

"Hi Sweetie Belle, have a good nights sleep?" Rarity called out from the kitchen stove.

".............wait huh?" Sweetie Belle responded, breaking out of her blue-berry hay waffle trance.

"I said, did you have a good nights sleep?" Repeated Rarity, a little aggravated.

"Um..... yes?"

"That's good to hear, now do you remember what signs I told you to look for to see if Button likes you or not?"

"Yes Rarity, if he is either staring at my mane, eyes, face, or back then he is interested in me." She said blushing slightly.

"That's good that you remembered it. Now, here comes some of your favorite waffles." Smiled Rarity, as she placed down 5 waffles onto Sweetie Belles plate.

"Thanks" Squeaked Sweetie as she stuffed her face with a mouth full of waffles.

After Sweetie Belle devoured her waffles, she grabbed her saddlebag and said good bye to Rarity as she headed towards the front door. Opening the front door she felt the warmth of the sun hitting her mane. She proceeded down the path of the shop to the main road. Passing all of the shops on both sides of the road she couldn't help but smile at the flowers being sold by Daisy. Smelling the dandelions while passing them, she inhaled the sweet aroma of the flower. It pained her to walk away from it, but she had school to go to.

Sweetie Belle started to walk up the school-house when she noticed her friends AppleBloom and Scootaloo standing by a tree just talking. She walked up to her friends and taking a seat in the shade, feeling the difference of the temperature of under the shade. She positioned herself sitting upright under the tree at the same time, taking out some of her homework from her saddlebag. She started going over her homework when a southern accent voice interrupted her.

"What are you doing?" Applebloom said, letting her eyes look at all of the answers.

"Checking over my homework that was assigned last night." She replied, shielding her answers so AppleBloom couldn't copy off of her.

"Hey guys, now that we are technically older, you know what we should do?" Scootaloo said let her voice trail off for suspension.

"What?" AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle both said in unison.

"We should totally check out the colts!" Exclaimed Scootaloo.

Both fillies glared at Scootaloo hard.

"I don't need a coltfriend, I don't have time for one for beginners." replied Applebloom.

"And I don't need a colt to look after or to be all so romantic with." Mumbled Sweetie Belle trying to hold her blush.

"Aww really, are you sure there isn't a colt out there for you Sweetie Belle?" Teased Scootaloo. " Like Featherweight?"

"No Scootaloo, I can't even believe you thought that I liked him." Sweetie Belle said bluntly, her friend taking the hint to stop.

"Well, I was just asking if you liked some colt, because were getting older and all... But I guess not."

"Yeah, I'm sorry if-" Sweetie Belle tried to say before the school bell interrupting her.

"Oh I guess I'll see you later guys!" She called out, heading towards the awaiting doors of the house of education.

Sweetie Belle started to make her way towards her locker. She put in her locker combination in the top locker, because it was hers after all. She then heard somepony trotting towards her, she immediately knew who was behind her. She silently watched Button Mash walk up right to next to her, not taking her eye off of him, she watched him put in his combination and opened his locker. She decided to make her look like she had a reason to still there so she put her books back into her locker mumbling about how they were the wrong books. That's when she decided it was time to check if Button was looking at her, and when she turned her head ever so slightly she could see him staring at her in her peripheral vision. This made her smile brightly, when she turned to look at the starring colt, she noticed that he wasn't looking at her anymore. He got up and walked off to his first class. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but smile, through that awkward silence, he actually looked at her. Sweetie Belle closed her locker and proceeded to her first class.

She walked through the door Miss.Cheerliee’s classroom, she took her set in front of Button Mash and placed her saddlebag next to her. She heard the class bell ringing indicating that class has begun. She wait patiently for Miss.Cheerliee to give the class instructions on what to do. She was about to mumble something to Scootaloo until she heard Miss.Cheerliee call out.

"Ok, now colts and fillies, please get out last nights math homework and switch it with the surrounding ponies."

With that the whole class switched around their homework while taking out a pen. Before Sweetie Belle knew it, everypony had traded their papers with one another. All except for one colt who was sitting behind her. She didn't know what to do until that voice behind her helped her.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, lets switch papers, since we don't have anypony else to switch with." Button said nonchalantly.

"Sure..... I guess?" She said quite unsure.

As they switched papers, their eyes locked on to each other. She stared at those orange eyes that were staring right back at her. What seemed like eternal, Sweetie Belle turned away quickly realizing what she did, she started to blush hoping her peers didn't notice.

She glanced over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but they didn't notice the moment that she shared with him. She then turned her towards Scootaloo and AppleBloom, but they two seemed busy in what was currently going on. Sweetie Belle silently thanked Celestia for not letting anyone catch her.

She then remembered that she was checking Button's paper. To her luck, Miss.Cheerlie hasn't started going over the answers. Glancing over his paper, she could see a lot of incorrect answers. The class have just been learning how to do long division, this was the first homework over this subject, but these answers seem way off.The problem of “125/5” does not equal 5, it equaled 25, so clearly that question he got wrong. With these problems and answers it was going to long day in class.

After what it seemed like forever, Miss.Cheerliee called out saying that Math was over. Sweetie Belle got out of her chair and was heading towards the door when an idea came to her head. She could make sure that Button was actually interested in her by holding back until they were the last ponies in the classroom, side from Miss.Cheerliee. So, instead of following her classmates she just sat down and waited patiently. To her surprise, Button was still in his seat looking at her, she inferred that from this that he may like her. Sweetie Belle thought that until he got up and mumbling how he was staring off into space.

When he thought that she wasn't looking, he stole a glance at her and resulted in smacking right into the wall.

Well, that could have gone a lot smoother.

Button thought was he rubbed his head from the slight pain of hitting the wall. He tried to recollect his thoughts as of what just happened. He was checking Sweetie Belles paper and at the end of class, he lost his train of thought by staring at her back, and she caught him.

Button started to make his way towards his locker, he put in his locker combination in the bottom locker. When he opened it, he took out his lunch and put his books into his locker and closing the locker shut. After re-locking the lock, he checked it and went on his way outside to the playground where he would have his lunch.

When Button got outside, he took in the beautiful scenery, a August day, with the spruce green leaves on the trees. With the blue jays happily chirping. It seemed all too good for a day like this. He walked towards the tree that he asked out Sweetie Belle in his dream and sat down at the base of it. Properly leaning against it, he took out his lunch that his mom packed for him, a peanut-butter and chocolate syrup sandwich, one of his favorites. He chomped down on it happily as the sweet chocolate and the salty peanut butter balanced each other out. He looked into his bag to see what his mom also packed him. A cartoon of milk, an apple, a bag of carrots, and something that made Buttons eyes go wide, the two tickets for the choir. He checked his saddlebag and found that the tickets weren't there, looking back at the brown paper lunch bag, he let out a silent pray and continued to eat his lunch.

When he finished his lunch he decided that this was the best time to ask Sweetie Belle. He quickly glanced over the school yard trying to find Sweetie Belle. He looked towards the swing-set and didn't find her there, he trotted over to the jungle-bar area and still haven't found her. He tried his luck at the teeter-totter but only saw his classmates, Pipsqueak and Snips on it, though, with their mass, they weren't getting too far off the ground. He gave up and started to walk back to the tree he was eating under earlier.

"Hey who are you looking for?" Said a familiar voice on the other side of the tree that startled him.

"Er- um- who's there?" Button Mash said, unaware of the mystery figure behind the tree.

"Oh, aren't you silly, it's me Sweetie Belle." And to his confirmation, Sweetie Belle appeared from behind the tree.

"O-oh.... er-um, where are your friends?" He said, nervous due to the situation of being alone with Sweetie Belle.

"They're off somewhere, Celestia if I knew what they are up to."

"Oh...... o-ok... "

Ok Button, this is the real deal. Don't mess up and remember what your mom told you

"Hey Sweetie Belle?" Button started, sweat forming on his muzzle. "I... I was wondering, if you wanted to... go to the PonyVille Choir next Wednesday.... with me?" Choking on the words as he tried to get them out.

Sweetie Belle didn't know what to think,it seemed all too fast to her, she just got asked out under this tree during school. He was interested in her, those signs that Rarity told her to look out for did say that he liked her.

Button stood there nervously. It has been a couple minutes since he asked out Sweetie Belle and she was just standing there staring off into space. He didn't want to rush her, or make her irritated with him so he waited out. Knowing it might take some time, he decided to lay up against the tree.

"YES!" Squeaked the filly next to hi.

"Wait, huh?" Replied, started by the scream.

"I mean, yes I would love to go to the choir with you!" As she ran up to him and hugged him hard squeezing as much as she could, and a smile formed across his face.

"Just let me ask Rarity and then I can go." Sweetie Belle quickly added.

And with that the smile upon his face got swept off.

Author's Note:

Ok! Another chapter done by me, man, thanks for all of the lovely coments, and dislikes, on yes, I can't forget you people out there.

Anyway, reason for this chapter not being my best and why it so long damn long:

Previosuly, it was suosed to be out a week or two ago, well, because my damn editor never edited this, or he spontaneously com-busted into thin air... Though I rather him be lazy than dead.

Anyway, so I then tried to find another editor so I copied/pasted this on Google Docs..... WORST DAMN IDEA EVER, I didn't like the spaccing of it so I had to go back and delete the "

" things and replace them with tabs.... So that took a while, and by the way, I HAVEN'T got an editor, I went on to "Looking for an editor" group and posted for an editor, but it's been like 3 days since I did it..... so I thought to myself

"SCREW EDITORS!" (No offense, I was a little PO at the time)

So yeah.... lesson learned, either proof read it myself, or let my mom do it.... (She's an English teacher)

So sorry for the delay, I'm currently working on the fourth, and FINAL chapter of this series, so "yay" After the fourth chater, I will try and cram a Hearts and Hooves day story in the time....

So thanks for reading this.