• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 8,233 Views, 186 Comments

Running away - AlphaRidley

Running, it's all Chrysalis has ever done since she was born. Running from her emotions, from her heritage, from Celestia, and now she's on the run again, but this time is different. Twilight Sparkle doesn't give up so easily.

  • ...


The Wastelands.

A desolate place where poisonous sulfur dioxide gas kills all who enter; a place devoid of all life. The rain won't fall, the trees won't grow, not even a tumbleweed can be seen rolling through. Nothing but barren earth for as far as one can see.

Long, long ago, in the time before Nightmare Moon, the Wastelands used to be known as FlutterValley. The home of the peaceful Flutterponies. Too bad the peace didn't last.

The Flutterponies watched in horror as their home burned, helpless to do anything. They reached out to Celestia for help, but Celestia didn't answer, nopony did. It was on that day, as the remains of their home burned to ash, that a seed was planted within the hearts of the Flutterponies.

This seed corrupted them, mutated them, until the only part of them that even remotely resembled what they had once been was the delicate wings attached to their backs. And even their wings had been affected by the seed of corruption. It was upon that day that the Flutterponies took a new name, one that would strike fear into the hearts of foals for many a year to come.


They traversed the lands of Equestria, feeding off the love the ponies, wreaking their vengeance upon those that had abandoned them in their time of need. Then one day, led by Queen Chrysalis, their first and only queen, the Changelings flew back to the Wastelands, where they would hide underground for one thousand years, biding their time.

When the Changelings returned it was clear they had fallen on rough times. Not only was the army they came back with half the size it had been, but they looked half starved.

Needless to say they were beaten back, the Elements of Harmony protected Equestria, expelling the dying nation into the Everfree forest, and in doing so, placed the Changelings on the extinction list.Or so it was assumed.

For one Changeling survived, the strongest Changeling of them all, the one that still had a reason to live... Queen Chrysalis. Unfortunately for the queen of the Changelings, she could not just lay eggs and wait until it hatched, because it wouldn't. She needed another Changeling to fertilize the egg by giving it the love that she gave to them after she had collected it.

She was the last of her kind. Good thing she was immortal. Queen Chrysalis was pissed at the Equestrians... No, that's an understatement. She wanted to murder every last one of them. But she wouldn't do it even if she had that kind of power, she wasn't that kind of pony.

She hid within the Everfree forest, just outside Equestria's borders. They couldn't hold her prisoner even if they found her. Chrysalis had fallen as far as she possibly could, reduced to letting bats nest on her to obtain the love her species needed to survive. She was a truly pitiful sight.

The bats followed Chrysalis everywhere, swarming around her as they fought for a place on her black exoskeleton, and giving away her position at the same time. It made Chrysalis sick with disgust.

"The bats are this way, I can hear them fighting! Ohhh, I can't wait to tell the Princess all about it!"

Chrysalis froze in place, the bats calming down as they each found a spot, effectively hiding her from view.
She knew that voice, it was the voice of the Unicorn that ruined her plans, she internally pleaded to any and all gods for Twilight Sparkle to go away and leave her alone.Too bad Discord was the god that decided to answer.

Chrysalis could hear Twilight Sparkle walking in circles around her. Fear gripped her black heart mercilessly, and it had no intention of letting go.

"Why would bats nest in the shape of an Alicorn? Hmm..."

The sound of a quill writing on paper alerted Chrysalis to the fact that Twilight was taking notes. Chrysalis muttered a curse underneath her breath, her eyes widening when she realized that Twilight would no doubt hear her in the silence that surrounded this section of the forest.

Twilight's warm breath blew on the bats covering her face. They shifted slightly under the assault.

Chrysalis opened her eyes and mouth, using her magic to create a soft green light pouring out of them, hopefully giving off the illusion that she was a magic statue or something.

"GO AWAY." Chrysalis boomed stoically, making sure to magically disguise her voice on the off chance that Twilight recognized it. Discord must have been having a terrible day so far, because Twilight Sparkle did not leave, instead she just continued to take notes.

Chrysalis's patience began to grow thin. Raising a forehoof up off the ground slowly, so the bats could hang on, she took a step forward, using her magic to send a shockwave through the ground, making it seem to the casual observer that Chrysalis was much heavier than she actually was. Twilight Sparkle was smarter then that.

"GO AWAY." Chrysalis repeated, lowering her head until she was on eye-level with Twilight.


Chrysalis ground her teeth together in fury. "WHY NOT?"

"I've never seen anything like you before, it's my duty as Princess Celestia's student to report any unusual phenomena." Twilight replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT!" Chrysalis roared as she transformed into an adult female wyvern, the bats scattering as green flames engulfed her form. Then she realized her mistake, she had forgotten to disguise her voice.

Twilight Sparkle looked up instantly, eyes wide open with terror. "C-Ch-Chrysalis?" She stuttered. Twilight might have stood up against her before, but this was the one pony she had ever seen defeat Princess Celestia, and her friends weren't there.

Chrysalis took her chance to escape while Twilight was paralyzed with fear, and quickly took to the skies, still in the shape of a wyvren.


Author's Note:

This is another side project that will be updated when I'm in the mood to write this particular story. When that will be we'll just have to wait and see.
