• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 2,185 Views, 85 Comments

If we could fix the past - Reganthestrange

The youth of Celestia and Luna was a very long time ago, you would never have guessed that they grew up with Discord! But sadly Celestia did something that ruined their friendship, and turned Discord into the Chaos causing monster he is today!

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The Crystal Empire "3" 3


Celestia jumped out of bed,the shout had woken her up, Celestia let out a long sigh before looking at her clock, It was 6.04. Breakfast wasn't until 7.00. She could have spent another half an hour in bed.

Celestia went over to her mirror and used her magic to levitate a brush up to her hair and start brushing it. It had been a few months over 9 years since Discord had moved in with them, she and him were now 15 and Luna was 9. And Celestia knew very well that it was Luna using the royal Canterlot voice to shout, and she knew very well who it was that was making her shout.

Ever since Luna could walk Discord had started playing pranks on her, Luna had enjoyed them a bit when she was younger but now she wasn't small any more and they just annoyed her, for she had grown up to be quite serious and spent most of her spare time doing royal jobs or studying with her tutors on how to be better at magic.

Celestia put on her crown,shoes and necklace and opened her door only to be trampled over by Luna. Luna skidded to a stop and turned around to Celestia who was now lying face first on the floor.

"Terribly sorry my sister," said Luna

"Oh its quite all-AAAHHHHHHHH!"

Celestia screamed when she saw Luna's what used to be a short light blue mane.

"W....what happened!!" shouted Celestia.

Luna's mane was bright,BRIGHT green with what looked like what were snakes on the top of it.

Luna didn't have time to answer as Discord appeared in front of her, laughing his head off.

"oh man Luna you should see the look on your face...priceless!!"

Luna's face was bright red with anger, Celestia was just waiting for smoke to start coming out of her ears.

"Emm...Discord?" Said Celestia.

Discord turned around, finally noticing Celestia was there.

"Oh..hi! What's up Tia?"

This was Discord's little nickname for Celestia,she had protested at first but after a few years she started to like it. She had then tried to come up with a nickname for him,but sadly they all failed. "well not everyone can be as talented as me when it comes to making things up!" Was all Celestia could remember Discord saying after she failed.

Celestia looked up at Discord, she had to admit he had grown a lot since they were little, he looked quite handsome, Of course Celestia couldn't be 100% sure for he was the only draconquus that existed! He had this one flop of hair in his face he was always blowing out of his eyes, it was quite funny to watch.

"well..." she started "I was just wondering...WHY IS LUNA'S HAIR GREEN!"

Discord had flown back a bit from the shock of Celestia shouting at him. He put his hands in the air.

"Wow,calm down, it was just a harmless prank,"

He clicked his talons and her hair returned back to normal.

"Thank you." said Celestia

"whatever" said Discord, he was trying to sound angry but she could see him smirking.

"Anyway," he continued "what do you girls want to do today?"

"Well" said Celestia " we are meant to be meeting mother and father for breakfast now."

"Well then," said Luna "lets be off"

Luna started to trot off when suddenly a small log appeared in front of her.

"AAAHHHHHHHH!" Luna screamed as she fell over it.

Discord burst out laughing when suddenly Luna ran and jumped on him to tackle him to the floor.


Celestia's mother and father where sitting in the dining room waiting for their children and Discord to come to breakfast when suddenly a messenger pony ran into the room.

"your highnesses,your highnesses! "

Celestia's father looked at him "yes?"

"I...I have been told to tell you,they found IT"

Celestia's father let out a gasp.

"How can that be possible?" he said "we haven't seen it in 18 years!"

The "it" they were talking about was the Crystal Empire. It used to be a happy town,just outside of Canterlot but one day an evil unicorn took over.His name was King Sombra. He had a craving for crystals and would't let any pony get in his way, for he wanted the most beautiful crystal in all of Equestria. The crystal heart. A magical crystal that powered all of the love and hope in the crystal ponies and sent it all over Equestria! But once Sombra took charge their coats turned dull and that love turned into fear! Celestia's parents had heard about his take over and went to save the crystal ponies,but when they got there and confronted Sombra, he used a very powerful spell that transported the Crystal Empire somewhere else. If the spell was cast wrong it would make the whole empire explode! The king and queen had sent out search parties but after a few years just suspected the empire had blown up, they still had a group of men who to this day searched for it. They never actually thought they would find it!

"Where is is?" asked Celestia's mother.

"In the wastelands" replied the messenger pony.

"How in all of Equestria did they survive out there?" Thought Celestia's father.

After a bit of thought Celestia's father spoke. "get the troops ready, we will attack in a week."

"Yes your highness".

The messenger pony turned around to leave but the king spoke again.

"Please do me a favour?"

The messenger pony turned around. "yes?"

"Bring that message straight to the commander and make sure to tell him to tell the guards and the guards only! We cant have word getting out about the attack. Sombra may move the Empire again."

"Of course your highness" The messenger turned around and left the two rulers.

"I do hope we get him this time," said the queen. "I don't want to have to search for him again. And what if he attacks? he might hurt the princesses!"

Celestia's father put an arm around his wife, "Over my dead body he would!"

Sombra's face appeared on the wall behind them,he had heard every word. He let out a laugh and said to himself "as you wish!"

Author's Note:

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! well there you go the 3rd chapter,I was planning on making it longer but I thought this was a good place to end! This is the unedited version (its edited by me but I kinda suck at grammar!) I'm still searching for an editor... I'm going to work on the next chapter over the weekend so hopefully it will be up by Monday...hopefully.