• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 1,564 Views, 26 Comments

Sweet Sweet Muscle Relaxers - Pink Rocket

Rarity is leaving on a business trip for Canterlot. But before she leaves Rarity has a cup of tea with her best friend.

  • ...

It's the same flavor actually... it probably tastes odd due to the heavy dose of muscle relaxers I put in it

Rarity took a deep breath, taking in the peaceful atmosphere of Fluttershy's home as she sat down at the table. Admittingly, she was nervous. The train would soon be ready for departure to Canterlot leaving her in absence for over a month on her business trip. An experience she both felt dread and joy for. Rarity looked over at her friend who quietly prepared what would be their last cup of tea shared between the two them for the for the next 30 days.

"Oh, Rarity..." Fluttershy sighed as she steady walked towards the table carrying the tray of tea for her and her departing friend, "I can't believe you're going to be away for an entire month."

"I know, darling... and I'm sorry it's on such a short notice too," Rarity took the cup served to her and began stirring it listlessly, "I've been trying to get a hold of you these last couple of days, but nopony seemed to know where you were."

"Yes, Rainbow Dash told me as soon as I got back that you were looking for me," Fluttershy sat down and stared down at her tea, holding a light smile on her lips, "I'm sorry for not being around earlier for a longer goodbye, I... had some business to attend to."

"Oh..?" Rarity blinked and looked up curiously, "What kind of business?"

"Um... Animal business..." Fluttershy smiled and looked away for a moments pause, looking almost amused in Rarity's perception. Soon enough she peered back at Rarity looking to have regained herself a bit, "W-When is your train leaving?"

"Very soon, I'm afraid," Rarity sighed, "Which is why I have to cut this visit short even though I would love nothing more than to stay hours for us to catch up," Rarity smiled softly, still stirring her tea.

"It's okay," Fluttershy smiled and paused to take a sip of her tea, "I'm really happy you took the time to come visit me, even though you're in such a hurry. That's very kind of you."

"Of course I would come visit you, darling," Rarity smiled back and stopped her stirring, "I wouldn't dream of leaving for such a long absence without saying goodbye to my friends."

Fluttershy giggled, "I know... Thank you," She smiled, glancing at Rarity's cup that sat firmly in her hooves, "I... I bought a parting gift for you actually..."

Rarity watched as Fluttershy reached down beneath the table for a moment before reemerging with a small blue package in her mouth. Setting it down on the table, she scooted it over towards Rarity, " Here... Open it."

"F-Fluttershy, you shouldn't—"Rarity stuttered a bit in excitement, looking down at the pink ribboned, blue colored package, grasping it in her magic and carefully unfolded it to reveal it's contents. Rarity's expression turned curious as she brought up a shiny blueish metal ring from the open package, "It's..."

"It's an accessory," Fluttershy smiled widely, "A horn ring. The one I bought it from said it was very popular in Canterlot right now. I thought that color would look really pretty on you... Here, try it on!"

"Oh, ooh!" Rarity eeped as Fluttershy took the ring out of her magic grasp and climbed on top of her to dress the ring on Rarity's horn, "T-Thank you, darling," Rarity giggled nervously as the enthusiasm of her friend, "I really appreciate such an odd—but thoughtful—parting gift, I... I don't recall hearing of any such trends however..."

Fluttershy giggled under a light blush as she sat down and observed the unicorn, admiring the subtle shiny ring at the base of her horn, "Well, I suppose you know best when it comes to trends, but Rarity... You...you look really pretty dressed in it."

Rarity felt a slight heat in her cheek as her face flushed lightly at the comment, "W-While...while, thank you," Rarity cleared her throat and looked away down at the table. Meeting her eyes, the dark abyss of the tea that sat firmly in between her hooves stared back at her, looking very attractive to sooth her nerves right about now. Rarity didn't pause and brought it up, doing her best to sip it gracefully during her desire to empty it completely in one gulp.

Rarity shivered at the taste and gave a light subtle cough after swallowing a great deal of it. She sat the cup down and rolled her tongue in the mouth at the odd unfamiliar aftertaste. Rarity looked up at Fluttershy who still smiled at her but also, looking to be observing her really closely.

"I'm so glad you like my gift, Rarity. I... I've been wanting to give it to you for a long time..." Fluttershy spoke softly as her smile widen under her blush, she fiddled her hooves looking away.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy, confused by the statement and a bit uneasy at her friend's odd behavior and giddiness, "Uh... A-Alright," Rarity nodded briefly before rolling her tongue again, cringing at the foul aftertaste of her served beverage earning a less subtle cough.

"R-Rarity..." Fluttershy held back a giggled as she looked at the unicorn, giving obvious effort to try to seem worried, "A-Are you alright?"

"I... T-This tea, it's very..." Rarity trailed off and looked down at the cup, taking a deep breath as the taste started to gradually disintegrate, "It's definitely not the same flavor I'm used to you slurving me—serving me!" Rarity stiffened and swiftly corrected herself, feeling a weird looseness at her jaw along a heavy tongue.

Turning back, Rarity looked at her friend who smiled shyly but happily, "It's the same flavor actually..." Fluttershy giggled lightly under a blush as she began to move towards her friend.

Rarity didn't move and instead watched in confuse as the mare closed in on her, reaching her arms around her in an embrace. She looked widely at Fluttershy feeling the gentle tightness of the hug tickle her body uncomfortably at the touch and shivers ran through her as she noticed her desire to move away seemed resistant and stubborn to do so.

Fluttershy was close to her. Close enough that she could hear and feel the breathing upon her face as a slight tension of fear began to spur within her. She looked deeply into Rarity's eyes and smiled, "...It probably just tastes odd due to the heavy dose of muscle relaxers I put in it."

"W-Wha—mmpfh!"Rarity could feel the jolt of fear strike through her body as she choked on her breath moments before a pair of yellow lips touched her on. Rarity let out a suppressed whimper as she froze under a blush, feeling the wet stroking of Fluttershy's lips kissing her, causing a panic to rise through her body at what was happening. She could feeling her breathing pick up face as Fluttershy dipped her tongue into the kiss, softly moaning under her own shivers, squeezing Rarity more tightly in the embrace.

Rarity could feel her self starting to wiggle and squirm under the panic, trying to get away but got nowhere under the drug induced weakness. She tried with all her might to concentrate to find a grip of Fluttershy in her magic, but was only met with a sting at the base of her forehead, her magic refusing to move past her parting gift. She breathed rapidly through stuttering whimpers as Fluttershy's tongue continued to explore her, running along her own and the rest of her mouth.

Finally Fluttershy slowly began to pull out, moving her licks across Rarity's lips and muzzle before stopping completely in a shivered exhale as she stared down the floor, "I-I've always wanted to do that..." Fluttershy laughed quietly in a nervous stutter before licking her lips and returning her gaze towards the unicorn.

"F-F-Flutt—" Rarity managed through her hyperventilation and petrified terror before cringing at Fluttershy's tongue that moved onto her cheek, drawing a slow long stroke across and up the side of her head.

"And when you're like..." Fluttershy smiled through her heavy blush as she retracted her tongue, "I can do whatever I want with you."

Rarity whimpered loudly in response as the fear and terror overwhelmed her thoughts, not understanding what was happening and why and only fearing for her well-being for what Fluttershy might do to her, in her utterly helpless state. She could feel the numbness in her body and with her strength reduced to that of an infant, moving it or any limbs was difficult and in Fluttershy's tight embrace, completely impossible.

"You're so beautiful, Rarity..." Fluttershy spoke softly, stroking a hoof across Rarity's cheek feeling the soft heavenly texture of her snow white coat, "So very beautiful... I've always thought you were, ever since we were little," Fluttershy smiled, thinking back towards those joyful days of her life, "I remember I wanted to play with you all the time, but was always too afraid to ask and worried I would be a bother to you. Still, we played a lot and had so much fun together. I remember how always when I got home I would fantasize about kissing you," Fluttershy leaned in, letting her lips touch Rarity's in a second kiss, "I wanted to kiss you so badly... Those white beautiful lips...

"And I remember how much I wanted to marry you when we grew up," Fluttershy giggled, "And how I wanted you all for myself..." Pressing her muzzle into Rarity's neck Fluttershy took a deep inhale of Rarity's scent as she leaned forward, sinking both of them to the floor.

Rarity held her breath briefly as her back touched the floor panels, feeling Fluttershy's weight upon her chest. She could feel the warm breath slowly dampening her coat as Fluttershy's snuggled into her and she tried squirming away but once again Fluttershy held down her effortlessly. Rarity could feel her quaking breath as the fear and confusion grew in her. Fluttershy was clearly insane and Rarity's worry grew as she wondered what fate this pegasus had planned for her.

"I'm really sorry about the letter..." Fluttershy said as kissed Rarity's neck, began to travel downwards, "I know how much your business is important to you and that it's really mean to trick somepony who's so working hard and actually deserves such opportunities, but... I really needed to make sure there were no one who would come looking for you," Fluttershy passed Rarity's chest and reached her lips onto her stomach, "And I wanted a chance for you to say goodbye to all our friends."

Rarity felt the tears ran down her cheeks as she sobbed loudly in fear, "F-Fluttersh—"

"Sssh..." Fluttershy hushed as she crawled back up, putting a hoof on Rarity's mouth, "Please don't ruin this moment... You're so beautiful the way you are and I'd really hate to gag you," Fluttershy smiled sympathetically as she wiped away the tears from Rarity's eyes, "We're gonna have so much fun this month and everyday... I'm going to show you just how much I love you..." Fluttershy leaned down, gently pecking Rarity's snout, "And you don't have to be scared, Rarity... I would never do anything to hurt you and I promise I'm gonna take real good care of you," Fluttershy smiled softly as she watched the mare beneath her whimper under a barrage of streaming tears, "This month is going to be really special for us...

"I'm going to love you... and I'm going to teach you to love me..." Fluttershy gazed into the deep, beautiful eyes of her friend, "And I promise that by the end of this month there won't be anymore tears from you... Only happy smiles... Happy smiles of being with somepony you love... and somepony who loves you back," Touching her tongue against Rarity's lips, Fluttershy descended into a passionate kiss, enjoying the sensation of Rarity's soft lips and tongue, "And I, Rarity...

"..I love you."

Comments ( 26 )
Comment posted by Dusk Melody deleted Jan 8th, 2018

it was ok but a little out of character for fluttershy

I think you ought to continue it.

Comment posted by Shrinky Frod deleted Nov 23rd, 2014

I got to agree with recca pony fluttershy was out of character, however its your story and you can make the characteristics of anypony any way you like.

why are so many people not likeing this that what I just read was awsome it deserves to be continued yes you could make the argument that it was predictible besides the letter part and if you disliked it because it was desterbing and Flutters was out of character that is how most dark stories should be so author Iam begging you continue this

Even though Fluttershy was OOC in this fic, this still was not bad. Nicely dark, but I did see some errors where there could be improvement. Chiefly grammatical, but also the part with the inhibitor ring. Rarity would have noticed the blockage of her magic immediateluy when she could no longer use her magic to drink her tea.

Sequal please? :applecry:

That was really good i like it on my behalf

I'd really like to see where this goes from here.

I love the premise, and I think I love you.

They were childhood friends?

Of course! Fluttershy has been stalking Rarity since childhood, letting her obsession formulate enough to make her snap and develop evil plots of kidnaps and sexual pet-play dominance scenarios.

LESBO PONIES :rainbowlaugh::moustache::facehoof:

I think it is a great fic and would probably not be that much out of character, you know the dark side of flutters^^

and I actually read it again after a while ;-D

5302481 I think she was too nervous to use her magic^^
anyways, the story is great in my oppinion
and nothing is really out of character here, actually I swould think that it is a plausible version of that ship since flutters really is shy^^

you can't refer to the show about that stuff since the show can't show every aspect of the characters since it is manely for children, so what they do in their "privat" time is something the fan's can decide and make up :-)

5301212 How is this awful its a dark story what did you expect to be all sunshine and rainbow dashes,
Also not directed to the guy I just replied to in this comment
5302471(sorry don't know how to move it I know stupid) but I did not mean to say that being out of character is a good thing what I meant is kind of what this comment says
5429617 that we don't know what the characters do off screen and that's the thing the writers gave us to imagine what do they do

P.S how did my comment get 2 dislikes come on people just smile:pinkiecrazy:also wares are sequal I will do anything for this to continue.

Oh s**t what did I just say

5465908 I know that the characters probably behave differently "off screen"
But I thing that flutters would actually do something like that, I mean at least the part with the musclerelaxers, the part with kissing rarity is just an improvement^^

many people think that they have to stay in their role they play in the story, but honestly, do you know everything about your neighbour?
probably not, every being has more than just one personality, we just show only one of each to the puplic....

5466630 that makes sense but to me its just people not using their full imagination but that's me

5468078 I am someone who has no imagination at all, so you can't really blame me for not using something I don't have^^'

But you got a point there thou...

5469019 wow sorry for responding this late by wow I have a point no way I never have one of those:scootangel:

Very disturbing, but I like it anyway. Fluttershy is OOC but I guess this is how she might behave if she totally snapped.

Yandere fluttershy is so underused great story btw

Rereading this, it's actually very hot. Fluttershy's dialogue and the sensual description of the drug's effects with Fluttershy's rapist cuddles...


I don't know why, but for some reason this song popped into my head once things went south:

That was a good story.

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