• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 885 Views, 20 Comments

The Amorous Misadventures of Prince Blueblood - FallBlau

Prince Blueblood has always had his ways with the ladies, but this charmer doesnt have life as easy as you might think, as his magnetic personality and ambitious prusuits tend to land him some unfortunate situations...

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Leaving so soon?” the voice asked.

The Prince froze where he stood, paralyzed between freedom and disgrace, his hand still on the latch.

With a sigh of resignation, he turned to face his aunt, who by this time, was standing by her bed-side.

“Hand them over,” she commanded, motioning to him.

Blueblood hesitantly moved toward her and placed the panties back into her soft hand.

“Thank you,” she said politely, almost as if receiving a gift.

“Aunty, I...”

“Not another word,” she said, putting them back on. “It's clear to me what the object of your intent was. And I must say, nephew, I'm very disappointed.”

Blueblood hung his head down on his shoulders. He always hated being chastised, especially by his aunt. It made him feel lower than the dirt itself.

“What in the world were you thinking?” Celestia asked. “Barging in here in the middle of the night and doing something like this?”

“That I wouldn't get caught?” Blueblood said, smiling sheepishly.

“Of course,” Celestia replied, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, nephew, I've heard of your antics, but this? This is a bit much, don't you think?”

“Oh...you've heard about those?”

“'Who hasn't?' is a better question,” the Princess remarked. “But really now, did you honestly think I wouldn't find out, sooner or later?”

“I really didn't think about,” Blueblood admitted, shrugging.

Celestia sighed.

“You are a naughty boy, Blueblood – I knew that ever since I first caught you playing doctor with the servant's daughters in the nursery when you were younger. And over the years, I've seen you become more and more wanton. I don't deny my own fault in it. I'm partly to blame. I stood by and tolerated these childish acts, thinking that you would eventually shape up and become a mature and responsible adult. Well...I was wrong.

“Now I find you sneaking into my royal bed-chamber during the dead of night, rummaging through my dresser, and then attempting to steal a pair of my undergarments off me as I slept. It's just too much! You've gone too far this time. You'll have to be punished.”

Celestia stretched as she turned around and sat on her bed.

“Come,” she commanded.

“Aunty, please, decency...” Blueblood pleaded.

“You're one to talk of decency, nephew," she scoffed. "Running around the city, sleeping with nobleman's wives and daughters like a common rake, and now you object on the grounds of decency?”

“Aunty, I beg you, this is wrong...”

Celestia laughed.

“Lucky for you, I am not so depraved as yourself, nephew. No, I have something else in mind.”

Blueblood sighed in momentary relief as the Princess looked him over, pondering about what his fate should be.

At last, the Princess arose from her bed and made her way to her desk, which lay next to the fireplace on the other side of the room. She sat down at the wooden chair and produced a piece of paper from the drawer.

“I'm going to send you away, nephew,” she said, dipping her quill in the ink fountain.

“What?” Blueblood asked, with a look of disbelief. “You mean, banishment?”

“Not banishment,” Celestia said, scribbling on the paper. “Think of it more as a holiday.”

“Well, a holiday sounds nice,” Blueblood replied.

“Only, you're not allowed to come back,” Celestia continued, not missing a beat.

“What's the meaning of this, then? Sending me away and not allowing me to come back? Sounds like banishment to me!”

“Well, it's not, nephew, and hopefully you'll be a better person because of it,” she said, sprinkling the fresh ink with sand.

“So where are you sending me then, eh? Out in the middle of a desert? A little island out in the sea? The moon, perhaps?”

“Ponyville,” she replied, lighting a wax candle.

“Never heard of it,” Blueblood replied.

“I have a student who lives there,” Celestia said, applying her seal to the letter. “She studies magic. I get her to write reports for me every so often on what she's learned. I'm assigning her the task of reforming you.”

“And if I refuse to be reformed?”

“Then I cut off your allowance,” Celestia replied coldly.

Blueblood pursed his lips.

“You drive a hard bargain, Aunty. So where is this Ponyville? And who is this student of yours?”

Celestia made her way to a map that lay on the wall a little distance away. In the center, an elaborately drawn picture of the city lay with it's name: CANTERLOT, written underneath.

“It's here,” Celestia said, pointing to a remote dot of the map, a little ways away from the capital.

“Seems like a quaint little village. And who will I being staying with during my exile?” Blueblood asked.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia replied, snapping her fingers, causing the letter to be consumed in fire and sent to its recipient. “She's the student I mentioned. She runs the library there. She will teach you how to be a proper gentleman.”

“A librarian, huh? Maybe I could teach her a few things I know, too...”

“Don't even think about it!” Celestia snapped. “I've given her strict instructions about how she is to deal with you. One move out of line and she's authorized to send you back here for punishment – which I promise you, will be quite severe. Do you understand, nephew?”

“Perfectly, Aunty,” he replied.

“Good, then I expect you to follow her instructions to the letter, and maybe, just maybe, you'll come out as an upstanding Prince, instead of the mischievous reprobate you are now.”

“No promises,” Blueblood said, smiling slyly.

Celestia sighed.

“Do try, at least, nephew. Remember, I'm doing this out of love, and because I believe everyone should be given a second chance.”

Blueblood straightened himself. “I'll try, Aunty.”

“That's all I ask. Now...” she said, her voice softening as she opened her arms, “Give us a hug before you go on your way.”

Blueblood hugged his aunt, reveling in her embrace as he felt her warm breasts rub against his cheeks.

“When do I leave, then?” Blueblood asked, still holding her.

“In three days,” Celestia replied, petting his head. “That should enough time for you to pack your belongings and be on your way.”

“Very well, then,” Blueblood said, pulling away. “Three days it is. Though I don't look forward to it.”

“Have a good trip, then, at least,” Celestia said.

“I'll try,” Blueblood replied, making his way to the door.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Celestia said.

“Yes, Aunty?” he asked, turning around.

“If the previously mentioned incentives are not enough to convince you to change, then how about this – if you manage to demonstrate, really and truly that you've changed...” Celestia spread her legs, revealing the panties the Prince had just earlier taken off, “I'll give you these as a reward.”

Blueblood smirked. “You really do know me better than I do myself, don't you, Aunty?”

“To a letter,” she replied, smiling.

“I shall keep that in mind, then,” Blueblood said. “But now, I must kindly bid you adieu. It seems I have a lot of packing to do now...”

“Farewell, nephew,” Celestia called as he exited the room, shutting the door behind him.“Hopefully my efforts won't be in vain...”


In front of the Royal Quarters, Giovanni sat idling by the willow tree. He leaned on one of its ancient branches as he tapped his foot anxiously in the sod. “Come on,” he whispered, “Where could he be?”

A good twenty minutes, he was sure, had passed since he master had entered the castle – yet he was nowhere to be seen.

“He must have gotten himself into some trouble...again.”

Giovanni groaned.

“I don't know why I put up with this,” he said, kicking a rock into the pond. “All I ever do is keep his house, cook his food, make his bed, and now, keep guard, while he has his way with the ladies. Well, you know what? One day I will be the master!” he said, protruding his chest. “Yeah, that will show him.”

He went over and picked up a branch from off the pond's base, swishing it around like a sword. “My prowess is just as good as his. I bet I could even best him.”

Giovanni placed the stick over his face, as if initiating a duel and proceeded to battle his imaginary foes, slaying all of them in the most dramatic way possible, trying to keep himself entertained as the evening wore on.

It was the cracking of a stone, however, and a soft whisper that brought him out of his trance.

“Fernando?” the gruff voice called softly. “Is that you?”

Giovanni froze where he stood and looked around, unsure of where the voice was coming from.

“Fernando?” he heard the voice call again from the shadows.

“Who's there?” Giovanni whispered back.

“It's me, Juan. Come over here.”

On the far end, by the side of the fountain, he saw a guard motion to him, his face obscured by the darkness.

For a moment, Giovanni didn't make a single move, unsure if he should run and make a break for it, or approach him, and potentially blow his cover.

Then the voice called again.

“Are you coming?”

Giovanni hesitantly moved his way over to the fountain, unsure of what was about to happen.

When he reached the shadows, however, he felt two pair of strong arms grab him and force him against the wall in an embrace.

“Oh, mi amigo, I missed you so much,” the voice whispered in his ear. “Did you miss me?”

“Si?” Giovanni replied, trying to cover up his Italian accent.

“What's wrong?” the voice asked apprehensively, “You sound strange.”

“Sorry,” Giovanni said, coughing. “I've got an inflammation.”

He coughed some more, hoping to convince the guard, whose form he could barely make out through the darkness.

“Oh no,” the voice said. “I hope you're not getting sick.”

“No,” Giovanni replied, “Just hoarse is all.”

“Good, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do this.”

Giovanni felt carried away as the guard's lifted him into the air and forced his lips against his. Taken by surprise, the stunned servant writhed a bit as the guard forced his tongue into his mouth, kissing him passionately while Giovanni tried to push him away.

“Eh, what's wrong with you?” the voice asked. “Do you not want to be kissed?”

Giovanni's cheeks burned furiously as he started to move away from the guard.

“No,” he said, searching for breath. “No, I can't do this!”

“What?” the voice asked, apprehensively,“Do you not love me anymore?”

“No, it's not that” Giovanni said. “I just can't...”

The guard grabbed his shoulders.

“There's somebody else, isn't there? Tell me the truth!”

“No, there's no one else, I swear!”

“Then why are you acting this way?”

“Because I'm not who you think I am!” Giovanni sputtered.

“So, has our love been a lie then? Is that what you are telling me?”

“No,” Giovanni said, “that's not what I'm saying at all.”

“Then what then?” the voice asked resentfully. “What about everything we've been through? Does that mean nothing?”

“No,” Giovanni said. “I just can't be with you.”

The guard bowed his head and slumped against the wall as he removed his helmet, revealing his bright blonde hair through the darkness and the tears forming in his eyes.

“Hey,” Giovanni said, kneeling down. “Come on now...”

“No,” the guard said, batting him away. “I don't want to speak to you now.”

“Look,” Giovanni continued, “Just because I'm not the one, doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there.”

The guard didn't reply. He merely sat there as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

“You're a great guy and I'm sure you can find another.”

“No!” the guard yelled, shaking his hands. “You're the only one! You're my entire world and you're doing this to me now! After all we've been through!”

“I'm sorry,” Giovanni said, shaking his head. “But I can't...”

“Fine, be that way,” the guard said, wiping his eyes. “But don't come crawling back to me when...when...” his voice started to falter. “Oh por dios!” he cried, and ran into the night.

Giovanni shook his head as he moved back to the fountain, uncertain of what he had just witnessed. It was at that moment, though, that Prince Blueblood emerged from the entrance of the palace.

“Master? Is that you? Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy to see you!” Giovanni exclaimed. “Where have you been? Did you get the panties?”

Blueblood shook his head.

“Let us just say some unfortunate complications arose that required a reevaluation of the condition of the situation.”

Giovanni squinted his eyes.


“I got caught,” Blueblood admitted offhandedly.

“Bravo!” Giovanni said. “So what now? Are you going to be punished?”

“You could say that,” Blueblood replied. “It seems we're going to be going away for awhile.”

“Away?” Giovanni asked. “Where?”

“A little city out in the country. Aunty has assigned one of her students to 'reform' me.”

“Perfect, and how long do we have to stay there?”

“A few months, I'm sure.”

Giovanni sighed.

“A momentary set-back, for sure,” Blueblood continued. “But nothing substantial.”

“So, are you telling me we did all this for nothing?”

“Not nothing,” Blueblood replied, “Aunty promised to give me the panties if I was a good boy.”

“Great, just great,” Giovanni bellowed, throwing up his hands.

“I don't see what you're complaining about,” Blueblood remarked. “You're not the one being sent away.”

“No, but I just broke a poor man's heart, and have nothing to show for it!”

“You broke...a man's heart?” Blueblood asked, raising his eyebrow.

“It's a long story, but he mistook me for someone else, and now he's run off distressed.”

“Strange...” Blueblood said, “But tis' the fickle nature of love – here one minute, gone the next.”

“I guess,” Giovanni said. “So, when do we move to this village?”

“Three days,” Blueblood replied.

Giovanni groaned.

“Cheer up, though,” Blueblood said, “I mean, how bad could it possibly be?”

Comments ( 10 )

Poor guard guy.:raritydespair:
Will there be twiblood in this? I like that pairing.

3567162 I thought it was great. At least great enough to make me face palm. Kinda hard to do hah

3565516 lol . no worries at all, just wanting bit more explanation of what your anthros look like:twilightsmile:


I actually just made them all completely human, if that helps any. :pinkiehappy:

3568966 *Grins* may want to update the tags then :raritywink:

Lol, poor Juan! :rainbowlaugh:

And now he's headed off to Ponyville, eh? This should be interesting...

Wow such potential for fun and it's a dead story.

5788117 Eh, maybe, maybe not. I might resume it at some point since it seems to be receiving so much attention lately. :3

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