• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 19,787 Views, 1,619 Comments

My Little Wesker - Iamdanny0

After Wesker is defeated, he finds himself in a strange land. A strange land known as Equestria.

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Albert Wesker and the Plan in Motion

Albert Wesker and the Plan in Motion

Author’s Note: Thanks again for the feedback, you’re all lovely people. Fan art for this story was drawn by xBubba1995x and I am greatly honoured, if anyone has similar drawings then don’t be afraid to send it my way. I can’t do science btw, so this chapter probably isn’t very technically proficient.

Wesker held his breath as Nurse Redheart scanned the clipboard which held his blood test results; a great deal of inconvenience could arise from this and perhaps for the first time in his unnatural life he wished to be as bland and ordinary as any other citizens around him.

The pink-maned mare glanced up, noticed the stallion’s tense stance and offered a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry Mr Wesker, you’re perfectly healthy.” All of the tension drained out of Wesker as he returned her smile with one of his own, “but your blood cells are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” The tension returned with a vengeance as he stared blankly at the nurse, carefully marshalling his features to prevent revealing his sudden apprehension.

“What do you mean, Miss Redheart?”

The medical pony once more grinned in a benign fashion, assuaging Wesker’s fears only slightly, “As I said, it’s certainly nothing to concern yourself with but it appears as though your red blood cells are infinitely more healthy and active than any I’ve ever seen, I did some brief tests and it seems they are actually capable of repairing themselves.”

Wesker frowned, “Tell me the intricate scientific details and trust me when I tell you that I will understand.”
Redheart looked slightly taken aback but her obvious excitement at such a discovery overrode her suspicions and she began talking at a lightning pace which reminded Wesker of Birkin in full flow, “Essentially, your blood cells contain both a nucleus and mitochondria, rather than maturing in seven days after being produced in your bone marrow and then eventually being broken down by your white blood cells, they are able to reproduce and fix any damage which may occur.”

Wesker briefly forgot his fears of persecution and began to join Redheart in the thrill of scientific discovery, even though he had been in this situation before, after his resurrection, “Meaning that, if the effect is replicated in other parts of my system, I am capable of rapidly regenerating any wounds I sustain.”

The pure white earth pony nodded enthusiastically as Wesker realised that at least one remnant of his superhuman abilities remained and the only pony who knew was as fascinated by it as he was. A plan instantly appeared at the forefront of his mind, “Miss Redheart, I assume that this captivating phenomenon may have occurred via some sort of magical catastrophe, perhaps the very same that was responsible for wiping my memory.” He smiled pleasantly whilst his brain made rapid calculations, “Should you release me from your care now then I would be happy to return tomorrow in order to assist you in understanding the scope of this incredible effect.” Redheart nodded in affirmation, clearly enamoured with the idea of furthering the cause of medical science before the former Umbrella employee leaned in towards her in a conspiritual fashion, “However, I would prefer it if you did not mention my... condition to any citizens of Ponyville, I am already an outsider, I do not wish to be looked upon as a freak as well.” He looked beseechingly over the rims of his shades, “You understand, don’t you Miss Redheart?”

Her expression softened at the scientist’s ‘heartfelt’ words, “You have my word, Mr Wesker, it shall be between you and me. Your blood could be the key to saving lives.”

Hardly. Wesker thought internally, as though he would waste the blood of a God on the weak and pathetic. Out loud, on the other hand, he merely said, “That is a noble goal, Miss Redheart.” She smiled in return, “Am I free to go?”

Redheart responded in the affirmative, “You are certainly healthy enough, Mr Wesker. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow though for further tests.”

“And I look forward to assisting your research.” Wesker lied easily as he climbed from the bed, “My thanks for your assistance and future cooperation.”

“Not at all.” She grinned once more, clearly giddy at what she had just discovered, “Stay safe Mr Wesker.”

He smirked, “No promises dear heart but I will endeavour to keep my blood on the inside.” With that he was gone from his cell, into another whitewashed corridor and finally back into the real world. The feel of the sun of his face caused Wesker to breathe a heavy sigh of relief and begin to propagate ideas in the recesses of his mind; this situation was almost certainly the best-case scenario, he was still genetically superior and there was no danger of any other citizens finding out and offering persecution his way. Furthermore, he would be able to collaborate with a medically trained individual in order to discover the potential of his genes; a smirk spread slowly across his face, he was back.

Shame, I liked it when you were making pancakes and being polite, Al.

There was no reason to be start being rude to his associates: Firstly, such a drastic behavioural change would arouse suspicion and secondly, any animosity would be an unwelcome distraction from accumulating all the power he could possibly claim. Plus, he still liked pancakes, realising that being a deity transcended separate existences couldn’t change that.

Good to know?

With that pleasant surprise out of the way, Wesker’s intellectual force returned to focusing on his previous conundrum: How to acquire the elements of harmony or at least to transfer their might to him. The intellectually effervescent Miss Twilight would almost certainly fill in the gaps his reading material could not and so he began to walk leisurely towards the lavender unicorn’s library, feeling utterly indestructible. He glanced absent-mindedly at his foreleg whilst considering the nuances and branching paths his plan could possibly take and noticed that the small incision he had received from Nurse Redheart taking his blood has closed up entirely and no evidence of it remained. That settled that then, his regenerative capabilities weren’t limited to his blood cells but he still needed to realise just how powerful it was. Could he survive something which would kill a normal pony?

Why don’t you test it by impaling yourself, Albert?

He sighed condescendingly, not the most scientifically precise way of ascertaining his power but at least it was a suggestion. Once he arrived at Twilight’s home, he noticed the presence of both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie; the energetic duo were lurking outside the unicorn’s window and giggling at something that was unseen to Wesker. Even the presence of the irritating pegasus could not dull his newly discovered good mood and he cleared his throat, causing the two to turn around in shock, “Did the window tell a particularly joke?” Pinkie Pie snorted with further laughter whilst Rainbow smiled weakly. “What exactly is going on?”

Pinkie waved Wesker over and pointed through the window at an increasingly baffled Twilight watching the words she wrote disappear moments after she wrote them, causing both pink earth pony and multi-coloured pegasus to guffaw with glee. This eventually attracted the attention of the purple mare, and her eyes narrowed as she realised what had happened before an amused smile spread across her face and she shook her head light-heartedly before shooting an inquisitive look at Wesker. He motioned with his hoof towards the door, causing Twilight to smile and nod as the pranking pair shot off at high speed. The former S.T.A.R.S. captain smirked as he trotted towards the wooden door, which opened at his approach and revealed a still-giggling Twilight.

She titled her head and examined Wesker, her face filled with honest curiosity, “How can I help you Albert?”

Wesker smirked faintly, “May I come inside first, Miss Twilight? I do not wish to be within the range of Miss Rainbow and Miss Pinkie.” She laughed lightly and stepped aside to allow him access before repeating her question.

Wesker’s smirk grew, “I’d like to ask you about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony.”

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