• Published 30th Nov 2013
  • 1,380 Views, 127 Comments

Twilight's Experiments: The War of Mann Co. 2 - MIKEANTHONY321

Our favorite cast of hoofed mercenaries have returned in the sequel to Team Fortress 2's biggest bloodbath!

  • ...

Control Points Mode

Battle Arena #2: 5Gorge (Control Points)

“So…vhy vere you vearing zee Ghostly Gibus anyvay?” Red Medic asked.

Fluttershy shrugged. “I dunno. Blue Medic gave it to me when he saw that I wasn’t wearing a hat. It was…okay, I guess.”

Red Medic chuckled. “Oh, don’t vorry about him. If he really cared about you, he vouldn’t give you zat terrible piece of headvear.”

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves, and sighed. Red Medic could tell she was depressed. She was probably still recovering from the trauma of the last battle.

“Vell Ms. Fluttershy…I care about you. And to prove it, I vill give you zis.” Red Medic announced.

Fluttershy was still looking down when Red Medic pulled up his inventory. He pulled something out, and nudged Fluttershy in the shoulder. She looked up.

Her jaw dropped, and her eyes sparkled with admiration.


Red Medic was holding the Unusual Vintage Tyrolean. It was a European-looking type of hat, with a small feather tucked in the left side. The part that was unusual about it was that it had small planets orbiting around it.

“It…it…it…” She stuttered.

Red Medic smiled. “It is very strange, yes? Almost illusive! The vay zose planets orbit…it is quite mysterious!”

Still smiling, Red Medic handed the hat to Fluttershy. Her eyes were still wide, and her mouth was still agape as she slowly took the hat from Red Medic. Without delay, she proudly set it atop her head.

Rainbow Dash was talking to Red Scout a few feet away when she glanced over at Fluttershy. Her eyes grew wide when she got a good look at the planets orbiting around Fluttershy’s head.

She walked over to her. “Well I’ll be, Flutters! Either you’re much, MUCH smarter than I thought you were, or your hat is making you look like a whole galaxy in motion!”

Fluttershy blushed, and giggled softly. Rainbow Dash’s remark grabbed the attention of everyone else in the spawn room, and they all looked in her direction.

‘Ooh’s and ‘ah’s could be heard from the team as they admired the mind-boggling effect of Fluttershy’s new hat. This only caused her to blush more from the attention.

As Twilight stared at Fluttershy’s hat, she noticed something odd about her companion, Red Sniper. She saw him staring at the hat very thoughtfully, yet in an unamused manner.

“Is something wrong, Sniper?” She asked him.

He didn’t answer. He simply continued to stare. Suddenly, a sinister grin crossed his face.

“Hmm…it’s okay, I guess.” He commented, pretending to check his fingernails in a careless demeanor.

Everyone turned away from Fluttershy, and directed their attention to Red Sniper. He looked up, and pretended to be surprised that they were looking at him.

His teammates looked kind of angry at him, since he had offended Fluttershy’s Unusual hat. He noticed this, and figured he’d lose their respect if he didn’t impress them right then at that moment.

He leaned down toward Twilight, and whispered in her ear.

“Hey Twily, if you don’t mind, mate, I’m probably not going to be able to kiss you anytime soon.”

Twilight turned to him in surprise. “What? Why not?”

Red Sniper stood back up. He cleared his throat, and began to speak to his newly-formed ‘audience’.

“It’s a fine hat, mates, but it doesn’t compare to what I have. Everyone feast your eyes on this!”

He opened up his inventory, and pulled out a different hat. The mere sight of it caused the fighters in the spawn room to gasp in amazement. Twilight looked up at it, and practically did the same.

It was the Unusual Anger. It was a hood and mask that went around one’s face to cover much of their identity. It was also for Sniper class only. However, the one that Red Sniper wielded was scorching with green flames.

Red Sniper knelt down in front of Twilight, and began to wrap the hood over her head as if he was putting on her ring at a wedding ceremony. As he was applying the garment, he wrapped and folded ends of the cloth over each other so that it fit over her head and covered her mouth. She smiled, but no one could tell because of the covering.

Twilight’s new head covering was complete. She looked much like some kind of ninja, and her entire head appeared to be completely on fire with fierce green flames.

The group stared in shock and amazement, and began to applaud. Red Sniper and Twilight stood proudly, gleefully taking in all of their positive attention.

Fluttershy looked down at the ground silently. She seemed stunned, but not quite disappointed. As she dipped her head down, the planets around her Tyrolean followed, continuing to orbit at a vertical angle. Red Medic snarled at Red Sniper, who stared back at him confidently.

Red Scout and Rainbow Dash stepped in between them to stop any potential fights.

“Ladies, ladies, both of your panties look pretty. Now, in case you haven’t noticed, the battle’s about to start, so perhaps we should be getting our game faces on right about now?” Red Scout cockily suggested.

“Yeah, I mean, so what? Your butt-buddy’s head is burning, so what’s the big deal? That’s happened to me dozens of times when I tried to break Mach 2.” Rainbow Dash added.

Red Scout broke down laughing uncontrollably, slapping his knee and doubling over. Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash angrily, shaking her head slowly as if warning her of her actions. With her new mask and the green burning effect around her face, she looked mighty vicious.

Rainbow Dash lost the grin on her face and turned back around, seeming intimidated.


“Alright men, mission begins in 10 seconds!” The announcer called.

Twilight leaned toward Red Sniper to ask him something.

“Hey, um…sorry to ask, but weren’t we already at this map for Attack/Defend?” She asked.

“Kind of. The name of that map where you got into a fight with your rainbow-haired mate was Gorge. This time, we’re at 5Gorge. It’s practically the same map, except it was designed for Control Points instead of Attack/Defend. It’s much larger, and has a symmetrical base for both teams on either side. The Point in the central building is neutral.” He explained.

Twilight nodded in understanding. In reality, she was kind of excited to see how it would turn out. After all, she wanted to see how her BLU team friends would react to her awesome headwear.


“5…4…3…2…1…FIGHT!” The announcer cried.

The resupply doors flew open, and both teams barreled out to begin the Control Points battle. They had all spawned way back near their base Point, and had quite a distance to travel before they could reach the central Point.

Fluttershy was turning back and forth during her run, giving teammates small overheals with the Quick-Fix. It would take a million bits to get her to change back to the Kritzkrieg after the last battle.

Red Spy spat his cigarette out on the ground, and picked up his pace so he could catch up to Fluttershy. She turned when she noticed him, and gave him an overheal just like everyone else.

Red Spy put his arm on Fluttershy’s shoulder as he ran alongside her. She looked at him, confused.

“Ms. Fluttershy…I wanted to apologize for my wrong doings the last battle. I simply had to do what was going to help my team, you see. Will you forgive me?” He pleaded.

Fluttershy was beginning to lose her breath from all the running. In between short gasps, she let out a short reply.

“If you want my Unusual hat, I’m sorry. You might want to go talk to Twilight.”

Red Spy chuckled a little. “No Madame, the hat doesn’t matter to me. It’s only for Medics like yourself. I was just concerned with regaining your trust.”

Fluttershy looked down, tilted her head a bit.

“I guess it’s okay. Just don’t do something like that again if I’m back on the BLU team.”

“Thank you. I’ll try to make it less brutal next time.” Red Spy responded with a warm smile.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, and she twisted up in surprised fear. She turned to look at her teammate, but he was already gone.

Music: Playing With Danger (Repeat if needed)

Red Scout, Blue Scout, and Rainbow Dash reached the central Control Point long before anyone else did. A short shoot-off occurred, which left only Rainbow Dash standing. As a result, it began to turn over to team RED’s side.

However, as the rest of the fighters began to arrive in the building, she was quickly taken out by Blue Pyro and Blue Medic. The rest of team RED had also arrived, and a massacre began over the central Control Point. Red Heavy, Blue Heavy, and Big Mac lagged behind.

As bullets and various projectiles flew through the air, blood began to spill all over the floor inside the facility at 5Gorge. Slowly and steadily, bodies began to fall.

Some fighters were nowhere to be seen. As the battle for the Point raged on in the main room, fighters like Rarity and the Spies, Applejack and the Engineers, and Twilight and the Snipers lurked around the hidden hallways, searching down an opportunity to execute a sudden attack operation in case their team didn’t capture the Control Point.

Initially, team RED appeared to have the upper edge. The Control Point was already slightly tilted to their side, and they had two Medics instead of one. The bloody starting competition was looking bright for them.

Now, after about a minute of shooting, team BLU had one fighter left standing at the Control Point. The fighter was Blue Soldier, who quickly retreated. On his way out of the doorway of the main room, he was finished off by a bullet that nipped him in the foot.

Twilight chuckled, pulled the hood covering down from her mouth, and blew on the nozzle of her rifle.


Team RED captured the central Control Point, and moved forward as a group to capture the next one. Red Engineer and Red Heavy stayed behind together to defend the newly-captured Point.

By now, Fluttershy’s Quick-Fix had an Ubercharge ready. Red Medic was using the stock Medi-Gun, so his Uber was still building.

Red Heavy, who was hanging in the back of the pack, called for a Medic. Red Medic and Fluttershy ran back for him simultaneously, but Red Medic reached him first.

“Fluttershy, go heal ozer teammates. Zhe Quick-Fix is not good for pocketing!” He informed.

Fluttershy nodded, and began to obey by patching up other team wounds. By the time team RED reached the exit of the building, they were ready to fight.

However, they were met with a big surprise. The first Control Point on team BLU’s side of the facility was completely deserted.

Red Soldier and Red Pyro eagerly stepped forward to begin capturing the Point, but Zecora stopped them. She squinted, and slowly spanned the empty horizon for hidden Snipers or sneak attacks.

“Hold your fire. Conditions here may be dire.” She urged.

She stepped forward as quietly as she could, continuing past the Control Point.

“Zecora, what are you DOING?” Red Soldier demanded.

Zecora got out her sticky-bomb launcher, and placed them on the wall around the arch where team BLU would normally enter the zone. Red Soldier giggled softly, suddenly realizing her plan.

“Okay, now you may.” She finished.

Red Soldier, Red Pyro, and the rest of team RED that was present hopped onto the Point. Team BLU members were notified urgently that their first Point was being seized, and they began to run out of their spawn in a death-defying herd.

Blue Sniper ran around the side to where a hidden ledge was located for sniping. The rest of the team was going straight forward through the arch for a die-hard defensive attack. They climbed the stairs, and burst outside through the arch, crying out like Indians.

Zecora smiled, and pressed a button on her remote. Suddenly, pieces of team BLU’s fighters were flying through the air like confetti at a festive Fourth of July parade. Blood rained down in droplets all over team RED as they laughed uncontrollably at their hilarious mistake.

Blue Sniper, having seen the entire thing, dropped his rifle in embarrassment. He stomped his foot.

“I told you idiots to take a more secret route! Now look at what you’ve done!” He raged.

Before he was done with his temper-tantrum, his head was shot off by a breezy bullet. Red Sniper lowered his eye from the scope, and held up his middle finger.

“Ah shut up, wanker.” He mumbled.


Team RED easily captured the next Control Point, and moved on to get the last one. Red Heavy and Red Engineer moved their camp upwards to defend the new Point instead.

Red Sniper ran alongside Twilight as they moved with their team.

“Isn’t this easy, mate?” He asked.

“Yeah…almost too easy.” Twilight responded thoughtfully.

“What makes you say that?”

“It’s just…well, it doesn’t seem like they’re really trying. We already captured the first two Points like it was nothing, and we even managed to obliterate half of their team with one classic move.”

Red Sniper didn’t respond. He thought about Twilight’s response for a moment.

“Anyways, let’s just get this over with. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen.” Twilight added.

She and Red Sniper climbed up a flight of stairs that was near team BLU’s main base. It led to a nice, hidden battlement zone that was perfect for good sniping. Twilight knelt down, and quickly set up her rifle in a window sill.

Red Sniper didn’t do anything for a moment besides stand and stare at Twilight. He sighed.

“You know, that green fire effect makes you look so beautiful, mate.” He marveled.

Twilight blushed heavily. She pulled her eye from the scope, and turned to look at Red Sniper. They both smiled at each other. Twilight pulled the hood covering off of her mouth again.

“Did you, um…want to kiss me? We have a little time.” She asked.

Red Sniper shrugged. He knelt down in front of Twilight, and leaned in to get it started. Twilight did the same.

Just before their lips made contact, a bright camera flash stunned them both. Blue Spy, the holder of the camera, laughed and snorted heartily as he burst down the stairs to make a quick escape.

Just as Red Sniper lunged forward to chase him down, he was hit hard in the head with a baseball. Stars flew around his head, and he collapsed to the ground.

Blue Scout, the hitter of the baseball, was hiding out on the ledge. He cracked up laughing, and jumped down to continue the battle. Before Twilight even had a chance to do anything, Blue Pyro danced up the stairs and burned them both alive.


Team RED piled onto team BLU’s last Control Point, shooting in all directions to hold off defenses until they could win the battle. Team BLU’s last Control Point began to tip over to them.

“Yes! We got zis! Come one everyone!” Red Medic cheered.

The rest of team RED cheered with him as the last Point was almost done turning over.

Suddenly, Spike and Blue Medic blew out of their spawn room in a startling series of explosions. Blue Medic laughed maniacally, which echoed clearly throughout the map. He wielded the dreaded Kritzkrieg, which was fully charged.

“Hit it, doc! Today, we RULE this map!” Spike cried out.

Blue Medic hit the Ubercharge, and Spike’s rocket launcher became critically-charged. He shot a blue sparkling rocket at the Control Point, which dealt fatal damage to everyone standing on it. Five fighters were completely blown up, and the rest had almost no health left.

Team RED suddenly retreated, shrieking in panic as Spike spammed crit-rockets at them. As the team scattered, one fighter after another was blown apart by Spike’s crit-rain.

Team BLU gathered together from their spawn room, and barreled out after them in an all-out heist.

Music: Intruder Alert (Repeat if needed)

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Red Scout ran with fright past Red Engineer and Red Heavy at their Control Point. The defenders looked at them, confused.

They turned back around, however, when they heard a noise. Suddenly, a devastating wave of BLU fighters exploded from around the corner, completely catching them off guard. Red Engineer’s sentry gun began to fire at them, but got no more than a bullet or two out before it was blown to smithereens by Blue Demoman.

Red Engineer and Red Heavy shrieked, and took off running toward the main building. Team BLU stopped for a moment, captured the Control Point, and moved on.


Fluttershy, Red Engineer, Red Heavy, and the remaining survivors of the attack on team RED barreled through the main building with all of their might. By the time they were about to exit on the other side of the building, the rest of their team had respawned and met up with them.

With the rest of their team with them, the survivors recovered the courage to turn around and face the attackers. As a full team, they plowed back through the building to defend their Control Point at the center of the map.

They weren’t there long until team BLU burst through their side of the building to retake the Control Point. All it took was two rockets from Spike and Blue Soldier, and half of the pack was eliminated from the splash damage. The remaining defenders scattered around the room, trying to close in and choke their enemies.

Team BLU did the same. Everyone in the room split up, and small separate battles occurred between various fighters. However, team BLU had an intense upper edge. The small battles usually ended up in the bloody death of the RED defender.

Battles quickly turned into escape attempts as team RED defenders suddenly began to retreat for their lives. Many of them did not get away, though.

Twilight and Red Sniper watched the murder-fest from up on the battlement ledge. The shook their heads, and sighed. Their team was falling apart in this battle, so defeat currently seemed inevitable.


Fluttershy was healing Red Pyro in an attempt to hold off Blue Medic and Pinkie Pie. However, Red Pyro was suddenly killed brutally by a sniper bullet from Blue Sniper just as Pinkie Pie had died. Fluttershy and Blue Medic were left.

Fluttershy shrieked, and began running away. Blue Medic pulled out his Ubersaw, and began to chase her.

Fluttershy was chased all around the room until she was cornered in a control room space. Blue Medic pulled out the Crusader’s Crossbow, and pointed it at Fluttershy’s head. Fluttershy dropped her weapon, and threw her hooves up in the air.

Music: Dreams of Cruelty (Repeat if needed)

“Freeze!” Blue Medic ordered.

“I…I am!” Fluttershy responded nervously. She was quivering, making her equipment rattle again.

Blue Medic looked up at the Tyrolean that Fluttershy was wearing. He stared at the orbiting planets as if they were a baby’s mobile.

“Zat Unusual…vhere did you get it?” Blue Medic asked firmly.

Fluttershy remained silent. She still had her hooves pinned in the air, and she tried to hold back tears. She remembered the Ghostly Gibus that Blue Medic had given her, which was still sitting back at the Granary Facility.

“VHERE?! Answer me!!” Blue Medic yelled.

Fluttershy was greatly startled by Blue Medic’s sudden assertiveness. She broke out crying as Blue Medic held his Crossbow closer to her head.

“It was a gift from Red Medic!” She answered in between sobs.

Blue Medic scoffed angrily.

“Ugh…what a dummkopf. Zat Red Medic…how dare he?!” Blue Medic raged.

Blue Medic stared angrily into the distance as if he was thinking or remembering something bitter. Suddenly, he turned back toward Fluttershy with furious, threatening eyes. He tightened the grip on the Crossbow’s trigger.

Fluttershy flinched behind her raised hooves. She shrieked again.

“P…please don’t kill me! Please!”

Blue Medic continued to stare angrily. However, his face slowly began to ease up. His eyebrows raised, as if he had realized something. The anger seemed to flush from his face.

He lowered the Crossbow a little bit so that it was pointed at the ground beneath Fluttershy. Fluttershy lowered her hooves a little, relaxing a bit.

Suddenly, the anger returned to Blue Medic’s expression. He tensed up, and raised the Crossbow back to Fluttershy’s head. Fluttershy quickly flinched behind her hooves again.

Blue Medic pulled the trigger. The crossbow released, sending a charged syringe through the air. It sailed toward Fluttershy, but hit the wall next to her. It fell to the ground.

Fluttershy peeked out from behind her hoof, and saw the syringe sitting on the ground. She looked back up at Blue Medic, confused.

“Um…you missed. Why’d you miss?” She asked shyly.

Blue Medic threw the Crossbow to the ground, and began to walk up toward Fluttershy.

“Because, Ms. Fluttershy, you just reminded me vhy I’m a Medic in zis vorld of pain and death. Now I understand.” He explained.

He took Fluttershy’s hoof, and pulled her into a hug. Fluttershy was startled at first, but wrapped her hooves around Blue Medic once she realized what he was doing.

By now, everyone in the room had stopped fighting to look at Fluttershy and Blue Medic. The room was completely silent as everyone observed with amazement. Fluttershy, who was wearing a red uniform, was embracing Blue Medic, who was wearing a blue uniform.

No one had ever seen anything like it. Blue Scout walked up to where Fluttershy was standing. Fluttershy let go of Blue Medic to see what it was about.

Blue Scout put his hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. Fluttershy smiled at him for a moment as everyone watched. Then, Blue Scout raised his Scattergun, and shot Fluttershy’s face off.

Everyone gasped as blood sprayed out of Fluttershy’s head. Her dead body fell limp, and collapsed to the ground.

Blue Scout nodded once, stepped onto the Control Point to capture it, and ran off to go finish the battle at team RED’s base. Everyone in the room, after a few seconds of awkward silence, continued about their killing spree.

Rainbow Dash took off at high speed in pursuit of Blue Scout to stop him from capturing their last Point. Blue Medic stood there in front of Fluttershy’s dead body, covered in her blood and stunned. So many surprised emotions were traveling through him that he didn’t know what to think or how to react.


Over the headsets of all the fighters, Rainbow Dash’s death as reported. Blue Scout had held her off with his Scattergun, and actually captured team RED’s final Control Point. Team BLU had won the battle.

Everyone who was currently dead, including Fluttershy, respawned in their respective lockers. All of the fighters met back at the center building.

“Well, that sure was an……interesting battle, wasn’t it men?” Red Soldier asked.

No one said a word. Everyone simply nodded slowly and silently in response.

“Well I guess…we should do the team scramble now, huh guys?” Red Scout added.

The atmosphere around them seemed like a ghost town. No one said anything, and no one moved. In order to do the scramble, fighters pointed at the pony that they wanted on their team. Blue Scout stood impatiently on his side with his arms crossed.

The teams are now as follows. Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, and Applejack were on team RED. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Zecora, Big Mac, and Rarity were on team BLU.

“And now, I suppose we will meet at Harvest for a King of the Hill battle tomorrow.” Blue Soldier announced.

Everyone nodded, and walked off in their separate directions. Fluttershy’s eyes were deep with permanent trauma as she walked off nervously with her team.

Her mind was racing. Trust no one…

To be Continued…

Author's Note:

Ugh...ten minutes to midnight. Luckily, there's no school tomorrow due to the fact that the weather sucks in this state! No school on Tuesday either, so...yay. Anyway, got caught up in the holiday season, so that's likely why there wasn't a chapter for a while. However, I'm pretty satisfied with this one. Still no definite plot as to what will happen next, but hey. Let's see where it all goes.
Happy new year!